Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor the characters in it. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, and is not intended to be profitable in any way.

Warning: There will be numerous graphic lemons in this story. I will not mark them. If you don't want to read them, try and skip past them. Otherwise, enjoy!

The door opened. Grumbling something incoherent under his breath, the man stepped into the darkened apartment. Closing the door behind him with his foot, he shrugged off the green flak jacket he had been wearing, tossing it unceremoniously onto a chair.

He navigated his way through the dark living room, before finding the light. He flicked it on - black eyes having to blink several times as the apartment was illuminated. Now, with the light on, he was free to kick off his sandals, and collapse onto the couch, a groan of relief escaping him.

The man ran a hand through his spiky black hair, grimacing slightly as the sweaty, grimy feel of the dark strands. A shower, he decided, would probably be best - and with much reluctance, he left the safety of the couch, and made the short trek to the bathroom. Shrugging off his clothes as he went, leaving them behind him in a trail, he threw the door to the bathroom open.

Without thinking, he pulled back the screen to the shower, stepped inside, and turned the hot water up to the hottest it could possibly go. The man recoiled at first, as a spray of icy, cold water splattered against his face - but sighed, as the liquid gradually warmed, before becoming an endless stream of steaming hot water that soothed his sore muscles and washed away the filth he had accumulated on his mission.

Uchiha Sasuke hadn't had a very good day.

Early in the morning, before he had even eaten breakfast, Sasuke had been summoned to the Hokage's office. There, he had been given a simple task - track down, and eliminate a prisoner who had managed to escape a team of genin transferring him from the capital to Konoha's awaiting dungeons.

The prisoner was a dangerous, high chunin, low jounin level man. Undoubtedly, he'd been free of his handcuffs within an hour of escaping - and although he may not have a sword, nor the energy to put up a prolonged fight, he was still very crafty, very smart, and more importantly… willing to do anything to evade capture.

Still, he had been relatively close to the village when he had escaped, and with the aid of some merchants who had spotted him scavenging some food early in the afternoon, he had managed to isolate, and hunt down the man.

He put up quite the fight. Unfortunately, Sasuke had finally caught up to the man just before a running river - and the escaped prisoner had used that water source to great effect, considering he was an expert Suiton user. Still, he eventually met his end by Sasuke's blade. The mission had expressly asked that the body be returned to Konoha, so with the man's body safely stored in a scroll, Sasuke had made his way back to the village.

Sasuke had deposited the man's body at the morgue, before going back to the Hokage's office for his debriefing. The usual post-mission activities occurred - a swift check up at the hospital, logging his confirmed kill, receiving his pay - before he was finally able to go home.

And that lead to now, late in the night. Sasuke standing beneath the scalding hot spray of the shower, watching as dried blood and dirt flowed down the drain beneath him. He touched a small, but deep cut on his arm, wincing as it stung. The man had used a sharpened rock at one point… and, well, the hospital staff hadn't deemed it serious enough to require a proper medic nin to heal it. So, he was stuck with it, for now. They had bandaged it, of course, but it still hurt a tad.

It wasn't that much of a bother. Just mildly annoying, if at times extremely annoying when a particularly hot drop of water hit the bandage and sent it stinging all over again.

He washed rather quickly, smoothing shampoo and conditioner through his spiky hair, scrubbing down his body with a bar of soap. By the time he was done, his skin was pink - from a combination of the incredibly hot water, and his vigorous washing.

Sasuke turned off the shower, stepping out into the bathroom proper. He yanked a towel off of the rack, drying himself off as well as he could manage.

It was pretty late, Sasuke realized, as he stepped out into the hallway - completely nude, although uncaring considering he was the only one in the apartment. He wasn't tired. At all. There wasn't really much he had to do in his apartment, unless you counted analyzing jutsu scrolls or just relaxing on the couch. Neither of which he was very interested in doing.

'I could use a drink.' Sasuke thought, now heading for his room. 'And a nice woman.'

After all, what better way was there to wind down after a mission? A stiff bottle of sake, and a warm body pressed against his side, and that was all he needed to wash away the memories of the day.

He dressed in some simple attire, nothing too fancy. A high collar, blue shirt - though not one of his typical ones with the Uchiha fan sewn into the back. This one was bare… and for good reason, considering his intentions.. A pair of simple black pants. And that was it. He ran a comb through his hair, brushed his teeth, swiped his wallet and key from the pockets of his discarded flak jacket, and was out the door.

