To nightshroud96 : sorry if I made you confuse. Hope you enjoy this one. Razar is just a minor character in this fanfiction and I'm sorry too that Razar didn't appear in this chapter like I said before.

Father : Chapter 2

Eglor went out and fly up. He doesn't have to look for long since he can see that Joy went to sit at the rock, which Laval and Cragger call 'the Forever Rock'. He flew down and sit next to her. He noticed that Joy is sniffling and knew instantly that she's just've been crying. He rubbed her back comfortingly, which make Joy noticed his presence. But Joy didn't say anything and let the comforting hand or claw, comforts her. Because she hasn't feel that kind of comfort since a year ago after her mother died.

After a moment of silence, Eglor decided to try his luck and try to talk to her...

"You okay?" Eglor asked, which in return makes Joy confuse.

"What do you mean?" Joy asked.

"Are you hurt? I mean, after releasing that ice power. Or are you tired?" Eglor said. There's a hint of concern in his voice, which was noticed by Joy. She chuckled a little before she said...

"You're awfully worried, aren't you? You're the first one to actually worry about that. I'm fine, thank you. But if my father finds out.., he will take a beating out of me.." Joy said, fearfully at the last part. Eglor noticed it and rubbed her back again, to calm her down. It did the trick and Joy let her guard down a little.

"Of course I am worry. After seeing those bruises of yours and...hearing your family history.., especially your father's and your eldest brother's... It's just not right.." Eglor said, still rubbing Joy's back comfortingly. Joy was confused though.

"Oh..that..., you actually didn't have to take all the problem to try to cure my bruises.. They eventually will heal up themselves" Joy said. She still longingly stared straight up with a blank face. Eglor knew what she means and he fears it the most. It means that she didn't really care anymore about her hurt body and eventually feel care less and numb about the pain. She just want to end it, once and for all.

"You didn't think about ending your life, right Little Hatchling?" Eglor said. Joy noticed the concerned in his voice and the name he'd call her.

"Why not?" Joy asked blankly and innocently like a 7 year old would. She is 7 year old afterall.

"Well, it's not right to end your life. Besides, you're here now, your father and your eldest brother can't go after you, and your second older brother and your twin brother bring so much effort to bring you here so that you can live as a normal 7 year old would. With no abusing and healthy environment. Don't you think that you're just going to waste your brothers effort to bring you here, just so that you can end your life? They won't want that and neither do I, Little Hatchling" Eglor explained.

"I suppose so..." Joy said. "But why are you so concern about me?" Joy asked innocently.

"That's simple. Because you're a hatchling. And we, eagles value hatchlings more than anything. Even more than books" Eglor said. Which wasn't a surprise since he is an eagle.

"Oh... Okay.." Joy said.

"Now, come on then. Let's go back to the Lion City. Your twin brother is waiting for you" Eglor said. Joy nodded. Both of them spread their wings and fly off to the Lion City. They went to the throne room, or rather the chi pool and saw that Laval, Lagravis, Longtooth, Eris, Ewald, and Thomas are still there.

"Joy!" Thomas said and then hugged his little twin sister, right after she landed. Joy look at her twin brother with a guilty look. She knew that her brother mean well and always be there for her.

"So... Do you want to try the animal sound now?" Lagravis asked the two Flylanders.

"What animal sound?" Joy asked.

"To decide. Us Flylanders, can make a perfect animal sound, of animal that's perfect to look after us. The legend said, that an orphan Flylanders will try to make an animal sound, to decide, which tribe of the Chima who will adopt them" Thomas explained.

"Oh.., okay.." Joy said.

"How about you go first, Thomas?" Longtooth said. Thomas nodded. He tried to make the animal sound. And soon, he roared like a lion would.

"You're belong with the lions then, Thomas" Lagravis said, kindly.

"You're next, Joy" Eglor said.

"B-But, I can't..." Joy said nervously.

