
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek: The Next Generation or any of the show's characters. Other characters not affiliated with the show are my own creation and do belong to me. Thank you.

A/N: Thank you so far to those that have read and/or left reviews. It makes me very happy that people are enjoying my story.

Early 2373

Now that her last appointment for the day had ended, Deanna needed some relief. She'd been cooped up in her office the entire afternoon and a stroll to stretch her legs sounded perfect at the moment.

As she casually walked the familiar corridors of the Enterprise, Deanna greeted those around her with a friendly "hello" or a smile and a nod. Without much thought, she found herself headed towards Ten Forward.

"Looks like we're heading to the same place."

Glancing to the side, Troi kept walking as Commander Riker fell in step alongside her. She smiled. "It would appear so, Will."

"Busy day?" he asked.

The doors swished open. The lower lightning of the Enterprise's popular gathering spot forced Deanna to squint while her sight adjusted. The lounge was fairly crowded, so they made their way to a few unoccupied seats at the bar. Guinan was already busy at work.

Deanna nodded while Will relayed their regular drink orders to Guinan.

"Yes, lots of appointments today. I think this crew is in need of some shore leave," Deanna stated solemnly once they were seated.

Guinan set the drinks down then departed, tending to the other customers at the long bar top.

Riker took a sip. "Agreed. We are scheduled for a stop at Starbase 623 for systems upgrades to the warp core and a few tertiary support systems."

"Any idea where we'll be off to next?" Deanna asked.

Riker looked around then back to Troi. Lowering his voice he said, "Nothing confirmed, but the Federation has received reports about recent Breen incursions near some of our settlements on outlying systems. We might be sent to investigate."

Riker shuttered subtly, but Troi caught it. She knew why he didn't like interacting with the Breen. They were a mysterious, yet brutal race that had been suspected of multiple atrocities in numerous sectors over the years. Yet their involvement could never been substantiated with hard evidence.

The mention of the Breen brought other memories back to Deanna's mind. The Breen were said to live on a cold, snow covered planet. But it wasn't images of the Breen that manifested in her mind's eye.

"You okay?" Riker questioned.

Troi blinked. "Yes, sorry. My mind just wandered for a bit. The Breen. Not a race I'm looking forward to confronting, especially since my skills would be useless against them."

Riker frowned. "Right. Empaths can't read them."

Troi nodded.

"Hey, as long as we don't have to go to their alleged home world," Riker commented easily. "I've had my fill of snow covered planets. Enough to last a lifetime. And that's saying a lot coming from this Alaska boy."

Troi forced a smile to her lips. Every now and again, Will would make an off-hand comment or quip about their short, yet intense time on Sardis. Generally, he didn't mean anything by the comments. That unexpected ordeal had been years ago, and just like most of everyone else, Deanna assumed Riker's memories and feelings about what they'd experienced had faded. Everyone except Deanna herself, of course. She hadn't forgotten and she never planned to let those memories disappear.

Will's combadge chirped, interrupting Deann's inner thoughts.

Data's voice bled through the device. "Bridge to Commander Riker."

With a sigh, Will set down his drink and tapped the badge. "Riker here."

"Sir, please report to the bridge immediately. Incoming transmission from Starbase 623."

"On my way," Riker replied. He smiled apologetically to Deanna. "Sorry."

"Duty calls, Will," Deanna replied.

"Dinner later this week perhaps?" he asked.


Riker's smile was enthusiastic and genuine. With a nod he spun on his heel and left Ten Forward.

Deanna's eyes remained on the doors well after they'd closed. As a result, she didn't notice Guinan until the other woman spoke. "Another?"

Deanna returned her attention to the bar. "No thanks. I think I'll retire for the evening."

Guinan seemed to accept that. Deanna finished her drink and set the empty glass down. Guinan simply said, "Have a nice evening, Counselor."

Deanna responded with her own farewell and departed.

It hadn't taken long for Deanna to make her way back to her quarters. She was tired, but had decided to review her appointment schedule for the following day before heading to bed. She'd just finished making a few annotations in her log when the door chimed, indicating someone was outside.

