We're back babey with the last chapter of this story! This one has been so fun to write, I hope you all love the ending. leave me a review before you leave, they mean the world to me! Let me know if you want a short epilogue, maybe with Prim, Buttercup or Fin and Annie.

"Katniss, what do you mean the bet is over?"

"You know what the deal was, let me just be miserable by myself, it's so much worse when you're watching me." I grumble, staring at the ground, unable to make eye contact. He grabs my arms and makes me face him, tear streaming down my face as I wish I could just die.

"Katniss, I don't care, okay?" He tells me, his face blurry through my teary eyes. I shake my head. Of course he doesn't care. Why won't he leave?

It occurs to me, I could use a spell to get myself out of here. I murmur the words under my breath, taking slow steps backwards. The spell would let me pass through physical objects, like his hands gripping me trying to hold me there, as well as my front door. I can get out of here, never answer the door or leave my house again and then I'll be fine.

I finish saying the spell, wrench my arms from his grip as he continues to talk and make a dash for my door, diving in that direction to get out of there as soon as physically possible.

Man, I really wish I'd gone feet first, because my head slammed against my door. My vision grew black as I heard Peeta's concerned shout.


I woke up presumably in Peeta's bed, judging by the familiar clothes and smells around me. I was wearing nothing but an oversized tshirt over my bra and panties. It was now barely light out, the curtains blocking out all but the faintest light.

Frowning, I got up and looked around for the man himself, hearing noise where the bathroom must be. The door was cracked open, so I pushed it the rest of the way and screamed.

"Why the hell are you naked?"

"What the fuck, Katniss! You scared the shit out of me!" He yelled back, grabbing for a towel and pressing a hand to his chest. I struggled to tear my eyes away from the sight, but something about the planes of muscle across his naked chest made that very difficult. Thankfully, my eyes didn't wander much past that.

Finally dragging my eyes away, I caught a glimpse of myself in a very steamy mirror, only seeing how red my face is and how pale Peeta's is in contrast. I kept talking, hoping it would make this situation less terrible.

"Again, why the hell are you naked?" I prodded, keeping my eyes averted.

"I was getting out of the shower? Fun fact about me, I am one of those people that shower naked. Call me crazy." He tells me, adding, "And, I really don't mind if you see me... like this."

"I mind, okay?" I cover my eyes as he moves past me towards his room. He smells delicious, intoxicating even, and warmth radiates off him as he passes me. I have to gather my wits when his back is to me, schooling my features before he looks back at me.

"I left the door open a bit so I could hear if you got up or called for me. Obviously, I underestimated how quiet you are."

"I'm going to need you to at least put underwear on before you say anything else." I told him, unable to concentrate on his words while he was parading around naked with nothing but a far too small towel between us.

Rolling his eyes, he went into his bedroom, shutting the door between us and talking through it.

"Do you remember how we got here?" He prompts. I suddenly feel lightheaded and embarrassed. I'm glad the door is between us, he can't see my face flush.

"Oh... yeah. I'm sorry about all that." I had been drinking the whole evening, so much of our conversation is foggy at best. But I do remember throwing up at least once, a failed attempt at an escape and him having to deal with that. I rub my head where it hit the door - cringing at how idiotic I must've looked - and wince at the tender spot there.

I hear him laugh, although it's muffled, as if he's putting a shirt on. A second later, he opened the door, wearing jeans and a smile. The band of his underwear is visible above the waist of his jeans, a trail of hair hinting to what sits below them.

Damn, he looks hot. I bite my lip, trying to keep my thoughts from straying from our conversation.

"Yeah, all that." He moves closer to me, heat radiating off his naked chest like it had earlier. I feel myself melt when he starts rubbing my arms with his perpetually warm hands, sliding down to hold my cold, clammy ones. I barely register his next question. "Are you okay?"

Always concerned about me, taking care of me. It's time he know the truth.

"Peeta, I gave you a love potion. That's why you feel like this about me."

"I'm sorry?" He frowns, hands still holding mine. I let his drop and fiddle with the hem of my tshirt instead.

"Remember how you said using a love potion on you was cheating? Well, I cheated I guess. So I'll give you the antidote and you can move on, the feelings will go away, won't take very long." I admitted sadly, waiting for him to get mad or reassure me or do whatever he would do under the influence still.

"What feelings?" He asked, obviously trying to meet my eyes. I stubbornly looked anywhere but him. He continues. "You mean, like wanting to take care of you? Enjoying every moment when I'm in your presence and longing to see you anytime I'm not? Seeing you and having a shiver run down my spine because I can't believe how lucky I am to get to spend my time with you?"

"Fake. It's all fake. It's my fault and I'm sorry." I whisper, trying not to do something stupid like cry.

"You're talking about the feeling I get deep in my gut when you touch me, craving more of it. You mean how I can't seem to stop thinking about running my hands through this beautiful hair," his hand stroked my head. "Touching your soft skin," touch. "Feeling your lips beneath mine, your body pressed up against mine, smelling so fucking good." His arms snake around me, and all I could do was to stare dumbly up at him while his face got closer and closer to mine. He's insanely warm, and I feel the contact combined with his words stirring something inside me. "Wanting to spend every moment of my day with you just so I can see your cute little contemplative frown, or hear you talk about your stupid cat or a new plant you're trying to grow. The face you make when I open your car door for you, or the noise you make when you're eating good food. Those feelings?"

He ended in a whisper, holding my eyes captive. His lips were only inches away from mine, and a part of me wanted nothing more than to close that gap and kiss him.

But a smaller, smarter part of me found enough voice to barely make out the words, 'I'm sorry.'

"Katniss, I didn't drink the potion."

The spell was broken between us, and I stumbled backwards out of his embrace.

"What do you mean? I saw you, I put it in your wine at the caves."

"Did you see me drink any of that wine?" he points out.

I think back. I hadn't noticed, but he hadn't touched a drop of it the whole time. His glass was just as full when we were leaving as it was when he poured it. I had even noticed when he kissed me that he didn't taste like alcohol. He tasted minty... like toothpaste.

"What?" I sputter.

"Katniss, I was driving us, of course I didn't drink alcohol. I poured myself a glass because it would have been so strange if I'd only poured one. I didn't drink any, I dumped it out before we left."

I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.

Then all of this... was real?

"You actually like me?" I hear myself whisper.

"No Katniss." He says, but before my heart can sink through the floor, he grins at me. "I love you."

Relief floods me to where I believe I'm drowning. I start crying again, falling into his arms.

"I love you, Katniss, and if this stupid bet was what it would take for both of us to realize it, so be it. I'm in love with you."

"I love you, too." I sob into his shoulder, not even caring that I was making a fool of myself because it felt so damn good to hear us say those words.

I felt him kiss my head gently. He held me at arm's length and looked at me, wild hair, puffy eyes, breath smelling like I'd never seen a toothbrush.

"I love you."

I felt a huge smile break over my face, and kissed him despite my post-puke morning breath. He laughed against my lips, hands framing my face.

"We're getting you a toothbrush."