Me: I'm in a hurry now. Paul, do the disclaimer.

Paul: No.

Me: *glaring* NOW!

Paul: Alright. BookChic.28 doesn't own Pokemon or the characters.

Me: Right! On with the story!

Chapter 3: The Sparky Feeling

Dawn's POV

I, along with the other students, stood in the field with the P.E. teacher addressing us. Lt. Surge was well-built and probably in his late forties.

"I'm Lt. Surge," he said, "Your P.E. teacher. You all must call me Mr. Surge."

He then waved an arm in the direction of….wait! Paintball gun?!

Before I could have asked someone in the group, Mr. Surge continued, "This is a paintball gun, as many of you might have figured out."

Cynthia was present there too. She stood at the side with ten volunteers. They were each holding many plastic sheets.

I could feel the gears turning in my head; Paintball gun…..plastic sheets….P.E. teacher…..

"I will shoot ten paintballs at each of you," Mr. Surge explained, "You all must do something that the paintballs don't touch your skin; either jump, run or any other means."

Right! This was the second task! Thank goodness we girls were wearing sneakers and shorts; unlike some of the girls who were wearing skirts and high heels.

There was a soft and excited murmur among the students.

Mr. Surge cleared his throat loudly and said, "And as I might add, come up with your own ideas to dodge the paintballs. Also, you'll have to run one round of the field and two more circles."

The field was small. But even then, there was a huge uproar of disappointed moans from among the crowd of students. And I'll admit, our group was one of them.

Mr. Surge cleared his throat again, "Quiet, now. Good. So let's begin."

I sighed and began to think of some idea to dodge the paintballs.

Leaf's POV

I smiled; I had figured out the meaning of 'dodge the paintballs' and 'run two more circles'. It was too easy. Only some students were able to dodge the paintballs with agility as the plastic sheet wasn't too big.

Names were being called and I figured out mine was the last. Actually, no, I didn't. Gary, silently and quickly, peeped in the list Mr. Surge was holding. Names of the guys and us girls were written in the end of the list in the following order: Misty, Ash, Dawn, Paul, Gary, May, Drew and finally mine.

I had thought about it as we came to the field and decided to give Gary another final chance.

After a few more minutes, Misty's name was called out.

"Best of luck, sis!" Dawn, May and I called out after her.

She gave us a quick smile took the plastic sheet from the volunteer. Then she stood in front of Mr. Surge and wrapped the plastic around herself.

At once, he started firing paintballs of numerous colors towards Misty but she dodged each and every one of them running as quickly as a cheetah. Then in a flash, she was off to run around the field. Mr. Surge looked quite impressed.

We all congratulated and patted Misty on the back when she returned after circling the field another two times.

Then, she trotted to the side where called students stood as Ash's name was called.

I smiled. She definitely was going to have 'Sports' as her major subject.

Ash's POV

I frowned as I picked up the plastic sheet. To be frank, I hadn't figured out how I would dodge the paintballs. Misty had done it with agility, and she did it pretty nicely!

I sighed as I went to stand in front of Mr. Surge.

"Ready, young man?" he asked and I nodded.

And then, I saw numerous of multicoloured balls pelting towards me. Thinking quickly, I took off the plastic sheet from around myself folded it into a bat-like shape and started to hit the balls with it, sending them as far as I could.

Mr. Surge looked shocked; he must not have thought of this idea himself.

Pleased with myself, I took off to circle the fields three times.

I was huffing and puffing when I returned. I guess I'd have to work-out a bit more.

After catching my breath, I joined Misty on the other side.

"Well done, Ash," she said, "It was some idea!"

"Thanks, Misty. You did very well too!" I replied, then quickly added, "I'm sorry about the whole 'swimming pool' thing. Please forgive me."

She looked relieved.

"I thought you were the one angry with me," she said, "I was the one to start the swimming pool topic. Anyway, let's not make mountain out of molehill."

I nodded, glad myself.

By then, Dawn was in front of Surge. I was surprised to see she hadn't taken the plastic sheet to cover herself!

Misty was shocked too, as I heard her mutter, "What's she thinking?!"

"Don't you need a plastic sheet?" A blonde girl said from our side asked.

"Nope!" was Dawn's cheerful reply, "Just wait and watch!"

I noticed Cynthia was looking at her keenly.

The next moment, Dawn started doing tricky gymnastic and dance moves! Mr. Surge was so confused, he shot four balls on the ground instead.

After ten balls, Dawn wasn't smudged in paint even a bit! She smiled brightly and took off to run the laps.

When she came back, Misty hugged her and a cheer arose from the crowd. Cynthia was clapping too!

"It was awesome, Dawn!" I remarked. She nodded, still grinning.

It was going on pretty smoothly, by far.