Sasuke was no stranger to drinking. Technically, he shouldn't be doing it until he turned eighteen in a few months, but he had been doing it ever since he was sixteen or so. It wasn't a regular thing, just every now and then when he was feeling especially bored, but he did it enough to know where the bars were.

There were a few more popular bars, in more… 'safe' areas. Unfortunately, Sasuke really, really didn't want his mother, father, brother, or anyone close to him to discover his 'getting drunk and fucking a woman' habit, and he couldn't use henge because the sharingan or byakugan could see through that with ease, so he decided to choose a more seedy place. It wasn't that bad. The sake was cheap, the food passable, and the place was warm and inviting. It was just the location, a little too close to the slums of Konoha for most people's liking.

There was a generally warm aura engulfing the bar as he stepped inside. Most people were here with groups of friends, occupying booths or tables, laughing and drinking as alcohol, food, and tales were passed around aplenty.

Still, there were a few lone wolves. Women who had come to drown their sorrows beneath rivers of sake. Men who had come to find a quick lay from those same women. Not that he was any better, Sasuke thought, but at least he had the courtesy to buy them a drink first.

One girl caught his eye.

She was sitting alone at the end of the bar. Blonde hair the same color as the sun framed her face, although he couldn't see her eyes due to the downcast way she held her head.

Sasuke pursed his lips together. For all intents and purposes, there was no reason for him to feel this kind of pull toward her.

She was attractive, yes, but not jaw droppingly so. Her curves weren't overly large nor unfathomably small - they were subtle; enough to prove that she was a woman but not enough to be sexual. She was cute. But Sasuke typically didn't settle for cute.

Not this time apparently. He wasn't a slave to his mind's desires… but he could recognise defeat when they were simply too strong to resist.

He strode across the bar, weaving in and out of tables, side stepping busty women with hopeful looks in their eyes, and at one point using kawarimi to avoid a fangirl he vaguely remembered going on a mission with the year prior.

Finally, he was standing just behind the girl, who seemingly hadn't noticed his presence. With an internalized huff, Sasuke slid into the stool beside her.

"Hey." he said, giving her a nod. "Mind if I buy you a drink?"

The girl jumped slightly, but settled upon seeing him, recognizing that he wasn't one the guys who had been bothering her earlier.

'He's cute…' she thought. He certainly had that 'bad boy' look about him, with that dark hair, and those even darker eyes that reminded her of the night sky. His face was blank… but it wasn't stoic.

"Sure…" Uzumaki Naruko murmured. "I'd love a drink."

Sasuke smirked, a flicker of amusement running through his dark eyes. The bartender came around, Sasuke promptly ordering two shots of sake. Soon, two glasses of the warm, brown liquid were slid in front of both of them.

"What's your name?" Sasuke asked, downing his in a single gulp.

Naruko paused. "... Mito…" she said, after a brief moment of deliberation.

He raised an eyebrow. "You're a terrible liar." Sasuke noted, his smirk widening as she flushed.

"Am not!" Naruko insisted, gulping down her shot as a way to mask her embarrassment. "What's your name?" she quickly said, seeing that Sasuke had opened his mouth to say something.

He thought about it for a minute. 'Well, if she's not going to be forthcoming…' Sasuke thought.

"My name is Kagami." Sasuke said seriously - although the smirk playing on his lips revealed the deception to Naruko.

"Oh…!" she said, her voice accusing. "I see how it is!"

"Oh, what ever do you mean, Mito?" Sasuke said, his voice teasing, as he waved the barkeep back over. "Another round." he said to the bartender, who nodded.

Naruko pouted for a moment… but accepted the second shot glass as it was slid in front of her. She had really liked the way it burned going down her throat, the taste of the drink so bitter and yet so good.

"That's the last one you're getting on me." Sasuke said, pointing at her drink. "I'm not rich, you know."

Naruko stared at the mud colored contents of her glass for a moment, before shrugging. She downed the second shot as quickly as the first, letting out a refreshed gasp.

"So," Naruko began. "Kagami. What brings a young man like you to a bar like this?" she asked.

"I could ask the same of you." he noted. "But… I'm just looking for a drink…" He slid his stool closer to hers. "And some company, of course."

Naruko couldn't help but grin. "I came here for the drink, but I don't mind the company either." she said. "You a shinobi?"

