Kei-Kei Yuki: Hello everyone, now before we begin, let me start by saying that there will be three genderbending characters in this story. Two of them being Fem! Naruto and Fem! Iruka. Now before some of you lose disinterest, the reason why I decided to genderbend Iruka is for this type of story, Naruko will need a strong motherly figure since her real mother is dead. I know some might say why I couldn't pick someone else who is female? Well, I feel that out all the cast of characters, Naruto has the most parental bond with Iruka with the exception of Jiraiya. As I believe if Naruto was a female instead, so would Iruka, as a girl like that would need a female role model and guidance in order for her to understand certain things and grow. So I kinda had a reason to genderbend Iruka other than the idea been playing around a lot in my head. Now for that third person, I cannot reveal at the moment, so until then, I can not explain why I did so.
(Late Update: Make that four genderbends and again that will be explained at a later point in the story. Also, I've deleted This Is Our World Through Our Eyes as it just wasn't its time yet. Even though I did a poll to see which story idea the readers would have love to see become a story and the votes were mostly tied, I felt more drawn to this story. Seeing how this one has a lighter happy ending compared to Two Moons, The Sun, and a Cherry Blossom. Again this story was inspired from the manhwa a 100% Perfect Girl and Princess Hour!)
Beta by: Pure Red Crane
Chapter One
The Flying Kick of Love
Blue eyes stared up at the open azure canvas that was the sky, fluffy white clouds drifting south, a flock of birds flying in the same direction. Shielding her eyes when the sunlight almost blinded her, she faced down at the half eaten onigiri in her hand and couldn't help the sudden premonition that something was going to occur today. Whether it was good or bad was unknown to her as she finished feeding on the last bites of her onigiri before heading to class.
Despite the premonition, Naruko's day went on as any other day with her barely paying attention in class and sometimes even sleeping through them. There was only ever one class that the teen truly enjoyed and stay awake in, and that was Home Economics. Despite what most would judge based on her tomboy personality, she had a talent for cooking, particularly baking. Now Naruko didn't have a huge sweet tooth, but it was something about sweets that always seemed to make people happy. The joy and happiness that lit up the expressions of those who ate the sweets that she herself made filled her with a strong sense of pride, joy, and accomplishment.
Once class was over, Naruko went on to her Home Economics class, pulling out a hot pan from the oven and onto the top of the counter. She began placing a bowl of sliced strawberries on the counter along with a piping bag filled with chocolate whipped cream. Once all were set on the counter, she set about making the strawberry chocolate omelets. The blonde piped in the chocolate whipped cream in the omelette before adding the slices of ripe strawberries on top, repeating this step once more, before moving on to make the others. It was when she was dusting them down with powdered sugar that she caught some of the girls gossiping in class.
"What about the crown prince?" a girl taking a piping bag asked the one who was whisking cake ingredients in a large green bowl.
"Last night on TV, I saw the crown prince of Konohagakure doing an interview."
"Okay. And...?"
"And? What if he one day decides to visit here? What if we by chance run into him? Oh, I can just picture it now..." said the girl in a star-struck voice, off in her own little fantasy.
"Oh, let me guess. You think if you run into each other, some cliché Cinderella story where he catches a case of love-at-first-sight and whisks you off will occur? Yeah, right." Her friend began pouring the batter into a circular shaped pan while the other was decorating a batch of sugar cookies.
"Hey, a girl can dream! I mean, have you seen the pictures of him? He's utterly drop dead gorgeous~! The finest teen on the planet, proven by how he was voted three years in a row to be on the cover of Teen Vogue as the world top hottest teen. I would die to have that guy's babies!" her friend exclaimed excitedly, wearing a perverted smile on her face.
"Slow down, you might turn into one of his crazy stalkers. I'm not bailing you out of jail." The two began joking around, laughing when the other told a funny gag. Peering over at the two, Naruko felt a minor twinge of envy. She never experienced friendship quite like the one those two girls shared. Sure, she got along with most people, but she could never constitute a strong type of friendship with them. Whenever she tried, they would either have different interests and views, or found her too annoying to stay around for long.
Though Naruko may have felt jealous, she would rather have real friends than rather change herself. She wanted other to accept her for being her. Looking down at her desserts, Naruko decided right then and there to take some home and give them to Iruka. About an hour later, school was let out and Naruko was ready to make her way home. Listening to the music that was downloaded on her phone, she hopped onto the bus and after thirty minutes. After getting off and began taking a shortcut home, a commotion of loud noise caught her attention.
Taking out the orange earbuds from her ears to attain better hearing, she curiously began following where the disturbance was coming from, finding out that the noise came from a pair of guys down an alley not too far from where she stood. "This guy seems to be pretty rich. Take all his cash and his credit cards as well." instructed a male voice. Peering down the alley, Naruko saw two guys mugging another albeit more defenseless guy. Unconsciously clenching her fist at such an injustice sight, she sprinted forward.
