AN: Nope. It was not a song fic. I was having a hard time choosing a title then suddenly I remembered Lady Gaga. (YES I AM ONE OF THE LITTLE MONSTERS OUT THERE LOL and I LOOOOOOOOVE HER LATEST ALBUM) And I'm just the worst in creating title. :D

Written last December 2015

This chapter was beta'd by Maya last July 2016 but we lost contact so if there's any mistakes ahead, it's probably mine.

ADDITIONAL TAGS:May trigger something - Slight torture - Minor Character Death - read at your own risk – Sacrifice - cherry picking – AU – Angst - Stockholm Syndrome - Obsessed Asami - Obsessed Akihito – Manipulation – ooc - Mental Health Issues - back story

"Get out!"

His voice was harsh but it still trembled. He needed to show that he was not weak that he was just a normal human and he was not what they thought at all. If it was not for man in his room getting dressed up together with his girlfriend, technically his ex now, Akihito would have been on his knees crying his heart out. To go home straight from work hoping for a proper rest was he thought would be waiting for him, but fate turned its back from him and saw his girlfriend lying under a man as he kept on pounding on her in a pace Akihito could never imagine such a man can do.

The pale blond could not understand why her girlfriend could do that to him. Why could she even try doing that to him? She was his dream girl, the one he visualized building a family with, the one he thought he would spend his life with. Watching the indecent act, Akihito hoped his girl would call his name as she came yet she did not because it was too intense that at their peak of 'making' love, they did not even hear the lock of the door clicking when Akihito opened it, so does even he was there, his presence was ignored.

Akihito wished that even with the betrayal of his ex-girlfriend by having a man other beside him, she would call Akihito's name thinking that it was him doing the love making but it was a hard slap on his face when the woman called another. It must be the man's given name.
It was when the act slowed down when the woman, after pecking each other with little kisses and giggles, noticed Akihito standing in the doorway holding her favorite snack on his hand. It was payday and the young blond thought he should surprise his girl with a present, given that she loved it when he's showering her with the things she like.

"Akihito..." She called him with the same mouth that has been calling a different name a moment ago. The man on top her quickly moved aside cursing discreetly.

"Get out..."

"Aki wait..."


She and the man started to pick up their clothes but her eyes never left his. Akihito even saw the love marks the man left on her and it was in the places where he remembered she hated to be touched.

The evidence of their love making even started to show up between her legs and she did not even mind to clean it up. It disgusted Akihito and at the same time, all the respect he had for the woman vanished like it was not even there.

She was silently crying as she put her clothes but Akihito was not buying any of it.

"Aki..." She tried again but it was futile because Akihito had gathered enough anger inside him that the woman could no longer affect him. His fists were tightly gripped on his sides it started to turn white. He never hit a woman before but at the moment, Akihito was considering it. Luckily for the woman, Akihito controlled himself and didn't do it. The man who was done with putting his clothes on suddenly went to their drawers and pulled out some clothes Akihito never remembered having. He was not dumb but it was hard to process that the man was already using their, no his...HIS DRAWERS as if he was living in their apartment.

"GET OUT!" His voice thundered in the room making the two traitors hurriedly made their way out. When the door closed he heard the two fighting outside cursing, blaming each other for the act and when voices slowly fading away, Akihito slumped to the floor with his eyes overflowing with emotions of which his lips cannot express. The feeling of being betrayed by the woman he vowed to marry made him feel empty inside.

When he left her that morning, Akihito had no idea that she was planning to use their home as a nest of her betrayal. He was confident of her. Proud of her. She had been sweet to Akihito, even handing him the lunch box she made herself for his lunch. Yet, it was all an act.
Akihito thought they were on a mutual understanding, he thought that she was feeling the same, same that they were on terms of being one together.

"FAKE! IT'S ALL BEEN A FAKE!" It kept on repeating inside his head as he cried out his damn feeling.
His genuine feelings for her but now he was just damned. And Betrayed and alone.

He dreamed that his love life with her was something out of a fairytale because he never thought that she would be even looking at him when he confessed to her years ago. They even decided to live together after being on the relationship for three years. Akihito thought that their foundation was strong and they knew everything about each other when they had lived side by side for two years. It was then Akihito realized that it was not base on how long you've know each other. If the other one would turn their back on you, they would. His ex-girlfriend proved that being in a five-year relationship meant nothing if both hearts were not on it. Five years being wasted to her.
Akihito lost his motivation to continue living. She tried calling him, asking for his forgiveness but Akihito felt nothing. Whenever he see her, he thought he would feel angry, remorse, hurt but the days of her reaching out, showed that his feelings for her were already gone; to the point of if she would be hit by a car in front of him, he would just walk away as if he had not seen her. Akihito said that to her face which made her realized how much she had hurt him. But to Akihito even with her regretting it, she would never see how much he gave up just for her. Just to please her.

