Beck had no idea what compelled him to do such an outrageously creepy thing, but somehow, he found himself in front of Jade's house much later that night.

He felt his heart tighten as he observed the motorbike in Jade's driveway. He supposed it made sense that Jason drove her home, but it was now past midnight. There was no reason for him to loiter at Jade's house.

"I'll stay until I see Jason leave." Beck thinks to himself determinedly, perching between some shrubs. But after 15 minutes of waiting and no sign of Jason emerging, Beck was too restless to stay hidden.

Quietly, he tried to manoeuvre towards the porch window at the side of Jade's house. He was hoping that they would be in the kitchen as this was where Jade generally entertained guests (she had once explained to Beck that this was due to easy access to kitchen knives and coffee). He only prayed that he would spot Jason and Jade there and that they wouldn't be somewhere else in the house… like in her bedroom.

Unfortunately, Jade and Jason were not there. In fact, the kitchen light was off, as was the hallway light, and for a sickening second Beck had to consider the fact that perhaps Jason was sleeping over. Beck felt his chest tighten woefully as he slouched down in the West's shrubs. Lost in his own dismay, Beck nearly jumped out of his skin when suddenly a voice sniggered from behind him.

"Do you always stalk your exes like this, Oliver?"

With dread pulsing through his veins, Beck turned around only to look up at the amused expression of Jason Norved.

"Shut up." Beck snarled, straightening up instantly. "I'm here to talk to Jade."

In all honesty, Beck had no intention of actually going to speak with Jade. He just wanted to feel somewhat closer to her. But alas, the humiliation of being caught scrounging around in his ex's shrubbery was enough provocation for him to find the courage to go up to her door and raise a finger to the doorbell.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jason called breezily, making Beck freeze just as he went to push the buzzer.

For lack of better judgment, Beck turned and asked, "And why shouldn't I?"

"Because, Jade has assigned me a mission which I intend to take very seriously."

"What's that?" Beck challenged.

"To destroy you."

It was so dramatic that Beck couldn't help but let out a condescending laugh.

"Yeah, alright." He mocked, scoffing as he rung Jade's doorbell. Jason only snickered in response, raising his hands in mock surrender.

It didn't take long for the door to swing home, revealing a very frazzled Jade who to Beck's aghast was only dressed in an oversized Beatles t-shirt.

"Did you forget something Jase-BECK?" She shrieked, her eyes widening in shock as Beck tried not to ogle her long legs. Jade's gaze finally fell on Jason who had a mischievous grin on his face. Before either Beck or Jade could even register what was about to happen, Jason elbowed Beck to the side and leaned down to plant a chaste kiss on Jade's lips.

"This dumbass wants to talk with you. I'll see you tomorrow, babe." Jason murmured against her lips.

Beck's eyes widened in horror as he took a step back appalled. Hadn't Jade just met this guy? Was Ruben correct, were they a couple?

Beck's fears were eased ever so slightly when Jade seemed to get over her initial shock and began screeching, "OH YOU BETTER RUN NORVED. YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT, ASSHOLE."

But Jason was already sniggering as he ran to his motorbike.

"Um, Jade." Beck began again meekly.

"What?" She snapped. "Oh right, what are you doing here, Beck?" She questioned.

"I… well… I just wanted to see if you were free on Friday night."

Jade stared at him with her mouth slightly agape.

"Excuse me?" She seethed.

"Well… Tori's having some people round," Beck improvised wildly, "and I was thinking…"

"No. Not interested." Jade snapped.

"Oh… okay. I'll see you at school then." Beck stammered awkwardly, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

Jade peered at him fixedly, tilting her head ever so slightly to the side. She knew Beck like the back of her hand and she could tell something was off.

"Wait!" She cried, halting him in his tracks as Beck turned to leave. "Was that it? Don't you have anything else you want to say to me? You wouldn't seriously come to my house at 12:20am just to ask me to come play cards with you and the loser squad?"

Jade's sure Beck will reprimand her for referring to their "friends" that way, which is why she's caught off guard (not for the first time that night) when Beck's shoulders sag and timidly he mumbles,

"I just wanted to say sorry. Sorry for how we ended things."

Jade feels a momentarily burst off affection as she observed Beck's sombre eyes, but her anger boils over and quickly replaces it as she points out,

"We did not end anything. You ended us, Beck." She scorned viciously. Her nails were digging so deeply into her palms that she could feel specks of blood beginning to appear.

