Summary: King Arthur AU, in which Tsuna despairs, Iemitsu made a lot of stupid decisions, Enma, for some reason, is stuck in a stone, and only Tsuna can free him. Also, who let Hibari be Lancelot? The wizard Reborn may know.
Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or Le Morte d'Arthur.
Chapter 1: King Ietmitsu Messes Up
Back in the old days, when King Iemitsu still reigned, the lovely Lady Nana declared she was to be a nun. Her suitors cried out and though she was moved, she did not change her mind.
''This has nothing to do with all of ye,'' she swore with her hand upon her heart, ''It is my father, you see. He won't let me go, and I shan't wait forever.''
And so, she made way to the nunnery, as slow as she could, for she was sorry to say goodbye to the promise of children and a husband to love. Her father accompanied her, and they stayed in many castles, but the largest and most famous among them was the King's dwelling place. He was not among her suitors, for the King was a busy man and rarely had the time for silly dalliances, whatever his constable, the mighty Lady Lal Mirch, might say about his escapades.
And as in all great romances, Lady Nana had barely passed the gates of his homestead, or the King was in love, smitten on first sight. ''Her hair, so soft,'' he sighed, ''And her eyes, jewels that make the stars seem dim in comparison!''
''Do your work, you rascal,'' Lady Lal said and smacked him with a parchment roll.
By the fourteenth day of his whining, she was using less affectionate terms for him. ''If ye don't shut your Royal trap right this minute, sir, I will take up my blade and shut it for you! I shan't have a babbling buffoon for Lord King!''
''But her laugh, my Lady! It bubbles like a brook, watering the drought I carry in me! And her character, oh, her commendable character! It is so warm, my Lady, that I fear I will perish in the cold if I cannot have her as my Queen!''
And his whining wroth the Lady Lal so, that she called upon the wizard Reborn at once. At least then the circus would be amusing, was a general opinion. Lal was terribly fond of Reborn, which might give you an idea of his fearsome reputation.
Lo and behold, the wizard came to court.
''Reborn,'' the King wailed, ''I am sick with love for the fair Lady Nana! Convince her father, so that he gives her unto me as a bride!''
The wizard stared at him blankly.
Iemitsu pouted. ''…Please?''
The court held their breath.
Agonizingly slow, the wizard tapped his bottom lip. ''Hmm….'' Reborn's eyes glinted beadily, the endless black holes swirling, ready to devour. The corners of his mouth curled up.
A shudder worked his way down the King's spine.
''Only if you give me your firstborn.''
Now, as many of us know, this deal is not one made easily. But Reborn felt like drama today, so this game it was. A colleague had recommended it to him. Great entertainment! They'd said, crying mothers, suffering fathers, misery all around, and the succulent cherry on top: Stupidity punished! As to what Reborn would do with the brat… He knew how to go about creating a great (and amusing) King.
But as always, King Iemitsu was a bit too hasty and gave his resounding: ''Agreed!'' before Reborn had even finished his sentence.
''I'm surprised you aren't busy, Sir Reborn, when you hand out such great deals!''
And so the great wizard Reborn made way for the wedding to be held- some said it was a ''shotgun wedding'' though what a shotgun was was not clear, only that it was an object of great terror and magic, and that it was held to the head of Nana's sire as he walked her down the aisle. Why this apparently was not the right term either, according to the Lady Lal, was a mystery as well.
Then again, both Lady Lal and the wizard Reborn were magicians, and though Lady Lal had long lost her powers, she still knew the secrets of the magical arts and all its curious twists and turns.
Nine months later, a baby popped out, and the Lady Nana was joyous beyond belief until it turned out her husband had promised him to the wizard Reborn already.
''He is my child,'' she declared, ''From my lap, he sprouted, so with me, he shall stay!''
''Your husband made a deal, my lady,'' the great wizard said, ''But not to worry, I will make him a great King one day, the kind your idiot husband could never be.''
So in the end, she had to let him go. She cried every night and her tears were a blight upon the land. With every drop that hit the earth, the curse of the childless Queen became worse. The sun stopped shining, the birds quit singing, and the people began to cry for the little Prince to return. But none of it moved the wizard, and war befell the weakened country.
As to what happened to the Prince?
You must know, that in the North of the great country of Italy, a great noble House Vongola lived and whatever rumor you might've heard, dragonslayers they were not. On the contrary, indeed! They educated dragons, if a little heavy-handed. The head of the House, the knight Daniela, was the best teacher of them all. Years ago, when she heard of the young King Iemitsu Pendragon's misbehavior, she instantly knew that the Royal House had given in to their dragon-y tendencies again and that her expertise was needed.
So she had sent her son, Sir Timoteo, to teach the King a lesson. Sadly, however, the King was fond of feasts, and since his wife had taken to crying all day long, he threw one party after another in an attempt to raise her spirits.
Forget party like it's 1999, party like it's the Middle Ages- The noise pollution was so bad, that the neighboring countries grew tired of complaining and declared war on Britain.
Timoteo, the long-suffering knight, rode to battle after his sire, with his three eldest sons at his side. None of them returned. The King was dead, the Prince was gone, the Queen inconsolable, and the only members the House Vongola had left were the knight Daniela and her angry toddler of a grandson.
It was there that the wizard Reborn brought the Prince. Daniela took one look inside the bundle cradled in arms and whistled. ''Quite the dragon you've got there, old friend.''
Reborn winced. ''Tell me something I don't know. Your son, may he rest in peace, suppressed the boy's magical power at birth because he kept setting the Royal drapes aflame.''
Daniela crossed herself. ''May the Lord be with me, I'll take on another dragon of a child!''
And so, the Lady Vongola nourished not only her own explosive grandson but also raised the little spitfire the wizard brought her. Not knowing any better, the boys called each other brother.
A country kingless, a boy unknowing, adventures lying just beyond the corner, waiting to be discovered.
Author's note
So I'm a King Arthur nut and doing a big project for it at school (kinda like a thesis, only for high school). I was reading Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Mallory and got to the part about Sir Kay and Arthur being brothers and the Sword being pulled from the stone, and I thought, with my fangirl sensibilities: Hey, what if that were Xanxus and Tsuna respectively? And then this happened.
A lot of the story was changed around to fit the characters. Timoteo might have been the best fit for Sir Ector, as he is Xanxus father, but I felt like having a kickass dragon lady, so Daniela ''fought like Athena'' Vongola it was. I love Ottavo!
Sangreal, the title, is an old word for the Holy Grail (fun fact: It's pretty much saint and grail put together ;P). It's the title because I like old words and because one of the biggest jokes of this fic is centered around the Sangreal, the Sword in the Stone and Excalibur (which aren't the same).
Also, shameless advertising here, I.W.P-chan and I created a collection on ao3, 0027 Population Project, which, as the name says, has the goal of writing more fics with 0027 and making the pairing popular! If you've written any fics with 0027, don't hesitate to add it, we love any and all 0027! If you've read any good fics involving the pairing, don't be shy either, we love to hear about everything!
Next chapter: Swords appear in inconvenient places and Tsuna meets the shy Enma (who, for some reason, is stuck in a stone).