Rewritten chapter is now finished and uploaded I hope you enjoy it

Chamber of Fate

Chapter 01

Normal P.O.V

Currently on a walkway there is young man lying on his side in a pool of his own blood next to a lamp post that is slightly dent.

He is about 19 years old. He has long black hair that slightly goes past his shoulders. Even though currently it's all over the place.

He is wearing a purple shirt with dark blue jeans with a black belt. Not too far from him is truck which has its front slightly warped from an impact. Everybody in a close proximity had begun to gather around him.

He starts to stir and open his eyes, revealing it to be dark blue.

Man's P.O.V

"Uuuugh. My head." I managed to whimper out. My vision is blurry. I could only see the blue sky. I tried to move but I can't feel anything except my left arm.

I try to raise my arm and look at it. I could barely move it. It was covered in blood and with each breath it became more difficult and painful to breath.

"What happened to me." I said in a low voice. I struggle to keep my consciousness I turn my head slowly to see a truck near me and people gathering around me. They seem to be shouting something but I can't hear anything at all.

Then I remembered all of it. I was on my way back to my apartment when all of a suddenly an out of control truck came out of nowhere and everything went dark.

"So I'm dying. Is this what dying feels like?" Everything was peaceful. I wasn't afraid or anything like that.

I didn't have any friends or family in the first place and my life wasn't that exciting either. So that's why I probably wasn't afraid.

Finally I could feel my conscious leaving me."Well I guess this is it." I thought as darkness overtook me.

Unkown place & Time

I open my eyes, this time I could feel my body and a major headache as well. "Uuughh my head." I held my head with my both hands.

"Is this the afterlife?" I questioned myself, looking around to see anything helpful. It's completely black. "I have to say it's a lot more darker that I thought," I start to walk forward with no idea where to go.

After a while I see light ahead of me. I place my hand above my eyes. "What is that. Maybe I can find some answers about my whereabouts." I start to run towards the light.

The closer I got to the light the more my surroundings start to take shape. "What in a..." I slow down to look at my surroundings.

I'm standing in some sort of hallway which seems to be made of big grey stones and they were divided by yellow pillars

My surroundings started to look like a hallway in some sort of ancient ruin. I then start to run towards the light again.

When I reached it. I am greeted by a gigantic hall that has multiple doors. So many that I simply couldn't count them all.

I then noticed a stand that has tablet on top of it which has some writing on it. I walked to it and started reading it.

Welcome to the Chamber of Fate. A place where those who have died while wanting to have lived more of an exciting life come to.

I stopped reading and look at the doors. "So that is what this place is." I then rub my chin. "Well let's see what this place is about." I continue reading the tablet.

In the Chamber of Fate those who wanted to live a more exciting life can chose to do so.

The Chamber of Fate is separated by two halls. You're currently in the first hall. Both halls are completely identical. The only difference is where the doors lead to.

In the first hall the doors lead to room's which have differentpowers, ability's and weapons from different world's.

Each room also has another door that leads to the second hall. Which also has many rooms.

In this hall, each door leads to another world and this hall is where your new adventure shall begin. Just choose the door and let your new adventure begin.

Once I had finished reading the tablet. I walked in front of one of the doors. "Weapon's and powers from different world's? So how in the world am I supposed to know what lies behind each door?"

Each door is made of wood with golden handles. I observe the door trying to find a way to tell what kind a power's lies behind each door.

"Hmm." My eyes are drawn to above the door where there is silver metal plate that has text on it. " Is that...?" I wondered as I read what's written on the plate.

"N..a..r..u..t..o." After I had read the tablet I blinked my eyes a few times before I rub my eyes and look again to make sure I didn't miss read it.

"Naruto." I read out loud. "Okay so I didn't miss read it. It really is written there." Naruto, one of the most popular anime series of all time.

I quickly check a few other door's to look at what's written on them. " There's not just Naruto, but also a few other famous anime's are written on them."

Dragon ball, Bleach, FairyTail along with those famous series, there are also many not so well known series outside of Japan.

Not all of them are anime's though. There are also cartoon series like Avatar the Last Airbender and some internet series like RWBY.

"I see. So behind each door there is power and weapons from that world which is written above the door." I rubbed my chin as I looked at the doors front of me.

