Sittin' in a Tree

McDuck manor was almost blissfully serene if it wasn't for the fact Dewey was being chased by Huey and Louie after swiping the last chocolate chip cookie. His feet flew across the grass of the lawn as he dodged his brothers hands from grabbing him and he could feel his energy start to run out.

"No fair Dewey! You had the last chocolate chip the last time!" Louie yelled at his brother as his hand almost grabbed Dewey's shoulder.

Huey nodded his head in agreement as he cut Dewey off from another escape route and pointed his finger at him. "And you took that cookie after we agreed to do rock-paper-scissors for it!"

Dewey chuckled uncomfortably as his brothers were backing him up against a tree and said, "Sorry bros! You know me and sugar, there's no separating the two."

Just before his brothers could jump at him, Dewey felt a familiar rope wrap around his raised arm as he was lifted into the branches to see a girl his age grinning at him. "Webby?! What're you doing up here?"

"Nothing much just hanging out." Webby replied with a giggle, she helped Dewey unwrap her rope from his arm and they looked down at his brothers looking up at them with frustration. "Did you take the last chocolate chip again?"

Dewey grinned at her and held up the cookie. "Maybe."

"You can't hide up there forever Dewey!" Louie called up in a sing-song voice.

Huey chimed in and added, "And your girlfriend won't be there to pull you out when we corner you again!"

Dewey and Webby blushed at the same time while shouting down in unison, "GIRLFRIEND?!"

Louie and Huey laughed as they walked away from the tree and back into McDuck manor, waiting for their brother to come back down. After they left and a moment of silence between them passed, Dewey cleared his throat and looked at Webby and said, "Thanks for the save."

"No prob." Webby replied, "You're just lucky I was here to pull you out or they would've taken your cookie."

Dewey shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, I probably would've given it to them if they pressured me enough." That's when he realized that his hand was on top of Webby's and his face got hot as he heard Huey's teasing voice in his head.

"You OK Dewey? Your face looks a little red." Webby asked, looking down to where his eyes were staring and saw that his hand was on top of hers. At the same time they pulled their hands away from each other and sat in a awkward silence before bursting into laughter at the same time.

As a sign of thanks, Dewey broke the cookie in half and gave it to Webby. "Here, you deserve it."

"Thanks..." Webby said as she took the other half of the cookie and took a bite. "Granny really does make the best cookies!"

Dewey nodded his head in agreement and he found himself mumbling a old nursery rhyme that he hadn't heard in a long time. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G". The rest of the rhyme was hummed quietly because he didn't want Webby to realize what he was singing. They spent the rest of that afternoon talking about what books they've been reading and Dewey was thankful the shade of the trees hid most of his blushing face.