Yellow Diamond stood there, paralyzed with shock. Her Pearl, too, looked incredibly traumatized. But poor Sapphire was trembling, shuddering with fear.

The Sapphire continued, "I'm so sorry… Pink Diamond… she just stopped and exited her palanquin… and the next thing her entourage knew was that she was ambushed and shattered into pieces by the leader of the Rebellion herself, Rose Quartz."

At first, Yellow was unable to feel anything. But then she became aware of a very sickening feeling inside her. If she had a stomach, it would've twisted itself into knots. Suddenly, the floodgates of all her emotions burst open. She could feel it all welling up inside her. Wrath. Anguish. Hatred towards Rose and her Rebellion. Loss. Rage. Sadness. She barely noticed her hands balling up into fists, her palms beginning to sweat, her feet scorching the floor. Yellow could even feel hot, steaming tears welling up in her eyes, but not letting them escape her, she finally spoke.

"She… she…she was shattered… and YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO PREVENT THIS!?" Yellow had finally snapped.

"There was nothing to be done," Sapphire replied. "I only arrived and discovered the truth after the fact. And no one else saw this coming. No one could have."

At this point, Yellow Diamond knew that she couldn't keep her emotions bottled up any longer. She no longer had the strength nor the capacity to keep them to herself. But no, still she refused to show any kind of weakness to anyone, especially not her own subjects. So there was only one thing left to do.

"Get out." Yellow muttered. "Leave my presence at once."

"B-b-but…" stammered Sapphire.

"That's an order! Leave at once!"

Shaking, the Sapphirecurtsied and scurried away, the pale golden curls in her long hair trailing behind her. Then the angered Diamond turned to her frightened pearl.

"That includes you too, Pearl," Yellow Diamond said, turning away, unwilling to face even her own pearl, her most loyal servant, friend, and confidante.

"M-my Diamond? Are you sure?" Pearl asked. She was still shaken up but unwilling to leave her Diamond like this.

"ARE YOU DEAF!? JUST GO ALREADY BEFORE I DESTROY YOUR GEMSTONE!" Yellow lashed out, face full of pure rage. Lightning coursed throughout her body and nearly struck the Pearl. Terrified, she scampered out of the room. Momentarily, Yellow paused and felt a twinge of regret for treating her Pearl like this. She almost smashed her closest confidante due to her anger.

But Pink, oh Pink. She was so young and innocent; it was only her first colony. She didn't deserve this cruel fate, to die by the hands of her own Quartz soldier. That traitorous Quartz. THAT TRAITOROUS ROSE QUARTZ! "You'll pay for this, Rose," muttered Yellow, teeth clenched. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" She screamed, a cry to likes of which she had never cried before nor since. More lightning ran through Yellow's hands, and it struck the walls and windows, smashing the glass to pieces and sucking the air out of the room. Yellow didn't care; gems didn't need to breathe anyway.

"THAT REBEL SCUM!" The furniture in the room was instantly smashed to pieces. Even her desk was soon no more than rubble. The news of Pink Diamond's shattering had not quite yet reached the ears of the general public, but they all felt a shudder of fear when they saw a storm brewing around Yellow Diamond's base. She was known for her incredible powers, but the gems knew that if she was destroying her own base, then something absolutely horrible must've happened, especially seeing as Yellow Diamond was known for being the most logical one.

"I-I'll make that planet pay!" mumbled Yellow. "I'll make sure that every stupid organic lifeform and every single rebel that the horrible Rose Quartz fought for will suffer! I'll destroy them all… I-I'll…" But at this point, Yellow had exhausted herself to the point where she could no longer do anything. She collapsed to the floor over her smashed desk and wept heavily. Hot, steaming tears flowed freely from her eyes, but she almost didn't care anymore. At least no one else would be able to see Yellow like this, emotionally broken, crying over a broken desk. Or so she thought…

There was a soft knock on her door. Yellow barely looked up. "Go away," she mumbled. "I cannot speak to anyone else at the moment. Take it up with someone else."

"Y-Yellow. It's you in there, isn't it?" came a soft, whimpering voice. Yellow knew it could only come from one gem, and that was Blue Diamond. She sighed; she couldn't just push her own sister away like this.

"Come in if you must," Yellow said finally, "but dismiss your Pearl."

Blue Diamond complied and came in moments later. Yellow turned to face her. Though Blue was always a little more emotional than the rest of them, but she never could have imagined that Blue could be in such a broken state, either. Blue had pulled her cloak close to her, almost limping and tried to hide her eyes. There were heavy bags under them, and her long, trailing cloak was stained with countless tears. Even now, large streams of water were still gushing out of her eyes.

"Yellow… Oh Yellow…" Blue mumbled. "Pink…they… they…" She tried to finish her sentence but she couldn't do it without bursting into tears once again, inadvertently using her emotional powers. This only caused Yellow to cry even more. She tried to hold the tears back in, but it was to no avail.

"I know." Blue sat down next to Yellow Diamond and leaned her head against her chest, to which Yellow wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Yellow wished more than ever that she could offer her sister comfort, but they both knew that there was nothing to be done. Pink was gone, and it wasn't going to be okay.

"I'm so sorry I failed you," said Yellow, turning her head away.

"What do you mean?" Blue Diamond said. "Yellow, you did everything you could. It's not your fault. It was those rebels… that Rose Quartz." Her voice became very bitter when she mentioned Rose, but was still tinged with sorrow.

"You don't get it, do you?" Yellow said, finally standing up. "It was only her first colony, and I'm the expert in military operations. I should have sent more troops down there… Pink was too inexperienced to understand war. And look at me now," she said, turning to face Blue. "I'm supposed to be the strong one, you and Pink and everyone else looks up to me for strength and guidance. But…" she said, tears welling up in her eyes, "I couldn't even do that. I… I broke down before you got here."

Blue stood up and placed a hand on Yellow's shoulder. "Yellow… don't do this to yourself. Don't shut yourself away like this. You're not the only one who lost a sister today."

Yellow sighed, she knew Blue was right. Suddenly, Blue found herself being wrapped in a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry," Yellow said, choking back sobs. "I don't know what to do. They haven't even reported seeing Rose since the attack."

"I know," Blue replied. Though there was nothing to be done about the Rebellion, Blue resolved to do one thing: to make sure that she would never forget the precious memory of her only little sister. She would continue whatever legacy that Pink had managed to start.

But Yellow wanted something else: nothing but revenge. Revenge for what the Rebellion had done. The entire destruction of the Earth. She would not let this wrong go unpunished- no, Pink had to be brought to justice somehow, whether it was in 5 days or 5,000 years.

Just so you know, the Sapphire is yellow, not blue. Also, Yellow Diamond doesn't hate her Pearl or anything like that. She actually warned her to leave because she was getting angry and didn't want to hurt her.

There will probably be one more chapter. And reviews are greatly appreciated.