Drew's POV

Dawn did a pretty good job out there. Now next, was Paul's turn. I was curious to see what he had thought.

He took the plastic sheet and tore it in three part; two small and a big one. Then, to everyone's surprise, he rolled the larger one around his head and face and the smaller one's on his exposed arms.

Surge started to bombard him with the paintballs but he stood firmly on his spot as if glued there.

I frowned. What was he doing? He was getting his clothes dirty…Oh! Right! He was getting his clothes dirty! Not his skin!

As the P.E. teacher stopped, Paul took off to the field and was back in less than three minutes! Everyone looked at him in shock.

"You are covered in paint," Cynthia asked him, "Then why did you started to run?"

"The instruction was given not to let the paint touch our skin," Paul replied in a monotone, "It's only on my clothes, Ma'am."

Cynthia nodded, smirking and clapped. All the others followed her and applause rang for Paul too.

But he didn't smile and just joined Ash, Misty and Dawn on the other side. Typical Paul.

I sighed and waited for my turn as Gary's name was called.

Misty's POV

Paul's performance was impressive. I watched as Gary took a plastic sheet and dodge the paintballs by moving here and there.

I suppressed a laugh as Gary got hit on the right hand with an orange ball. Ash and Drew though, laughed freely, earning a murderous look from Gary.

Gary wasn't probably that athletic. As he joined Dawn, Ash, Paul and me, he cradled his right hand in his left. I frowned.

"Man, that shot hurt," he said, "Hey, Paul, how's it you didn't got hurt?"

Paul just shrugged, "It hurts. I try not to show it."

I smirked. Trust boys to act 'strong'…..

As I watched May get the plastic sheet from a volunteer, I couldn't help but have suspicion on a light-brown haired girl standing next to Surge. She had a strange gleam in her eyes.

I confided Dawn in.

"Come on, sis," she shrugged, "Why would anyone want to hurt May?"

I nodded; but I was still unsure.

May stood in front of Surge and what she did next was utterly beyond belief!

May had just sat on the grassy ground, her back facing the gun, as she draped the sheet on her hair and back.

There were murmurs among the students and Dawn grabbed my arm muttering, "If Gary and Paul got hurt, she would too!"

"But you can't deny, she's dense," Paul reasoned, "No offense to her."

Dawn giggled nervously.

Surge then started to bombard May's small, petite back. I saw May shuddered but held the ground firmly.

I sighed.

May was in for a rough day.

May's POV

I winced as I felt the eight paintball hit me. Then the ninth.

Like everyone, I was surprised by my choice too. But I didn't know it would hurt like this.

Here came the last one. But this time, it hit my neck instead. My head started to go foggy and I just heard someone yell before I fell unconscious.

Drew's POV

I sighed as I saw may wince. But I reckon Paul was right about May being an airhead.

As I was thinking about teasing May after she came to us, Dawn shrieked.

Man, she did shriek a lot. And damn high too.

Wondering if something was wrong, I looked at where May was. To my shock, she lay on the ground face-first.

"May!" Misty and Leaf yelled.

As for me, I didn't waste any time and rushed straight towards May.

I kneeled down and turned her on her back.

On the grass near her, was a blue colored pebble. Also, it was bloodied a bit on May's back where the stone had struck.

I picked it up and showed it to Cynthia.

"It was near May, Ma'am."

She looked at it and asked a volunteer to take it to the chemistry lab.

Till then, the guys and the girls all were by my side and looked furious. By that time, a volunteer had fetched the nurse from the academy's hospital.

She came over and checked May's pulse, "She's just unconscious but I'll need to check her over in the hospital to make sure she isn't hurt much."

Dawn, Misty and Leaf all looked worried.

"Can someone carry her up to the hospital, please?" the nurse asked.

I didn't know what came to me, but before I could've reasoned myself, I exclaimed, "I'll take her."

Gary grinned at me mischievously.

"Why, Drewy?"

I glared at him, figuring out what he was implying.

"You take her then."

"Nah…" Gary said, "I'll hate to take your chance from ya."

Ignoring Gary, I picked up May bridal-style and began following the nurse.

Paul's POV

I watched as Drew rushed behind the nurse.

"I'll ask it only once," Cynthia said in a stern voice, "WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND PUT THE COLORED PEBBLE WITH THE PAINTBALLS?!"

"Alright, don't," she continued, when no one answered, "I've sent it to be examined for fingerprints to Mr. Juan Moreau, the chemistry teacher. And I might add, the one who's guilty will be punished severely."

She looked furious, clearly not expecting such thing on the first day of the first semester in the first year.

Whoa….I'd just used 'first' three times in a sentence.

Trying to hide my amusement, I walked back along with the others, to the same spot where we were standing before.

