A/N: I haven't written anything since 2015, for reasons, I went through a rough patch with my family, I got depressed, I didn't like my writing the first time around, terrible grammar and my thoughts were everywhere, It still does that, and this time around I don't have a beta but I needed to do this. This is a OC story so if you like canon and hate OC characters this story is not for you and you should go watch the show, I wanted a character that was written seamlessly into the plot so it'll take awhile to get to the plot. My character is impulsive, free-spirited , sarcastic, hides her emotions behind her mouth, she has skewed morals, her life revolves around protecting the ones she loves and trying not to waste her life. She has 30% of my characteristics because this started as more of a what would I do in that situation, that being typed, the character is very different from who I am as a person. I don't know if people will like this and honestly don't give two shits, I started writing this for me and I don't know if I'll finish it or where it's going but I'm writing and it makes me happy. *throws peace sign* Later fuckers. Edited: 7/7/17
Chapter 1
It isn't as peaceful as some may think, at least it wasn't for her, she can't speak for the rest of the universe.
She had thought about death before, when she got lost in her thoughts one too many times. She never wanted to die young or anything like that, she just always thought of the ways she'd like to die, where she would go when she died. She's never been really religious, she believes in a higher being, even in aliens, the universe too big and fantastic to be the only intelligent species, sometimes she'll even believe in the supernatural.
But she never had much of a faith in anything.
She blames her overly religious mother and her slightly cynical way of thinking for the lack of faith.
She had thought about dying heroically saving someone during a robbery, which she thought to be unlikely given how hesitant and cowardly she thinks she is, but she'd like to think she'd be brave when it would count, or when she's feeling optimistic she'd die holding her last love of her life, old enough to see her great-grandchildren. Her thoughts on where she would go when she died varied with her moods, sometimes she'll think of Heaven, like in Supernatural, or the Underworld in Percy Jackson. She's obsessed with mythology, and the odd; histories theories of life and death, vary with each culture, religion and as time goes on so do the theories.
No one can say her imagination is lacking.
She could never settle on a place she'd like to go when she died, which is probably why she went, where she went, when she finally did kick the bucket. Buffyverse had different dimensions of Hell, Supernatural-verse Hell was mostly about the stick or the carrot, you got tortured and to get it to stop all you had to do was turn to the dark side, and no they didn't have any cookies. She has a lot of faults, but she never really thought about any version of Hell as a place she deserved to go.
Her main fault is either thinking too much or too little, she can be so indecisive about things.
She kind of likes lying, mainly cause she's good at it.
Mind games amuse her.
She's anti-social.
She's sarcastic with a razor sharp mouth that can talk her into and out of trouble depending on what she says; sometimes she'll say something mean without thinking.
Once she's obsessed with something it's hard to pull her away and sometimes that can make her ignore the world around her; but when you have her love, she'll be loyal to a fault.
And she's selfless to the point it worried her only friend.
As she got older she tried to look at things from the other person's point of view before judging them, which isn't easy but makes her feel like a better person.
She can easily make friends, almost as fast as she can lose them.
She never knew she was going to die with only her poor cat for company in her old apartment building in downtown Chicago.
She thought she had time to get her shit together, maybe finally visit her mom, put flowers on her grandmother's grave, have that movie marathon she's been putting off with her friend, she never got to say I love you to anyone other than her family and friend, or have kids.
But life - or death, never ends up completely how people think it'd turn out.
If you haven't figured it out yet this is the story of how she died, the first time anyway.
Waking up was never easy for her but she had been jolted awake by the fire alarm in her apartment building at 4 AM. Having only just fallen asleep 3 hours ago she had been slightly confused what was going on but caught onto what was happening when she heard the alarm blare again.
Tripping out of her bed she grabbed her important things as quickly as she could, her black cat, Merlin, and her leather laptop bag.
She could hear a firetrucks sirens in the distance, too distant, so she ran to her apartment door touching the door knob only to yelp in pain snatching her hand back,"Too hot." She looks down and see's the flames licking at her door, her body shaking with fear the cat meows worriedly sensing her fear.
"It'll be okay Merlin, who knows maybe good looking firemen will rescue us." She says with fake cheer, stumbling over to her only window, opening it and sticking her head out, she squints at the scene below, the fire must have come from the top first because the flames haven't reached the bottom floor, she see's all the tenants who live on the bottom floors rushing out the doors.