"In that case I know exactly what power and weapon I want." I start to walk further down looking directly at the plate's above the doors looking for the right door.

"Heh, found it." I stop in front of a door that has the following name written on its plate. "One piece. " I read, and open door to step inside.

The moment I stepped inside the room, the door disappears behind me. "Okay. I guess once you enter inside one of the rooms you can no longer return back to the first chamber."

Inside the room are several tables and weapon racks. On the tables there are oddly shaped fruits. Those who are acquainted with the series would know them as devil fruits

Each fruit is placed in a wooden box with there lid's open with a piece of paper front of each one. Probably the label of the specific fruit's name.

I walk deeper into the room looking through the fruit's until I see something from the corner of my eye that catches my attention.

Right there on the wall is one of the most beautiful sword's that I have ever seen. It is about 7 feet tall.

Its cross guard is highly oriental and its bars that are between the hilt are much longer than regular.

The blade is pitch black with a very strong sheen and its shape is a long single edge with a slight curve at the end. Overall it looked like giant cross.

On the side of the blade's dull edge. There is bronze tablet that has the following words "Kokutou Yoru. Famous sword in a world of One piece wielded by the world's mightiest swordsman Dracule Mihawk a.k.a Hawk eyes."

After I had done admiring it I turned around starting to go through the devil fruits. "Let's see which one should I take." I walk through tables looking through them.

I picked up one of them which is shaped like a pear which is grey in color and it has swirl like patterns on it.

"Ito ito no mi devil fruit that belong to Donquixote Doflamingo. a.k.a Heavenly Demon." I look at the fruit for a while before placing it back down.

While I admit this fruit is amazing. Having the ability where you can freely manipulate strings to fly by attaching them to clouds or control other people with string.

"Unfortunately this power is not my style. Since I'm not much of a puppet master." I start to look for other fruits.

Then I walk past a really uniquely shaped fruit. "This is..?" I pick up the fruit. It is a white ball like fruit that has one big swirl in middle of it.

It also has four smaller ball like parts with similar swirl attached below it making it resemble a paw. "This fruit, could it be?"

I turn my attention to the paper with the name on it to see the fruit's name even though I already have suspicion which fruit this is.

Nikyu nikyu no mi is written on it. "I knew it." I say as I turn my gaze back to the fruit.

Nikyu nikyu no mi fruit that turns its eater into a paw human basically who ever eats it will gain paws on there hands.

It may sound like a useless power but it is anything but useless. It belongs to a man named Bartholomew Kuma a.k.a Tyrant.

Those paws that this fruit gives lets you have the ability to repel anything including air, bullets, physical attacks and much more.

"I think I will place this in consideration." I place the fruit back and continue my search for more possibilities.

Time-skip 2 Hours

After 2 hours I had narrowed it down to 3 fruits and amongst them I'm trying to choose one to take.

I'm sitting cross legged on the floor with my arms crossed in front of my chest with three boxes laid out in front of me.

"Hmm this is really difficult." I mutter to myself. Then I reached out with my right towards the fruit that's on the left.

"I manage to narrow it down to these three. But choosing which one of the three is so haaard." I let out loud sigh.

The fruit that I am currently holding is a yellow fruit which is made of components shaped like sideways cubes that have swirl patterns on them.

The pika pika no mi fruit that belongs to Borsalino marine admiral a.k.a Kizaru. This fruit allows whoever eats it to conjure, control and turn their entire body into light.

Basically he turns into a light human. I place the fruit back to its box which is located on the far left. I then turn towards fruit on the middle.

"Nikyu nikyu no mi while its ability to repel anything would be handy, I'm not sure how I would feel about having paws." I wonder while scratching the back of my head.

Then I turn to the last fruit. It is a purple round fruit that's made of teardrop shaped components which have familiar swirls on them.

On top of the fruit are green leaves coming out giving the fruit appearances similar to pineapple.

"Yami yami no mi holder of this fruit is man named Marshall D Teach a.k.a Blackbeard."

This fruit is the same type as the Pika pika no mi but this one is unique from the rest of the logia-type fruits.

This fruit turns its user into a darkness human. "Darkness may have many definitions. But this fruits definition of it is similar to a blackhole.