Onyx eyes, despite the agonizing pain, glared at the weak fools who were proceeding through his wallet, about to pull out a credit card when something unexpected and out of the ordinary happens. He never saw it coming and neither did the two muggers who were knocked off their feet by a single flying kick.
"Oi, you idiots, just what the hell do you think you're doing! Mugging a guy in broad daylight! Don't you two fools know that there's a police station not that far from here?" Hearing the word 'police,' the two flinch. "Perhaps I should just call them over!" the blonde shouted on purpose. In an instant, the delinquents drop both the credit card and the wallet and flee from the alleyway. "Stupid jerks. Hey! Are you okay?"
"Oh my god! You're badly injured. I s-s-should call an ambulance or get you to the hospital or something?!" He barely noticed a word that came out of the girl lips, too busy being lost in those mesmerizing sapphire eyes of hers. The loud thumping in his chest filled his eardrums. His mouth felt dry, like he had been stranded in a desert for weeks. When he noticed her panicked gaze was directed towards his wounds and had a sharp sense of what thoughts were plaguing her mind, he quickly seized hold of her wrist.
"Do not call for a hospital. Just take me somewhere to reside." he ordered in a cold and stern voice.
Naruko looked uncertain, eyeing the deep gash in his left shoulder and the blood seeping through the right side of his shirt, mentally debating if she should go against his orders or do as he articulated. Staring deeply into those deep onyx eyes, Naruko saw how strongly they pleaded for her to only do as he instructed. Reluctantly, the blonde helped the foreign man from off the ground and up on his feet.
"My apartment is not that far away. I'll take you there myself." She told him, unaware of how he softly blushed a light pink when she wrapped an arm around his waistline. He felt his reactions were ridiculous, seeing how he just met the girl, yet for some reason, he couldn't make his heart calm down or his eyes to stray away from her. Inside, he could do nothing except scoff at the irony of the situation from a few hours ago.
Xxxxx Six Hours Earlier xxxxX
"Mind telling me what you're reading, dear prince?" The handsome raven-haired teen glanced at his personal royal bodyguard. His whose nose was buried in one of those porn books that he loved so much.
"It's one of those sappy, drama, romance stories that Ino is forcing me to interpret."
"Hmm, and how is the book? Good? Bad?" The man dressed in a fine and high-quality suit with a head of spiky silver hair merely turned the page of his own book, not sounding all that curious despite the question.
"Lame and cliché. A commoner girl and a prince have a case of love-at-first-sight. Only to find out that the love they thought they shared for one another is not like those that people read in fairy tales. Idiots. Now they have to work through a bunch of troubles and problems when the resolution to their relationship is simple and obvious." Sasuke slammed the book shut.
"And please tell me that answer, dear prince."
"Break up." Hearing this, his bodyguard removed his eyes from his book and onto the teen sitting across from him.
"By breaking up and going on with their own lives, will there ever be any type of peace between the two." the raven haired teen said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Only somebody who hasn't experienced real true love can say such a thing." commented the man. The teenager turned his attention towards his bodyguard.
"I just ended a three-year relationship not that long ago for your information." Sighing, his bodyguard decided to place his book down for a while.
"Sasuke, you may have felt some type of fondness for your last girlfriend, but you did not love her." He told him at point blank, looking directly at the raven who wore a scowl on his face.
"Then you're saying such a thing as love-at-first-sight truly exists? Please, Kakashi, you can't be serious. It's complete and utter nonsense." Sasuke said as if it was the most absurd thing he had ever heard.
"That's not what I'm saying, though. For some people, such a silly thing as love-at-first-sight truly does exist. One cannot really know the power of love until they experience it for themselves. Who knows, you just might run across yours on this trip. Though allow me to warn you, love is something potent. It will leave you speechless and unable to behave like your former self, which for you would be a good thing as you have a terrible personality." Kakashi innocently returned back to his book, brushing off the seething glare the prince was giving him.
"So I have a bad personality, huh? Well, since I have such a horrible character, please, don't feel bad about me throwing you off this jet."
"Sorry, prince, I cannot allow you to do that. Otherwise, who will protect you? Besides, the ladies will be heartbroken if they are unable to see this handsome face of mine anymore."
"Kakashi, you do realize you cover half your face with a mask, right?" Sasuke pointed out the obvious, talking about the black mask that covered the lower half of the man face.
"And that's the mystery which draws the women towards me. My young prince, you still have heaps to learn when it comes to women. Oh, I believe we're about to land." Right on cue, the private jet began to land. And so, about twenty bodyguards along with two others exited the private jet.
