Disclaimer: Not mine

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Now that thats out of the way. . . AN:

So Lucretia Black married Ignatius Prewett but they aren't the parents of Molly, Fabian, and Gideon even though Molly named Percy after him. So I'm ignoring that, they are their parnts now! The Black blood is important! I think that's it? Obviously this story is AU but like I stated before I'm trying to keep close to canon with ages and relations. . . though I suppose this story ignores that. Oh well! On with the story!

"So, you have some form of plan that you wish to share with us?" Sirius questioned. The group was sitting in the kitchen of the house. Peter was still not there, and Hermione had a feeling he was with the deatheaters. The Marauders had beaten themselves up for never questioning him before. But he was their brother, they were supposed to trust one another. If you can't trust your best friend, then who can you trust?

"I think we need to meet with your grandfather." Hermione decided. If they were going to make a plan it needed to be solid, it couldn't change at ever turn, not like with Harry and Ron. She had gone in blind packing everything she thought she would need, and still tensions ran high. They always would if she expected people to walk into a deatheater den without a idea why. "It won't be until we've all gotten together that we can start dividing tasks and making plans. Every new person will be a change in the equation and I much rather go into this with some kind of plan."

"Have you given thought to any more members that you would like to include?" Remus asked gently. The whole purpose of meeting with the Order was for Hermione to scout out potential allies but at the same time find a way to protect them though she hadn't mentioned the last thing. There weren't two sides of this war any longer, there were three.

"For this to work." Hermione began looking into the eyes of her new friends, her new family. "For this to work, we will need help from both sides. That's why I think the war took so long, people were ostracizing one another. The light wouldn't touch anyone possibly dark with a ten-foot pole and that pushed more people toward the darker spectrum."

"Who are you going to pick from that side?" Sirius demanded, thoughts and names running through his mind. He may not have liked it but he was raised by Slytherins to act Slytherin, besides he knew most of those families and their connections. It was expected of him and his mind was running with ideas of potentials, none of which he had talked to in the past five years, not pleasantly at least.

"Actually, Sirius, I was thinking of allowing your grandfather and father that task. Hence the need to meet with them." The witch stated. "The way I see it, they are the only ones still talking to potential deatheaters and marked members."

"Padfoot?" James inquired, looking at the man. He would trust their judgement if Sirius did, no one knew the house of Black better than him. Well him and possibly James' mother.

Sirius sat silently, his brows furrowed in thought. "It should work." He admitted reluctantly. "With the oaths taken, they are bound by our magic to aid Hermione, even hinting toward Voldemort that there is a third group would be breaking the vows."

"Exactly." The time traveler agreed, her fingers tapping against the white table. "Now, there were some members of the Order that I want to include in our group also. I think it best to include them and bring them with when we speak to your family."

"But not Dumbledore?" Remus asked. He knew Hermione did not like him, probably for more reasons than she admitted to them but he was strong and Voldemort feared him.

Shaking her head, she replied. "No. For now at least Dumbledore is Voldemort's main proponent. We need Voldemort to continue to think that way. Besides, like I said I don't want to bring him in until—"

"After the Hallows." Lily interrupted with a curious look on her face. She was across from Hermione, her back to the window over the sink but she didn't mind. Hermione would warn them if someone was coming, that is if they could breach their wards without anyone feeling it."Care to explain that."

Pausing in thought, Hermione debated whether or not to answer. "What do you know of the three Peverell brothers and their deal with Death?" Hermione asked. Lily looked confused at the question, she'd never heard of it. To be honest, Hermione hadn't expected her to, she certainly hadn't at first. But the Marauders did, they were raised magical, James especially looked surprised.