She set the padd down. "Come in."

She'd half expected to see Will standing there, requesting to have that dinner or finish up the drinks from earlier. To Deanna's surprise, it was Guinan.

"Guinan," Deanna stated, a hint of unexpectedness creeping into her voice. "What can I do for you?"

"I hope I'm not interrupting, Counselor."

Deanna motioned for Guinan to come inside. "Not at all. I was just working on some notes for my appointments tomorrow. What can I do for you?"

Guinan was never one to hesitate, but something in the woman's stance concerned Troi. "Is everything alright?" she inquired when Guinan didn't respond straight away.

The El-Aurian woman sighed. "I'm sorry if what I say makes it sound like I was eavesdropping earlier, Counselor."

Deanna smiled. "I imagine you overhear plenty of conversations in Ten Forward just by happenstance. I'd hardly categorize that as eavesdropping."

Guinan's posture relaxed. She lips upturned into her usual soft smile. "True. But it wasn't your conversation that brought me here. More so, your demeanor."

Troi's head tilted slightly to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I saw how your body changed when you thought about him," Guinan stated matter-of-factly.

"Commander Riker?" Deanna asked, but she didn't sound convincing even to herself.

Again Guinan smiled. She shook her head. "Even after all these years you still think of him with fondness. The others have probably forgotten, or chosen to forget, but not you, Counselor. And I understand how you feel. Four years ago, when I learned Andrej Prazak was still alive, I felt the same way. He has that effect on people."

"Guinan, I'm not quite following," Deanna breathed. For a brief moment, she felt herself panic. Fear crept into her heart. She wasn't sure why.

She stood rooted in place. Guinan walked over and held out her hand. Deanna hadn't noticed until that moment, but Guinan had kept her hands behind her back. But visible now, Deanna saw the El-Aurian held a strange looking device. It was similar to a data padd.

"What,-" Deanna's breath hitched in her throat.

"Not Starfleet technology. Just something I acquired a long time ago. I held on to it just in case I ever needed it. Four years ago I realized I needed it. It cannot connect in real time, but there's data stored on it. I thought you'd like to see. It also has the ability to record and send data to the other device."

Deanna took the communication unit. "Dare I ask who has the other device?"

Guinan's answer came only in the form a brighter smile.

"You've had this all these years?" Deanna asked. She flipped the device over in her hands, examining it. She had no idea where the technology had originated from; nothing about it was familiar.

Guinan nodded. "I was never sure of the right moment to share my little secret with you. Things would happen, missions would come up, etcetera. I've always wanted to share this with you, but I just could never find the right time. Well, I think now is the right time."

"Does he know?" Deanna whispered. She lifted her eyes from the device to look into Guinan's gaze. "Does he know you're sharing this with me?"

Guinan chuckled. "Have a pleasant evening, Counselor. And don't worry, no one knows about this. And I'm sure it'll stay that way if you know what I mean. I wouldn't want the Captain to find out that I've been holding back on some of my…knowledge of alien technologies."

Troi looked up from the device. Smiling, she nodded. "Yes. Thank you, Guinan."

"Of course, Counselor."

Guinan showed herself out. Deanna wasn't sure how long she'd stood in the center of her quarters before her legs started to move. She stopped at the replicator for a cup of tea then settled comfortably onto the couch, the stars flittering by in the windows behind her.

Activating the device was easy enough. A number of entries appeared on the screen. Deanna chose the most recent one and settled back.

She smiled. Andrej's face and chest appeared on the screen. He looked the same as she remembered. Deanna couldn't help but smile and roll her eyes a little at the fact that he was bare chested.

Typical Andrej.

He was alone, but only for a few seconds. A little boy climbed into view and wrapped his arms around Andrej's neck. Deanna knew at once the boy was Andrej's son. He bore a striking resemblance to his father. Deanna recalled how Andrej had once mentioned that time passed differently on Sardis, the child still appeared to be a bit older than four years old.

"Hello again," Prazak said with a grin. "Say hello, Ludvik."

The boy turned to the camera, unfurled an arm from Andrej's neck, waved, and grinned. "Hello, Guinan."

