"I am telling you she's a lady!" Allan snapped as he kicked some leaves at Much who scowled at him.

The most interesting and time consuming game that the gang liked to play was attempting to guess who Jessie was before she came to the camp.

At first they thought it may have been offensive and hurtful for Jessie to think about her past life, but it was more amusing than anything.

"She's not a lady." Will laughed earning a nice punch in the arm from Jessie. "She's not noble." He clarified.

Allan stood walking around the fire with his plate to collect another slice of meat. "You all are going to owe me an apology when she gets her memory back!"

Jessie rolled her eyes. "If I get my memory back!"

Allan was convinced that Jessie was born noble, part of the reason she had lived this long with her odd 'devilish' condition. His story was that Jessie ran away from her family and stole the gold from Prince John in order to satisfy her wealthy needs and start her own life.

Everyone else rejected the idea right away.

Apparently Much thought that Jessie was a criminal of some kind, on the run from the law just like they were, that, or he thought that Jessie had shook like she does and frightened the townspeople and they cast her out.

Despite the gang getting angry with Much for implying that she was a demon in the eyes of everyone else, Jessie found Much's idea more amusing than offensive, and considering what they knew about her, he couldn't be very far off.

John claimed to not care who she was, that he knew she was a good person, and that he didn't think it would change even if she did remember.

Djaq Will and Robin all carried the same assumption that she was simply just a commoner who probably was in the wrong place at the wrong time and the rest was history.

She thought it was a very good array of guesses and theories based on what they knew. She could read, she had stolen money from Prince John, she had a brother named John, she left home for some kind of reason, she was good with a sword, and she shook every so often. However, all theories had their holes in them, not a single one made complete sense.

"If she was noble, why would she need to steal from Prince John?" Robin inquired raising an eyebrow. "Why not steal from her own family?"

"Can we stop talking about me now? I'd rather talk about how things have been so ridiculously quiet the past few days."

Robin agreed with her. "It has been quiet. Will, do you mind walking the town?" He had already done so this morning, but he had nothing to report as people were either too scared to talk to

Will or had nothing to report.

"I'll go with you." Jessie said standing up, the men had finally stopped hassling her about going into town and she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to be out making a good name for herself as Robin did.

She was still the outlaw in the mask, and she knew that her disguise frightened people, she needed them to know that just because she was covering her face did not mean that she was not fully committed to helping them.

Will and Jessie walked together, something both of them very much enjoyed. The town was bustling, but with nothing but work, people working three times as hard to attempt and pay their taxes.

Will almost didn't see him, he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but he did see it.

"Michael." He whispered, before taking off in the direction of a small home made from wood and hay.

"Will, where are you going?" Jessie asked as she hurried to keep up with him.

"Michael!" He repeated turning the corner. "Michael?"

The gentlemen was carrying a bail of hay to a horse and turned to look at them. He was a red haired boy with bright blue eyes and freckles on every inch of his body, he wore a simple brown shirt and trousers that were covered in first from the days work.

"Will?" The boy asked raising an eyebrow. Will wasted no time running up to the boy and giving him a hug.

Jessie stood back, taking her mask off in comfort that this boy was a friend. "How have you been? I didn't think I'd see you again."

"I'm alright, and the same here the last we heard was that you were going to hang, your father only told us you got away."

"I'm with Robin Hood." he said proudly, but Jessie wasn't so sure that was the smartest thing to say, even if they were friends.

Having any connection to the outlaws was cause for death and possibly even worse, being tortured for information.

"Robin Hood?"

Will nodded, then turned back to where Jessie was standing motioning for her to come forward. "This is Jessie. She's apart of the. . . She's an old friend."

"It's nice to meet you. Are you from Nottingham? I don't believe I have ever met you." He smiled, and extended his hand to her, which she took politely.

Before she could come up with a lie Will spoke. "Jessie has no memory, she was hit in the head and she has forgotten everything."

"Will." Jessie scolded grabbing onto his arm.

Will looked at her with a raised eyebrow, wondering why she had snapped at him the way she did. Jessie looked at Michael, he looked like a good person and was obviously Will's friend, but that didn't mean it was his right to go and give away her name as well as her possible biggest weakness.

"It's nice to meet you as well, but I've been sent to scout the town."

"I can help with that." He smiled but Jessie shook her head.

"No thank you." She turned on her heel and marched away from him and Will, she didn't expect Will to chase after her but he bid Michael goodbye, promising to see him at a later date and took off after her.

"Jessie!" He took her arm in his hand forced her to stop in the middle of one of the paths. "What was that about?"

"You didn't have a right to do that!"

"Do what?"

"Give him my name. My history."

"You don't have history." He reminded her.

"Will, you just told someone whom I do not know, that I have no memory and almost told him I am in Robin's gang."

"They're someone I know-"

"I don't know him!" She snapped, Will was confused. He trusted Michael, he happened to be a very good friend of his growing up, if he trusted him then Jessie should be able to trust him as

well. "Will, you just put him in danger, there was a reason your father didn't tell anyone where you were. Safety. He now knows my name, that I have no memory and he knows you as well.

You put him doubly in danger."

"That's not-"

"It is what you did. You told him something personal about me and now there is a possibility he could be tortured for information." Jessie had spent the last few nights thinking about it and had come to the conclusion that the less people knew about her, the better. It wasn't like she had much to tell them anyways, but bing in Robin's gang meant not only danger for her, but danger for anyone who knew anything about her.

It had been the reason Will's family had moved to Scarborough in an attempt to hide, if they had stayed in Locksley they would have been harassed by the sheriff and Gisbourne.

She didn't wear her mask when she was in town, it would only draw more attention to her and she took to wearing it when she was with the entire gang or they were completing a raid of some kind. However, she knew it was only a matter of time before people started to talk and they put things together and discovered that Robin had a girl in his gang . . .or at least knew them.

