p style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'GNU Unifont', Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;"strongI'm really not sure how three years have gone by but they have. Between work, relationship, moving across the country, and health issues I haven't had much time. I promise I have full intentions to update regularly hopefully at least once a month. /strong/p
p style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'GNU Unifont', Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;"br /Q's day was not going well, it had started out badly the moment Hermione woke up miserable with a cold. And like she always was when she felt under the weather she only wanted her parents. Although she could communicate in almost complete sentences, she rarely did so particularly on a day like today. Q thankfully had the day off as James had been on a mission for almost 2 weeks. They had a nanny that looked after Hermione well Q was at work most days but she was reluctant to let her parents out of her sight on a good day. In her current mood it would be impossible to put her down in her crib let alone leave her with Maria their nanny. Although it was a day off for the quartermaster, an emergency came in with 006 in Serbia just as he was finishing his lunch and Q had no choice but to go in. When Q had explained to M that he currently had a fussy baby clinging to him. Rather than becoming annoyed M had suggested he take her with him. Which was how he found himself walking into Q branch carrying a baby covered in several no longer recognizable substances ranging from mushy peas to spit up. He was quite surprised to see a play pen was already set up in his office filled with blanks and plush toys. His Assistant Sara smiled and placed a mug of steaming Earl grey on his desk. "Is there anything else I can get either of you?" she said smiling at Hermione. "No thank you, but I'am curious as to when we acquired a play pen?". " M figured you would eventually end up bringing Hermione to work with you. He wanted to be prepared unlike when you started bringing the cats." She grinned and walked out leaving a mildly disgruntled quartermaster. Hermione went into the play pen with minimal fuss immediately taking an interest in a giant stuffed penguin. Q was able to get straight to work on his computer and recovering 006, who had gotten tangled up with the CIA. He was eventually able to convince Langley that 006 was in fact MI6, and not a Russian mobster. With Alec on safe and on his way back to England having sustained minimal damage at the hands of their American counterparts. He turned his attention back to the almost 1 year old next to his desk. She was fast asleep tucked in with thick fleecy blankets and a now empty bottle Sara had provided. After that it became a regular thing whenever James was away Hermione would just come with Q. She was much happier there than she was with Maria and the minions loved her. She quickly warmed up to Sara who had more time to focus on keeping her occupied. M didn't seem to mind as he frequently took Hermione on walks when he wasn't busy or needed a break. Of course only a select few knew Hermione's full name. Only Q branch, the other double o's, Mallory, Moneypenny, Tanner and a select few in Medical knew that James and Q were together. And none of them privy to their quartermasters name. Olivia Mansfield had because she was the one to hire Q but the existence of Caspian Holmes had long been erased. He had multiple cover identities of course, he usually used Conner Hansford as it was the best maintained. According to public records Conner Hansford was the head of IT for Universal Exports, he was good at his job but not remarkable. When Q had designed the identity he had kept it a close to the truth as possible. Luckily due to his brothers under estimating his Intelligence he didn't have to worry about them finding out. Universal exports was MI6s most used cover for their operations, even the great Mycroft Holmes himself. It went as far as most of the lower level employees not even realizing it. For Q it was not just security but also revenge that had him keep his job from his family. As a child his brothers had decided that since he didn't appear to share their ability to pick apart someones life secrets that he must be a goldfish. Sherlock had always payed him more attention teaching him about bees and other creatures found in the garden. Mycroft on the other hand wrote him off and felt it wasn't worth his time. He always looked out for him of course but not the way he did Sherlock. As the normal child in the family Q was left alone to his boring mundane job as an IT nerd. They hadn't the slightest clue that their little brother was one of the top programmers in the world, or than he was the youngest Quartermaster in MI6 history. He also happened to out rank Mr. "minor position in the British government". M was the face of MI6 attending Government meeting and making decisions but Q ranked second only to him. He found Gareth Mallory easy to work with they shared the same goals and values. M was willing to give Q a lot more leeway than most people would. He allowed Q to go to great lengths to get agents back even when it wasn't practical. He was also helping Q to reform the double o program, their goal was to have more intelligent agents who were loyal with strong moral compasses and less violence driven morons. It was also the goal to treat them more as valued assets rather than disposable assassins. a week before Hermione's second Birthday Q and James were married. It was a small private ceremony at the courthouse down the road with only their closest friends and Q's parents. Moneypenny was Q's best woman, with Alec as James's best man. Hermione was thrilled as she got to wear a purple dancing dress as she called it and throw flower petals, although she was supposed to be throwing them on the ground she quickly discovered it was more fun to throw them at people, unfortunately this resulted in the removal of her flower basket. She was extraordinarily intelligent for her age but extremely stubborn. The removal of the basket had resulted in 20 minuets of pouting but she soon cheered up when Alec offered to piggy back her around and play horsey. She had recently become obsessed with her beauty and the beast cartoon and would run around pretending to be bell. She had named a stuffed horse Philippe and took him everywhere with her. James had told her stories about riding horses growing up in the highlands, it wasn't long before her favourite question became "Can I have a pony?"/p