I noticed Misty was whispering something in Troublesome's ear angrily.

Troublesome. She really annoying! I was so confused about her I wanted to bash my head against a wall.

Furthermore, why I had thought like that about her in the auditorium like that, was still a mystery. But I intended to find out.

Sighing, I turned my focus back to the task.

"As Mr. Drew Hayden is not present here at the moment, I think it's Leaf turn," Surge decided.

Leaf nodded, took the sheet from a volunteer and went to stand in front of Surge. Then, she crouched down and held the plastic sheet in front of her; two corners in her fingers and two between her toes. The sheet now acted like a trampoline!

I mentally slapped myself. It was too easy! This way, neither she will get herself exhausted and the work will be done too!

Cynthia too, looked impressed.

After a few minutes, as I had thought, a paintball hadn't even stroked past her and she wasn't hurt too.

Leaf then started to run around the field. To everyone's surprise, she returned after only a minute and a half.

"How did you came back so fast?!" Gary questioned.

Leaf just shrugged and then spun two times on the same spot.

"Uh…What're you doing, Leaf?" Misty said, an eyebrow raised.

When Leaf stopped, she replied, "The instruction was to run one round of the field and two more circles. That's what I just did; two more circles."

I was impressed. None of the students had thought of that. Everyone ran three laps of the field.

Cynthia started to clap and everyone else soon followed her lead.

"Well done, Ms. Leaf Green," Cynthia praised her.

Leaf nodded gleefully.

"Thank you, Ma'am."

Then she went and hugged Misty and Troublesome.

Cynthia cleared her throat.

"So, students, due to some circumstances, the last task had been cancelled. The list containing your most developed skill will be circulated tomorrow. Additionally," Cynthia continued, "the one felonious will surely be penalized. You all may return to your dormitories, now."

And with that, she turned and walked away.

The crowd was thinning as the students were starting to heed to the dorms.

"Hey, Paul," Ash called, "we're heading to the hospital to check on to May. You wanna come?"


And with that, we were off to the hospital of NATA.

May's POV

I groaned as I tried to sit up. Moreover, my back hurt. And I also couldn't feel my right hand.

"Don't try to sit up," someone said, "You're hurt."

I tried anyway but winced as I felt my right hand go limp.

The person sighed and then helped me sit up.

"What happened?" I muttered groggily, rubbing my eyes. With my left hand, I might add.

"You were injured on the base of you neck," the same person replied, "with a pebble."

I opened my eyes to find out that I was sitting on a hospital bed.

Drew sat nearby on a chair.

"WHAT?!" I yelled, "WHO THREW IT AT ME?"

Then it all came back to me; the paintball task, myself sitting with my back faced towards Surge and everything.

"Calm down," Drew said and muttered under his breath, "Airhead."

"I'm not Airhead!" I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I yelled.

"Whoa…..Easy," he muttered.

I huffed.

Silence overcame the both of us.

After what felt like hours, Drew spoke up, "So…..Do you or do you not want to know what happened to you?"

"Of course I do, Grasshead," I replied.

"Not cool…..Anyway," he said, "You….uh…..You have a nerve clot due to which your right hand is kinda…how do I say it...temporarily paralyzed."

"WHAT?!" I shrieked as tears sprang up to my eyes.

What was I going to do, I had no idea.

Drew's POV

I sighed as I looked at, a now crying, May.

I sighed and wrapped and arm around her small but curvy frame. To my surprise, she didn't lean away. Instead, she put her head on my chest and sobbed uncontrollably. I looked down at her.

"Shh…." I whispered, "It'll be alright, May."

A few minutes passed and May calmed down considerably.

"You all right now?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I've m-made your shirt w-wet."

I shrugged. She looked up to me in the eye. This was when I figured something out; I was taller than her. Much taller.

What I couldn't figure out, was the sparky feeling in my stomach when I looked in her eyes; her sapphire blue eyes which were shinin….Wait!

Why was I thinking like that?! My brain was screaming at me to stop the train of thoughts, but my body acted on my own.

Then without thinking, what I did next was unbelieving!

Me: And done!

May: *whines* NO! Not a cliffhanger!

Dawn: Now, I agree with May here, Rose.

Drew: What are you going to make me do?!

Me: That's why it's a cliffhanger Drew; I'm thinking what should I make you do.

Paul: Drew just told me that he loved this chapter.

Gary&Ash: He did.

Me: *waggling eyebrows* Aww! Really, Drew?!

Drew: *blushing* NO!

Me: Denial. Anyway, Leaf, tell the readers to review, please.

Leaf: Review all! Also tell what do you think should happen between Drew and May!

Me: And, that's right! Like it? Love it? Hate it? Tell me in the REVIEWS!