Sasuke nodded. "Are you a kunoichi?"

"Damn right!" Naruko exclaimed. "I'm a kunoichi and proud of it!'

"Cheers to that." Sasuke said. "I don't think I've seen you before. Genin, chunin, jounin… ANBU?" he asked quietly, keeping his voice down so that they wouldn't be overheard.

Naruko paused, avoiding his gaze for a moment. "Chunin…" she mumbled after a moment. Sasuke raised an eyebrow. Again, it sounded like she was lying - really, she was a terrible liar, with the way her ears would pinken and her cheeks would twitch - but what point was there in lying about one's rank? Maybe it was just a nervous tic of hers of something of that sort.

Sasuke smirked. "Ah, I see." He really couldn't help but tease her, her reactions were… cu- amusing. "I'm a jounin," Sasuke said airily

"That doesn't make you better than me." Naruko said suddenly, her blue eyes suddenly alight with competition. 'Damn!' she thought. 'Really shoulda said jounin or ANBU, something cool like that.'

"I'm pretty sure the descriptions of the rank disagree with you." Sasuke said, his smirk widening. "Chunin is 'middle ninja', while Jounin is 'upper ninja'... so, at best, you're average."

"Hey, I am not average!" Naruko said, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You're the one whose average!"

Sasuke chuckled. "Sure, whatever you say." he said, waving a hand as if to brush her off. "Want to go half and half on a bottle?" he suggested, giving a pointed look to a rather tall of sake that was on the shelf behind the bar.

Naruko pursed her lips together. "I should really be kicking your ass right now, but I am pretty thirsty… how about sixty forty?"

"Ah, I see." Sasuke said. "I'm fine with you paying more, I suppose. How gallant of you."

Naruko flushed. "That's not what I meant you and know it!" she said hotly. "But, fine. Fifty fifty is alright with me." She grumbled something incoherent under her breath, shoving her hand into her pocket and withdrawing a crumpled wad of bills. "You know, you're a real jerk, Kagami."

"I try." Sasuke said, pulling a few neatly folded bills from his wallet. They asked the bartender for the price - divided it up exactly between the two of them, and soon, a tall bottle filled to the brim with sake was slammed down in front of them. Sasuke took the lead, unscrewing the cap, and refilling both of their shot glasses.

Naruko tipped the glass back instantly, downing it as nonchalantly as if it were apple juice. "Man, that's good!" she exclaimed, seizing the bottle from Sasuke and hastily refilling the glass again.

"You're a bit of an alcoholic, aren't you?" Sasuke said.

That put a stop to her brief spell of joy. 'Teme…' she thought, resisting the urge to grind her teeth. "I am not an alcoholic." she insisted. "I just… um… well, to be honest, this is like my third time drinking ever, so give me a break, will ya?"



"How old are you?" Sasuke asked.

"Seventeen." Naruko answered. "You?"

"The same."

Her eyes narrowed. "... when's your birthday?" she asked.

"Trying to see which one of us is older?" Sasuke correctly deduced. Naruko's smirk proved him right. Praying that she wasn't born in the spring or late winter, Sasuke quickly told her the answer. "July twenty third."

Her face suddenly became crestfallen. "... October tenth…" Naruko muttered weakly.

Sasuke chuckled. "Don't worry about it, newbie." Sasuke said, reaching over and ruffling her hair playfully. "I'm sure a little girl like you will be perfectly safe around me."

Trying to distract herself from just how warm his touch was, Naruko batted his hand away. "I am not a little girl…!" she said warningly. "We're the same age, Kagami!"

"I'm sorry… I thought July came before October?" Sasuke said, his voice teasing. "Was I mistaken?"

"Jerk!" she said, socking him in the shoulder. Sasuke rubbed it. 'She can punch pretty damn hard,' he thought, though he didn't show any real reaction on the outside, aside from rubbing his shoulder.

"You shouldn't be so violent to people you barely know, Mito." Sasuke said. "It sets a bad example."

"I'll show you a bad example…" Naruko grumbled, downing her fourth shot, and swiftly refilling the glass once more. She downed it. And then, refilled her glass again.

Sasuke frowned. "You should probably go easy on the drink.." he said, his hand twitching as if he wanted to rip the bottle away from her. "You might overdo it a bit, at the rate you're going."