She'd bet everything in her apartment that Mr. Thomas, who lives four doors over, was the one to start the fire, he's a smoker that never listens to the new landlady that tries to get him to stop smoking indoors but he never listens; And the landlady never has the guts, or lack of heart, to kick him out because he and wife had been the previous owners of the building, meaning the landlady turns a blind eye to most of the shit he does, like smoke indoors or forget to pay rent, his wife died three years ago, she only had met Mrs. Thomas once, but she had been sweet and welcomed her to the neighborhood with an mouth watering apple pie.
He had quit smoking for her only to start again once she died. Mr. Thomas is also old as dirt, and started forgetting things like the date, she wouldn't be surprised if he finally kicked the bucket with a lit cigarette in his hand.
She looks out the window looking down at the high drop, she won't make it, even with sheets tied together to shorten the drop it's too high up, all of her bones would break.
Her choices are to fall and break all the bones in her body or burn alive.
Great choices, she thinks sarcastically.
Not giving up yet she tightly holds onto Merlin and she grabs her sheets, running to the door, "I'm not fucking dying a twenty-one year old virgin." She mumbles under her breathe, opening it with the thin sheet.
Fire, consumes her floor, she can hear screams next door, the stairs are ash.
She whimpers in fear mixed with frustration and slams the door but knows it won't do any good because the flames are already burning her door, filling smoke in her room.
"I'm going to die a twenty-one year old virgin." She says, in panic.
Dropping her laptop bag with a loud thud that echoes in the small apartment as she backs away from the flame that's now in her apartment, smoke surrounding her, dropping onto the floor next to her bed with a loud cough. She cuddles with her cat crying and coughing, she knows that despite hearing the fire trucks outside, they'll be too late to get to her, her being on the top floor and all, or what used to be the top floor.
So she lays on the floor by her bed crying like a baby, holding her cat, looking away from the flames which are quickly surrounding her.
She looks into her cat's vivid green, feline eyes, "See you in the next life." She says hoarsely, not knowing how her words are going to be quite literal.
She died by fire.
It was slow, it was painful, and way too morbid to describe in detail.
Death by fire, it's ironic for reasons you'll know soon enough.
That's how she died, but this story isn't how she died, it's how she came back from the dead.
Freaky right?
Somebody call the Winchesters!
She feels odd, she knows she's not on her earth anymore, maybe not even in her same universe, it's not anything that makes her think that, like a road sign that says 'next stop Parallel Universe'.
It's just a feeling, like everything that used to be and she used to be, shifted. It's dark all the time and she doesn't really have a body to move around, it just feels like her conscience is existing.
She knows someone is in this place with her, she doesn't know how she knows these things, only that she can 'feel' someone in this place with her, not physically but mentally. What she doesn't know is where the hell she is, she's hoping the hell part isn't literal because this might actually be her own personal Hell, because she's bored, she hates being bored. She was always doing things with her mind if not her body, because she gets bored easily. She's tried moving after a while when she finally feels like she has something to move, but she's too slow, she feels sluggish, like that time she took way too much Tylenol PM.
Sometimes whoever is here with her will kick her, she can't really feel it, but still.
She totally kicks back.
Over the course of what feels like forever but is only 9 months she slowly forgets things, some small, like her favorite color, some big, like her own name. The only thing she remembers with clarity inside whatever purgatory she's in, is that she died. She loses track of time and soon thinks this is what death is. A boring and dark place with nothing but your fading thoughts to keep you entertained. If it is she'll probably go insane within a year, maybe two.
Then air fills up her lungs for the first time in 9 months and she cries in sheer relief only to pause when she hears what sounds like a baby wailing. She's being picked up by big hands cleaning off the jello-but not jello but blood clinging to her body, she opens her eyes only to see a big blur of blue and white, she knows she has shit vision but it's never been this bad. It feels really fucking odd being picked up because she hasn't been picked up by anyone since she was a kid.
Wait a fucking minute.
She starts crying again, louder than before, squirming her too tiny limbs and when she cries she hears the baby crying and then it all hits her; she's been reincarnated, she's a fucking baby. When she cries again she hears another baby's cry syncing with hers, she assumes it was the person who was with her in what she now knows was someone's womb. Which means she's a twin, someone who she assumes a nurse is holding her trying to soothe her, cooing, but it's not working, maybe if she was a actual baby it would have. She's passed off to someone else, someone who she assumes is her 'mother' because next thing she knows she's looking at the blurry image of a woman.