"It's a children's story." Sirius finally answered when no one else immediately jumped in. Noting Lily's curious gaze, he turned his attention to the redhead to explain. "Three brothers meet death and outsmart him. They are each given a gift, one asks for a wand to defeat all his enemies. Another asks to be able to bring back the dead so he can see his lost lover. The final one asked to be able to hide from death. From that the elder wand, resurrection stone, and invisibility cloak were born. The eldest, the wand wielder was killed in his sleep, the middle killed himself after he brought back his love and she was always in pain. It's said that the last brother, lived a long and fulfilling life and greeted death like an old friend when he deemed himself ready to go." Shrugging his shoulder, Sirius brushed the story aside.

"That's terribly dark for a children's story." Lily muttered, enraptured by the tale.

"But is it just a story?" Hermione wheedled, looking at James. Her eyes were serious as they gazed at the Potter Scion, her hands clasped in front of her. He didn't speak so she continued. "Did you know Grindelwald was obsessed with the Hallows, the symbol of them he eventually adapted as his own. Dumbledore seems similarly obsessed, and Voldemort has shown more than a passing fancy."

"Of course, but it's still just a story." Sirius scoffed. This discussion was getting them nowhere, let the wizards fight over a children's tale so they could focus on defeating Voldemort.

"Actually Padfoot." James said heavily, his gaze reluctantly turning toward the wizard. "It's not. Or at least, my family doesn't think so. We can trace our ancestors back to Ignatius Peverell, the one who greeted death. It's said that the cloak that is passed down is that very cloak."

"Don't be ridiculous Prongs." The grey eyed wizard said. "It's a children's story."

"Dumbledore seemed awfully interested in the cloak." Remus finally stated his eyes narrowed. "Don't you remember that time in sixth year, he found us hiding with it after we took it off not knowing he was there. He asked all kinds of questions, at the time I figured he just wanted to know if that's how we always snuck around but now. . ."

"My dad says it stays in the line. I'm not to loan it out to anyone." James agreed, his hazel eyes conflicted. "Dumbledore had asked to borrow it after we graduated but at the time I had left it at home. I told him I would get it to him but I'd forgotten all about that."

"So, you think that James's cloak is one of the Hallows?" Sirius repeated incredulously. "And you think that Dumbledore thinks it is? Kitten, no offense but that's pretty farfetched."

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Hermione gazed at the odd clock on the wall which appeared to be a wolf howling at the moon. It also included, in addition to the time a mark on the lunar cycle. She turned her eyes back to the table and continued. "I'm not sure how Grindlewald got it but he had the elder wand, when Dumbledore dueled him all those years ago it switched ownership to him. Dumbledore knows he's got the elder wand and James has the cloak but that's not what he wants. I think he was questioning James to see if he had what he wanted or knew where it was."

"What does he want?" Remus demanded, because of course his mind had jumped there. But surely not.

"He wants the stone." The witch informed. The table went silent, save for the birds chirping outside. "I won't reveal Dumbledore's secrets because they are his own but I will say this. There is someone very dear to Dumbledore who has passed, someone that he longs to bring back if only for a moment. In the future he found the stone, it was part of a ring. He put it on hoping to bring back this person but the ring was cursed and no one could figure out a counter curse. Death was inevitable."

"So, Dumbledore died?" Remus continued unsure. "He fell for something like that?" Who was so important, Remus wanted to know.

Smiling sadly at the thought of Ariana Dumbledore, Hermione turned her eyes to Remus'. "I've already told you that he is not without fault. No one is. But we cannot judge a man for his greatest desire, everyone has one thing that they will do anything for."

"Okay." Lily decided. "No including Dumbledore until after we've got the ring and destroyed it."

"Agreed." Hermione stated. She had made that promise to Dumbledore, to not tempt him with it for he feared he would not prevail. After his death and the realization of his folly, Dumbledore had been repentant but he had Hermione to not allow that to happen. They would need him alive.

"So, who has gained your approval oh magnificent one?" Sirius joked. "We've talked about it and we've got some recommendations."

"The only ones that I'm decided on are Charlus Potter and Alastor Moody." The witch replied, rolling her eyes at the animagus.