"I'll be fine." Naruko insisted. "Us Uzu- I mean, I've got a strong system. I'll be good." 'Not to mention… him.' she thought, her spare hand brushing against her stomach.

"If you say so." Sasuke said, although he appeared not entirely convinced. "So. Are you really a kunoichi?" he couldn't help but ask. "Because I've never seen a ninja wear something like that." He was, of course, referring to her outfit - a orange and black outfit that would stick out like a sorethumb no matter who was wearing it.

"I am a kunoichi!" she said, after downing a sixth shot. "And don't you dare diss my favorite color!" The amount of times she'd heard the same crap from her parents… ugh. "Orange is awesome, and that is final."

His lips twitched. "Not the first time you've heard that, hmm?" he said.

"Like you wouldn't believe." Naruko said, exasperated. "And besides, who are you to talk?" she pointed out. "You look like you're ready to go to a goth party or something."

Sasuke frowned. "That was uncalled for," he grumbled.

Naruko grinned. "There's a lot more where that came from, mister." she said, poking him in the shoulder. Another shot, shared between the both of them. "So, you from some fancy, shmancy clan?" she asked.

"What's the point of using fake names if I tell you what clan I'm part of?" Sasuke said.

Naruko nodded. "So that's a yes, then."

"Maybe." Sasuke grudgingly admitted.

At this point, they weren't even using the shot glasses anymore. Instead, they were passing the bottle in between each other - Sasuke taking a sip, while Naruko continuously downed swigs.

Naruko grinned, reaching a hand up, sinking it into his raven strands. "Your hair is sho soft…!" she cooed, nearly falling out of her stool. That action allowed Sasuke to get a good sniff - and through the stench of alcohol and smoke that filled the bar, he caught a whiff of… jasmine. He groaned, although it was lost on Naruko, who was still caressing his hair.

"Ge-get away from my hair." he said, clumsily batting her hand away.

"But it's sooooftt….!" Naruko whined.

Sasuke reached a hand forward, his fingers brushing against her cheek. "So are you…" he murmured.

They stared at each other.

"Hey… Ka-Kagami…?" Naruko stammered.


"Are you thinking what- what I'm thinking?" she asked, tilting her head forward so that their foreheads were pressed against each other.

Sasuke nodded, his cheeks a little rosy. "Yeah…" he mumbled.

"I could reallly go for some ramen right now." Naruko said, grinning.

Sasuke frowned.

"Just kidding~!" Naruko said, laughing at the look on Sasuke's face. She leaned forward, until her hot breath was tickling his ear. "So…" she mumbled. "Your place or mine? And please say your place."

"Too far." Sasuke grumbled. "How about a hotel?"

Naruko groaned into his ear, swaying from side to side on her stool. "Finne." she said. "But you're paying."

"Done…" Sasuke said.

They both stood up. Sasuke, slapped a few bills on the counter to pay for the drinks he'd ordered earlier, and together, they both stumbled out of the bar. Sasuke was still relatively steady on his feet, but it seems the fact that Naruko had drank three times the alcohol he had caught up to her. She was still in control of her body - but she would stagger every now and then, and giggle at strange moments.

Not that he minded. The sound of her giggling was strangely… endearing.

Thankfully, a hotel wasn't too far away from the bar. A discrete one, where the owners preferred to be paid in cash. Sasuke had just barely enough money to cover a room for the night. He paid in his name, and after scrawling his signature onto a piece of parchment and getting the key to the room, the two of them made their way down the hall.

Naruko couldn't keep her hands off of him, clinging to his side, giggling uncontrollably as Sasuke was forced to half-carry half-lead her to the room. It was painstaking to free an arm and twist the key into the lock, but finally they made it.

The instant the door slammed shut behind them, the two of them fell into bed together. Lips pressed together, hands freely roaming the other's body, the both of them rolling back and forth on the bed, exchanging who was on top several times.

Sasuke couldn't get over how soft she was. For such a feisty girl, her body was the exact opposite. As they kissed, grinding themselves against each other, their bodies seemed to melt into each other, to mix. Normally, he abhorred sweet things - but he could always make exceptions, and the sweet taste of her lips, almost like nectar, certainly fell into that category.

Naruko was in a similar boat. She was astounded by how warm he was, as if he was a living, moving, breathing radiator. It was so surprising to her, that someone who seemed so cold could exude such incredible amounts of heat.

