I don't own Harry Potter or Pokemon, it belongs to J.K Rowling and Pokemon Company. I just mixed them up to write this.

"Avada Kedavra" – Dialogue

'Mosmerde' – Telepathy

The Beginning

In the world of Pokemon full of life and energy everything looks wonderful. But like a coin everything have two sides, and so does this world. In the past decade, there have been two wars. The first war was brutal and was led by a evil named Gellert Grindelwald, He wanted only old families to have the control over every pokemon but at last he was defeated by Albus Dumbledore, it was a brutal match between Dumbledore's Dragonite and Gellert mega Gallade in which Dragonite came on top. The war was over but the main reason it started was still there in people's mind. And from these dark thoughts came Lord Voldemort. The second war was more brutal than the first one many innocent lives lost and Voldemort was on its peak when a mere one-year child abruptly defeated him.

October 31, 1981

Privet Drive

Lily and James potter were hiding with their son Hadrian "Harry" James potter from Lord Voldemort because of a prophecy. But luck wasn't in their favour they were betrayed by their friend Peter Pettigrew, who gave their location to Voldemort. Unaware of this the potters didn't have any Pokémon with them while hiding except lily's voltrob, this lead to their downfall as Voldemort came with his Gyarados.

James stood abruptly "Lily he's here take harry run!", Lily tried to argue but James wouldn't budge. So, she took harry and ran to his room. The door suddenly exploded and Voldemort came in.

" James potter, how nice to see you again? Alas we don't have to chat Gyarados Hyperbeam", and James potter died. "Such a waste of pureblood men but no one will stand against me". He proceeded to the room where lily was hiding.

Lily know that this was her end but she couldn't let harry die so she released her voltrob to try and defeat Voldemort but it was of no use.

"Please kill me but don't harm my Harry", "Stand aside stupid girl", "NO!"

"As you wish Hyperbeam", and she fell. Voltrob watched her trainer dying and Voldemort proceeding to finish her child so he did what he could and got near Voldemort and sacrificed himself with "Self-Destruct". The explosion was devastating but it took out everything around him.

Harry watched as his mother fell and he cried then he saw the big red snake like monster was firing a big light coming toward him, but then his mom ball like friend came and exploded. The explosion should have killed him but in a desperate measure he called something tingly inside him and a blue shield sprang up and he fell to the darkness.

Sirius Black was devastated he came to check on his friend, no brother and what he found broke him. He came inside James bloody body. "No No… James this can't happen no Prongs you can't leave me NO.", "Prongslet lily". He came to Harry's room and saw the room destroyed Lily's body was unrecognisable and there was carcass of Voldemort's Gyarados and lily's voltrob. The dark black cloak of Voldemort was lying on floor and harry was in his crib unconscious and a blue shield surrounding him. He took harry from his crib and the blue light dissipated. He cried for a long time.

"Don't worry prongslet I will take care of you. I promise you James, Lily flower I will take care of your son". Just as he was about to get out a giant like man came with an old looking but powerful man. "Hagrid, Dumbledore they are gone lily and James are gone" he cried again. Hagrid was also crying with him, Dumbledore looked painful and sorrow but he composed himself. "Sirius, you need to hold yourself for your godson. Go to potter's manor you have to inform Lily and James pokemon about this". "I can't", "You have to Sirius he is your godson. I understand your pain but you have to be strong for him".

Godric's Hollow

Potter Manor, Godric Gym

Potter's were an Ancient and Noble house like black's and the strongest gym in Atlantis region. It is the last and the strongest fire type gym in the 8-gym circuit of the Atlantis region. The gym is always led by a potter and especially their main family pokemon Charizard.

When Sirius came in carrying Harry James Charizard and lily's Electivire came running with their other pokemons. As Sirius told what happened to their trainers they all cried but decided to remain strong for their trainer's child.

Sirius placed harry in a crib and started to plan what to do next. He remembered the blue light surrounding harry, he also need to find the traitor Pettigrew and find a substitute gym leader as Harry's guardian because he himself led the Black's gym of ghost type in Grimauld town. "Moony can handle the gym and help me raise prongslet". He decided he needs to meet Dumbledore, but first he needs to rest and grief.