James nodded. "Yeah, dad will be a great help. I'm not sure about his relationship with Arcturus Black but they'll put it aside."

"Moody also brilliant choice." Sirius continued. "He's a damn good wizard, he'll be a lot of help."

"I think the Prewett twins would be helpful." Remus spoke up. He watched, almost amused as Hermione froze. If he hadn't been watching for it he wouldn't have noticed. He wanted the twins, because they reeked of mates for Hermione and he was thinking of after the war. The witch was strong and intelligent and he feared she would seclude herself after her mission was complete. A fear that was shared with the others, they noticed how singularly minded she could be.

"Reason?" Hermione questioned in a business-like fashion. If they were given the oath then she would be forced to tell them her real name. Bloody Hell, she was going to have to run from them.

"They're two of the best Aurors that the Ministry's got. A great team, on par with James and Sirius." Lily continued in their defense. Remus mentioned that Hermione may be reluctant for those two but she trusted his intuition. "They're a bit older than us but they are established in wizarding society, they are generally well liked by all the light families and most of the gray ones."

"Besides, their mum's a Black." Sirius shrugged.

"Pardon?" Hermione screeched. Molly Weasley was the daughter of the house of Black?! If that didn't explain her temper, she wasn't sure what would though she wasn't sure who would be angrier for the comparison Walburga Black or Molly Weasley. Best not to mention it to either, Hermione decided.

"Yeah, didn't you know?" The wizard questioned curiously. "Their mum's Lucretia Black, my dad's older sister."

"Wait, they're your cousins?" Hermione exclaimed. That made no sense Molly and Sirius had a strained relationship at best, if they were first cousins. . . She remembered seeing Prewett on the Black family tree but she had gazed past it. . . wait. . .

"Yeah." The Black Heir shrugged leaning back in his chair, his hands behind his head. "They would be good because they have that bit of Black blood, it might help with some of the darker families to have so many of the House of Black gathering."

"Aren't the Weasley's also related to you?" Hermione demanded.

"Yeah, think so." The wizard thought his eyes glazed as he went through his family history. "Cedrella Black I think, married Septimus Weasley, she's my grandfather's cousin on her mother's side I'm pretty sure."

"Wait—wasn't Cedrella kicked out of the family for marrying a Weasley?" Hermione muttered, trying to think through the logic.

"Yeah." Sirius agreed remembering that bit pretty clearly. "That's why I don't think we should have one of the Weasley's join, the Prewett twins are a stretch what with their sister married to Arthur Weasley, but that might push some of the darker families away."

"But why wasn't Lucretia?" The Witch continued to question. "The Weasley and Prewett clans just married together, so aren't they on the same level of standing?"

"Kitten." Sirius chuckled. "Magical politics is a bit confusing. Trust me. Who knows, maybe my dear Great Grandfather was much more eager to blast people out of the family but my grandfather not? Or maybe it's because Cedrella was from a branch family, though now that I think about it. . . I think she was in a contract and broke it to marry Septimus Weasley, but I don't believe Lucretia was."

"Right." Hermione muttered not believing the logic. "Who was she in the contract with?"

"I believe it was Abraxas Malfoy." Sirius said looking at no one in particular as he thought. Finally, he nodded to himself. "Yeah, I remember now it was Abraxas alright because she ran away with Septimus right before the wedding and it took the wizard a good five years to find another wife. Then another ten or so to conceive, new wife wasn't very fertile. That's why his son, Lucius is only a little older than we are. Around the age of my cousin Narcissa. It was pretty embarrassing because Lucius was originally intended to marry my cousin Andy but she ran away with a muggleborn and they quickly moved it to Narcissa. The two got married the night of their graduation to ensure that there would be no more run-away brides."

Suddenly the idea of the Weasley's and Malfoys hating each other made more sense. Perhaps a blood feud had started. "Alright, so no Weasleys."

