As the two bubbles carrying Link and Zelda rose out of sight, back to the surface of the Great Sea and the World Above, King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule closed his eyes and lowered his head, accepting his destiny to drown with his forgotten kingdom.

"I have scattered the seeds of the future…Please….give them hope…."

As the King waited for the ocean waters to engulf his soul, A glow emitted from the Master Sword, embedded within the forehead of the stony mass that was once Ganondorf, as a shimmering shape leapt from the handle and took form. It resembled a girl clothed in a blue and violet glimmer, floating in the water in front of Ganon's stony corpse. Her small feet didn't touch the ground at all, and her expressionless face and empty eyes seemed to gaze attentively.

The girl turned her head towards the remorseful King for a few seconds, before she raised her head to look upwards towards the Ocean's surface, as an emotionless, monotonous, almost robotic voice escaped her lips.

"Goodbye, Master Link… Goodbye, your Grace…".

Hearing the voice, the King opened his eyes to see the floating girl. She lowered her head and looked him in the eyes, before she suddenly evaporated, leaving nothing but water in her place.

The King lowered his head once more as he felt the ocean waters entering his lungs….