"Sure you can. Just try it" Eglor said encouraging her. Joy took a deep breath and let out an animal sound. Soon enough, she screeched like an eagle would. The eagles smiled at that and Ewald said...

"Welcome to the Eagle tribe, Joy" Ewald said, kindly. But Joy and Thomas shared a fearfull look. Eglor and Longtooth noticed them and asked...

"What's wrong Little Hatchling?" Eglor asked Joy.

"Yeah, what's wrong, Thomas?" Longtooth asked Thomas. Both Joy and Thomas shared another look before Thomas said...

"But...if she's with the eagles, and I'm with the lions... Isn't that means we're going to be separated with each other?" Thomas said. Even though they're happy with their new family, they're not happy to be separated with each other.

"Don't worry. You two can still see each other every day. Since both of you can fly, you can both meet with each other anytime, and anywhere" Eris said, trying to cheer them up.

"Really?" Thomas and Joy said in unison.

"Sure are" Eglor said with a smile.

"Besides, you two are inseparable!" Laval said, smile too. With this, Joy and Thomas shared a little smile.

"Now, shall we take you to your new home, Joy?" Ewald said. Joy look at him and then look at Thomas. Thomas get the hint and then said...

"Don't worry. We'll meet up again tomorrow. You need to adapt to your new home first" Thomas said.

"Okay.., but I have one question though.." Joy said, a little unsure.

"What is it?" Eris asked.

"If we both can make the animal sounds.., isn't that means we break our bonds with our dad? So we are call orphans? Because as far as I know, only orphans that can make animal sounds of Chima's tribes" Joy said. Thomas look at her with realization. It does mean that he and Joy already break their bonds with their abusive father, so they can live in Chima.

"Well... I guess it doesn't matter for now, right? Now, we just need to focus on healing your traumatize mental and the bruises and cuts on your body" Thomas said. Joy look down and didn't dare to meet the others gaze on her, which voicing their concern and shock to hear what Thomas just said.

"Yeah.., I guess so..." Joy said.

"Well, we'll see you tomorrow Thomas. You need to rest for now, Joy" Eglor said. Joy nodded obeyly. She did feel tired after all the events that happened in one day. So Joy waved Thomas a good bye and then fly with Eglor, Ewald, and Eris, to the Eagle Spire.

Joy followed Eglor to his home and sleep on his bed because he wants her to. At midnight, Joy woke up from a nightmare, where her abusive father come and get her to beat her up. Joy's cries woke Eglor up, even though Joy tried hard to reduce her tears into sniffles. But her dream is so scary and like a memory, so she can't help but to feel scared. Eglor didn't blame her. He even glad that he wake up, so he can help comforting the Little Hatchling.

"Sorry to wake you.. I didn't mean to disturb your sleep..." Joy said through her crying. Eglor feel bad seeing her crying. He rubbed her back comfortingly and whispered some comforting words. Joy took some comfort in this and eventually, her cries turn into sniffles. Eglor already took some thinking time when comforting Joy since this morning. He said...

"Joy.., would you like to be my little hatchling?" Eglor asked. Joy was surprised beyond belief. She thought that if somebody wants to adopt a child, she will be the last of the last to be pick or even think of.

"Really? You mean it?" Joy asked. She still traumatized with her real father. But she wants to experience the feel of having a 'real' father that acts like a real one. She knew deep inside that Eglor isn't an abusive tipe or a rude one. In her opinion, Eglor is a type of father she wants to have in years of her life.

"Of course I do. I love you already as my own. And I will take care of you and won't abandon you or abuse you" Eglor said. Which was really from his deepest heart and honesty. Joy took a minute before she smiled and said...

"I like the sound of that.. Dad.." Joy said, carefully because she doesn't know how Eglor will react. But Eglor reaction surprised her, when he suddenly wrapped his arms around her and hug her comfortingly and lovingly. Joy smiled and she hug back. She misses this kind of interaction with her mother, and Eglor seems to replace her mother or even...

Become her real father...

A.N : took a while to do this one, but I happy with this chapter. See you in the next one!