"Ludvik wanted to make another video. He loves them."

"Yeah!" the boy cried happily.

Deanna felt her grin widening. Ludvik was a normal, happy little boy; full of enthusiasm and excitement.

"Papa is taking me to Tega Peak soon," Ludvik said. "I wanna see it. I wanna see where he fought. Soon I'll be as big and strong and brave as my papa."

Prazak laughed and looked at the camera. "The courtyard isn't nearly as exciting for him as the mountains."

Deanna knew Andrej was referring to the famous battle Prazak had fought during Starfleet's time there. The battle that saved his people from being enslaved.

"I get to see before Isabella!" Ludvik belted out.

Troi's eyebrows arched at that.

The boy started to squirm. "Okay, Ludvik, why don't you go help your mama? Or play with Zoja."

"Yes, papa," Ludvik agreed. Before he hopped down from his father's grasp, the boy planted a quick kiss on Prazak's stubbly cheek. "Love you!"

Prazak's eyes followed the boy off screen. When he looked back, he said, "So, Ludvik ruined the surprise. Sa and I had another child. A little girl. Isabella Troy."

Deanna's breath caught in her throat.

Prazak shrugged then winked. "I'm sure you can figure that one out. No one could ever slip one by you, Guinan. We chose Isabella after Sa's maternal grandmother, the Lady Isabella. An Sa agreed to the middle name after I also explained some of Earth's most fearsome warriors fought at Troy during the Trojan War. Isabella is just over a year old now and she's beautiful. My little princezna. I'd show her to you, but she's sleeping at the moment. Would you believe that Herschel and Marking have gone soft because of her? It's like they adore her more than I do! Ha! Wilhelm asked if there was any way you could send some old fairy tale files." Andrej rolled his eyes jokingly. "From the way he boasts you'd think he wrote those stories himself, not his ancestors!"

Prazak paused for a few seconds. He took a number of deep breaths. "Anyway, I hope Deanna is doing well. I know you tell me she is, but…I still miss her. Things are fine, for the most part, with Sa and I, but I'll never forget Deanna. Clearly she meant something to me if I partially named my daughter after her! Just…if you can, if you think it's okay…just tell her…just let her know that she's not forgotten."

At that moment, Ludvik reappeared, jumping back into Prazak's lap. "Mama needs your help with dinner."

Prazak grinned. Deanna noted it was such a happy, contented look: Andrej couldn't be prouder of his son. "I'll be right there, Ludvik. Say bye to Guinan for now."

"Bye, Guinan!" Ludvik waved enthusiastically before he slid off Andrej's lap as quickly as he'd climbed up.

"We'll call again soon," Prazak stated. "Next time you can meet Isabella. Take care, old friend."

The video ended. Troi sat still for a long moment, the images from the short video, Andrej's voice, his looks, his happiness, continuing to play over and over in her mind. And Ludvik. Little Ludvik's adorableness and pride in his father was enough to make anyone's heart melt.

When Deanna finally pick up her tea and took a sip, she discovered it had gone cold. Kicking her legs out from under her, she stood and went to the replicator for a fresh cup.

Back at the couch she settled in once again. This time she went to the first entry on the list. She started the video.

Prazak had lived alone in the Empress' Tower for so long that he'd grown accustomed to the stone structure's familiarity. But that had changed when he'd committed himself to raising his first child with Lady Sa. But now, returning home to where he lived with Sa and his children felt less strange with each passing day.

He'd moved into Sa's home in the noble's district. Now his home. It had been difficult at first, and at times it still was, but after Ludvik was born the struggle had lessened. Becoming a mother had both calmed and driven Sa. She no longer put herself and her noble friends first. For her it was all about the family. And Prazak had adjusted as well. It had been so long since he'd been a father that he wasn't sure he'd be able to adjust. But he had and then a year ago, their second child was born.

Prazak still held his position as Supreme Commander of Tarina's army, but he'd delegated most of the mundane duties to other officers. Ever since the Ti'hi shaman and lieutenant had surrendered unconditionally life had been relatively peaceful on Sardis.