Infinite gravity that even light cannot escape. Also usually logia-type devil fruit users would be able to dodge attacks by turning their bodies into their specific element.

But with this fruit you cannot avoid them because darkness pulls everything towards it. As a result this fruits user feels pain several time more than a normal human.

Though, in exchange for that disadvantage the fruits eater has the ability to cancel out powers of other devil fruit users by physical contact.

In other words as long as the yami yami no mi user is in direct contact with devil fruit users they cannot use their abilities.

I place the fruit back to the box and then start to rub my temple with one finger while having my eyes closed. I then opened my eyes and looked directly at the ceiling.

"Let's see, of all of these fruits only one of them doesn't have any long range attacks and that would be Yami yami no mi." I mutter to myself

"Nikyu nikyu no mi can launch paw shaped shockwaves by repelling air and the Pika pika no mi allows user to fire lasers."

I wonder as I lean on to my knees."Yami yami no mi on the other hand can pull enemies to you allowing a close range attack."

"But aren't I going to choose a weapon for myself. Considering that five years ago I studied kendo. Even though I only studied for a year." My gaze turns to the middle fruit.

"I guess that pretty much removes Nikyu nikyu no mi out of the picture. Those paws would make holding a blade quite uncomfortable."

I close the lid of the box and place it away. "Now then only two left." My eyes then turn towards pika pika no mi. "If I recall correctly Kizaru could create a blade of light."

I then rub my eyes with my right hand. "That would mean taking a sword would be pointless wouldn't it." I then turn towards the last fruit.

"When I take that into consideration this fruit would be most well suited for sword users considering that with it, I can use Kurozu to pull others close."

I closed the pika pika no mi's box and stand up. Then I reached down and picked up both the pika pika no mi and the nikyu nikyu no mi boxes from the ground and return them back where I took them.

Once I return back to the yami yami no mi I picked up the box. "Well I guess that settles that." I closed the box and held it between my armpit.

"Alright then." I started to look around. "Next up is the sword. Good thing I already decided which one to take while I was browsing around."

I then walked towards the direction where the entrance used to be. "I think I saw it close to Mihawk's Yoru." I start to walk towards the place where the door I used, to arrive, was.

My eyes drift towards the box I'm holding. "Most people would have most likely chosen the Gomu gomu no mi." A small smile appears on my face as I thought of it.

Gomu gomu no mi belongs to the legendary One piece anime protagonist Monkey D. Luffy. That fruit makes whoever eats it turn into a rubber human.

Meaning that he is completely immune to bullet fire and blunt attacks and he can obviously make any part of his body stretch.

I reached the Yoru's wall stand and walked left of the weapon, towards the table that has rack which has a sheathed katana on it.

The katana's sheath is black, decorated with dark red circles which are split into even thirds. I placed the box on top of the table and reached out to the sword.

I take the blade from the rack and draw it from its sheath. The blade is black with a distinct red hamon with a appearance of a saw.

Its handguard has flower like edges and the hilt has black silk wrapped around it and at the end of it is a golden cap.

The Shusui, katana that legendary samurai Ryuma used to slay a dragon. And is currently used by Luffy's first mate Roronoa Zoro.

I resheathed the shusui and took the box back between my armpit while holding Shusui in my right hand.

'Now then, where is the last one power that I want.' thinking to myself. I looked around before I see something on a table that is located next to an identical door that has roman two carved into it.

I walked to the table and took a look at it. On it is three books. On one metal plate that's on the wall read's Haki.

"Well that was easy to find." I shrugged then taking a closer look at the books, they worn and were old looking books with brown covers that seemed to have aged through time.

The book on the right has the word "Kenbunshoku" written on it. On the left one is "Busoshoku" and on middle on is "Haoshoku".

"These books, I've seen something similar before while I was looking through the different devil fruits" I look at the books before I place the box on the table and place shusui leaning on the table.

I pick up one that has word "Busoshoku" written on it. "Those other books that I found had words like "Black leg" and "Rokushiki" written on them."

Rokushiki is a martial art popular among navy involving six techniques called. Kami-e, Shigan, Tekkai, Soru, Rankyaku and Geppo.