"Hello, there sweetheart." The woman says, with a slight wonder in her voice stroking her small baby cheeks. She still can't believe she's a baby, no matter how open minded she is, this is still the craziest thing that has ever happened to her. She doesn't think she could ever call this blur of colors of a woman 'mom', mainly because she's still trying to come to terms that she's alive because she had accepted she was dead and not only is she alive she's a baby, but also because no matter her own mom's faults and problems, which were plenty, her mother at least stayed by her side throughout the years, which cannot be said for her father.
Speaking of fathers she hears a male's voice say,"She needs a name, have you decided on a name for her?" The baby in question is wondering about her twin, and where they are, she internally panics, because even though she hasn't properly met her twin yet she felt they bonded together alone in the womb. "Yes, I think I did, did you decide the name for our youngest." The woman's voice breaks her out of her panic, calming down slightly at the mention of her twin.
"I did." The man says but doesn't elaborate, causing the woman to laugh tiredly.
"Well, tell me our younger daughter's name, don't keep me in suspense." The new mother teases her husband. They sound happy, she's never had the both parents experience maybe this will be a second chance for a happy family. It's weird being a baby yet fully comprehending the words spoken, she's just glad she wasn't born in a place that doesn't speak english, just the thought of having to learn a whole new language and culture gives her a headache. Her thoughts are cut off by the name of her twin.
"Bonnie." the one who birthed her repeated, testing the name on her tongue.
That's a odd name.
Better than her old name, she thinks, she doesn't actually remember it, she keeps forgetting things; it's probably because she's got a baby's brain, she just hopes she'll remember once she gets older.
Bonnie, Bonnie, like Bonnie and Clyde.
Or- "Bonnie Sheila Bennett and Nova Amelia Bennett." The woman says, voice filled with love.
"Our daughters." The man says, with equal love in his voice.
Well that name sounds familiar, she swears up and down she knows the last name. But every time she thinks she has the answer it slips from her grasp, like trying to hold water in her hands. All she knows is the name sends a small wave a terror that she tries to ignore down her small spine. She was breastfed after the nurse taught the new mother how to, which was a really disturbing experience, and she quickly fell asleep after she's fed. Nova, her new name is Nova, which is just as odd and unique as the name Bonnie. Her parents must be hippies, that's the obvious logical conclusion.
Her old name is lost on her, so she'll just have to adapt to this new one, it's fine she's an adaptable person.
She hopes she can get used to it, this new name, this new life. For now she'll sleep as she's driven to her new home a few hours after her and her sisters birth.
Nova's days as a baby were quite dull, the only upside to being a newborn was that she could get away with doing nothing all day, her hopes that the fire and her death and rebirth was all just a dreams are quickly dashed as the days past by. Her new 'parents' are at least taking care of her properly, no matter how embarrassing it is to have someone change your diapers and feed you, at least they aren't abusing her. Nova has never been physically abused as a child in her past life, but she's not stupid enough to think it doesn't happen, or couldn't have happened to her in her new life, she got lucky in the new parents department.
Or at least she thinks so.
Nova is a quiet baby eyes always moving even though she can't see anything, she tries to make sure she only cries when she needs something, like a feeding, changing and sometimes when she's bored and the cooing of adults is her amusement of the day. Her twin sister shares a crib with her, it's a big crib, she's used to sharing spaces, She likes sharing the crib because she had gotten lonely, living alone as a semi-adult. Her new sister is adorable, she can't see her but she knows she's adorable, because sometimes Nova will feel a baby's hand moving towards her own tiny hand at night. Nova's 'dad' isn't around much but her 'mother' is home most of the time and when she isn't her 'Grandma' is, she doesn't mind, considering she just sleeps, eats, and poops all day. It's hard to see these strange people in roles she knows were filled with other people, not surprisingly her baby twin sister is the one she adjust to first. It's easier to accept that Bonnie is her twin sister because even though she had a older sister and brother in her old life, she at least remembers that, she never had a younger sibling yet alone a twin.
They are going to wreck havoc on the world, that's a fact.
Nova having a new grandma is harder to accept than the new parents part. Her parents from her old life never married each other, her mother and her grandmother raised her together, she never knew her grandfather. Her father in her old life loved her but was never there, he called, he promised he'd do better and then he'd disappoint.
