Bonnie stared at the stick in her hand in disbelief. Positive. She was pregnant. And in that moment she felt so young.

"Bonnie, you ready?"

"Coming dad!" She turned sideways in front of her full length mirror, hands splayed across her abdomen. With a shake of her head, she heads downstairs.

At the restaurant, they sit across from each other. Conversations flow easily around them, making the silence between father and daughter slightly uncomfortable.

"So, how's school?

"It's fine."

Rudy nods his head, then looks around for the waiter with their food. He felt like he couldn't connect with her, never could.

Bonnie took a sip of her water and looked at her father. They did this, every once in a while, whenever he remembered that he had a daughter. He came back from his business trips and if he had time, they would grab a meal since neither of them could cook. Their conversations consisted of small talk mostly. He was often away on business and as a teenager, Bonnie had little desire to really let him into her life. Now, she didn't make these outings any easier for him.

As they were heading home, Bonnie asked, "Do you ever miss Mom?"

Rudy didn't know how to answer that. Bonnie rarely asked about her mother, which suited him just fine. "Sometimes. I usually try not to think about her. No good can come from it."

Bonnie said nothing, lost in her thoughts.

"I know I don't say this very often, but I want you to know how proud I am of you. You've grown into an exceptional young lady, without much help from me." He ended with a self deprecating laugh. As they reached the car, he hugged his little girl, who squeezed him tightly.

"Thanks dad."


Bonnie slammed her car door, annoyed that she had overslept. As she jogged down the hallway she prayed she could just sneak in the back without too much fuss.

"The battle claimed 25 lives and injured countless others-and thank you Miss Bennett for gracing us with your presence." Bonnie smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry . I overslept."

"She was probably exhausted from sleeping with people's boyfriends."

As the class ooh'ed Damon called out, "Oh shut up Caroline."

"No, you shut up you man whore."

"Hey, hey, hey ENOUGH! I really don't care about your little romantic drama. But I will be seeing you three in detention this afternoon."


"That's not fair."

"You can't do that! I have practice later and-"

"I didn't even say anything."

"QUIET!" The teenagers were silent. "Not another word."

Bonnie sat back at her desk, huffing a sigh of annoyance. Caroline sent her a glare and Bonnie settled in for the last 20 minutes of class.


Bonnie tried to walk out of the classroom, in hurry to get to her locker before her next class. Caroline hip checked her on her way to the door. "Watch it skank." With a toss of her hair, she walked down the hallway to the bathroom. Bonnie scoffed incredulously. She walked after the blonde and as Caroline was fixing her lip gloss in the mirror.

"Caroline, I get that you're upset. You have every right to be. But you don't have to be so nasty. I'm not going to see him anymore and I hope-"

Caroline cut her off. "You know what Bonnie? I don't care what you and Damon do. Get married and have kids for all I care. But don't act like we're gonna be friends ever again. Our friendship was over the moment you spread your legs for Damon." Caroline went to storm out. "And since we have to miss practice today, we're going to have an extra practice on Saturday morning. If you're not on the field at 7 am sharp I'll consider that your official resignation from the team." With that, the blond left the bathroom.

Bonnie leaned over the sink and took a deep breath. Then another. Then she threw up.


Alaric Saltzman hated his job sometimes. Teenagers with their waning attention spans and their raging hormones gave him tension headaches. Looking at the 3 teens in his classroom, he speculated about the reason for the tension between them. He figured they were fighting over a boy because he remembered Caroline saying something about Bonnie sleeping with someone's boyfriend. That seemed a bit out of character for Bonnie, but people make mistakes. And with the way Damoon kept furtively glancing at Bonnie every few moments, he figured something went down between the two. So long as they didn't disrupt his class again, he wasn't too interested in what was going on between them.

"I'm stepping out for a smoke. Since there's only a few minutes left of detention, you can leave in 10 minutes. As for me, I have no intention of wasting this time babysitting you." Alaric rummaged through his pocket for his lighter. After affirming its presence, he took a few steps toward the door. Then he paused. "Behave yourselves for 10 minutes. I'll see you tomorrow.." Then he walked out the door.

Bonnie waited 2 minutes and then attempted to head toward the door, intent on making it to the bathroom. She felt like she had to pee every 20 minutes. Damon was hot on her heels.

He reached out for her arm."Hey." Bonnie jerked her arm out of his reach.

"Not now Damon."

"So when?"

"You two really have no shame." Caroline scoffed as she walked briskly down the hallway to the bathroom. Damon watched Caroline with annoyance and called out, "God, do you ever SHUT UP?!"

"Don't talk to her like that."

Caroline whipped her head around. "I don't need you to defend me. Bonnie rolled her eyes and turned back around.

Bonnie drove home absentmindedly. She just wanted to forget about the horrible day she'd had. Pulling up to her house, her brow furrowed. How did he get there before her?

"You look surprised to see me." When she didn't answer, he laughed a bit self consciously. "I may have broken a few traffic laws. But sometimes rules are meant to be broken." Bonnie sighed.

"I can't do this right now Damon. I'm tired." As she tried to go around him, he moved to block her path.

"Well when are we going to talk about it? Because if we wait until it's convenient for you, we're never gonna talk about what's going on with us!" He tried to pull her towards him. Bonnie pushed his hands away half heartedly. She wanted so badly to let him hold her because it had been so long. But he wanted more of herself than she was willing to give. Not to mention that she was pregnant and wasn't sure how to tell him. Or if she even should tell him.