"Probably for the best, no." Sirius agreed. He smirked wiggling his brows at Hermione "Besides I think the clan's a little busy expanding."

"Lily." Hermione said.

"Right." Lily agreed, reaching over to smack Sirius who flew forward from the hit, his chair thumping heavily as it hit all four on the ground.

"Oye! What was that for Red." The wizard exclaimed rubbing his head.

"Stop being an idiot, Sirius." Lily replied, smirking at the wizard.

"Prongs, mate are you just going to let her do that to me?" Sirius replied dramatically. "It's abuse I tell you. Ow!"

"Padfoot, please stop talking." Remus begged, bringing his hand back onto the table from where he pinched the dog.

James laughed, leaning back in his chair. "Mate, you are on your own."

"Back to the matter at hand." Hermione interrupted, Sirius was pouting but looked too amused to be genuinely hurt. James, was no help at all, honestly. "Anyone else?'

"What about my mum?" James asked. "Dad doesn't do stuff without consulting her, not big things at least. They don't really keep secrets from one another."

"I don't think your mum liked me much." The witch said sheepishly.

"Awh, that's just how she is at first. She's a Black you know, and we get pretty protective of our own." Sirius assured. "Besides I think that she'll warm up to you if she knew the truth."

"Okay, I'll trust you on this." Hermione agreed. "Anyone else?"

"Not if you don't want to end up with the whole Order." Remus stated. "It's hard to only pick some of the members since we trust them all but these are the ones were closest to. Frank and Alice Longbottom could be good they were a few years ahead of us but are pretty good people."

"No, the least the better. We need people to help but Dumbledore will start to get suspicious if we start grabbing the whole order." Hermione decided. She had a feeling that after they hunted down the Horcruxes anyway there would probably be a big battle between Voldemort and those opposing him, she didn't want to bring anymore danger for those. She felt guilty enough putting these people in danger. She may not have liked how Dumbledore did it, but she had some respect for his ability to do this without breaking down.

"Right then. Agreed. I'll send a letter to my parents, and we can set up a meeting with all five of them." James stated standing to do as he said.

"Will you be able to get them all together?" Hermione questioned.

"Since Moody's our instructor no one will question why he's meeting with my parents. They'll assume he's talking to them about my will or something or another." James assured.

"The Prewetts will be a bit harder considering they're already full-fledged Aurors but let us worry about that Kitten." Sirius described, placing a hand on Hermione's. "Remember to trust us."

"I do." Hermione replied immediately. "Trust you I mean." And she meant it, looking around the table at the four people present she knew she trusted them like she'd trusted Harry and Ron. They brought her in when she was a stranger and they made her family before she told them the truth, they deserved nothing less. "Wait a minute."

The group froze in confusion looking at Hermione in worry. Did they forget something? Was someone else not trustworthy?

"Why is Moody your instructor?" Hermione inquired. "He's an Auror, right? But you are training to be Hit Wizards?"

"Well it's not like Hit Wizards and Aurors have very different jobs. I think Hit Wizards just specialize in capturing dangerous wizards and going out into the muggle world." Sirius shrugged.

"Besides, Hit Wizards can kill, Aurors can't." James added. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well I suppose they can but they get in more trouble than we do." He and Sirius had talked about it in depth before they decided on their course of action. They adored Dumbledore but the war wasn't over, they were stunning while death eaters were throwing killing curses. Usually the deatheaters got out of going to Azkaban and were still out hurting others. So, they chose Hit Wizards, so if they needed to, they could eliminate the threat. With the war with Voldemort, more people were going into the wizarding police but few chose to be Hit Wizards. Being allowed to kill put a strain on wizards, but it was something they agreed to take on. For Lily James had decided, for his parents.