Beck looked like he'd been slapped in the face, but ashamedly (and rather reluctantly), he nodded at the truth of her words.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Why? Why did you do it?" she bit out quietly, unable to restrain herself from asking.

Beck gazed at her soberly, finally murmuring, "The thought of opening the door and immediately going back to fighting… I just couldn't do it, Jade. I was so tired." He looks down dejectedly but watches Jade in his peripheral vision.

Jade bites her lip, a sure sign that she's insecure about something. If they were dating, Beck would have kissed her instantly, but instead he has to restrain himself when she whispers, "Did you ever even love me, Beck?"

"How can you ask that?" Beck yells, his mind buzzing. Three years they had spent together. Three years she was his world. Just because she's moved on with these two new Seniors doesn't mean Beck has.

"I know you tried to kiss Tori." She snaps.


"Jade… that…it wasn't…Tori doesn't mean anything to me. I mean… not in a romantic sense." Beck begins to explain.

Jade laughed dryly. "You practically begged her."

Beck's eyes widened in confusion. How did she even find out about it?

"I saw everything. Cat left her webcam on." Jade explains, revealing once again her uncanny ability to read his mind.

"Jade, I was trying to forget you. Don't you get it? I can't get you out of my head, and I thought… well, Tori is almost the exact opposite of you… I thought that maybe with her I could forget you."

"You're an ass." Jade hisses, but after a pause she continues, "But I do get it. That's probably why I kissed Moose."

"What?" Beck gasps, actually staggering backward as if he was in physical pain.

"Though, admittedly, Jason is a far better kisser than him." Jade hums absentmindedly, oblivious to Beck's horror.

"That's not funny, Jade." Beck gripes. His head was swimming with unanswered questions, but looking at Jade who stood apprehensively before him with her makeup-less face, her hair done up in a loose bun and her thin fingers twisting together uneasily as she looked down lost in thought, Beck couldn't bring himself to ask any.

Instead, he took a step closer to her so they were only inches apart. Jade could feel her breath hitch in her throat as she looked up into his familiar brown eyes. This was the closest they had been in almost nine months.

"Did it work? Are you over me?" He asked in a quiet voice.

Jade stared defiantly into Beck's eyes, their gaze only broken when she notices Beck glimpse to the lone ring that hung on a loose string around her neck. Subconsciously he reached towards it, only stopping himself when he heard Jade let out a small gasp.

Jade's eyes had glistened over and it was clear that she was lost in thought.

In fact, the moment that Beck had reached for her necklace, immediately Jade's mind had flashed back to the brainstorming concept meeting with Ruben and Jason earlier that afternoon.

They had just taken a break when Jason had suddenly reached for the ring necklace.

"Don't touch." Jade had yelled, yanking the chain from his grasp.

Jason raised his eyebrows sceptically. "Please don't tell me you're wearing a piece of jewellery that your ex gave you?"

"Shut up. So what if I am?" Jade chided, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks as she hastily tucked the ring safely away under her top.

"Oh, Babe, you're better than that." Scoffed Ruben.

"I said shut up." Jade snipped through gritted teeth. "Look, leave it. I wasted three years of my life on him. I can't just forget about him that easily." She snapped defensively, holding a protective hand over the ring though it was covered.

Jason sighed at her sadly, then muttered,

"I still think you're dumb for moping over him, but if it's any consolation, he's still clearly head over heels for you."

"He dumped me, Jason. He told me and half of Northridge that he was not happy with our relationship."

"Well, we all know actors are such drama queens." Ruben sighed pointedly. "Look, Jade, even if he thought he was done with you, the way he was shooting daggers at us when we approached you is a pretty clear indication that he still has feelings for you."

"Doubt it." Jade shrugged.

"Well… promise me one thing, Jade." Jason said seriously, bending down to stare her dead on in the eyes, "When that idiot comes grovelling back to you for forgiveness, and believe me, he will, I don't want you letting him off easy."

"Jason's right." Ruben agreed. "Trust me, if you two don't sort out yourselves first and work out if you really are prepared to make the sacrifices that come with being in a serious relationship, you'll end up in this exact situation again."

"Yeah, okay, thanks Dr Phil." Jade retorts, but Jason's fixated his piercing eyes on her again and numbly she feels herself relenting. Letting out a vicious snarl she yells,

"Fine. I promise that in the highly unlikely event that Oliver realises that I'm a fricken QUEEN and comes back to me, I won't let him off easy."

