Hello lovely readers! I hope you enjoy this story, I just came up with it while I was writing "Only a Shadow can Reach into the Darkness" and decided to share it with you. This story is starting before the chunin exams!

WARNING: There is rape in this chapter. If anything graphic is about to happen I will mark the start and end of it like this X***X Please please please don't read those parts if you could be triggered.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto


When One Betrays

Chapter 1: On Dark Nights


Naruto was sitting at his kitchen table enjoying his instant ramen, his body still worn from the days training. The night was dark, with no stars or moon in the sky to shed light on the sleeping village of Konoha.

The blonde felt the fuzz on the back of his neck stand at attention, and looked around. He couldn't see anything dangerous, but the feeling he had tightened his stomach.

"You must be the nine-tails jinchuriki" he heard from the blackness of the hallway. The sound of the voice made his skin crawl in anticipation. It was cold and flat, but had a dangerous edge to it; if Naruto wasn't so frightened he would have found it attractive.

"Who's there?" he growled. When he received no answer, he decided to be a bit more forceful. "You had better get out of here before I kick your sorry ass!"

The blonde couldn't see the smirk that spread across the predator's face. Returning to his usual blank mask, a tall boy walked from the shadows, his red eyes piercing through the younger.

Naruto gulped when the figure emerged, "he… he looks just like Sasuke…"

"Who are you?" he whispered, trying to hide his fear.

A mock-hurt covered the elder's pale features, "Has my ototo never mentioned me?"

"Your little brother?" Naruto questioned before he remembered their first day as a team. Sasuke had mentioned killing someone. His mind whirled to the bridge mission, where the raven had confided that he had failed to kill his brother after Haku had hit him with needles. "…Itachi?"

The stoic man didn't falter when he saw the realization cross the young blondes face. Naruto felt his fear temporarily leave him as he stood and charged at the elder boy. Itachi easily caught him and pushed him back against a wall, knocking the wind from his lungs.

He held both the small wrists above the boy's head in one hand letting the other grip his chin. Naruto struggled until his gaze was lifted to meet the others. His breath hitched when he saw the tomoes spinning in his eyes. They were just like Sasuke's, but colder, more experienced.

That alluring voice tickled his ears again, "I'm surprised little brother hasn't tried to claim you yet."

Naruto let his confusion run rampant on his face. "Claim me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Itachi didn't answer, he simply leaned forward and licked up the tan jawline, enjoying the shock that engulfed Naruto's form. He pulled back and examined his prey. They boy's eyes were wide and frozen on him. Uncertainty of what was happening still evident in his slack jaw.

"Really Naruto," he started, "you're thirteen now. Surely you have started to feel attraction before."

The blonde kept still for a moment longer before the situation finally worked through him. He started struggling wildly against his captor, desperately trying to free himself. Itachi allowed his smirk to show this time. There was no way the kid would be able to break out of his hold.

The hand on his chin moved and buried itself in the blonde locks before yanking harshly. Naruto hissed in pain and returned his attention to the man's face. "Don't struggle against me. It will only make things worse for you. I won't tell you again."

The blondes fear returned in full force. It was obvious that he wouldn't be able to beat the Uchiha, but he couldn't give up. He growled through his anxiety and tried to kick him, only to receive a swift jab to his stomach.

Itachi let go of the youngers wrists and let him fall to the ground, hunched over in pain. He never actually thought the kid would be obedient, but after watching him for so long, his patience was gone. He reached down and picked up the pain-filled vessel and threw him over his shoulder, carrying him into the bedroom.

By the time Naruto was lying on his back, his air had returned and he was fighting again. The blonde was about to scream for help when Itachi managed to get him to peer into his eyes, his voice instantly leaving him. He kept trying to blow sound from his strained lungs, but nothing came.

"It is useless, I have you under my silencing jutsu. You won't be able to alert anyone" Itachi answered, still holding him down to the bed. The fear Naruto had previously felt had turned to full blown terror; there was no way for him to fight the stronger man off, and no one would be able to hear his cries.

The Uchiha leaned down to lick him again and he viciously tried to bite the pink tongue; if he was going to be killed, he would go down fighting. Itachi leaned back, annoyed but slightly exhilarated that the boy was still defiant despite his obvious position.

He picked Naruto up and threw him to the ground, kicking him in his already tender abdomen. The beating continued for several minutes until the blonde struggled to get back up. Itachi grabbed his hair and pulled him back to the bed, satisfied that the boy had received enough. The boy was too worn out for the moment to run, so he took the time to remove all his clothes, leaving his lean muscular body bare.

Naruto opened his eyes to see a very naked Uchiha coming towards him. Adrenaline rushed through his system and he bolted, almost making it to the door before strong hands latched around him. He continued to struggle weakly until a kunai was pressed firmly against his throat. He froze, his eyes closing tightly in fear. As much as he wanted to fight back, he willed himself to stay still as Itachi started to remove his clothes with his free hand.

First his shirt, then his pants. Itachi was behind him, the cold-heat from his pale body burned Naruto's bare back. He whimpered when he felt his boxers being pulled down, leaving him completely exposed. The blade at his throat pressed harder, forcing him to step back to avoid being cut. The Uchiha moved out of his way, but continued to hold firm until the blonde was sitting on the bed, his body trembling.

He threw the kunai aside and pushed the small body backwards. His hands forced the tan legs apart while he squeezed his hips between them.

Naruto could see that the Uchiha was rock hard, his member leaking pre-cum. He started becoming desperate when the boy kneeled over him. The blonde had no idea what was happening at this point. He knew about kissing, and 'touching' of some sort, but his young mind had never come across something like this.

His pride started wavering in his panicked state. He let his hands fly up to the strong chest above him and gave a light push, trying to get the elders attention.