His true passion was photography and his plan was to save up until he was able to buy the camera for himself. However, one day, when they went out shopping and saw how happy his girlfriend was when she showed him the bracelet she wanted to buy, Akihito set aside his personal wants and got it for her. He bought the bracelet with the money he had been saving up to buy the camera of his dreams. Akihito thought that it was all worth it looking how happy she was.

The young blond then realized that he could've had prioritized himself and left something for him and not just give it all to his ex-girlfriend. He should have bought the camera he was wanting for longest time he could remember.

At least then he would have something instead of nothing.

2 days later…..

Akihito looked through the massive window glass of the camera shop where he saw his desired device and it made him more devastated than before. Although out of budget, he longed for his camera. He wanted it now more than ever before. It might give him something to feel inside, might light the fire that had been smothered out by her treachery. However, Akihito was all alone with nothing. Not a person to love or money to spend to even escape his situation. He was literally broke until the end of the month.

It was getting late when Akihito finished his stroll; he then decided to go home, pulling his coat tighter trying to dispel the cold inside his heart.

Akihito's usually trip to home was peaceful and ordinary but when he hit the shortcut to his apartment, he saw something that he wished he had never seen. There were men in the alley that looked like they were looking for a prey for their feast for the night. Feeling the goose bumps to his skin, Akihito tried to avoid the dangerous situation he might fell into but it was too late; by the time he turned back to run, he was surrounded. One grabbed his arm and pulled it to his back making him immovable and pushing Akihito to the ground. He tried screaming but the man holding him was quick enough and covered his mouth with tape. Duct tape – was something that's very useful in every situation under the sun. Akihito was afraid now because a pinch to his nose and his air supply would be sealed. He heard the man ordering him to stop struggling otherwise he would make Akihito's fear a reality. Left with no choice, Akihito did what he was told and to true to their words, the men did not do anything more.
Taking in their actions, Akihito suspected they took orders from someone superior so they waited for orders now.

Several minutes later, the group pulled him up to his feet and started to drag him towards the direction of his apartment.

Door open and lights on, Akihito's apartment was the only one in the building that stood out. From the silence, Akihito guest that none of the other tenants were in. With the light on in his home, Akihito knew the boss was there and that scared Akihito because that was his last private space defiled yet again.

Upon entering the apartment, he noticed that his room was wrecked upside down. His clothes, shoes, books, furniture, his kitchen and utensils were on the floor as if it was garbage to be disposed of.

The only thing that does not belonged in his cluttered apartment was the man sitting on his couch. The man was overpowering, compare to him and the other men surrounded him, but it was not what Akihito made trembled. It was the man's eyes that impaled him when they made contact. He couldn't look away but he fell to his knees as they had already gave in to the terror he was feeling.

Akihito couldn't notice it at first but when he knelt down, he saw his carpet. It was wet, sticky and he remembered clearly not having a red one. The carpet, his carpet, seemed to have two colors he couldn't quite understand at first until his eyes traveled to where the red color was coming from; he never knew he would see him again; it was the man who had sex on his bed with his ex-girlfriend.

Lifeless. Dead. Gone. Motionless. Empty.

The man's eyes were wide open as if it was trying to see hole on his forehead. His mouth was open as if asking for breath. His neck was red and bruised with rope marks he doesn't want to know where he got them. Akihito was shock to see him in that way but still, he felt nothing for him. Even when the tape was ripped off of Akihito's mouth, he still couldn't find his voice to say something for him.

"AKI!" A familiar voice echoed the room, hoarse and tired but Akihito still recognized it. It was the same voice that pleaded him for forgiveness. His ex was on the side of the dead man with her hands tied to her back. Her cheeks were red with a messy lipstick. Her clothes were brutally ripped off as if she was raped; though it must be since the men beside her were having an atmosphere that they did her. Her legs have marks of being held without her consent. There was semen on her inner thighs that made Akihito think that she had many men coming into her, proved that her beauty made things worse for her. The men inside his apartment would not let a beauty like her just pass without doing something. Though given her situation now, no one would want her anymore. She was weeping continuously calling his name asking for his help. However, Akihito was glued to his position could not even move an inch. The whole situation overwhelmed him and it's taking a lot for him to fully understand his situation.

The man holding her released his grip which allowed her crawl to Akihito's front. She was calling for his name saying how thankful she was that he was going to save her. Yet Akihito was not giving her any attention at all for he was looking passed the girl; intensely looking at the man on his couch, studying his expression of amusement about the scene in front of him. Akihito saw him smirked then when he saw how Akihito was staring and the young blond could not help but jolt upright at the strength of the gaze.

