Sorry the chapter took so long. I did have a field trip to Ottawa for three days and I kinda got bored and lazy. Anyways, I know I have been dragging this cave dive for a while, but I felt like it was too short. Thanks for reading my fanfiction and for your patience. - Steven

Chapter 13: Our Grand Finale

Jack's POV

By now I was thinking that the gods had pulled in some favors and had gotten the Fates to troll me. Our luck was definitely not on point. I was ready to slam my head into the wall multiple times before calling it quits and leaving this hellhole. But of course I couldn't do that, unless I wanted the world to end. So I kept pushing forward, along with everyone else of course. They wouldn't call it quits either. If they wouldn't leave, then neither would I. Instead of the god's symbols of power being on the other side, we were met with another long corridor with most likely more traps to boot, even if the hallway seemed bare. It was pretty much a tomb for god's sake. And tombs always had traps for those pesky grave robbers looking to nab some treasure.

I immediately told everyone to stay back at the sight of the hall. After all, with what happened last time, I definitely didn't want a repeat of that. With that settled. I cautiously took a few steps forwards to see what would happened. Nothing happened however. That was surprising and more unsettling in itself. "I'm not liking this." I muttered. I took another few steps, and still nothing happened. It was like someone was waiting for the right moment to spring traps on me, watching. I wouldn't put it against our enemies doing something like that. I could imagine it.

"I think it's safe." I said uneasily. "Just be ready for anything." "Wow thanks." Thalia sarcastically replied. "Very reassuring." Nevertheless, the rest of them walked cautiously through the hallway, but nothing got sprung. It was getting eerie in the place. It was like the place had been unfinished, and the traps hadn't been placed inside yet before something terrible happened. It was unsettling. Once everyone reached the other side, I motioned for everyone to follow me once more. But as I took a step forwards I heard a very audible click. Everyone, including me stiffened at that. I stopped walking and waited, but nothing happened. "Maybe we're good?" Percy decided to put in. That was probably what screwed us over because once Percy finished that sentence a trapdoor opened underneath us. My last thought was somewhere along the lines of, "This isn't good." before we dropped down the hole. I think some people were screaming while others didn't, and it felt like the fall would last forever. Eventually and thankfully however, we landed in one big pile on solid land again. I got up first and said, "Well, that took ages." Everyone else stood up as well. "Exactly." Percy replied and everyone else nodded.

We all had a look at the surroundings. The place seemed familiar. In fact, it felt like we were here just moments ago. I finally realized it. We were back where we had been. It was the hallway that looked like it had no traps at first, but it actually had traps. "So…" I said out loud. "How do we get through this?" No one offered any ideas sadly. I was stumped as well. I sighed. "This is getting annoying. Why can't we just get a break?" Annabeth looked liked she was about to answer before I raised my my hand and stopped her. "It was a rhetorical question. Don't." I told her. Annabeth went to say something once more, but I just shot her down again. "I didn't need a answer. I wanted to prove a point." "And that was?" Annabeth asked. "That this sucks, putting it bluntly." I said out loud, to Annabeth in particular.

"Well, that was very blunt." Thalia said. Luke agreed, as well as Percy. "Well, enough talking. Let's get to thinking on how to get past this." Everyone agreed to do this, so pretty much we just started to think of ideas and tell if we could think of one. Sadly though no one offered anything still. I kept pressing everyone, but still no one did offer up anything useful. Honestly, by then anything would have been welcomed. We just needed to get past this one obstacle… hopefully. After what seemed like hours but probably was minutes, Percy finally gave me us something. "Hey, can't you do some trial and error to see how big the hole is? Then we can maybe jump over it or build over it or something like that." Since we had nothing else to do I was fine with that idea. I volunteered myself to go and check it out. I did what Percy suggested, stepping slowly until I heard the click before moving backwards. I did just that and I immediately jumped back once the click went off. I saw the trapdoor open and noted that it was a square that was about one and a half metres long and wide. I couldn't get exact measurements of course.

Once I got back, I decided that for safety that we would just build or do something else besides jumping to get over the hole. I wanted to be cautious after all. Also, the hallway's ceiling was quite low, so we could just hit our head and fall downwards. I didn't want that happening of course either. It would not be pleasant and it would not be wanted or needed to achieve our goal obviously. That just left me with how we could cross now. I wasn't really into the idea of building over the hole, and I already had ruled out jumping over the darn thing, so I was pretty stumped on what we would do. And that was when finally another idea came, from Percy once more. He said that I should try to break down the wall and then we could just cross from there. Since we already knew where the trap was located we would be fine. Now, it could be risky to break down the wall lest the entire structure fall on us, but it was worth a shot. I pulled out my sword before taking a big swing. It actually took out a large chunk of the wall, and as a plus we didn't get crushed by falling rocks, which was good of course. I'm too young to die.

"Well then, let's do this!" I announced. With that I kept hacking away at the wall, slowly making progress towards the other side. Eventually I finished my little tunnel and made it. I was now ahead of the trap with hopefully nothing else to obstruct my path to our goal. Everyone else followed suit and went through the tunnel. We were all gathered in front of the door at the end of the hallway. "Well, this is it." I said as we all stared at the door. "Pray to the gods, the Fates and pretty much everyone else that we won't need to do anything else, and that the gods's symbols of power are on the other side of that door." Everyone agreed to that. I walked up to the door and pushed open the door with one hand. It swung open and light poured out from the entrance. We all covered our eyes at the sight as we walked blindly forwards into the light. But a split second later the light cut off. I removed my hand from my face allowing me to see again, and what I found made me want to jump for joy. Everyone else piled into the room, and they saw it as well. Inside were all of the gods's symbols of powers. We could finally leave.

"Let's get these back to Olympus." I announced. I pulled a bag out of thin air and in one swoop I gathered all of the symbols of power inside it. I then concentrated for a couple of seconds until a bright light engulfed us all and we were teleported to Olympus.