Itachi felt the nudge and indulged his captive, giving him his attention. What he saw made his heart skip a beat. The boy beneath him was looking at him with those huge blue eyes. His face full of fear and confusion. "Do you know about sex Naruto?" he finally asked. The blonde shook his head quickly, his innocence shining through his frightened orbs.

He let how pleased he was at the information show on his handsome face, but that did nothing to quell Naruto's suffering. Itachi reached between them to touch the younger boy's limp cock. Giving up on being submissive, the blonde bit the Uchiha on the shoulder as hard as he could, earning a pained hiss from the older.

He used his strong hand to squeeze the locked jaw until it opened, releasing his bruised and bleeding flesh. With fluid movements, he grabbed the boy's hips and aligned himself, thrusting in with as much force as he could. Despite his self-control, he let out a low moan, the kid was so damn tight.

Naruto threw his head back in a silent scream, his body lifting from the bed and tensing. Tears started to well and pour from his wide, shock filled eyes, but nothing eased the severe pain he felt. Itachi wasted no time, he pulled out and forced himself back him, starting a fast and rough pace into the thrashing boy.

The blonde was sobbing. Gasps, whimpers and weak cries flew from his mouth, he gripped the pale boy's shoulders in his shaking hands trying to steady himself against the unrelenting pounding. He could hear the heavy breathing by his ear, and wished he had the nerve to turn his head and bite him again, but he couldn't.

Instead, he turned and nuzzled the blush covered cheek, trying to get his attention again. "Maybe if I show him I won't fight anymore he'll slow down…"

But the man wouldn't look over, he knew if he saw the pain filled eyes he might actually lose his nerve and stop. He'd waited so long for the boy to be his and he'd be damned if he didn't fulfill his desires just this once. His red eyes closed in pleasure, feeling the hot tight ring of muscles clamping down on him and quivering.

His pace quickened even more, and became uneven, jabbing into the silently squealing boy. He wrapped his arms fully around Naruto, lifting the boys upper body off the bed slightly. Itachi felt soft blonde hair inch closer to his neck, the wet tears being rubbed into his hot skin. With a few more hard thrusts he exploded into his forced lover, filling him with his seed.

His eyes scoured Naruto, watching as he reacted to the warm, sticky liquid. The blonde was obviously in agony from the feeling of the salty substance seeping into his torn cavern. He collapsed onto him, letting himself breath heavily, and enjoy the moment.

After what felt like an eternity for the blonde, he felt the elder start to move off him. He shivered as the cool air nipped his skin. Itachi went and took a quick shower in Naruto's bathroom before returning and getting dressed; he knew the boy wouldn't move yet.

The Uchiha leaned over and pulled the covers over the battered body and then turned to leave, stealing one last glance before he did so.

Naruto passed out before the man even made it to the bedroom door.


When he woke up, he immediately began to cry again. His physical wounds had already healed to the point of a dull ache, but his mind was far from peace. "Why me? Why didn't you kill me? Why were you so rough?"

He sat up and brought his bare knees to his chest, continuing to weep into them in rage and hurt. What isolated him more was knowing that he couldn't tell anyone. The Third Hokage took care of him, but it was minimal, and he couldn't bear the thought of what Iruka sensei would look like if he found out. Kakashi was too distant, and the people his age wouldn't be able to keep their mouth shut except Sasuke.

"Sasuke!" Naruto whispered hastily. "I definitely can't let him ever find out. He'd call me weak or worse!"

The situation started weighing more heavily on him. He wasn't sure if he would be able to be around his rival anymore, they looked so much alike. The blonde started to breath heavily and the distinct smell of sex and Itachi filled his flaring nostrils.

He almost ran to the shower to get the smell off of him, raking his skin under the scalding water. He kept up his motions until long after the water became frigid. He let out a broken sob when he realized that it wasn't working.

He left the shower and slowly cleaned his room, making sure there was nothing left to remind him of what had transpired. When he was finished he went back to his now clean bed and crawled in. It was past time for him to meet with everyone but he didn't care, he didn't figure they would bother to come looking for him anyway.

A persistent knock on his door woke him from his restless sleep. He froze in fear before realizing Itachi hadn't even bothered to open the door. Still, he cautiously walked over reaching for the knob when it twisted.

He jumped back when the door flew open, almost shouting when a distinct Uchiha form walked in.

"What the hell has gotten into you dobe?"

Naruto calmed down considerably. Only Sasuke called him that, he was safe for now and let his relief show.

The younger Uchiha was confused and worried about his friend's reaction to him. It was like the very sight of him triggered complete fear from his rival.

"Dobe…?" he asked again, a bit softer.

The blonde hadn't really noticed he'd not answered and blushed slightly. "What do you want teme, I was trying to sleep!" he shouted, doing his best to act normal.

"We were supposed to meet with Kakashi and Sakura to train today. Don't tell me you forgot" he replied.

"I'm not feeling well today so I figured I'd try to sleep it off and you interrupted me" Naruto growled. "Come on Sasuke, take the hint and leave already…."

"Hn whatever dobe, you never get sick," the raven started. He paused when he noticed the faint tint of bruising around the blonde's eyes, and on his wrists. "Did you get beat up or something?" he asked, concern barely evident in his voice.

Naruto's tan face paled in anxiety, "think, think… ok I've got it!" He mentally calmed himself so that he would sound convincing. "Yeah just some hateful villagers. Still mad I used to pull pranks and paint their store or something. Anyways, I need to heal so leave me alone alright?"

He started pushing his rival out his door, ignoring the protests. It took all his courage to touch the raven and he needed him gone. When he was sure Sasuke had left, he slid down the door and put his head in his hands.


Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you enjoyed!

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