"So, Moody really is just going through the barebones of our training. After we are done with him, we'll get another instructor that will make sure we can capture, charm without exposing ourselves to muggles, the rest of it. With the war, Hit Wizards and Aurors are all pretty busy but pops pulled some string to get us taught by Moody." Sirius finished, though he debated chaning to just auror once the war was over, or once he had a family. Hit Wizards had reserved beds in St. Mungos aurors did not. "Well, its more like Moody got his leg blown up and is still getting used to the wooden one so he got pulled off raids for now and pops swooped in with an offer to do something other than sitting at a desk."

"Even still he didn't want to train us at first, thought we would be spoiled purebloods. But he then he saw us fight together, saw our teamwork and our drive. Said we were on par with the Prewett twins as far as working together goes, and they're the best team the Aurors have right now." James stated looking thoughtful. "Then we mentioned Remus, Lily, and—and Peter he's been training all of us."

"Thinks it's right shite that Remus can't be an Auror or a Hit Wizard." Sirius nodded, swiftly ignoring the pain that always accompanied talking about Peter. He'd been gone for almost a month now, they wanted to talk to him but he wasn't showing up. "That's what sold him for us. Anyone that doesn't think less of Moony for something he can't control and helps him is alright in our books."

"Moody's the one who brought the Prewett twins to the Order, he trained them himself." Remus mentioned a slight smile on his face at his friend's words.

"Oh, I see." Hermione muttered. "So, it wouldn't look odd for the Prewetts to be with Moody or even Sirius and James?"

"No." Remus shrugged casually. "Most people just think that because Moody taught Fabian and Gideon and now are teaching James and Sirius, well they think that Fabian and Gideon are mentors of a sort. Helping, Moody teach a pair on par with them."

"So, should I send out the letter?" James asked, standing unsure.

"Yes, yes. Please do." Hermione encouraged. As James left her eyes caught the muggle calendar that Lily had hung. February 17th, they were doing fine. If they could gather all the horcruxes before Regulus Black got the last one that would be ideal. She still hadn't figured out whether or not Voldemort felt the Horcruxes being destroyed, Harry had mentioned that Dumbledore didn't believe so, and she certainly hoped that proved true. She didn't want a bunch of his Horcruxes laying around waiting to be destroyed all together, poisoning everyone anymore than she wanted him to figure it out.

"James, are you going to tell us what this is all about?" Charlus inquired as they sat in the room that the Order had met in not even a week ago. Though there were significantly less chairs, and the sunlight was bright through the wall of windowed doors.

"Right." James said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "It's kind of complicated, and before we say anything we need you to take an unbreakable vow."

Charlus felt his brow raise in surprise. A secret so great his own son required a vow. Sharing a look with his wife, Charlus understood, it was about the witch no doubt.

Hermione sat, Lily on her one side and Remus on the other. Both were offering comfort as the five new potentials sat in silence. Her eyes flicked over Moody who looked grim but thoughtful, he knew the most of all the people and so was very likely to accept. Though he understood that some of what she said were lies he saw her scar, he knew that was no lie and figured she had some vital information to provide that she was tortured for.

The Prewett twins were sharing looks, communicating silently. After their last meeting, they had talked through the night. Fabian had gone, in detail of his encounter with Hermione and they picked it apart together. They were drawn to the little witch, no doubt but they held a lot of reservations. Though the little group that had the Black and Potter heir was strongly on the light side, and they trusted her. Perhaps?

"Alright, then." Gideon stated, stepping forward his arm out. Fabian beside him.

"You'll have to do the oath with Sirius." James deferred, nodding toward the Black Heir. "Hermione will do the vows."

Neither wizard hesitated. Sirius took Gideon's arm first, agreeing as Hermione recited the oaths, followed by Fabian.

"This better be for a good reason." Moody growled limping forward, his arm outstretched. Hermione once again recited the vows.

"Mum, Dad?" James inquired, looking at the elder pair.

"James, darling is this completely necessary?" Dorea inquired, looking searchingly through her son's face. When had her darling boy turned into a man?

"Yes, mum. You've got to trust us." James assured.