Hogwarts School of Pokemon Battling and Co-ordinating

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Champion of Atlantis, Pokemon Researcher, Atlantis representative in IPC (International Pokemon Community), Mayor of Atlantis, Headmaster of Hogwarts was sitting in his office reviewing yesterday's happening.

The Longbottom's were attacked by the Lestrange family and Barty Crouch jnr. While they were defeated young Neville's, parents are in coma from the torture at the hand of Bellatrix Lestrange. At the same time Lord Voldemort, himself attacked potter's he knew potters and Longbottom were targets due to the prophecy. At first, he couldn't decide which child was the chosen one but he had a suspicion it would be Harry, now the lightning mark on his forehead and from what Sirius told him about his aura he was sure it was Harry.

"Come in. Ah Sirius What can I do for you? and how's harry?"

"He is sleeping now. He woke up in the morning and started crying for lily and prongs but Mia helped me to soothe him."

"Yes, Mia is an intelligent and caring Alakazam."

"You should know that officer jenny caught peter and he will be going to Azkaban".

"Thank you for the news Albus. I have decided that Remus will be handle the gym till harry is ready, but I want to know is the bastard Voldemort dead."

"Alas I don't think he is dead, he just got a setback and he will be back. We must prepare harry. I am sorry for spreading of news about harry and the publicity about 'Boy-Who-Lived' but Hagrid was really sad, he got drinking at leaky cauldron and you know him."

"It's ok headmaster but I want to know about the blue light that surrounded harry and saved him"

"Ah, Aura. Do you remember the legend of Sir Aron?"

"Yes, but I thought aura user are extinct and sir Aron was last and I know potters don't have a history with aura."

"Yes, but what about lily", "I don't know"

"I will investigate it but he will need help of a Lucario or Riolu to control it."

"He is a child Albus, I will not raise him as a soldier."

"And you must not. All I am saying is when he is a little young you should prepare him. You know lily was one of the best student of this school and James no slouch either. You must have seen harry has a connection with pokemon he loves them even James Charizard and my Dragonite. I want you to develop his skill that's all. I also think Remus will be a big help and can take care of the gym."

"I can do that. I shall be going I need to check on Harry and meet moony."

"Sirius I think it's time you take on the Black lordship some would want to take advantage of the boy-who-lived and his followers are still around."

"I will think about it headmaster, thank you."

Potter Manor

As soon as Sirius entered he was greeted by Mia, the head caretaker of potter family. Most Ancient and Noble families have Abra family as caretakers. Potters have Mia as head Alakazam and 7 kadabra and 3 Mr. Mime to take care of various potter properties and potter manor.

'Little Master Hadrian is asleep.', "Thank you Mia, I am waiting for moony. I think moony can lead the gym for now and help me with prongslet. What do you think"

'Mister lupin is a good man and a great battler I think you have chosen wisely'

Just then Remus entered his eyes were red and swollen, it was clear that he had been crying. "Padfoot, How? How did this happen?".

"It was peter moony, Wormtail betrayed us."

"I will kill him"

"He is going to Azkaban moony. I need your help moony I need you to raise and prepare harry. Voldemort isn't dead yet Albus told me. Harry is an aura user."


"Yes, I am shocked too but Dumbledore will look in to it."

"I don't know what to do padfoot. How's cub?"

"He is sleeping now. You need to take care of this gym too."

"Are you serious"

"Last time I checked yes"

"It's getting old padfoot, but still it's the strongest gym"

Sirius chuckled at that, "I know moony but you are a good battler you will be ok", Sirius then looked serious and said "I have decided to take the black lordship and make harry my heir. I think I will adopt him."

"Are you sure, what about your children, will you remain unmarried."

"Remember the attack at the burrow where I was deeply injured"

"Yes", "I can't have a child"

"I'm Sorry padfoot.", "Don't worry moony I am still a Ladies man".

Sirius and Remus talked about their future plans. Remus decided it would be good for harry if he moves to potter manor

AN: - This is my first story, please review.

I have decided that Harry's first pokemon will be a shiny Charmander.

Before going to Hogwarts, he will have 3 more pokemon with him, any suggestions are welcome.