By the time she was ten she stopped expecting too much from people.
Her grandmother from her old life, she doesn't remember her face, just her voice and laugh, what she can say with clarity is that when her mom was mentally ill and dad failed her, her grandmother was there for her, her rock.
Always there, until she wasn't. It broke something inside of her when she died; she had never really moved on from her death, but she pushed through life fighting tooth and nail for her dreams because if she did any less her grandma would come back from the dead and kick her ass side ways. Trying to accept this strange blur of a woman as her new grandmother was rather hard, and she doesn't think she ever will, but she does feel affection for this new family, they'll never replace her old family, but it's not hard feeling affection for them. She's always gave her love out pretty easily, even when she's wary of trusting new people, once she lets people in and they let her in, she loves them with everything she has.
A year passes by and Nova get's even more attached to Bonnie, being stuck in a womb and then a crib does that. There are playdates with children who drool as much as she does, her eyesight became less blur during the second month, teething was a bitch in a half she cried herself to sleep every night, and only stopped when she was given a chew toy. She feels like a dog but fuck that shit called dignity.
Nova has been trying to act like a normal baby and has been succeeding mostly because the only thing she can do is sleep, eat, poop or talk the secret language of baby.
She feels so accomplished, sadly she's not being sarcastic, being a toddler limits her list of fulfillment, her attention span got worse as a baby, which she didn't think was possible. Her vocabulary is limited to garbled words like, bottle, grams, mama, dada, and BonBon.
Bonnie's first word was Nova, she still feels smug about that, she had also made sure to only say her first word after Bonnie did, she's only seen a few babies during her last life and never really paid attention to their progress. She tries not to think of her old life and how she died but sometimes on a bad night she'll lay awake clutching Bonnie's hand and thinking of her old life, sometimes on a even shitter night she'll wake up wailing, remembering her death.
Nova and Bonnie settle into a easy routine, eat, be bathed and cuddled by parents, play with children whose names she doesn't remember the next day, sleep all night until one of us needs a diaper change or be bottle fed, rinse and repeat; at least that's how it went for a year.
Then something happened, she's not sure what it was but weeks went by with her mother upset and her grams tense, even her father spent more hours with them. Her new mother started checking up on them more, until one day she held us both for one hour long and then left; and never came back. First she thought her new mother died, and she had started to mourn as only a baby could, by crying, causing Bonnie to join in. But when no funeral came, and there was no weeping or air of mourning from their grams and father, just disappointment and weary resignation, it became obvious Nova's new mother wasn't dead but abandoned them, the thought hurt her more than she thought it would. She's always had abandonment issues, this just made it worse, because she had finally started to accept that woman as family. And she just left, not only did she leave, but it felt like she had planned to leave them. That woman didn't just abandon Nova, she abandoned Bonnie, her sister.
Nova has the memories of another life, no matter how childish she acts, or how young she died, her soul's still been alive longer than her sister. Nova could ignore the hurt and resentment she feels for the woman she had tentatively called mother - not mom she already had a mom, in her head if she had she been the only one abandoned, but no that woman left her sister, father, and Grams. She's not in a 'shoving her emotions down into a tiny bottle and forgetting until it implodes' mood;but she does it anyway because that's how she copes with the bullshit thrown at her.
As the months went on with no word from their mother, their father slowly distanced himself from them, sure he changed diapers and fed them when they cried, but he never holds them to just hold them anymore. The twins feel the change in routine, and the absence of their mother, along with the distance of their father, makes them crabby.
Grams ends up filling the role for affection giver as the years quickly pass them by, she stays near them longer than their own father, when it became clear that the whole having both parents to raise her was so not happening in this lifetime either, the more sullen she got. The thing that not alarmed per se but confused her was this connection she felt with the earth, in her old life she was never 'one with nature', she had enjoyed staying in the house watching TV throughout her life, she still does, but she feels this peacefulness she's never felt before playing in her outside with Bonnie at her side; or reading alone under a tree, the bark of the tree holding her up, the leaves shielding her from the sunlight, her bare feet digging in the green grass.