That has pleased the boys. Jade's smirks almost fondly as she remembers Ruben's hasty agreement that she was indeed Hollywood Arts royalty. Ha, and everyone in her year group thought that Tori was the prized princess of the school.

Jade's daydream is distracted by Beck's worried voice as he calls,

"You still with me Jade?"

"What? Oh. Right. You want to know if I'm over you?" Jade blinks, returning to the present.

Her own eyes move to glance at Beck's chest. To her relief, his own matching ring is rested proudly on top of one of his many stupid plaid shirts (well… the shirts aren't that stupid. In fact, Jade has about seven of them hidden away in her drawers, but she's still quite mad at Beck so by default she thinks he looks ridiculous).

"I guess that's for me to know and you to find out." Jade says, and she knows that even if she's half undressed and doesn't have a thick layer of mascara on to add to her dark aura, she still looks pretty intimidating.

Beck sighed. "I guess that's fair. Jade, can we be friends at least? I don't think I can keep up this act where we barely acknowledge each other."

"I guess we can try, probably won't work, but we can try." Jade finally relented, her stiff resolve melting as she considered Beck's pleading eyes. "Now, pal, it's late. I'm going to bed. Get off my front porch."

And as she briskly slammed the door in his face, Beck's feels the first genuine smile appearing on his face for the first time in weeks.

Though Jade had agreed to a friendship pact with Beck, she still made a point of avoiding him. She threw herself into the photo shoot with Ruben and Jason, and over the next week she hardly saw her group of friends. This had caused Beck much dismay, particularly as the school had announced the date for the upcoming showcase and he had wanted to ask Jade to go with him. As his friend of course.

By the time Friday had rolled around Beck was noticeably sulking as he stood with Robbie, Cat, Andre and Tori who were discussing the upcoming school event. Tori's frantic rant about what she should perform was abruptly cut short when a classroom door slammed open and Ruben emerged clutching a tripod and camera in one arm and a box of paint in the other.

"Hi, Ruben." Cat giggled, waving in the direction of the handsome blonde who wore a wide grin as he approached.

"Hey, it's Jade's entourage." He laughed, "I'd love to stay and chat, you guys, but I'm just prepping for the photoshoot this afternoon."

"Oh wow." Tori gushed, "I can't wait to see the final work."

"You're more than welcome to pop by." Ruben shrugged. "Honestly, perhaps you could try and pry Jade and Jason apart, those two love birds are even more insufferable teamed up then apart. I think I might drown in the ocean of sarcasm those two generate."

Tori and Cat had laughed, Beck only frowned.

After Ruben bid them farewell, Tori immediately turned to her friends and gushed,

"I'd love to see the behind the scenes working of a shoot. Let's meet after school."

Everyone agreed (Beck a little resentfully), minus Cat who was taking her brother to a "Special Doctor."

So that afternoon, the group found themselves in a rather unfamiliar part of Hollywood Arts as they timidly walked into a photo studio set up for the student body.

The sight that met their eyes was enough for all four of them (five if you include Rex) to come to a grinding halt.

There was Jade, looking like a forest goddess, standing in the middle of the room. They had placed extensions in Jade's jet black hair so that now her thick locks tumbled down to just above her waist. This turned out to be a good thing, because minus the body paint of green vines and leaves, and the thin pair of beige coloured bottoms, Jade was completely nude. If her hair hadn't been covering her front, she would have been completely exposed, something immediately noticed by each individual staring in shock before her.

Robbie gasped, then turned around and bolted out of the room, Rex's voice could be heard yelling, "GO BACK, YOU MORON. WHEN WILL YOU EVER GET TO SEE BREASTS LIKE THAT AGAIN?"

Andre whistled, which caused Jade to raise her eyebrows and Beck to thump him on the head.

"Far out. Artistic purposes my ass." Beck grunted, his own eyes hungrily scanning over her body.

"Nope. We're not doing this." Jason called out, suddenly appearing next to Jade, his own body clad in similar body paint. He too only wore a small pair of shorts that left very little to the imagination. Tori blushed madly and hastily averted her eyes.

"Get the hell out, we're in the middle of a shoot." He dawdled, but was only looking at Beck whose gaze seemed to be fixated on Jade's body.

"Ruben said we could come." Beck explained, still only facing Jade who was fighting off a smirk as she noticed the effect she was having on her ex. Not that she really needed it, but it was a much-appreciated confidence boost.

"And I'm telling you to leave." Jason pointed coldly. Raising a pierced eyebrow coolly, he coyly wrapped an arm around Jade's waist and pulled her to close to his side. Beck was pleased when she rapidly elbowed him in the stomach.

