Hello Readers I am happy to present you with my first Flash fan-fiction. It's also my first to contain an obvious ship.

Comment just because!

Enjoy the show! ;)

Barry Allen sat in his CSI room above the police station in Central City. He had spent all morning filling out paperwork, analyzing blood samples, and running to several different crime scenes. He was exhausted by noon.

"Hey, you want to get some lunch?" Asked a male voice that startled the forensics. He clumsily flipped out of his chair. His head his the floor hard, dazed, Barry pulled himself off the floor.

"You okay Barry? That was a pretty hard fall." Laughed the man. Barry shook off his dizziness and gave him a joking glare.

"Ollie, you know not to scare me like that." Barry joked play punching Oliver in the shoulder.

"Well where would be the fun in that?" Oliver asked as he grasped Barry's waist and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Should I just leave these here or what?" Joe asked awkwardly as he stepped into the room, a large pile of papers in hand. Oliver broke off from the kiss and let Barry sort out the papers. Once he was finished, the young man joined the billionaire and they were off to lunch.

"So where are we going to eat?" Barry asked, Oliver hadn't told him earlier. Oliver looked over and smiled, a thing only certain people like Barry could do.

"It's a surprise." He answered. Barry rolled his eyes in a joking manner. Whenever Barry asked a question like that, Oliver always said it was a surprise. It drove Barry crazy.

"You look so cute when you're upset." Oliver said before connecting his lips with Barry's. Barry wrapped his arms around his lover's neck, pulling him closer. Oliver pulled Barry onto his lap and wrapped his arms around the younger's waist. The car stopped outside of a small cafe. It wasn't one Barry has been too.

"If you two wouldn't mind getting untangled, we're here." Diggle said annoyed. He hated seeing Barry with Oliver because he knew one day Oliver was going to break the poor kid's heart. Just like he did with every other girl he met, Oliver Queen's love was a curse. The two lovers got out of the car and walked into the small cafe. It was cozy and homey. The walls were a calming shade of light blue with thick vertical stripes, a few paintings from local artists were hung up. They took a seat next a window. The tables were handmade, they had an circular oak wood top with iron legs. The chairs matched the tables and were also handmade. A small vase holding three white roses sat in the middle of the table. The light streaming from the window shone gently on Barry's pale skin making him look angelic. Oliver took notice of this. The waiter came over with two glasses of water and a cup of coffee.

"Here's your coffee sir." The waiter set the beverage in front of Barry with a small wink.

"Oh, thanks but, I didn't order a coffee." Barry stammered slightly uncomfortable by the stranger's actions. Oliver gave him a glare that said 'get lost, he's mine.' The waiter took their order and hurriedly left. While waiting for their food the two men made small talk. It was mostly about how the nightclub was going, any new cases, family. The waiter returned with their orders. Barry's phone buzzed from a text, it was Cisco. There was a robbery downtown. Oliver knew what happened before Barry had even opened his mouth.

"Make it quick and be careful." Where Oliver's words before The Flash sped to the scene of the crime. There were twelve customers and three clerks being held hostage at the bank. The Flash skidded to a halt.

"You can go in there, put the money back and let these hostages go, or we can do it the hard way." The Flash said. The criminal just stood in front of him not moving at all. Suddenly the speedster was hit with wave after wave of pain, sadness, and anger. He fell to his knees, clutching his head. The Flash cried out in agony as the waves of emotion kept hitting him, harder and harder.

"Barry? Barry!" Cisco's worried voice sounded over the comm. Caitlin ran around S.T.A.R Labs prepping medical equipment.

"His vitals are dropping Cait!" Cisco shouted working with the computers.

"He needs to get back here now!" Caitlin demanded. As soon as the words left her lips, The Flash came stumbling into the cortex. His chest heaving, his heart going crazy, his head reeling.

"Cisco help me with Barry. Dr. Wells I need you to call Oliver." Caitlin ordered. She and Cisco lifted the injured man and carefully laid him on the medical table. Cisco hooked up machinery while Caitlin got needles and other medicines ready. Dr. Wells wheeled into an empty room and regrettably called Oliver.

"Cisco start chest compressions." Caitlin commanded as she prepped the AED. Tears started to form in Cisco's eyes but he refused to let them fall. He had to be strong for Barry.

"Clear!" Caitlin shouted as she shocked Barry. A jolt was followed by a large gasp from Barry. Caitlin put the AED away and did some scans. They had finished the scans when none other than Oliver Queen burst into the cortex.

"Barry!" He shouted as he ran over to the speedster. He pulled the other into a hug.

"Whoa, Ollie, calm down. I'm fine." Barry's voice was muffled by Oliver's shirt. The billionaire released him and instead took a seat next to Barry, wrapping his arms around Barry's waist.