The smell of alcohol hung in the air. She was straddling him, her lips pressed to his, his hands groping her ass without shame. Then, he was straddling her - attacking the creamy skin of her neck, leaving her mewling beneath him. Again, she was on top of him, grinding her crotch against his, running her hands up and down his chest and licking his earlobe in a way that left him flushed.

"Fuck, you have no idea how much I want you…" Sasuke murmured.

Naruko grinned, but said nothing. Instead she reared back, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it off of the bed. She wore a blue bra underneath - it wasn't silky or lacy, fuck, if Sasuke didn't enjoy the sight of her in it, he wouldn't be a man. She dipped her head back down. Not to kiss him, no, although she really wanted to do that again, she had other things in mind. Naruko pulled his shirt over her head, letting out a soft moan as his muscled chest was finally brought into view.

There was a whirl. Suddenly, their positions were reversed, both of her hands held down by one of his. Sasuke smirked down at her, and she heard the rustle of cloth - his pants being pulled down, and then thrown off the bed, meeting the same fate their shirts had. She couldn't help notice the bulge in his boxers, a testament to the fact that he was just as aroused as she was. Which made her grin, for some reason.

He halted for a moment, his fingers hooked in the waistband of her own pants. Black eyes met blue ones. Sasuke didn't say anything - but the expression on his face told the entire story. 'Can I…?'

Naruko beamed at him. And then, with a nod of her head, Sasuke's chances of getting lucky that night skyrocketed to well past a hundred present. With no small amount of haste, Sasuke jerked her pants off, throwing them to the side as if they were radioactive. Her panties were disposed of just as quickly, and Sasuke honestly couldn't help himself. He pulled her thighs apart, forcing a yelp from Naruko's lips. Without warning, one of his fingers found themselves buried in her folds.

"Tight…" Sasuke murmured, pumping the digit in and out of her, relishing in the soft suction of her insides around his pointer finger. He wasn't idle either. In all actuality - although he would never admit to this - he had been clumsily attempting to unhook her bra for the past minute or so, but with one hand busy doing… other things, it was so far unsuccessful. With a laugh, Naruko batted his hands away from the clasp, and as if she were simply counting from one to ten, she unhooked her bra. He frowned. She grinned.

Naruko being Naruko, she was a little tease. Both of her hands slinked forward, holding the cups over her breasts, preventing the globes from spilling free despite her bra being unhooked. Sasuke's eyes narrowed. In response, he added a second finger to the one pumping in and out of her snatch, and she gritted her teeth.

"Bastard…" she muttered, flinging the bra away. Sasuke was half tempted to activate his sharingan - just so he could forever remember the sight of her delicious breasts, but he knew that would kind of ruin the whole 'not using each other's names' thing.

She was nice and wet now. There was still a little ways to go - but soon, Sasuke knew the real fun would come. In order to speed up that process, Sasuke decided to play with her a little bit, because fuck, he might have doubted her hotness earlier, but this girl seemed like a goddess now, with her naked body bared before him. Two of his fingers still pumping into her snatch, he dipped his head down, taking one of her breasts into his mouth. His free hand wasn't idle either, groping her other tit, squeezing it and running her nipple in between his pointer and thumb.

Naruko was more than content to sit back and relax, as Sasuke played her body like a fiddle. Her face appeared flushed from the effort of not moaning (although she really, really wanted to), but she really couldn't deny the burning arousal in her loins, showed by the copious amounts of liquid that began to pour past Sasuke's fingers and down her thighs.

So, she did the best thing she could think of to deflect from her embarrassment. Namely, reaching out and grasping his raven spikes.

"He, he, hee…" she giggled, her cheeks tinting up slightly. "Your hair's so soft!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. But, he couldn't help the small smile that settled on his lips. "I think you're ready now," he said, pulling his head back, withdrawing one hand from her tit and the other unsheathing itself from her snatch.

With a casual yank, he pulled off his boxers - freeing his hardened member. Naruko pointedly looked away from it, afraid that she'd… ogle it or something. She couldn't help but shiver, as it scraped against her thigh. If she'd thought he was warm, it was nothing compared to what he possessed in between his legs. Fuck, it felt like molten lava against her skin, in a good way, if that was possible.

And then, he positioned himself at her entrance. Her juices, so copious and so plentiful that they leaked past the mushroom head and trickled down his throbbing shaft. He appeared to hesitate a moment. And then, with a soft pump of his hips, he slid inside. Naruko had to bite the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from crying out in pain, but she managed. She reached her hands up, looping them around his torso, resting her head on his shoulder.