"Hey now, models are meant to be seen not heard?" Winked Ruben, approaching cheerily to see what was causing all the commotion.

"Do you want to deck him, or should I?" Jason asked Jade.

"Such a gentleman." Jade teased, patting his cheek lightly. "Come on, Ruben, hurry up with this body paint. I'm about to scratch my skin off."

"We'll see you after." Tori called. "Good luck guys."

And with those words, she grabbed Andre who also seemed to be quite mesmerised by the duo and dragged him to the exit. Tori glanced over her shoulder to check if Beck had turned to leave, only to find that he remained motionless as he stood there rebelliously. His expression was unreadable, but he looked at Jade with intense eyes.

"Got a problem, Oliver?" Jason challenged.

Jade tilted her own head in intrigue.

"No." Beck finally sighed. "You look gorgeous, Jade. As usual. Take care of her, Ruben."

Jason smirked lightly and gently pulled Jade away before she could think of a response. When they were out of earshot, Ruben beamed at him

"You're actually adorable, Beck." Ruben laughed. "You know, I might just go back to rooting for you and Jade to end up endgame. Though currently, the poll has Jason in the lead."

"The what?" Asked Andre from the doorframe.

Pulling out his pear-phone, Ruben scrolled to the top of his Slap page where to the group's horror, there was a large photo of Jason and Beck with a scowling Jade cropped into a love heart in the middle of the picture. A large header read: Beck & Jade v. Jason & Jade. Which couple wins?

Underneath there was a poll, currently showing that 76% of the Hollywood Arts student population thought Jade and Jason were a cuter couple. Beck clenched his teeth angrily, scrolling down the page to view some of the comments.

Sinjin: Why isn't Sinjin an option? Team SADE. Jade… I love your teeth. Please date me.

Trina: Team Jason, if that means Beck will be my boyfriend instead. Actually, Jason's pretty hot. I don't care who Jade gets with, as long as the loser brings me flowers.

Jason: Why is there even a poll? Jade's my girl. Obviously.

Jade: I will end all of you.

"But this is a joke right." Tori affirmed, glancing over at Beck who had gone deadly silent. "They're not actually dating."

Ruben smiled secretively, "Between you and me, sweetling, I'd say they're getting pretty serious."

"Really?" Tori gasped.

"Yep, pretty soon they might even be on a first name basis" he laughed, leaving the group to ponder his words in puzzlement.

Beck's not a stalker. Really, he's not. He had been drinking his lemonade, talking to Andre (well rather, Andre had been talking at him. Beck was too preoccupied with a truly horrific sight to pay him any attention), when his gaze was once more caught by his astounding Ex.

Jade was sandwiched comfortably between the two senior boys against her locker. Ruben was swiping through photos presumably from their photoshoot from the prior afternoon.

"Delete that one." Jade grunted, looking at one particular picture with great dislike.

"What? Why. I love this one?" Ruben pouted.

"No, my chin is angled weird."

"Yes, dear lord, I'm sure the angle of your chin compromises the total artistic integrity of this image." Jason mocked, but swiped to the right anyway.

"Oh, I like this one." He mischievously smirked, his eyes lighting up in apparent joy.

"Dude, my whole boob is out!"

"Send that to me later, Ruben."

Ruben laughed loudly as Jade smacked Jason behind the head and then lunged for the pear-pad, frantically trying to delete the image.

"You're so immature. I hope a piano falls on you." She grunts, once all evidence of her "wardrobe malfunction" has been removed from existence.

"Am not." As an afterthought, Jason suddenly declared, "I'm going to give you noogies."

"You are not."

"Brace yourself."

The sequential squeals of laughter and protest that soon filled the corridor felt like a stab to Beck's heart. Unintentionally, the can in Beck's hand exploded as his grip mercilessly tightened, leaking lemonade onto the ground.

Andre whistled slowly.

"Who would've thought we'd live to see the day that Beck Oliver became jealous."

"Shut it, Andre. I'm not jealous." Beck spat, then looking at Andre's amused face he continued, "That was our thing."

"Uh-huh. Sure sounds like you're not jealous."

"How can she just let him touch her like that?" Beck growled.

You mean the way you use to? Beck, just go tell her how you feel." Andre sighed, rolling his eyes in a very Jade like manner.

"She's clearly over me."