"Asami-sama." A man with eye glasses approached him with a small folder on his hand.

Akihito tried remembering where he had seen that folder because it was very familiar. The man who was called Asami-sama was staring at him maybe curious at his own expression because Akihito knew his expression showed that he was having trouble remembering about the whereabouts of the folder.

"Do know what this is?" He suddenly asked.
Akihito not being sure if it was him he was asking, he remained silent until a man behind him smacked him for his response. He shook his head and tried to get back to his previous position but the man behind him repeated the action for his boss was still waiting for an answer.

"No." It almost sounded confident if not for the unsteady voice. He truly did not know what the hell it was or to what inside it. But He knew he had seen it although he can't remember where or when.

"This," Asami lifted and opened it revealing a stack of money, documents covered by clear plastic, two passports and at least five credit cards, "is what you'll have to use to escape me and get out of the country.
"This would open the road for you to have an easy life." He continued.

However, still not following the older man, Akihito just stared at him and not at the stuff he was waving in front. He really does not have any clue about the stuff the man was talking about but he did not voice it out.

"Aki..." The woman called him once more, nearly apologetic. But before he could even look at her properly, he noticed Asami-sama wave a hand, signaling the man beside him to shot her in the head. Her blood splattered on Akihito's face, making him to open his eyes even wider. Her body dropped to the floor contributing to coloring his once green carpet red.

Still Akihito felt nothing at the scene.

"Now, I believe your name is Takaba Akihito right?" If the man named Asami wanted to get his attention, he had succeeded. Akihito glanced once more at his now dead ex, before looking at the cunning man.

"Takaba Akihito-kun..."


"You said you did not know about this but you do, correct?" Akihito cannot believe that the man had just found out his thoughts by just looking at him.
He nodded as his response.

"Her?" Akihito nodded as if his tongue was sealed.

"And him?" Asami pointed at the dead man.

"No." Akihito answered clearly and dry.

"Hmmmn." Amused, Asami once again signaled his man drag the young man to his front. Now having Akihito kneeling in front of him, Asami got the chance to look closely at the trembling young man. His body might show that he was scared but his eyes said it differently. His blue eyes were on fire, Strong and emotional poles apart; a way more different from the eyes Asami saw when his men brought him through the door. His eyes, just before noticing the deceased man in his apartment, were dead and looked bored to the world. But now, they were well lighted and full of life. Without asking, Asami knew that his former employee had done something to the young man. Asami cupped his chin to lift his head up but Akihito moved his head escaping his hand as if saying, "Don't touch me."

After a pregnant silence, Asami cracked a laugh that tensed everybody in the room. Without a warning, Asami grabbed Akihito's neck and started choking him. His one hand was all he needed to kill Akihito but the way the boy was struggling in his hand, was something Asami never thought he would enjoy. Akihito tried moving his hands from behind him but they were still tightly tied, he was kicking but they were not hitting anything. Asami saw the corner of his eyes gloss over and noticed that Akihito's voice was fading. It was then Asami decided to loosened his hand and watch how the young man caught his breathe. He was coughing hard on the floor; energy drained but the strong, yet the on his eyes never changed. Akihito was still looking at Asami, fierce and ready to kill.
Asami stood up and picked Akihito from the floor, forcing him to stand. He was already so weak that to just stay standing he needed help from the man, unconsciously. The older man's hand was gripping his one arm firmly compelling him to be on his feet. With the other free hand, Asami yanked the boy's head and leveled his ear to his mouth.

"Be mine and you'll escape death." He whispered. His voice was a sure turn on but Akihito did not swing that way thus ignoring the seduction of his voice.

"Then I'll gladly embrace death." Akihito was ready to receive a fatal shot on his head just like the two traitors on the floor but it never came. Before his head could process what was happening, Asami was already giving him a sweltering kiss. His lips were suddenly on him, ravishing it with force, making the inside of Akihito's mouth be on his own. Akihito tried to push him away, but with his strength, he couldn't do anything. He felt like a weak person in the arms of the man with the name of Asami. He was gasping for air when the older man finally let go of his mouth, yet the younger man knew it was not yet over.

Although it was not the reason why Asami had stopped the kiss, for he was nowhere near his limit he –could kiss the younger man longer if he wanted to, it was just Asami tasted iron in his mouth making the kiss end sooner than he planned. Because after all, the feisty angry young blond, bit Asami's tongue while it was on the act making it bleed so well.


And before Akihito could make out of the situation, he was already being drag by the man out of his own door.


This one is already completed. Probably uploading the next chapter tomorrow or the next day. And don't worry... I'm working on my updates. XD