He began to thrust. In, out, in, out. It hurt, Naruko realized, but she didn't let him on to the fact that she was experiencing any discomfort - and so, he soldiered on. He kept his thrusts steady, which she was thankful for, tears glistening in her eyes.

Some force up there decided to bless her, and it did so by gradually reducing the pain until it was no more than a gentle throb, and eventually it faded altogether.

Soon she began to moan. Sasuke did as well, although it sounded more as a low growl than anything. "Tight…" he once again murmured into her ear, unable to help himself.

Naruko smiled. "Well, I hope your enjoying it, Kagami," she said teasing. "Because the-"

"Sasuke." he said suddenly.

Naruko blinked, tilting her head to the side. He continued to hammer away at her as she worked through her shock. Finally, she said- "What…?"

"My name isn't Kagami." he said. "It's- it's Sasuke."

There was a silent question in his tone. One that was begging to be answered.

"Naruko." she said finally. "My name is Naruko."

There was nothing said after that. There was an… understanding? If you could call it that. They still didn't know each other's family names, what clan they were part of, or anything like that… but there was a certain degree of trust involved in digressing your given name to a stranger, especially considering the two's respective statuses.

It was quiet, except for the soft slap slap of Sasuke's thighs smacking against Naruko's. He let out a low moan every now and then, while she was adamant about not letting a teme like him hear her moans - although she cracked every now and then, and let out a groan that was strangely high pitched.

Sasuke knew he was growing close after a while. She was just so tight, so wet, her insides so warm and welcoming… it was impossible to hold on for much longer. But he was a man of pride. He refused to go down without a fight, and so he began to experiment, angling his thrusts upwards, downwards, to the side, until-

"Oh!" Naruko moaned.

A look of triumph spread over Sasuke's face.'There it is,' he thought. Now that he had located her G-spot, he knew he had her. Once he detected the right rhythm… let's just say…

"Ugh… ugh… ugh…" she moaned, her hands tightening around his torso, her legs shaking. She refused to say the words he wanted to say ("Faster! Harder!") but he seemed to know them instinctively, quickening his pace. A coil in her stomach, tightly wound, about to burst-

They came at the same time. Naruko shuddering and groaning, her walls rippling around his member.. Sasuke muffled a curse into her neck as he shot his seed inside of her.

Together, they fell on the bed, huffing and puffing, bodies sweaty and hair disheveled. Naruko shuddered at the warmth inside of her, Sasuke quietly musing about the way her breasts jiggled with every breath she took.

It was silent for a moment.

"Round two?" Sasuke suggested.

Naruko grinned. "I thought you'd never ask," she said, closing the distance between them and slamming her lips to his. This time, she was straddling him, and-

Well, Sasuke didn't remember anything after that.

When he awoke, it was bright. Too bright. Way, way, way too bright. His head throbbed with pain, as if there were a monkey pounding away at the inside of his forehead.

He let out a long, lingering groan.

And immediately regretted it.

"You're awake!" a voice chirped, and he felt something warm press against his side. Yet another groan escaped Sasuke's lips, the Uchiha reaching a hand up to rub his forehead, as if it would soothe the searing headache he had.

Sasuke opened his eyes, to stare into the piercing blue ones of Naruko. "Mito…" he murmured, without thinking.

Naruko laughed. "It's Naruko, dummy!" she said, tapping him on the nose. "And you're Sasuke. Did you forget?"

He groaned. "Why are you so cheery?" Sasuke mumbled. "You drank three times as much as I did, and I feel like… I want to fucking die."

Another laugh. "Maybe you're just a light weight." Naruko said.

"Or you're inhuman…" Sasuke grumbled.

She grinned. Sasuke was a little disappointed that she wasn't naked anymore - she had haphazardly thrown her shirt back on, although it did little to conceal her slim thighs or the way her nipples poked through the fabric. He swallowed, uncomfortably aware of the fact that his member was half hard already.

"Last night was really… really… really, awesome." she murmured, although it sounded more like a purr. Her eyes were so blue. He was really dumbfounded by it, because that specific shade contrasted so magnificently with her tanned skin, and her shockingly blonde hair.

"Yea- yeah." Sasuke said. Another harsh swallow. Discretely, he tried to adjust the sheets so that his bulge wasn't quite as noticeable.