Also if someone has completely mastered all of the six techniques they can access to a hidden seventh skill called Rokuogan which surpasses any of the other skills.

"I guess that these books are like skill books that are learned by opening them which then disappear. Either that or an actual manual."

I then lower the book. "I really hope it's not the latter." I then widen my eyes when I realise something.

I turn my eyes towards Shusui. "When I walked through this room I saw many similar books that had names of many fighting styles." I then narrow my eyes.

"But there wasn't a single book about wielding any kind of weapon style, Why?" I place the book I'm holding back on top of the table.

"Strange." I held my chin in thought. I then turn towards a different area of the room. "Well leaving that aside for now. I just remembered something."

I walk off to a table and pick up a book with word "Rokushiki" written on it. "I almost forget about this. Some of these techniques could come in handy."

While I head back towards the exit I look around for any books that could have been about sword wielding but I didn't see anything.

"That's so weird, how do they expect people to learn how to wield the weapon they chose if they don't know how." I scratch my head.

I then let out a sigh as I arrive to the exit. "Well I guess that they have something to fix that." I turn towards to the table and open the box "I hope."

I muttered to myself as I put the Rokushiki book in the box followed by kenbunshoku and Busoshoku books. I then close the box.

Then I take Shusui and put the box between my armpit again and head straight to the exit. I open the door with my leg and step outside.

The other side of the door is truly an identical hall of the first one. I look at the doors. After that I lay down all my things and sit down on crossed legged position and my arms crossed front of my chest.

"Okay so which world should I choose. I obviously can't go to the One piece world because the fruit and weapon I picked already exists there." I thought to myself.

I then stood up leaving my stuff behind. I start going through doors. "Let's see which world should I go to. Obviously some where which is full of adventure."

I stopped in front of a door. "Dragon ball huh..." I then wave my hand. "Yeah no, experiencing death once is enough for me." I start walking towards the next door.

"I don't wanna die again only to be brought back to life and die again at some point." I then stopped and looked down on the floor.

"The place I would like to go to is a world where I could survive but I would still be able to have excitement in my life." Turning towards the next door.

"Fairy Tail. Hmmm, yeah while this world would meet the requirements I don't really find this world interesting enough for me." Continuing to the next door.

"Naruto." I only looked at the door briefly before I continue towards the next door.

I have nothing against the world itself but I simply cannot stand Naruto's nature, not to mention after his fight with Sasuke at the Final Valley, the story line started to go downhill and I stopped watching it entirely.

Let see now "Bleach huh. This world isn't so bad." I let out a deep sigh. "If you ignore the fact that majority of the main cast is full of emo's."

"I mean whenever they encounter and lose to a powerful enemy they just whine about it instead of doing something about it until someone beats some sense into them."

I continue towards the next door. "One piece yeah I already counted this one out." I sigh, and turn around heading back towards my things.

"There truly are many choices that I could go to so many which I already know what's going to happen." Then it hits me and I snap my fingers.

I grabbed all of my things from the ground and start going through doors. "There is one series which isn't finished completely and it meets the requirements."

I go through nameplates of the doors looking for the right one. "Found it." I grin as I locate the right door.

"RWBY this world is perfect for me. Not only should I be able to be strong enough to survive, I can also have a life full of excitement not only because of what's going to happen in there but because I don't know how it ends."

I let out a smirk. "Well then let my new life begin." I open the door with my right hand in which I'm holding Shusui.

I cover my eyes because of bright light coming behind the door. "You know from all the fanfics I have read. This would lead to the protagonist in middle of the air falling down towards the ground."

I think for a while. "Nah I doubt that's going to happen." I shake the thought off and take my first step other side of the door with my right leg.

I felt rock hard ground beneath my foot. "Phew looks like I don't have a surprise fall coming."Then I step with my left leg further.

I then have a strange sensation of my foot hitting nothing and my body falling forward. I open my eyes to see a forest below me.

The door lead me directly top of a cliff and when I took my second step I fell down. "Dammit all!" I shout as I hit a few branches and bush and everything went black.

To Be Continued.

Hisagifan has my gratitude for helping me out with the grammar.

Kurozu=Black vortex

Kokutou yoru= Black blade night