"Who's over you?" A light voice asked. It was Cat, wearing a shirt so fluorescently pink that Andre had to blink a few times so his eyes could adjust. Beck, on the other hand, couldn't seem to pry his gaze away from Jade who was now seated on Ruben's lap who had one arm wrapped around her protectively (he had just rescued her from Jason's tight clutches), and her legs were resting on top of Jason's comfortably.

"What are you looking at?" Cat giggled, following Beck's stare and giggling some more. "Oh, Jade and Jason. Aren't they cute together? Not as cute as BADE though."

"Bade?" Andre asked.

"Yeah, Beck and Jade. It's their ship name." Cat explains as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, ignoring Andre's perplexed expression at the term "ship." "I voted for you two on Ruben's poll."

"Thanks, Cat." Beck mumbled, his stare unshifting, "But I don't think a poll is going to have any impact on who she has feelings for, and at the point, it's pretty clear that she only has eyes for that Jason guy."

"Nuh-uh. Jason's too much like her. You two balance each other out." After a moment's thought, Cat continued, "Like lemonade, you know. Jade's a bit bitter and sour, and you're so sweet so together you're the perfect mix. You two bring out the best in each other." She finished off with a wide smile.

Beck had never thought of it like that, but he guessed Cat had a point. The profoundness of her words was enough for Beck to finally look at his two friends with a thoughtful expression.

Andre was sniggering as he looked down at the spilt liquid at Beck's feet, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"I'm with Cat on this one." Andre chortled.

Beck couldn't help the small grin that crept onto his own face. Well, when life hands you lemons, you go make Jade West your girlfriend.

After school, Beck stood determinedly in front of Jade's locker. Actually, he had been there for over two hours. Robbie had mentioned something about Jade helping paint a set in the black box theatre, and that information alone had stumped Beck for a good thirty minutes. Since when did Jade help with set design?

He considered the fact that Jade had been notably absent for the last few months, but he assumed she was cooped up with Cat somewhere moping the same way he was, not out and about being Hollywood Art's number one socialite. Perhaps he didn't know Jade as well as he thought he did.

Beck was resolute though. He vowed that when he asked Jade out, he would take the time to properly appreciate her and notice all of quirks. He could no longer deny the fact that he had been too complacent with their relationship. Beck knew he was guilty of not listening to her properly, he had just been tired of always having her screaming everything.

"Still creeping on my girl, Oliver?" Jason smirked, appearing behind Beck. He grinned in pleasure when he saw Beck tense angrily at his words. He was breaking robot man one chink at a time.

"She is not your girl." Snapped Beck, turning to face the senior.

"Yeah, whatever." Jason sniggered. "At least she's not yours anymore."

Beck had to take a deep breath to calm himself. "Jade's her own person." He seethed.

To Beck's surprise, Jason actually lets out a barking laugh.

"Now that is something we can agree on." Jason's cackle turns to a sneer as he coolly asks, "Then explain to me why you were constantly trying to control her?"

"I wasn't!" Beck began to protest.

"No. You wanted to change her, mold her into a prize that you could dangle around, showing the world that you had power over the untameable Jade West. If you wanted a sweet, patient trophy, you should have dated that Vega chick. Jade's like fire, you can't control her. You have to appreciate her for the beauty and terror that she is."

"Your analogies are lame." Beck sulked.

"Oh well." Jason shrugged. "Now if you don't mind, I need to go beat up some band geeks who I overheard conspiring to ask Jade to the school showcase. No one makes a move on my girl."

"SHE'S NOT YOUR GIRL!" Beck hollered, but Jason was already strutting away, laughing loudly as he departed.

Beck was so busy fuming that he didn't even notice when Jade had appeared. She had to clear her throat loudly before he spun to face her.

"Jade." He gulped, "Hey."

"Can I help you?" She queried sarcastically.

"Hey, remember our friendship pact." Beck chided her gently causing Jade to roll her eyes.

"Sorry. Just in a bad mood. Another idiot asked me to the school showcase. Moron tried to butter me up with flowers. I hate flowers." She seethed.

"I know." Beck assured, trying to ignore his frustration at the news that Jade was being sought after by so many males. "Jade, can we talk?"

"What are we doing right now?" Jade hollered, throwing her arms up dramatically. Beck couldn't help but grin at her goofily. He had forgotten how theatrical she would become around him.

"I mean in the Janitor's closet. Alone." Beck sighed as he looked at the crowd of musicians camped out on the steps. Though school was over, people at Hollywood Arts never seemed to leave.

Jade pretended to groan but gestured for Beck to follow her into the small cupboard.