There had been a few uprising from disgruntled dissidents within the Ti'hi, but nothing ever developed into more than small skirmishes. The captured Ti'hi from Baut's invasion had eventually been freed to return to their homes, under the terms that if they were ever captured again during a revolt they would be summarily executed. Again, this had only happened a few times in the four years since Prazak's famous battle with the Chieftain. Prazak never saw the shaman again after she was let go.

Even with peace, Prazak refused to get complacent, hence his continuation of training and preparing his army. Just because the Ti'hi had been defeated didn't mean a new threat would never arise. And now, more than ever, he wanted Sardis to remain free. For his children. For everyone.

Stepping across the threshold of his luxurious manor, Prazak headed to kitchen where he knew his family would be gathered. They had no servants. Some of the noble families still employed servants, but it was purely on mutual terms. Tarina had made sure that the nobility, after discovering how poorly Count Formic treated those under his employ, paid their staff appropriately and treated them with kindness and respect.

He greeted Sa with a kiss. The entire room smelled of spices, cooking meat and seasoned vegetables. It reminded him how spent his evening training session had been: his stomach rumbled.

She returned the kiss. "All's well in the kingdom?" she asked with a smile.

Prazak smirked a little. "Of course. Between training, I spent most of today doing paperwork. Just like yesterday. And just like I'll be doing tomorrow."

"The ceremony is tomorrow," Sa said as she checked on the rack of meat cooking on a spit in the oven of the large stone hearth.

He hadn't forgotten. He'd been spending most of his time over the last few weeks in preparation meetings for the event. The ceremony, combined with a three day festive jubilee, was to honor Empress Tarina's birthday and continued reign. "Right," Prazak said.

The pattering of little feet on the stone floor announced Ludvik's entrance into the kitchen. Sprinting as hard as his little legs could carry him, he stretched out his arms and lunged for Andrej. "Papa!"

"Little Ludvik," Prazak wrapped the boy up in his arms and lifted him high for a hug, "I trust you were good today."

"Always," Ludvik responded immediately.

"Your lessons?" Prazak inquired with an arched eyebrow.

"History and reading today, papa," Ludvik said. "We learned more about The Kindly One. I read two whole pages aloud all by myself!"

"His teacher said he did a marvelous job," Sa added.

"That's my boy." Prazak pecked the boy on the side of the head then set him down. Ludvik ran off just as Zoja sauntered gracefully into the room. Ludvik ran by the big cat, prompting her to turn and bound after the boy.

Andrej watched them go. Zoja had always been protective of Andrej, but after Ludvik was born, the big Davnora cat's instincts had kicked into full gear. Even though she'd never had cubs of her own, she protected the boy as if he was one. In the cat's mind that's probably exactly how she saw him. Andrej guessed it would be the same when Isabella grew up.

Prazak went to the nearby crib. Reaching in, he gently picked up his infant daughter. She had her mother's eyes, but Prazak's dark hair. To Andrej she was the most precious thing in the world. "My baby girl," he whispered, rocking her in his arms. Isabella smiled, sticking her tongue out a little, then giggled in that way that babies do.

"She's been feisty today, but settled down as soon as you walked in the door. Like she could sense you," Sa explained as she came up to his side.

"My little princezna knows when her daddy is home." Prazak grinned.

Isabella's eyes squeezed shut as she smiled. Lifting her to his lips, Prazak planted a kiss on his daughter's forehead then set her back down in the handcrafted crib.

"I'm going to get cleaned up," Prazak told Sa.

She nodded while tucking Isabella's blanket around the baby. "Alright."

Moving through the manor, he stopped off at his home office suite to put up his longsword. Prazak caught the flashing light on his communication device from the corner of his eye.

Smiling, he made sure the sword was properly secured before moving to pick up the device. "Haven't heard from you in some time, old friend," he said aloud as he activated the device Guinan had secretly given him years ago.

Settling down in the chair behind his desk, Prazak activated the latest message. He blinked with astonishment when Deanna Troi appeared on the screen. She'd straightened her hair, but she remained as beautiful as he remembered. From what he could see of her clothing, she wasn't wearing her standard Starfleet uniform, but a more comfortable looking outfit. Andrej knew, from Guinan, that Deanna was still the Enterprise's counselor, so he figured she was currently off duty.