That was fine, she could handle that, especially if people thought that the masked thief and the girl were two different people, but she couldn't handle them knowing anything that would warrant a visit from Gisbourne for information.

Will understood, but she also thought that she was over reacting. "Jessie, I wouldn't put someone in danger."

She sighed. "I know you wouldn't, intentionally. But no one knew who I was, the most they know is a face, or even a name. You told him something personal." She looked at him pointedly.

"At some point someone is going to wonder who I am, the less everyone knows the better."

Jessie didn't want to make Will feel bad, but she needed him to understand that she was a danger to the townspeople if they knew too much about her. The Sheriff already knew about Will, he was going to hang him for his crimes, he knew that his father was Dan Scarlett and that he had a brother, he knew as much about Will as he probably did about Robin but he knew nothing about her. She knew that when it came to attaining some kind of ground on them, the people he would attack first would be anyone connected to Allan, Jessie, or John.

"I'm sorry." She wasn't expecting Will to apologize to her, she was expecting him to tell her that she was being unreasonable and make her see that her anger was just getting the best of her, but he didn't.


"I'm sorry." He shrugged. "You're right, I just— it's that I haven't seen anyone I know in a long time and I was excited. I wanted him to meet you." She immediately felt awful for snapping at

him. Will had a life before all of this and it made sense that he would get excited and want to share things with his friends, it was a mistake not a thought out plan to expose her.

"It's fine. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I know you didn't intentionally-"

"Forget it." He waived her off, not wanting another upsetting moment between them, he only wanted to move on from it. "We need to patrol the town."

He gave her a smile and gestured for her to start walking, which she did.

Again there wasn't much to report other than a families cow dying.

Jessie and Will had been lost in each other's company, not talking about anything important when Will stopped abruptly, finally noticing the three guards that were walking towards them.

"Guards." Jessie whispered looking around frantically for a place to hide. "Should we just walk past them? Would they recognize you?" They were apart of Robin's gang, and Jessie was sure they wouldn't notice her but there was the the possibility of them recognizing Will.

"I don't want to find out." Will admitted, he chose the only option there was, and yanked Jessie in the direction of a small home and through a window.

Jessie turned and froze when she saw something that made her more nervous than guards. "Will. Baby."


She pointed the the stirring infant in the crib. "Baby."

The baby made a small whimper and Will suddenly understood. Baby cries, mom comes running. He instantly moved to pick up the child and console it but Jessie stopped him, a wide eyed look on her face. "What are you doing?"

If Will picked up the child and the mother came in there was no explaining to her that they were not attempting to steal her baby.

Before Will could argue with Jessie on what to do the baby whimpered and began to cry. Just as suspected, the mother came rushing to the baby's aid, stopping in the doorway to let out a small gasp of fear when she saw the two standing in the small room.

"Shh, we're Robin Hood's men, we're not going to hurt you or the baby." Will attempted to say but she didn't seem to be listening.

"Richard!" She screamed. "Richard!"

A man with a full black beard and a shaven head came running through the door. "What is it Enid?" His question was answered the second he saw the two standing next to his child's crib. "Get away from my baby!"

"No, no, no. We're just hiding, we're Robin Hood's men, we're hiding from the guards. I'm sorry to have frightened you-"

"Get out of my house!" He snapped stepping towards them.

"We will, I'm sorry." Will turned pushing Jessie towards the window once agin but stopped when he heard Enid.

"Wait, guards?" She scooped up the baby and started to console it. "Richard, they're here for the money.

"They were supposed to come tomorrow." Richard snapped turning towards the main room where the Guards could be seen coming up to the door. "No."

"Wait Taxes? We can help you with that." Jessie said quickly.

"Get out of my home!" Richard yelled at them.

"Please we mean no harm, we can pay the tax for you." Jessie assured.

"Or I could tell them that you're all hiding in here, that will pay a pretty penny."

"Please, you're parents. We're someones children as well."

Enid wrinkled her nose. "You're outlaws."

"Then as one father to another. . ." Jessie's eyes widened at Wills statement. She turned her head to look at him but he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't let my wife's child be born in

prison, or worse."

"You're with child?" It was then that a knock came from the door.

"Tax collecting, open up!"

Will was pleading with them now. "Please we can pay the tax money."

Enid looked from her baby to the two standing in her baby's room. Robin Hood's men, did she trust what they said? Jessie wasn't sure, so she placed a hand on her stomach and did her best to look frightened. Thankful that her shirt was baggy so it seemed as though she might be hiding a swollen belly.

"Okay." She said holding out her hand, Jessie quickly dug into her pocket and pulled out a small pouch filled with coins, she handed the entire contents to the woman and she quickly ran to her husband who was contemplating opening the door.

"Let's go." Will said quickly, he turned to the window and hoisted himself up and out, helping Jessie when he was safely on the other side.

They moved quickly through the town heading for the forest. "Do not tell people that I'm pregnant." Jessie panted as they hit the safety of the forest.

"It was the only thing I could think of. It worked did it not?"

"I'm just upset that she believed it. Do I look pregnant?"

"Well, it's not perfect but you can pass." He teased, grinning at her. Jessie smacked him across the arm, which caused him to laugh.

"How dare you speak to a lady like that."

"You're not a lady remember?" Jessie opened her mouth to reply but promptly shut it, not knowing what to say to that. "Are you actually speechless?"

"If you ever want an actual wife Will then never call her fat."

"You're my wife." He teased again.

"Well not anymore I'm not." She huffed walking off towards camp. Will smiled and followed behind her.

Jessie as his wife. Was it odd that the thought wasn't completely horrid?