The Wild Card

It was a bright Summer morning in Brooklyn and a twenty five year old woman with blonde hair walked down an alley. She was almost to the other end when three male voices made her suddenly stop. "Look at what we have here." "Hey Babe, where are you going?" "My, you look fine." Alisha turned to the three men approaching her with a nonchalant expression. "Where I am going is none of your business. Now, I would appreciate it if you continued on your way and left me alone." she replied before heading back out of the alley.

However, a mere three feet to the safety of the side walk her arm was suddenly seized . "Hey, we didn't say you could leave! We want to have some fun." said the ugliest of the three overweight individuals. Alisha's eyes narrowed as she ripped her arm from his grip and snarled "If any of you put your slimy hands on me again I will beat you to a pulp." The three men looked at her momentarily silent before they burst out laughing, completely dismissing her threat. They began to close in around her and instantly Alisha tensed up.

Alisha dropped her purse on the ground and hit a button on her watch before getting into a defensive stance. "Last chance, leave or you are all going to be in the hospital." she stated but to her dismay none of them listened and instead lurched forward. That's when Alisha's skin began to glow a faint silver as her body's muscle mass doubled before the men's eyes. One tried to tackle her only to find himself flying through the air from the force of her powerful punch. She punched the second in the face, blood instantly spurting from his nose as an audible crack was heard.

The third attacker hesitated for a second and instantly Alisha reacted surging forward and doing a three punch combo to his ribs and face. This fight went on for another two minutes before all three men where on the ground, with various bruises and several cracked and broken ribs. Alisha however had no signs of injury except for a small scratch above her right eyebrow. She smacked her watch and instantly the silver glow disappeared and her muscle mass went back to normal. She eyed the three men on the ground and stated "I warned you. Maybe next time you will think twice before you try to prey on another female."

With that said she picked up her purse and walked casually out of the alley and onto the sidewalk. She walked about a mile before grabbing her cell and calling her friend Jake. "Hey Jake, there is three guys unconscious in the alley between 12th and Main. You can put them in for attempted assault and attempted rape... thanks... oh and they will need medical attention." Alisha finished before hanging up, Jake and her hand been child hood friends and he always helped her no questions asked. She was walking back to her house when the sound of a bullet firing had her hitting her watch and using her left arm to block the shot.

The glow around her had changed into a dark silver and she watched as the bullet bounced off her arm leaving her unharmed. Alisha immediately moved to run when an iron suit suddenly dropped down in front of her. Her eyes narrowed as the helmet retracted and Tony Stark's charming face met her eyes. "Miss Parks ... I think it is time we talked." Alisha looked at him warily before taking account of her surroundings. If iron man was here there was no doubt that at least one or two other Avengers were with him. Suddenly the black widow in plain clothing stepped out from the shadows in which she fired.

With a sigh she subtly deactivated her unique capabilities and pulled her keys from her purse. "Please come in Mr. Stark, Miss Romanoff... you can also tell HawkEye to come in. I don't intend on hurting anyone or running away." she said gesturing for them to follow her through into her three room apartment. After giving the three avengers cups of coffee she sat down across from them with an impassive expression. "What can I do for three of earths mightiest heroes?" she asked finally breaking the silence.

Tony sat back in the couch and replied "We heard some rumors about an individual with unique abilities but we never suspected that it was tech related. It seems that I finally found the prodigy of Professor Jacob Stone. Why did you turn down the multiple offers from Stark industries and even SHIELD when it was in play?" Alisha pursed her lips before replying "For the same reasons I have continuously rejected multiple offers from the highest points in the U.S. government. I don't want people stealing my formulas and don't want devices to get into the wrong hands... I am sure you can understand that Mr. Stark."

Clint and Natasha looked between each other before Clint asked "You have no military or surveillance background... how did you spot me from where I was perched?" Alisha's eyebrows furrowed before she replied "I have lived in this Neighborhood my entire life... I know my surroundings and therefore once Miss Romanoff showed herself I knew that you would most likely be near by. After all... word is that you will be retiring soon and therefore no doubt Stark would have you on every mission possible. Now... why are you here?"

Stark stood up as he handed her his card and replied "Your tech needs more protection than you can provide. I will send a moving crew here tomorrow, your suite at the new avengers facility is already waiting for you." Natasha and Clint were already walking out the door when Alisha stood up and retorted "I most certainly am not moving! And what gives you the right to give me orders!?" Tony looked slightly taken back before he straightened his tie and replied "The fact that I am from this very moment on fully funding your work and giving access to the best lawyers, and the best protection in the world. What more could you want?"

Alisha crossed her arms before replying "As tempting as your offer is... my uncle told me to stay away from the Avengers." Stark's eyebrows furrowed as he instantly had Friday run a deeper background check on her. A few moments later Tony looked at her with confusion as he stated "You don't have an uncle." The twenty three year old smirked before replying "You are not the only one who can hack into government records and erase things Mister Stark. And before the thoughts even cross your mind... no. Natasha and Clint can't interrogate that information out of me. Now if you three would please leave the way you came, I have work to do."

Tony looked to the two assassins beside him before he turned back to Alisha and replied "Fine, we will leave... but please consider my offer. I only want to help and you could be a valuable asset to the Avengers." With that said the three Avengers left, leaving Alisha to her own thoughts.

After an hour lost in thought Alisha went to her desk and pulled out a modified satellite phone and pressed speed dial. It only rang twice before her uncle answered.

B- Alisha? Is everything alright?

A- They found me Bruce.

B- Who found you? Are you alright!?

A- I just got paid a visit from Stark, Barton and Romanoff. They want me at the Avengers facility in upstate New York.

B- How did they find you?

A- I can't help it that I am a magnet for trouble. I have been having to keep my N.E.D. device on me constantly.

B- Ali I told you to stay off the streets. What if something were to happen to you, I am too far away right now to help you like I use to.

A- I know uncle. But... Tony is making a really generous offer... wouldn't it be better if I worked in Avengers tower? I will have the resources to complete my enhancements and be protected with the Avengers in the same building.

B- Ali ... you could get hurt even more with the Avengers.

A- But you are an Avenger and you are fine ... please Bruce.

B- I will be in New York in three days... we will talk about it then.

A- Okay. See you soon.

Meanwhile several miles away in the Avengers facility Tony Stark was scanning the history of Alisha Sofia Parks. "Friday... I want you to dig until you can't dig anymore. Find out what was erased and try to piece it back together... there is something about this one that I have to find out about.