The message started.

"Hello, Andrej," Deanna said, her black orbs shining in the strange artificial light of her room. "I'm not really sure where to start. I never really expected to be communicating with you again. But I'm glad for it. Very glad. Obviously Guinan shared this with me. I watched all of your messages. I hope you don't think that intrusive of me."

Andrej smiled.

Typical Deanna.

She paused to let out a deep sigh. "When I heard you asking about me, talking about me, I was honestly touched. I found it comforting that you hadn't forgotten about me. I haven't forgotten about you either. Seeing you, hearing your voice, even on this screen brought back so many memories for me. All of them. The good and the bad, but mostly the good. Those are the things I choose to remember."

"Me too," he said aloud.

She was still speaking. "Your son. Oh Andrej, your son is so beautiful. And the way he adores you…you must be so proud. I know you'll be an amazing father. That you already are. And I really hope to one day see your daughter on here. That's if we can continue to communicate and share our lives this way. Again, I hope I'm not being impertinent in asking such a thing. When I heard that you named your little girl after me, my face blushed and my skin warmed. That means so much to me. It really does."

She paused again. "I must be rambling. But I'm happy that you and Sa have figured out a way to make a life together. For yourselves and your children. And that Sardis is still free. Your sacrifices did not go unrewarded. As for me, well, life on the Enterprise can be an ordeal at times. So many people depend on me and I love helping them, yet having my own time to decompress is a blessing. These messages helped me in that regards this evening. Will and I are, well, not much has changed there. I don't know if we'll end up together. Perhaps one day. For now we are content with remaining friends."

Andrej watched her stifle a yawn. It made him smile. He remembered her doing the same the mornings after they'd made love. His eyes drifted closed as those memories of her entered his mind. He really did miss her.

He opened his eyes and returned to the message. Deanna was smiling. "I should be going. I have a long day tomorrow and I've already stayed awake half the night with your messages. I just couldn't stop. I hope Guinan will let me use this again so we can talk some more. I miss you, Andrej. This makes me feel that we are still connected. Not physically together, not even telepathically linked, but that we still share something. That we always will. Take care of yourself, Andrej. And your family. Until next time."

The message ended. He played it again. After it came to an end the second time, Andrej sat motionless for a great while. His eyes stared at the device, but he was really only seeing the memories of Deanna Troi. His heart beat in his chest and he was awash with emotions that ranged from happiness and contentment to sadness and separation.


Ludvik's voice pulled Andrej back to reality. He set the device down. "Yes, son?"

"Are you okay?" Ludvik asked. He hovered at the door of Andrej's office. Due to his work and his weaponry, Ludvik was only allowed into the room when Andrej gave him permission. Zoja was with him and Ludvik had a hand buried in the cat's furry neck.

Pulling open one of the desk drawers, Andrej dropped the device inside. He shut it then entered a code onto the security panel on the desk to lock the drawer.

Standing he went to his son. "I'm fine, Ludvik. I just got lost in my thoughts for a moment, that's all."

"You looked sad." The boy frowned.

"I'm not sad," Andrej replied truthfully. Those emotions had passed.

Zoja's chest rumbled and her eyes flashed a number of colors until settling back to their normal ice blue.

Andrej took his son's other hand. "Come. Let's go help your mama with dinner. Afterwards we can work on your outfit for the Empress' jubilee. Then we can choose a belora flower from the bushes outside. Choose the one you want to give to the Empress. How's that sound?"

Ludvik bounced on his heels. "Yea!"

Andrej squeezed the boy's hand. "I love you, Ludvik."

"I love you too, papa."

Andrej was truly happy at that moment. He'd wait until his family retired for the evening and then send a message back to Deanna. He needed to let her know that even across the galaxy she was still part of his life. And that she always would be.


A/N: Again, thank you to everyone that has read and (hopefully) enjoyed this story. Its one I've been wanting to write for a very long time and I'm glad I finally finished it. Again, thank you.