"I just informed the hotel that we arrived and will be transporting our luggage there first. I will drive us to the hotel so we can get settled in before you decide to do some sightseeing. And maybe even run across a few cute girls..." Kakashi suggested, only to be shot down with a glare.
"Kakashi, I don't have time to be playing with pathetic girls who are just after me for my wealth and looks," Sasuke said before getting into the car. Kakashi got into the driving hindquarters.
"Don't worry, my prince, one day you'll surely meet your hundred percent, perfect princess. You'll know when the proper time comes. Just be a little patient." said the silver-haired man, not that Sasuke was paying him any mind, working over next week's busy schedule.
It wasn't long until they ran into trouble. After leaving from the secured private airport, an assassination attempt occurred before they could reach the hotel. It was strategic enough to somehow separate the two from the rest of the bodyguards, who had up until now been driving in separate and different cars, secretly following them, as Sasuke wanted his arrival to be secret and out of the media and press. The two were left to defend themselves. After the tires of the car were shot, Kakashi instructed Sasuke to leave before any harm could come his way. Of course, the prince declined to leave one of his men behind.
"Our country needs you more than they need me. Now move it! Get somewhere safe while I attempt to get in touch with backup. Once everything here is clear, we will come and find you. Go!" Doing as Kakashi instructed, Sasuke left, but not before having two of the assassins follow after him. He was able to disarm and defeat both the man and the woman, but not before a knife, cut a deep slash in his left shoulder and a bullet from a gun graze his side.
Nonetheless, despite the agonizing pain, Sasuke kept moving forward, and before he knew it, was somewhere he did not recognize. Unable to defend himself against two weak muggers, who had removed his wallet and were about to take everything he had inside if not for a flying kick.
Sasuke never found himself so speechless before as he stared the instant those sapphire eyes made direct contact with onyx. Her voice conveyed a certain warmth and genuine concern for his well-being when he suddenly heard her gasp.
Xxxxx Back to Present xxxxX
Naruko somehow managed to haul the guy into the small apartment she lived in with her adoptive mother, who wouldn't be home for a few hours. She was thankful she paid attention in those first aid classes that she found herself unable to sleep through. Never did she believe such skill would come in handy, until today that is. She glanced towards the guy, or should she say teenager, who seemed to be about her age.
The teen was tall, reaching close to six feet, with smooth porcelain skin and raven hair that hung down the sides of his face while strangely sticking up in the back. Naruko could see no other person accept this guy rocking such a ridiculous hairstyle. Wearing the black muscle shirt that was underneath the shirt he was wearing before, the blonde got a look at the lean toned muscles of his long arms. The shirt was basically glued to his skin, highlighting the sculptured set of abs that was his abdominal as if they were carved there in stone.
From Naruko's perspective, he possessed more of a 'pretty-boy' face, the ones that you would see in those popular boy-band idols, yet there was a trace of maturity and handsomeness in that face as well. Though what really captured her attention the most, other than his good-looks, were his eyes. They were dark, almost like the night skies, hiding thousands of mysteries yet... There was a potent sense of loneliness too. They were eyes that she once carried before meeting her adoptive mother.
"No offense, but I'm surprised you know first aid." Naruto caught herself from staring intensively at the teenager who just spoke and moved her eyes onto the bloody shirt on her floor and picked it up. He was sitting on the edge of her bed, eyes watching her every move.
"And may I ask why you are so surprised?" Blue eyes rested on the injured and bandaged teen in the comfort of her room, hands on the doorknob, getting ready to put the shirt in the washer.
"You don't come off as the type." She heard him and felt a bad feeling in her gut about what this conversation was hinting at, but decided to ask her next question anyway.
"What type do I come off as?"
Before Sasuke could stop himself, his mouth opened on its own. "An idiot." He regretted those words immediately when he saw the livid expression the blonde was wearing on her face.
"So I saved a jackass. Nice." The sarcastic and angry tone of her articulation was not missed. "Well, since I'm such idiot, don't think I'll fix up those wounds of yours if they start acting up. Tch, I can't believe this!" She slammed the door on her way out, stomping down the hall. Sasuke sighed, running his long fingers through the soft tresses of his ebony hair.
"Maybe Kakashi's right... Maybe I do have a terrible personality." Sasuke placed a hand over his heart. His heartbeat pounded fast whenever he was in that girl's presence, who he did not know the name of. It felt strange, as if he was bewitched and put under a charm. "Still... Never thought I'd come across a girl who would save me like that. The world is definitely one strange place." Sasuke smirked as the image of her soaring across his line of view replayed in his mind.
Meanwhile, Naruko was starting the washing machine when her thoughts replayed the scene that just took place in her room. Feeling anger surface, she wanted to do nothing more than march back in there and plant her fist in that jerk's face. "Now that makes me want to smile." Naruko smiled sadistically before remembering the values of helping others in need that she had learn from her adoptive mother, no matter how much of a jerk that person may be.