"So, what's up your butt?" Jade scowled, "We can't be long. Cat, Ruben and Jason are waiting for me. We're going out for frozen yogurt." She explains, watching Beck who immediately slumped sadly.

"It's just…. Why did you never tell me that half the male population drooled over you?" Beck asked, unable to help himself.

"I never cared for any of them, did I?" Jade shrugged. "Besides, I knew how much it sucked when you flaunted the girls who swooned over you in my face. I'm not an ass, unlike you."

"I didn't flaunt them." Beck protested.

"Fine, but you never tried to stop it either. Anyway, what's it to you? We're over."

Beck looked so helpless that Jade felt a slight tug in her chest that prevented her from strutting away. She was expecting him to deny his actions or start spitting out he's usual excuses such as;

"We're just friends. You need to trust me more. Jade, don't be ridiculous, she was not flirting with me."

Which is why she's startled when Beck faintly says,

"I'm sorry. It sucks to be on this side of the fence. I didn't realise how much I was hurting you. And now that stupid Jason guy keeps rubbing it in that you love him."

"I do not love him." Jade almost laughed. "What would even give you such an idea?"

"The video… and the kiss… and the way he holds you. Ruben said you were getting really close."

I think those two are taking their mission to destroy you a little too seriously." Jade grunted. "Honestly, Beck, do you not know me at all?"

Beck looked at her perplexed.

Huffing, Jade continued, "If I wanted to date someone who was like me then I'd marry myself. I'm fucking amazing."

Beck laughs lightly, nodding in agreement. Jade smirks and continues,

"I love you, Beck, and God knows why. You're the most aggravating person I know, even more than Vega. You're always the good guy, always there for your friends. You're fricken generous and patient and friendly and that makes me want to cut you in half. Do you think I like being attracted to you? You're the epitome of everything I can't stand in a human, and yet you're the only person I want to be with."

"You, you love me." Beck beamed, reaching for Jade's hands.

"Is that seriously what you're focusing on?" Jade groaned with a roll of her eyes, but allowed Beck to inch closer to her.

"I love you too, Jade. And you have no idea how much I've missed you." Beck breathes

He had been dreaming of this for months. He felt ecstatic as he cupped Jade's face. Slowly he closed his eyes as he leant his head forward, ready to catch her sweet lips with his own, which was why when his lips ended up pressed against cool metal he jumped in shock.

Opening his eyes, he realised that Jade had covered her lips with a heavily ringed hand.

"Nuh-uh, Kid. You're going to have to work a bit harder than that to get me back. I've already promised Jason and Ruben that I wouldn't forgive you so easily. I love you, Beck, but you don't know me. Come find me when you've figured who I am and who you are."

A million protests ran through Beck's mind, and he pouted woefully as he clasped Jade's hand in his own. He studied Jade's serious expression and finally his shoulders sagged as he mumbled,


Jade smiled sadly up at him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze for good measure.

"But at least do me a favour, Jade, and keep away from Jason for a while."

"NO CAN DO, OLIVER." A voice suddenly yelled from outside the cupboard. "Jade's already agreed to go with me to the showcase next week."

Groaning, Jade opened the door only for Ruben, Jason and Cat to topple in, all giggling.

"And what are you three doing?" Jade challenged.

"Just making sure you stand your ground, kiddo." Jason assured, "Can't let lover boy off that easily."

"Ture. Come on dorks, you guys can buy me some frozen yogurt now."

And with that, Ruben linked one arm in Jade's and Jason the other, and together they strutted away.

"You okay, Beck?" Cat asked gently in concern.

Beck paused to think about his response. Jade was right, perhaps. She clearly seemed to want to take their relationship seriously (or 'possible relationship,' rather). Sure, he wishes he had never allowed her to walk away in the first place, dejected he notes that it could have been him on Friday night spinning Jade around in his arms, but all in all, he guesses it doesn't matter.

Jade still loved him, and if her love was anything like his, he knew it wouldn't take long to win her over.

"Yeah Cat, I am." Beck concedes, lightly tugging at the ring around his neck. Grinning, Beck began to plan his next course of action. Looks like he was part of the Jade Quest too.


Pretty please with ice cream and a cherry on top leave me a review. Let me know what you thought of the fic. I had fun writing it, and though this is the end, I'm tempted to write up a few one-shots exploring the dynamic between Beck, Jade, Jason and Ruben.

Also, please go check out my other fan-fic "Fighting for her affection" (major BADE scenes coming up soon), and keep an eye out for some future fics that I'm going to post.