Sum: "Yuki? Are you scared of vampire's now?" Kaname asked. Yuki looked down at him, tears in her eyes as she said sadly "I'm scared of Zero... a-and Level E's..."
Author's Note: Sorry for the lateness in stories...
Chapter 13: Evelyn
Kaname was holding Yuki as she told everyone what Eva had shown her and they were all pretty sure that this Evelyn was the one after Kaname and Yuki. When Yuki was done she asked
"How are we going to get the poor babies out of there Onii-Sama?"
Zero looked up and answered before Kaname did.
"Easy. We go in and start kicking Pureblood ass."
Kaname rolled his eyes and told him.
"No Zero. What we need to is first is to FIND the island. Then we need to find out what Evelyn's true intentions are. Then we can free them with Kawaii's help."
"Are you kidding me, Kuran? She tried to kill us!"
"I was under Evelyn's spell Kiryu Zero, and Kaname Evelyn wants you and your sister dead because you are in her way to becoming the strongest Pureblood in history," Kawaii said from the door, shocking everyone into silence. " And I know where she is."
Zero smiled and said to Kawaii
"Great. Led the way."
Kawaii shock her head and told them
"No matter how much I wish to get revenge against the Witch that controlled me, we can not. Not until Yuki learns to control her powers. Without Yuki's help, me and Kaname can not defeat Evelyn. We need all the Purebloods we can get, and with 3 against one we will win."
Kaname didn't like the idea of putting Yuki in danger but they had no other choice.
"Yuki? Are you OK with this?"
Yuki nodded and said excitedly
"Let's start!"
10 hours later Yuki mastered her powers, they had found Evelyn and was going up against her.
Yuki and Kaname were distracting Evelyn as Kawaii snuck up behind her and struck her hand through Evelyn's chest, she pulled out her heart and turned it to ash and Evelyn was no more. They then went over and released all the Vampire Horses and they were reunited with Eva and Ember and the other Vampire Horses joined the Herd.
A week later Yuki was given a job by the Headmaster to go out and get some things for him. So Yuki took Eva and had her saddle, saddle bags and everything Eva needed. Her tack was white with red roses all over it and Yuki was wearing a light yellow skirt that went down to her knees and had a slit down her left side. She had a white crop shirt that went over her belly button. She also had on little brown boots. Her whole outfit made her look cute. Yuki got on Eva and they went to Town.
1 hour later.
Yuki came out of a store with heavy bags and when she got over to Eva she placed them in the saddle bag and said tiredly
"We are finally done! Now we get to go home!"
Yuki got up on Eva with Eva's help and they started down an ally, they were all alone when suddenly a boy yelled out.
"Hey! You're that girl from that school full of hot chicks, aren't you?! You sure look it!"
Yuki groaned and after awhile he and friends had surrounded Yuki and Eva. Eva was constantly moving when suddenly Kaname's voice was heard.
"If you guys don't leave my fiance alone we will have a problem."
Yuki sighed in relief as they all back away from her to let Kaname pass. Kaname went up to her and got on behind her in his pj's and wrapped his arms around her waist and gently kicked Eva so she went forward. When they were alone Yuki leaned back into Kaname's chest and told him happily
"I love you Kaname."
Kaname smiled and said
"I love you too Yuki."
Author's Note: It's done and I'm sorry for it being finished this way.
What will he think of me? VK Kaname/Yuki
Secret Ninja Style BEBE! VK Kaname/Yuki
Back in the past. VK/Inu Kaname/Yuki Kagome/Inuyasha
Outcast Together Forever VK Kaname/Yuki
I'm in love with a Criminal VK Kaname/Yuki ON HOLD UNTIL DONE WITH WHAT IF? OR BACK IN THE PAST
A Vampire Halloween VK Kaname/Yuki