"I just wanna go inside, take a shower & go to sleep. I don't have the energy to do this."

"Well FIND the energy, because I'm NOT LEAVING!"

"Oh my GOD! YOU ARE SO SELFISH! You see how tired I am and you still only care about YOU!" Bonnie pushed the hair off her face in a frustrated huff. "When I say no, you use it as a negotiation point to get to yes. Because of you I lost one of my best friends and now I'm-" She cut herself off. "You know what? It doesn't matter. Whatever this is, ends now."

Damon scoffed. "You don't mean that. We have this EXPLOSIVE CHEMISTRY." HE started rubbing her arms. "You allow this to keep happening because you love how I make you feel." Bonnie sputtered a denial.

"We're electric. Deny it all you want." He trailed his finger down her neck, then down her chest. Bonnie's heart was beating faster.

"You like to pretend it's all me, that I'm imagining this." He edged closer.

"But it's just as much you as it is me. No one can make your body respond the way I can." He wrapped a hand around her neck, rubbed his thumb across her pulse point. He gently pulled her body in towards him.

"I don't- I don't want thi-" Damon kissed the lies off her lips, breathing her in. She moaned without thinking, wrapping an arm around him. His body felt so solid against hers. She just didn't want to think for a while. And he felt so good…

When he came up for air, he kissed her again gently and said, "When we get inside, I'm going to fuck you against every. Flat. Surface." He stepped away from her and motioned towards the door. "After you."

Bonnie tried to respond but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out. Her throat felt a little dry and her panties were moist. Once in the foyer, Damon wasted no time in touching her. He started rubbing her nipples & Bonnie let that happen for a while when her stomach let out a growl.

Damon laughed. "We can always eat first. We've got all night."

Bonnie raised an eyebrow. "How do you know my dad isn't coming home?"

He rolled his eyes. "When is your dad ever home? Now stop wasting time and let's get some food in you. I could actually go for some food now that I think about it." He made his way over to her couch and plopped down. Then he patted the couch cushion next to him.

"Pop a squat." He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned at her.

Bonnie shook her head and went on over. She sighed and draped her arm across the back of the couch.

"What are you thinking about?"

Bonnie took a breath because she wasn't sure how this would go. "What are we doing Damon?"

"We," Damon gestured to the two of them, " are seeing wherever this goes. Public opinion be damned."

Bonnie stared at him for a few seconds and considered her next words carefully. "Damon, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not looking to date right now, I've got a lot on my mind and I kind of want to-"

She was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Bonnie! Can we talk?"

Damon looked at the door and then at Bonnie, eyebrows raised. He mouthed "Ignore her until she goes away." Bonnie rolled her eyes and made to get off the couch. Damon tried to grab her arm and pull her into his lap.

She finally managed to make it to the door. Caroline and her stared at each other. Caroline let out a breath and made to move inside. Bonnie stepped in front of her and said, "Let's talk out her." She figured if Caroline saw Damon on her couch, she'd start screeching. And with the baby in her belly, she didn't want things to come to blows.

The girls sat on the porch steps and looked at their hands. "Bonnie, do you have feelings for Damon? Like, real ones?"

Bonnie immediately began to disagree, "Of course not! I've never looked at him that way. It sort of just..happened."

"That's what I don't get Bonnie. You don't let things just HAPPEN. You're always so cautious. You didn't just HAPPEN to sleep with my boyfriend. You chose to. Which means that you never valued our friendship." Now Caroline was softly crying. "I could eventually try to forgive you if you were in love with Damon, but you've never liked him."

Bonnie doesn't respond. What could she say to that? "I'm sorry, Care. I won't be seeing him anymore."

"Now that's not exactly true is it?" Damon stood in the doorway. "You'll be seeing me all the time." He wiggled his eyes suggestively. "Cause I'm not going anywhere. Now if you'll excuse us Caroline, we have some business to attend to." With that, he grabbed Bonnie by the arm and started pulling her inside the house. Caroline watched the pair go inside with tears in her eyes. Then she stood up and made her way away from the Bennett household, for the very last time if she could help it.


"Damon you can't just drag me around like a rag doll-"

"What the hell is this, Bonnie?" In his hand he was holding up the pregnancy test she had left in the bathroom. Bonnie was speechless. "Are you pregnant"

"Damon, I can't talk about this now."

"YES THE HELL YOU CAN. And you 've been trying so hard to push me away, knowing how I feel about you." Damon scoffed. "You want me too. Because Caroline was right, you don't let things just happen. You're too cautious for that." He grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him. Bonnie allowed herself to be pulled in. She wrapped her arms around his back and laid her head on his chest. As much as he irritated her, he smelled nice. And she liked the way his arms felt around her.

"And there's no way I'm letting you keep this baby from me Bonnie. So you might as well just let me love and take care of you." Bonnie immediately started to protest, but they died on her lips as Damon kissed her again and again, softly. "Just let me love you, Bonnie. I can make you feel so good." He was working his way down her neck. And Bonnie somehow found herself saying, "Okay."

The brightness of Damon's smile almost blinded her. She found herself smiling in response.

Maybe everything would be okay.