Hey… so Fanfiiction won't let me do more than two for crossovers, but really I got a little ambitious and this is a crossover for five shows. The three extra shows that are not mentioned in the crossover are Leverage, Angel, and Buffy the vampire Slayer. I made it so that even if you haven't watched these shows you could follow along. I hope you guys have as much fun reading this as I did writing it. COMMENT!

Part: 1

Ring, ring, ring, Jessica Pearson's phone sounded after a long day of work. She contemplated on whether to pick it up since the call was arriving so late. Her conscience won over her tiresome body and she ended up answering it anyway. Holding the phone to her ear she heard panting and crying coming through from the other end. It was a woman who sounded distraught; the voice of the troubled lady was definitely familiar.

"Ms. Pearson, Ms. Pearson," The woman finally spat out. "Ms. Pearson it's my Louis!" After the plea Jessica was able to discern who it was. It just so happened to be the mother of one of her most loyal partners Louis Litt.

In the middle of the conversation the janitor began tapping repeatedly on the glass window looking to ask the Senior Partner of the law firm if she would be pulling an overnighter. She waved her hand dismissing him and brought her focus back to Louis's mother who was still trying to catch her breath.

"Mrs. Litt calm down everything is going to be ok." She assured her. "What is wrong?" She forced her words over the woman who was still whimpering.

"No everything's not ok. It's never going to be ok. Never again."

"Tell me what is wrong." Jessica insisted.

"Louis, my Louie, is- is… in a coma. Nobody knows what happened. Nobody can tell me what happened. All they know is that he's not waking up. I told him not to work too hard. I told him not to do it. But he never listens to me; he never listens to his mother…"

Mrs. Litt continued her tangent and Jessica felt herself slowly slipping into what she called 'panic mode.' It had only been a week since her and Harvey named Louis one of the Senior Partners. There she was waiting that morning to see one of her most committed attorneys come rushing out the elevator to find his name being posted up right under 'Pearson Specter,' but to all of the law firm's surprise Louis Litt never came in and now she knew why. He had been in the hospital before but she could tell by the heaviness in his mother's voice that this may be fatal.

The tall, beautiful hazel skinned woman soon hung up wishing his family the best assuring that she would be there shortly. She paced back and forth for a short while before she decided to contact her partner's secretary, Donna. There wasn't a soul in the law firm in which Donna hadn't touch bases with so she would be the right person to spread the news.

On the other side of the Big Apple was Harvey and Donna perched up in bed together. The quirky redhead leaned the side of her face on the shoulder of the most successful lawyer in New York: Harvey Specter. Harvey bent his head slightly to peck her forehead in gratitude for a very memorable couple of hours. Donna's cell rang pausing their moment. When the caller ID read 'Jessica' her nerves made her body quiver.

"Who is it?" Harvey asked.

"It's Jessica, you haven't told her about us yet?"

She answered the IPhone before the ringing stopped. "Jessica…" Her voice trailed off in absolute shock. After pressing the red button she directed her attention back to her handsome counterpart.

"Donna what's wrong?" Harvey questioned forcefully.

"It's Louis. He's hurt."

"With What!? Another stroke!?"

"I don't know…"

She could barely form words as they were picking their clothes off the floor and frantically putting them on. Multitasking, Donna made a quick decision to notify Mike and Rachel as Harvey called for the car. As soon as she got off the phone with them they were both out the door hoping that the whole scenario would blow over when they reached.

It was a long ride on the way up for the close friends and co-workers of Louis Litt. They all were thinking the worst, secretly in their heads making funeral arrangements and recollecting lost memories. Since Mike and Rachel lived a few blocks away they arrived at the hospital first. Both of them had their ups and downs with Mr. Litt, he had a notorious reputation of being the lawyer that terrorized all new comers. In the beginning Louis harbored a lot of jealously towards Mike because of his brotherly relationship with Harvey. In many ways he attempted to sabotage Mike's career and tried to terminate his chances of working for the firm. Rachel didn't have as many difficult experiences although she was definitely aware of how much of a brute Louis could be. They both accepted that it was in his nature to be pesky and grueling but it was only because he had an unwavering love for law and a pride in which he only carried for the firm he worked for. It was why they were so ecstatic when he was awarded the honor of being one of the Senior Partners. No matter how much the employees of Pearson Specter Litt despised Louis they all could agree nobody deserved to be there more than him. It was almost depressing to witness how far he had come and a day later to be confined to a hospital bed completely lifeless.

The young couple observed through the transparent glass as the surgeons rushed in to revive their mentor and close friend. Rachel wrapped her arms around Mike's slender body fearing the worst.

"Mike he's not going to make it, is he?" The side of her sorrow filled face seeped into his chest.

Now a full blown lawyer Mike was looking forward to teaming up with both Louis and Harvey to one day be good enough to be their successor. He patted down his fiancé's loose curls while holding her tight. "He's gonna be ok, he has to be. No- He's gonna be at our wedding and he's gonna be one of my grooms men," he professed.

The pitter patter of high heels broke their focus as they spotted their boss Jessica Pearson trying to quicken her steps. She wrapped her long arms around both her protégés observing how frightened they were after gazing at Louis's current condition.