"The only thing that worries me is the vow to aid Hermione." The grey-eyed witch stated. "that could be influencing you right now."

"Mum I can swear this now. If she had told me the truth and then asked me to take the oaths I would do them. What she can do, how she can help." James cut off, shaking his head. "Mum she may save us all."

"You're worried because you already feel compelled to help." Hermione stated shrewdly. "That's what worries you."

"Yes." Dorea agreed, sharing a look with her husband who she knew felt no compulsion.

"It's because you are descended from the House of Black. It's the same reason Sirius is the one doing the vow." Hermione explained. "If you don't trust me yet, trust your family magic to not lead you astray."

Dorea looked at the younger witch, she wanted desperately to trust her because that would mean that her son would be okay. But at the same time, the Slytherin in her was worried, it was reeling it's scaled head ready to strike at danger.

"Dorea." Charlus whispered placing a hand on his wife's arm. "Let's trust them. Our boys are smart, they know what they've done."

"Very well then." Dorea agreed, holding out her arm for Sirius to take. After her vows, Charlus took his.

"Now, what's the secret?" Moody demanded.

"My name is Hermione Granger and I'll be born in two years." Hermione answered simply, letting that sink in. She knew the moment the Prewetts understood because their eyes flashed with a multitude of emotions, though she was sure she caught happiness, confusion, and a bit of lust.

"You're displaced?" Dorea gasped other thoughts forgotten as her maternal side kicked in. "Oh, you poor dear. We must find a way to return you to your time."

"I don't think she's misplaced." Charlus muttered his eyes narrowed. They wouldn't be here, these specific people if it was just that.

"No. I'm not." Hermione agreed, reaching for the pendant around her neck. She explained about the pendant, Magic, The House of Black and their role, finally, she told them about her war and the Horcruxes. The lives lost and the battles won, but at the end she told them that though they won the war Magical Britain was in danger of collapse. It was only then that the pendant showed itself, not right after the war but when there was no doubt that the society would fall.

"I see." Moody finally said, his face thoughtful. Five Horcruxes, Voldemort must be raving mad. "So, you would ask us to help you, why not go tell the whole Order?"

"In the original timeline, the Order wasn't enough. I don't believe telling them would be enough. There were serious problems with the Order, for all that they did they were too far rooted in the light. They weren't willing to do what was needed sometimes. I think if we are to win this war and prevent another we can't do it as strictly on the side of light. We need to do it as grey, in between so the light families will trust us at the end and so will the dark." Hermione argued. "In my timeline, Voldemort was defeated but 14 years later when he came back families flocked to him. Now, I'm not saying that he'll come back we'll make certain of that but if another dark wizard starts to rise we need to make sure that dark families trust the current powers. That they won't flock to the rising wizard due to disgruntlement with the current regime."

"Agreed." Charlus stated it had long been on his mind. The division of families, and the problems that tended to rise from it. "The Wizengamot passes so little laws because of fighting between sides. For this war to be won and another not started the winners need someone from light families, gray families, and dark families."

"We will go meet with Arcturus and Orion Black. It will be our first meeting." Hermione commanded. "I'm hoping that they will be able to pull some trustworthy members of darker families onto our side." Standing Hermione smoothed off her dress, she had packed more dress robes than she thought she would need. McGonagall had ensured that they would be fine, and the easiest to be in fashion regardless of time, dress robes hadn't changed much over time. They were surprisingly easy to move in. "I will let you talk amongst yourselves. Remus, James, Sirius, and Lily know the most so they will be able to answer any of your questions. I think I'll excuse myself for now, so you will feel free to speak."

Dorea nodded gratefully, telling her she was more than welcome to go out into the gardens. As Hermione left she felt a pair of eyes hot on her back.

"I thought you would be in there longer." Hermione muttered not bothering to look over her shoulder as Fabian and Gideon made their way toward her.