"I kind of want to do it again…" she murmured. Was she getting closer?

"Do you?" he asked.

"I do…"

Their lips were an inch away…

And then a sound, like a bullet, as someone hammered on the door. "Sasuke!" a familiar voice roared. "I know you're in there!"

"Oh… shit…!" Sasuke hissed.

Naruko stared at him. "Who the hell is that?" she whispered, flinching slightly as yet another round of harsh bangs sounded on the door.

"My cousin." Sasuke said. "Quick- you need to hide. Get… get under the bed. Fast!"

"Alright!" she said. Naruko rolled off the side of the bed, slid beneath the bed, and went still. Just in time as well, because the door burst open - the lock busted ('They're going to make me pay for that,' Sasuke thought) - and Shisui's enraged face on the other side.

Sasuke tried to look innocent. But Shisui's gaze traveled down… skirting from Sasuke's boxers laying on the floor, to Naruko's bra and panties beside them.

"Okay- okay." Sasuke said, raising his hands as if he were surrendering. "I know what you're thinking. But, I mean, old enough to kill, old enough to drink, old enough to… erm… have sex?"

Shisui took a few threatening steps forward. It took every ounce of will for Sasuke to not recoil. Because even though he wasn't twelve anymore, and could likely hold his own against Shisui in a fight, his cousin was fucking scary when he was mad.

"You're- you're seventeen years old!" Shisui shouted. "You shouldn't be… you… argh…!" He kicked the side of the bed. He took a few deep breaths, running his hands through his hair. "Okay… okay. Here is what is going to happen, Sasuke." Shisui said, turning to his younger cousin. "You are going to get dressed. That girl, hidden under the bed or in the closet is going to get dressed. You and I are going to leave. That girl is going to leave. And we will never, ever, ever speak of this to Mikoto-basan or Itachi, alright?"

Sasuke nodded.

"Good. Get fucking dressed." Shisui snarled. Then, he swept out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Sasuke let out a sigh of relief. Her face rather white, Naruko crawled out from beneath the bed, sitting down on the mattress. "Your cousin is… wow…" Naruko mumbled, rubbing her head.

"Yeah." Sasuke said, having already gotten to his feet, pulling on his boxers and searching about for his pants and his shirt.

"So… you're leaving then?" Naruko asked, twirling a bit of hair around her finger.

"Have to." Sasuke said. "Unfortunately, my cousin isn't the negotiating type, and I really don't want to find out what he'll do if I piss him off even more."

"I see." Naruko murmured, biting her lip. She was silent for a moment, as Sasuke shrugged on his trousers. "Are we… I- uh…" She trailed off for a moment. "Can we do this again?" Naruko asked.

Sasuke blinked. Typically, he was the type to - for lack of a better way to put it - fuck someone and just ignore them if they tried to cling to him afterwards. But… Mito or Naruko, whatever her name was, she was… different. Really, really hot, now that he knew what lay beneath that outfit which did nothing for her figure. Funny. A girl he could tolerate, a girl who didn't roll over like a doormat when faced by him…

"Sure." he said.

She beamed at him. "Awesome!" Naruko said. She paused. "How will we-?"

Sasuke sighed. The few pouches strapped to his thigh, thankfully, yielded a pen and some paper. He scribbled down his address on it. "There." he said, pressing it into her hand. "Come over anytime… Naruko." He smirked at her. And then, he turned around, wrenching the door open (taking extra care to make sure Shisui couldn't look in and see Naruko half-naked on the bed) and strolling out. The door closed behind him.

She waited a moment.

And then, Naruko giggled, pressing her hand to her mouth, her cheeks flushed slightly. 'Best night ever!' she declared internally. When she had decided to stay out late, go to some seedy bar and get her drink on, she hadn't anticipated on… well, that. But it had been worth it. So worth it.

She grinned unconsciously. "I need a shower," she muttered to herself, easing herself off the bed. She peeled off the shirt she had thrown on, stepped into the bathroom, and closed the door behind her.

It wasn't exactly the most glamorous of stories to tell your children about how you met your spouse - getting drunk, sleeping with some person they hardly knew, and agreeing to essentially become fuck buddies. But, for Uchiha Sasuke and for Uzumaki Naruko, it was the spark of a relationship that would change their lives forever.

And that's a wrap. Thanks for reading!

Rewritten: 9/29/2017