"So, Caitlin what happened?" Barry asked, Caitlin looked up from her scan results.

"The hippocampus was overwhelmed which confused your heart." Caitlin explained. Cisco noticing the confused looks on Barry's and Oliver's faces interjected.

"It's like Redbull and alcohol."

"So, power to control emotion?" Wells asked, wheeling over to take a look at the scans.

"That's not what it felt like. It felt like they weren't coming from me." Barry corrected. Cisco spun in his chair trying to think of a name. He opened his mouth but, was cut off by Caitlin.

"How about Hippocramper!" Cisco stood up, slowly walked over to Caitlin, and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"You need help." Cisco stated, he sat back down. Felicity and Diggle walked in and immediately went over to Barry.

"How you feeling Kid?" Diggle asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Barry just shrugged.

"Eh, I'm fine." He replied. The veteran gave him a suspicious look, then backed off. Barry really wish he hadn't, inside Barry still hurt. It was as if the meta's power was still in full effect. He really wanted to tell someone, anyone but, he knew he just couldn't. Barry was taken out of his thoughts by Cisco's voice.

"Our meta's making a second attempt. You think you can handle this one Barry?" Cisco asked concern clear in his voice. Barry was suited up before Cisco even finished his sentence.

"Yeah I'm good." Barry replied before speeding out the door. Oliver grabbed his bow and slung his quiver over his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Felicity asked, chasing the archer. He didn't even turn when replying.

"To stop a robbery." With that the billionaire was gone. The Flash arrived at the scene, before taking on the meta, he grabbed two clerks and four customers. When they were a safe distance the speedster raced in. He grabbed some chains used to divide the lines and wrapped the meta in them. The man didn't try to escape, he only stood there looking at his front pant pocket.

"Do you know why I do this?" The man asked, beckoning the hero closer. He signed towards his left front pocket. The Flash pulled out a picture of a beautiful young girl no more than fourteen.

"That's my daughter, her name is Ke Ola." The man explained.

"Life." The Flash translated. The meta nodded.

"Her mother died during childbirth, I'm the only family she has, and now she is dying of cancer. I was recently laid off and this is the only way I can pay for her care." the father finished. A lone tear fell from Barry's eye as he remembered his own mother's death. A hand was placed on the speedster's shoulder. He looked up to see The Arrow.

"I have a friend who may be able to help you." He pulled the restrained man onto his back and sped off to S.T.A.R Labs.

"Hey Bar-" Cisco cut himself off when he saw the meta Barry was carrying.

"Why are we not taking him to the cells?" Caitlin asked keeping her distance from the man.

"We're going to help him." Barry stated blandly. He undid the chains that were previously restraining the man.

"How would we be doing that?" Dr. Wells asked wheeling into the cortex.

"He is only robbing the banks to help his daughter, so we'll be giving him an alternative." Barry answered.

"I have some connections in Starling City that could really help." The Arrow said as he walked into the cortex. The man sat and stared in a mix of fear and awe at the green archer. Caitlin walked the man over to the medical table where scanners were set up. She began to work with him while Cisco and Wells worked on some tech. Barry looked over at his boyfriend.

"So, what are you thinking of doing to help him?" Barry asked. Oliver stood behind him so Barry could lean his head back on Oliver's chest.

"I'm thinking of calling Mr. Queen to set up a fundraiser for him." Oliver answered.

"I have a name you know." The meta said to Caitlin.

"You should tell us it if you don't want us to call you he." Caitlin said taking some blood from the man.

"Who knew Caitlin could roast!" Cisco shouted from where he was working. Caitlin simply rolled her eyes and continued her work.

"I'm Sebastian. And you are?" Sebastian introduced.

"That's not for you to know Mr. Sebastian." Wells interjected. Sebastian looked a little hurt but startled.

"Okay so what can I call you?" He asked. Caitlin opened her mouth to answer but, was quickly cut off by Cisco.

"No! Caitlin, no. I don't want to be stuck with an shamefully stupid name. I'll do this, thank you." Caitlin threw her arms up in exasperation and plopped down in a seat.

"Okay, the guy in the wheelchair will be known as The Doctor, the lady over here who enjoys brutally murdering cool names will be known as The Healer and I'll be known as Master Yoda." Cisco informed. Barry clapped Cisco on the back.

"The prize for most hilarious names goes to Master Yoda." He joked.

"And he said I'm horrible with names." Caitlin mumbled.

Okay, I put some humor into this one. I love Caitlin and Cisco's humor when they're together. This one did have an 'iffy' point, there will be more of these.

Until next time speedsters. ;)