They had stayed as long as the group asked general questions of the younger wizards and witch. It was when the questions started to delve into stories that Hermione had told them of Harry Potter—because of course James, Sirius, Remus, and Lily had asked questions about that— and Ron Weasley, though they were curious about another nephew, that they decided to leave. As they walked out they had heard James tease Remus about a female but paid it little mind, they had a witch to talk to.

"Why did you lie about your name?" Fabian questioned. He watched as Hermione continued to look at the flowers around her, following one of the paths to Merlin knows where. Regardless he felt his feet follow, his brother beside him.

"Smith is a more common muggle name, Granger is not. When my identity gets out—because I have no doubt it will—I did not want to risk the deatheaters somehow finding my parents. Though, I suppose they won't be my parents anymore." Hermione answered, her gaze following the shrubs toward a cute fountain with a series of unicorns and winged horses. The book had the testimonies of other witches and wizards who had gone back. When they were supposed to be born, they weren't. Luckily, the House of Black was a House that when they said something people listened so they would make up a story and everyone would accept it.

"Really?" Gideon asked suspiciously.

Smirking, Hermione glanced at them before returning her attention to the fountain. She thought better when she wasn't looking at them. "That's what my boyfriend told me to say."

The twins both froze. Gideon looked over at his brother, gripping his arm in sensor. He was jealous too, of course, she was there's but yelling wouldn't help. Fabian tended to be the one that lost his temper in the way of yelling, whereas Gideon, when he lost his, was a quieter deadlier anger. Fabians was also quicker to ignite, whereas Gideon's simmered. Make Fabian angry and you may be fine, though a little worse for were. Make Gideon angry and you run.

"I was good friends with them you know." Hermione continued thoughtfully. "With your sister's family. Ron was my year, and my best friend but I already told you that. He brought us to the Burrow once and Molly adopted us, Harry and myself."

"You going to explain the reason for bringing that up, little lion?" Gideon asked his voice lowering at the thought of their witch getting along with their baby sister.

"Fred and George, that's who will be born next." Hermione stated, not acknowledging the question. "Very soon in fact. They were a few years ahead of me but I got closer to them after their soulmate rejected them. She was muggleborn like me and was quite against the idea of a triad. I was at first of course."

"Oh?" Fabian whispered sadly his steps pausing minutely.

"Yeah, it's not normal in the muggle world but the way they explained it made sense." Hermione agreed, nodding her head. "They offered to let me do the spell after I attempted to speak to the witch for them."

"And did you?" Fabian demanded, stepping toward Hermione.

She knew the moment he got closer because it was like the other night with her senses taken over. "Yeah." She muttered licking her lips. Turning as Gideon stepped closer she watched as they watched her warily, in anticipation.

"What did you find?" Gideon questioned, brushing her hair back as the wind blew it.

"You know what I found." Hermione accused softly though there was no heat in it. "But you two weren't options at the time. That hurt me more than you could imagine." She felt her face twist up into an unpleasant grimace.

"Our poor little lion." Gideon murmured, cupping her cheek, running his thumb over her cheek.

"Fred and George understood, and they were there for me. We didn't mean to at first, but we found comfort in each other, they knew that they were as close as I was getting to you and I was as close they were getting to her." Hermione whispered, begging them to understand.

"We aren't mad little lion." Fabian assured, bringing her hands into his. He held them as if they were made of porcelain and oh so delicate. Bringing them up to his mouth, he kissed them lightly, not releasing his grip once he was done.

"Of course not." Gideon agreed, his thumb running over Hermione's parted mouth. His breathing hitched at the softness under his callus pads.

"You-you're not?" Hermione stuttered, her heart hammering in her chest at their proximity. She was attempting to be heartfelt and they were distracting her, making her feel warm and oh Merlin so safe.

"Never little Lion." Gideon swore, aching to lean forward and press his lips to hers. To assure her of his feelings but he held himself back. "For Fabian and me it was different, when we performed the spell no name came up. We were content knowing that you hadn't been born though we did start to worry as we aged. But you—oh poor darling. You had names, names that were dead."