She didn't even scream when Tyler Lockwood put a worm in her pigtails, she just threw it back, in his face. That's another thing though, her childhood friends names, they bothered her, she didn't know what it was but they sounded familiar, and the one thing that hadn't gone away in this lifetime was her paranoia. But it wasn't until she was nine and playing with her sister and their close group of friends that she found out where she was, and what she and her sister were. The girls; Nova, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena had been playing with Elena's new play tea set, wearing princess outfits. While the boys; Matt and Tyler and a reluctant Jeremy roughhoused in Elena's backyard.
When all of a sudden the block on her memories from her past life lifted, the memories hitting her like a freight train.
It hurt like a hammer hitting her on her head, each hit harder than the last, it hurt more mentally more than physically. Nova paused in the middle of pouring Elena a cup of milk, because no sane adult trusted them with warm tea, she starts clutching her head, her face that still had baby fat scrunched in pain as she tried not to cry out. The girls start to worry, causing the boys to rush over when she drops the plastic teapot on the pink table. She cries out as it all hits her, fainting out of the chair and onto the grass from the pain. "Nova!" Bonnie cries out in alarm, dropping to grass next to her.
The only semi calm one is Caroline as she rushes out of the yard and into the house to get an adult, just like her mommy taught her in an emergency.
Her life from before flashes beneath her closed eyelids, it feels like she's reliving it all over again; her tragic childhood, her depression and loneliness in her teenage years, finding solace in books and TV, her hating the way the world was just so unfair to her but trying to keep moving because it's unfair to everyone, her finding a friend who understood her when she didn't think she ever could find a real true friend, everything from her old life is remembered, her old name, her old face, her old families faces, and then the way she died, the fire and smoke surrounding her, the vibrant green feline eyes that bore into her very soul as the fire burned her flesh.
Then the pain gradually faded and with it so did the reenactment of her death.
Nova's watery brown eyes open to see her Grams concerned face hovering above her. "Nova, are you okay?" A young and hesitant Elena Gilbert says, concerned for her friend. Nova aims a weak smile at her friends, most kids would have been scared away but they had all stayed, even the boys, with them hovering in the background.
"I'm fine." Nova tries for reassuring, from her Grams lap but failing.
She can see Elena's parents in the house through the window shooting worried glances at her, her reply causes Caroline to scoff. "Yeah, because fainting in the middle of the day is fine." Caroline sasses, making Nova question how could so much sass could fit in such a small body. Bonnie glares at Caroline with no real heat in her eyes, only concern for her sister.
"Caroline!" Bonnie reprimands, causing Caroline to roll her eyes with a slight blush on her cheeks, but Nova just smiles at Caroline, because she gets what it's like to have no filter and making inappropriate comments at inappropriate moments.
"Really I'm fine, it was just a really bad headache." She says and she's not necessarily lying, it was a really bad headache and it really doesn't hurt anymore, she's thinking the pain being gone has to do with why her Grams is here and she's not in the back of a ambulance. Her half hearted reassurances cause Bonnie to relax, causing the others to relax as well; probably because she's known to tell a fib or two and only Bonnie and Grams can tell when she's lying.
The Bennetts soon leave The Gilbert residence, her Grams driving them to her home, because the fraternal twins' father decided to take a plane to who knows where for a business trip.
After getting her old memories Nova's much more aware of the things around her than she was before, her Grams watches her with knowing eyes after that incident, yet she never confronts her, which is odd, it has her on edge for a week before she relaxes and just assumes whatever was found out while she was passed out is of no consequence. Nova's not sure why being at the Gilbert's home brought back her memories, she'd think it'd be hearing the name Bonnie 'fucking' Bennett or that one time they went to the Mystic Grill, the only diner in town. But Nova is not going to complain about her memories coming back, instead she starts preparing for the shit storm that is going to be her life, she becomes distracted during playdates, thinking of ways to save the people she cares about and the people she hasn't met but feels like she knows them.
When their father was in town she got him to give the twins an allowance, all she had to do was comment on his distant relationship with his daughters and ,voila, instantly given affection with money; it didn't work, of course, but at least she got herself a pretty, but old looking journal, with it's brown leather and celtic knot with the leather cord wrapped around it. A young girl not wanting a notebook with pink sparkles and unicorns on it, probably raised a few eyebrows but she likes old stuff, always has, so she ignores the looks.
Nova starts recording everything she can remember from the show, she stopped in the middle of season 6 and remembers some spoilers that she had hated knowing but is now eternally grateful for, she doesn't remember everything but she can recall important stuff.