Making her way in the kitchen, she was startled to see the jerk, expecting him to stay in her room. His elbows were prompt on the table, hands folded. He senses her standing in the kitchen and had a conflicted expression on his face, as if he was befuddled on what to say, unable to meet her gaze. "About what I said earlier...I...I didn't mean it. It just kind of slipped out. I know you probably think of me as a jerk for what I said, bad."
There was a soft laugh that, like the sound of chimes, sweet as a melody, filled the room. It was the most beautiful thing Sasuke had heard and when he turned to gaze at her, everything in the world stood still except that warm smile that broke out on her face. Again, he could hear the drumming of his own heartbeat, heat surfacing in his cheeks, feeling a strong desire that he had never felt before.
"Not only are you a jackass, but you're also one who does not know how to apologize. Cute. So..." Naruko decided to let bygones be bygones, unaware of the wave of new emotions Sasuke was experiencing and took a seat across from him. "Can I have your name, sir I'm-jackass-but-also-don't-know-how-to-apologize?"
"Sasuke. What about you? What is your name?" Even though Sasuke managed to remain a cool front on the outside, on the inside, he desperately craved to learn the name of the girl who was the cause of this strong emotion that he could not identify. Why did she seem to appear so beautiful in his eyes, despite only meeting her only a couple of minutes ago? Throughout Sasuke's lifetime, and due to his social standing, has encountered over thousands of beautiful and downright gorgeous women that could pass for goddesses who fought and sought out his attention, yet this girl...this girl with hair that appeared almost golden in the sunlight, with eyes the deepest and the brightest shade of blue that they instantly reminded him of sapphires. He should have been put out by the weird whiskers marking on each cheek, but he instead thought of them as cute. While he was tall, she was short, reaching barely passed five feet, but he couldn't really call her petite, somewhere in between.
Sasuke felt a sudden source of heat travel down south as he openly ogled her body in the open. He tore his eyes away and concentrated on the two long ponytails that rested on each side of girl's head. 'Her hair looks so soft and shiny. Does it feel like silk? Would she allow me to extend my fingers through it? I wonder how it smells.' These were the types of thoughts running through Sasuke's head before he paid attention enough to listen for the girl's name.
"I'm the Great and Aspiring Cooking Genius that can whop any person's ass in the kitchen, Uzumaki Naruko~!" The girl held up a peace sign, wearing a cheesy grin on her face. Sasuke felt like slapping himself in the face. Why? Because this girl did not fit his ideal type. He wanted an intelligent woman with grace, high social standing, and class, not this loud mouth girl, but nonetheless...
'Dammit, why did I think that was cute?!' Sasuke mentally exclaimed, internally and repeatedly banging his head against an imaginary wall, wanting to get rid of such thoughts.
"So, Sasuke, want to tell me how you ended up running into some bad thugs? Man, you gotta be careful. Those guys are all over the place nowadays." Naruko advised, removing herself from her seat for a few short minutes, returning with the chocolate strawberry omelettes she had prepared earlier in Home Economics. "I prepared these in class early, do you want some? Just don't eat them all. I have to make sure to keep some for Iruka." Despite how tempting and tasty the appearance of the desert held, Sasuke, unfortunately, was not a man who favored anything sweet.
"I don't do sweets." Sasuke informed her.
"Hmm, is that so? More for me and Iruka then…So you never replied to my question or is it something you wish to not talk about?" Naruko took a bite from the dessert, studying the uncertain and conflicted emotions that flashed in the Sasuke eyes before they were masked with coldness.
"It's none of your concern, so don't worry about it." Sasuke knew his reply might have come out a bit harshly, but he didn't need some stranger involved in his business or finding out his true identity.
Naruko just continued eating, seeing how it was obvious he was keeping something a secret, only she wasn't gonna pry in someone else's business. Whatever it was, he didn't want her finding out. 'It must be some serious stuff.' Naruko was unaware of the chocolate whipped cream that had smeared on her cheek, but Sasuke surely did. He didn't know what possessed his arm to stretch across the table, using his thumb to swipe the smudge of chocolate cream and bringing to his lips. Leisurely, his tongue licked the cream from his thumb.
"Too sweet." he muttered huskily. Naruko's entire face flushed a deep shade of red, though that wasn't what snapped her out of her stupor.
"Uzumaki Naruko, mind telling me why we have a bandaged up guest in our home?" Both teens turned their eyes to the source of the new voice in the room and found a woman in her late twenties standing at the entrance of the kitchen, patiently waiting for an answer from the blonde.
"Hey, Iruka, you're home!" Naruko greeted with a bright grin, before realizing she had no idea how was she going to explain her encounter with Sasuke, her adoptive mother who hated her use of violence or exposing to danger. "Well... You see..."
End of Chapter One
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