"I didn't—"

"You didn't have to love." Fabian interrupted. "Your face is quite expressive. Besides Gideon and I would sooner be eternal bachelors than marry any but our soulmate." He brought her hands forward, toward his heart where he kept them. They were soft and delicate and he wanted desperately to pull her into his arms and never release her.

"We were only together for a bit over two years." The dazed witch assured regardless. "We got together in the middle of my fifth year. Then Fre—he."

"Oh, little lion." Fabian murmured, kissing her knuckles again soothingly. A triad is not a triad without three. Even if they only settled for another, missing one member would strain the relationship painfully. They could make it work—would make it work but it would never be the same, this Fabian knew.

"I was with George for another five." Hermione explained. "Though the first year or two was just learning how to move on, to cope, and survive. It was like something was always missing and we tried so hard to make it work and the last three years we were content. But then—"

"You came to us. Little lion, you came to us." Gideon murmured, a deep longing building in his body.

"I understand that we're soulmates." Hermione continued in a breath, their heat warming her body. "But I—I just stopped being with George and it's still fresh for me. Besides we need to kill Voldemort. That comes first." She felt both wizards freeze, Gideon no longer running his thumb tantalizingly over her skin, Fabian no longer rubbing soothing circles onto her hands.

Sighing Gideon spoke. "We understand that little lion."

"But, promise us this." Fabian added his voice a bit rougher. "As soon as this war is over. You are ours."

Hermione felt her eyes snap toward Fabian's. Their bluish depths pulling her in like the tides of the sea that rolled and raved against the sand, fiery and full of longing. Eyes flitting toward Gideon, she noted a similar look in his eyes, his eyes pulling her closer like the tide against the sand, caressing it—caressing her. "I'm already yours." She felt herself whisper. "I'm just not quite ready—but perhaps after the war, I will be."

"Then it appears we must wait a bit longer. But little lion, the longer you make us wait the fiercer we will claim you." Fabian promised, pulling the witch into his arms. Gideon stepped behind her safely enclosing her from the outside world.

Hermione nearly whimpered at the feeling, everywhere she looked, felt, smelt it was them. Merlin save her. It was good, so so good. So warm, so perfect. She hoped desperately that her rambling was internal only.

"Oh, Merlin witch." Fabian whispered into her hair taking in her scent. Now that he had her, now that she was this close and accepted her fate he wanted—no he needed her. "Let this war be over soon."

"Patience brother." Gideon said huskily, his face buried in her neck, his warm breath basking her skin. "We must practice patience."

"For now." Fabian agreed. They stood like that for a time longer, Hermione leaning against the twins as her legs gave out. Her eyes were closed, to savor what she was feeling, two bodies, strong, strong bodies. Made for her, wrapped around her.

As they stepped back, they both held one of her arms to steady her. "What?" Hermione asked dazedly opening her eyes.

Chuckling Fabian replied. "We should head out little lion. Do not fret, Charlus has already gotten in contact with Arcturus to set up a meeting."

"I think I'll stay out here for a bit longer." Hermione murmured as she began to feel her legs again. Smiling at the two wizards, who beamed back, she nodded as they turned to leave. "Be safe!" Come back to me, she added.

"Trust us we will little lion." Fabian promised that roguish smile on his face. It wasn't fair, he looked entirely too unaffected by her proximity when she was practically a puddle.

"Now that we've found you little lion you can count on it." Gideon murmured his voice a pitch lower than she remembered, his eyes sparkling, that little seductive tilt of his lips prominent.

As they left she sat on a nearby bench. Merlin save her, those two were going to consume her very being.

Their nickname for her Little Lion is based off of their name. From my research Prewett means little (the et) and brave. So by calling her their little lion (the symbol of the house of the brave) they are calling her Prewetts.