Fuck she hopes she remembered the important stuff, sometimes canon and fanfiction blur together.
Nova writes every night in her and Bonnie's room at Grams house, the night light on, they stay at Grams house when their fathers out of town, meaning they have more stuff here then at the empty place they used to could call home.
Nova doesn't just write about what she remembers, she'll write about all the ideas she has, which is a long list or the things she wants to try, which is an even longer list, if she dares to even do it. She could never really keep a journal in her old life because she never had a reason to before, her life had been depressing and not all that interesting, now she has a reason. She can't allow herself to forget again; it literally depends on not only her life but the people she loves lives, so if she does ever forget at least she'll have a guide.
Nova really doesn't trust the flimsy leather cord on the journal, with Witches and Vampires actually existing, so she keeps it on her in a purple little shoulder purse at all times until she can spell it shut herself, she doesn't know why anyone would want to read a supposedly eight year old journal but better safe than sorry.
She had asked Grams to teach her how to garden, because she's seen her Grams garden when she was younger, but the elder Witch slowly stopped upkeeping it when her daughter left. Nova had asked before she had her full set of memories but hadn't gotten Grams to finally agree after she got them, and that's not suspicious at all. But Grams only agreed on the terms she takes it seriously and to not mess up her garden, or they'd be having words, she agreed because she isn't stupid enough to cross her Grams let alone a powerful Witch; and because Bonnie and her do almost everything together, they learn together.
In her past life always wanted to be special, important, powerful.
Now that she is at least two out of three of those things she's not sure what she ever wanted to do with it.
Being a Witch and knowing she's a Witch, are two very different things, when she didn't know what she was she hadn't really felt anything besides a strong connection with the Earth. But now it's like she's hyper aware she's got power running through her veins, because not only is she a Witch she's a Bennett Witch; she feels honored the universe thought her good enough for this kind of power. The one thing she's not going to uphold is being bound by her ancestors way of thinking, she's not touching Expression with a ten foot pole and neither is Bonnie, if she has a say in it, but she's also not going to ignore the darker side of Magic.
Ignoring your Darker side is just asking for trouble, but being at peace with it and having it work in tandem with your Light side seems smarter. She's honestly just guessing but from what she saw from the show was that Bonnie dived in too deep, too soon, with no one to guide her. Because hypocritical judgemental dead ancestors don't count as teachers, and with everyone relying on Bonnie for just about everything she never seem to find time to just learn Magic for her own enjoyment.
That's going to change too, she's not going to be running a charity so if she doesn't like the person asking her for help, she wants compensation.
Nova hasn't started practicing anything, she honestly is too scared to, it'd be stupid to try to do something only to end up lighting herself on fire, she shivers at the thought of dying another death by fire. Though she hasn't tried to do anything with her Magic sometimes things just happen, it happens with Bonnie too, but Bonnie always ignores it. Denial, such a sweet thing. It'll be little things like something falling over when one of the twins get angry, or sad, but sometimes she'll see things.
Visions; Nova knows it's Visions, but because of how she was born, who she is, she'll have Visions of what she already knows but was fading, like the reason for the twins biological mother leaving them, or sometimes she'll touch something and it's stuff she didn't know.
Like how Grams met her ex-husband, how he left her pregnant when he found out what his wife was. Also explains why Grams never wanted her daughter to be with a normal human. The twins father knew what his wife was before marrying her but never thought much of it, until she left him. At least that's what Nova got from the time she touched her parents wedding picture and ended up having a Vision of their wedding, she had found it when she snooped in her father's room; Nova makes sure to include the Visions in her Journal.
When Nova has a goal set in front of her, she kind of forgets the world around her, so when one day two months after her fainting spell, Bonnie approaches her about why she's suddenly spacing out, more than she used to anyway, she's not surprised, just amused she got caught by someone mentally younger than her. She loves Bonnie, she's actually closer to her than she's ever been to her other life's siblings. But she hesitates to tell her what's bothering her, she'll have to tell her something though because Bonnie is relentless when on a mission, and always just knows when she's hiding something or lying. Nova makes her sister follow her into the backyard because she's not sure if she wants her Grams listening in on whatever she's about to tell her twin, they sit down on the swing built for them, in the small backyard under the only tree, with it's chopped wood and double knotted rope tied to the big tree, it's seat just big enough for two young kids to sit, right in front of them is the small garden her and Bonnie started adding to as they slowly got a handle on their green thumb.