She was aware that in their profession it was easy to numb emotions and separate feelings from harsh situations. In this case it was hard to keep it all bottled in. Lastly, Donna and Harvey could be seen dashing down the hall. As soon as Donna caught a glimpse of Louis the tears instantly dripped from her eyes and when Rachel saw her crying she couldn't help but to join in. Jessica having been through these tragedies many times throughout her life couldn't take watching, so she excused herself to the restroom where she would mope silently in the stall. Mike couldn't help feeling that every time he would gain he would lose more. It was first his best friend's betrayal, then his grandmother's death and in just a matter of moments Louis was about to join that list of heartbreaks. He intentionally kept bumping his forehead against the wall that was parallel wondering, 'why?' Harvey a couple steps down the hall was throwing his fists into the wind aiming for the younger version of himself. All he could think about was the times he used his looks and wit to make Louis's life miserable. Yet, no matter how harsh he was to him Louis always came through in the end.

In a matter of moments another person entered the scene, the man walked hastily towards Harvey Specter who was wandering around an empty space. "Hey," the man grabbed Harvey's attention. "Are you Mr. Specter?"

"Yes. And who are you?"

The man in the dark gray suit flashed his badge staring the lawyer down. "I work with the New York police. My name is Detective Thomas Hicks. I'm questioning all of the friends and family of Louis Litt, his parents instructed me to meet up with you guys."

At the sound of the detective's voice everyone in the hall huddled together. "Can you please hold off a little bit we just found out and everyone's upset." Harvey requested.

"Look I'm sorry but I have an investigation to conduct and if I don't find out what happened to this poor sap the captain will get on me."

His tone was not a crowd pleaser which turned his audience faces sour. "Wow… so this is all about the job? Duly noted." The feisty Donna shot back.

"I'm not here to make friends I'm here to-"

"Solve the case. My problem with that statement is that Louis isn't just another case. He's a close friend to all of us and if you're going to treat him like he's just another job we're going to ask for someone else," Mike chimed in.

Their emotions were running high and they weren't prepared to deal with reason.

Harvey turned his head to the detective. "Well, you heard the jury…"

"Wow," Detective Hicks let out a soft chuckle. "What's worse than lawyers? Grieving ones. Listen I didn't come here to cause you anymore pain I just thought you all would like to know that Mr. Litt didn't get here all on his own."

"What are you talking about?" Rachel looked on him with a befuddled expression.

"We observed some of the markings on his body and I can tell you without a doubt that he piss someone off. If you guys would take a seat I'll be happy to share the details."

"That's ok we'll gladly stand." Harvey responded slyly.

"Suit yourself. Before I start is there a Jessica Pearson among this crowd."

"No-" Mike said blankly. "Carry on."

"Well. I ask for her cause we believe that Louis was dabbling into some funny business. We wanted to know if she knew anything about his last client. You see my team found him in an alleyway not too far from here." Everybody's face shifted to one of shock. "Yeah, they found bums sifting through his pockets. When the good doctor gave me the clothes he was wearing we found some particulates that lead us to believe that his body was moved to cover up the trail. We believed he was attacked in the San Francisco area and then the perpetrators had his body shipped here."

"Wait-" Donna interrupted. "First of all I'm going to need you to stop saying 'body.' He's still alive and how in the world did he get to San Francisco?"

"That's the big mystery. We recently contacted the police over there and they're familiar with him. They say their head detective caught him breaking into someone's house. She'll be coming here shortly to lend a hand."

Harvey's shoulders shrugged. "Really? So she's the head detective over there and she's going to hop on a five hour flight to come do your job?"

"She's talked with Mr. Litt and she found him to be a decent guy just a little nuts. I wanted to get her insight as well since she was one of the last people to see him before this happened. Rather than do it over Face Time she so kindly decided to pop in and grace us with her presence. Now wasn't that nice." Thomas Hicks explained.

"Well I hope she'll be here soon because once that bastard is found I might not be able to take him down myself but I'll make sure he goes down in court." Harvey threatened.

"I bet you will. If you all have any questions give us a call. I'll be updating Mr. and Mrs. Litt and you guys as the investigation progresses. I really do hope your friend wakes up." He cut through their huddle making his way toward the hospital exit. "Oh- and by the way Detective O'Hara will be here to speak with you early afternoon." Those were the last words he said before he disappeared behind the corner.

The group of friends dispersed as the girls went searching for Jessica and the boys much more relaxed took a stroll down the hall. Even though Mike was currently a well-respected lawyer he still clung to Harvey like Robin clings to Batman. "Are you ok Harv?" Was the first sentenced out of his mouth.

"I'm fine I'm just thinking." He assured him. "Let's talk about something else. I think even Louis would throw up knowing how much we've been worrying about him."

For the first time all night Mike smiled. "So what's on your mind?"

"This lady that's supposed to be coming tomorrow. He said her name was O'Hara."

"Yeah and…"

"I don't know. I just got this picture in my head of this girl I knew back in high school, her name was Juliet O'Hara."

"Oh no… one of your old flames."

"I wouldn't call her an old flame; I would just say she was a very special friend."