Bonnie is obviously trying to patiently wait for her to speak up. "You remember how I fainted at Elena's?" Nova fidgets under Bonnie's intense stare.
"Yeah?" Bonnie says, with a confused frown at what that has to do with why she's been distant lately.
"And you know how Grams always talks about how we're witches?" Bonnie's get's even more confused but replys,"Yeah, it's kind of hard not too."
Rip it off, like a bandaid, or waxing strips, Nova thinks to herself.
"She's right, about us being witches I mean," Nova says, rather bluntly, when she see's Bonnie obviously about to open her mouth to call her crazy she cuts her sister off,"And I know, it sounds crazy, I thought so too, but I've been having these Visions since I fainted and stuff gets tossed around when I'm angry, and I know it happens to you don't bother denying it Bonnie Sheila Bennett." She finishes, with a slightly frustrated huff.
Bonnie goes silent for a long moment, which makes her sort of nervous, and for a moment she thinks her sister is going to run away from her screaming that she's crazy, because sometimes she does feel crazy; she died, and then was aware doing her own rebirth, put into a different Universe, that used to be a fucking television show but now is her life, and now she's a Witch, she thinks she's doing rather well on the not freaking out part.
"I believe you." Bonnie says, pulling her out of her questioning of her sanity.
Bonnie, nine-year old Bonnie Bennett says those three words she didn't know she needed with such conviction she has a brief moment of a Vision where she see's an older version of her twin sister, wind wild with their Magic, smile wide. And she breathes out, because apparently she had been holding her breathe, huh, she hadn't noticed.
"Just like that?" She questions, Bonnie with a look of disbelief.
"Just like that." Bonnie confirms, and continues, "You've never been able to lie to me, you aren't crazy Nova and apparently neither is Grams."
Bonnie has always been mature for her age, sometimes she'll be even more mature than her.
Which is kind of sad now that Nova thinks about. "Good, I knew you would." Nova says with false bravado, causing Bonnie to scoff and giggle slightly.
"You were a nervous wreck, you almost turned blue!"
"Did not!" Nova says, rather childishly.
"Did too!" Bonnie says, equally childish grinning with a twinkle in her green eyes.
They start rather intense staring contest until Nova crosses her eyes causing Bonnie to giggle again. She can feel Grams eyes on them from the kitchen window and knows that the elder woman probably heard everything they said, she keeps forgetting that this isn't her old universe anymore. With things like coming to terms where she is, who she is, who she isn't any longer, she forgets things like Magic really existing in this world and that she has Magic or the start of the 'plot not so plot anymore but real life' being not just a distant but ever looming figure in the background.
It hasn't hit her yet, what she's about to deal with, but it will soon.
"Hey, Nova?" Bonnie questions, causing Nova to tilt her head in question, their short legs swing back and forward, the swing reaching higher and higher off the ground.
"I know you're hiding something from me, besides this whole being Harry Potter stuff, I mean." Bonnie says casually, causing Nova to stiffen,"And I know you don't want to tell me yet," Bonnie ignores her stiffened posture and awkwardly guilty facial features. "You don't have to tell me, I just wanted to know if you're okay." Bonnie finishes, looking at her twin in worry.
Nova sighs in relief, "Can't hide anything from you can I Bonnie?"
"Nope, but if it helps I can't hide anything from you." Bonnie says, grinning childishly.
"I promise, when I'm ready, I'll tell you." Nova promises, slightly nervous about the day she'll have to fess up, she won't ever tell anyone about the fact this was all a television show not to long ago, but she can spill about the fact her soul is reincarnated, the fact she's a powerful Seer should account for her foreknowledge.
"Pinky promise?" Bonnie says in all seriousness while holding her pinky out.
"Pinky promise." Nova agrees back just as seriously, looping their pinkies together.
They giggle again.
"Now what do we do?" Bonnie says, slightly nervous and not completely believing the fact their Witches, which Nova can relate to, and forgives her sister's slight disbelief.
"We learn." Nova says in glee, grabbing Bonnie's hand and practically picked her sister up off the swing.
"We learn?" Bonnie echoes, while being dragged back to the house.
"From who?" Bonnie questions confused.
"Bonnie, you're forgetting we're not the only Witches in the family!"