Chapter 22- The worth of some cloth

/June 6. 10:00 pm/

Bellatrix had been convincing herself that what she was doing had been the right thing. Just kill the baby, and get back on the good side of her Lord. A little sacrifice is all it takes to be back as his right hand. Lucius usually goes to bed around 8:30 pm. She had more than enough time to do this.

Bellatrix flooed into Malfoy Manor and headed straight for her sister's room. As she opened the door, she hoped that her sister would be asleep as she should be.


Cold blood ran down her spine as she dreaded the idea of what she was about to do to her conscious sister.

"Hello sister." Bellatrix responded with a wry smile.

She carefully closed the door behind her, careful not to wake or alarm her brother-in-law wherever he may be. She slowly approached her sister's bedside and sat down on a chair there.

"How is the baby?" Bellatrix asked, not truly out of concern, but she had nothing she could say.

Narcissa looked up at her sister with a very tired but happy smile, and she tightly grasped Bellatrix's hand.

"Oh he was wonderful sister. Right before he was born, he consumed a magical beast's spirit! You know what this means. My son will be so powerful when he grows up! And he didn't cry. He laughed sister. My baby boy laughed! He was so glad to see us- ugh!"

Bellatrix leapt up to her feet, concerned about her sister's well being. 'Wait. Before he was born?' she thought. Looking down at her stomach she noticed something missing. The room was too dark, only lit by the moonlight that slipped passed the dark curtains that she hadn't noticed her sister's flat stomach.

"Down worry sister. I'm alright. Wounds come will all births." Narcissa reassured her sister.

Bellatrix had gasped. What will she do now? The baby that was supposed to be there was gone! 'Wait.' Her mind begun reeling, and she realized that this was no problem at all. In fact, it was a blessing. 'this is wonderful! I could kill the baby without worrying about harming my sister in the process!'

Bellatrix smiled joyfully as she let her sister go on and on about her wonderful boy. How she would register him herself as soon as she could walk. Draco Lucius Malfoy. Lucius after his father, and Draco out of recognition for his Black blood. She had deliberated on this for months but now deemed it appropriate with the reptilian spirit that had appeared. She went on and on about how she would buy him all sorts of presents, and how she expected presents from Bellatrix as well. It didn't take long for Narcissa to fall back to sleep, Afterall, she had been tired out from giving birth and was heavily dosed on blood-replenishing, pain relief, and other healing-potions.

When they had been talking, Lucius had been alarmed about the sudden floo usage in his house and investigated. But when he found out that it was only his sister-in-law who came to visit, and was currently chatting happily with his wife, he let his guards down and went back to sleep. He would only later realize, that this had been his greatest mistake in his life long after everything had already been done.

Bellatrix had waited until she heard her sister's soft snores before she stood up and proceeded to carry put what she had come here to do. 'Just down the hall to the right.' As her sister had willingly told her without her even asking.

Bellatrix carefully opened the door, cautious to not alert the child sleeping within. But it was all for naught, as the door had creaked open. Slowly entering with light footsteps, Bellatrix cast a 'Silencio', not taking any chances lest the child start crying.

Bellatrix walked closer to the crib and admired how the baby inside had such white milk-like skin, soft and lustrous baby hair (definitely a child of his father), and a nose and mouth just like her sister's. Bellatrix leans in and carried the cute child in her arms, but she was warry.

The child had been looking back at her with such intelligent eyes, calculating, and trying to distinguish whether she was friend or foe. Was she being paranoid? Maybe she was for she gently prodded his head with Legilimency. She knew it was wrong, what baby could possibly stand having their minds jabbed at? So she perform the gentlest legilimency she could do.

Her silencio turned out to me a good preparation for the baby had visibly winced. Her worries had turned out to be pointless for the baby's brain was so empty. Containing memories of only a few hours. She dared not prod further for she was scared of hurting him and knew that there was nothing a child aged a few hours could possibly hide.

Bellatrix berated herself for even doubting a baby, and was now proudly smiling at the baby who only winced and did not cry out at her legilimency.

'It seems this infant is quite naturally talented in the mind arts. Just like. . . like. . . me.'

Thoughts had run through Bellatrix's minds. Thoughts she had been holding back the whole time ever since Voldemort had ordered them to 'Kill'. She stared at the lovely baby with noble-features. 'His nose is just like his mother's who inherited it from our father. His mouth just like his mother's who inherited it from our mother. The very same lips I inheritted.'

'The blood running through him is just like mine. Strong, powerful, pure, and leaking with power. I wonder if my child would be like him? Would my child also laugh and smile when they see me? Would their tiny hands grasp my pinky just like this child? Would they inherit my nose and my mouth as well?'

But no. She would never have a child. Not in this lifetime And it hurt her deeper and stronger than any cruciate curse had and ever will.

'Why must we kill our babies? Why must we shed our own blood when they are as pure as it could possibly be? I followed him since he promised to protect the pure of blood. So why must our blood be shed now?'

A thousand thoughts had swarmed Bellatrix's mind, getting stronger the longer she stared at her nephew's eyes.

'He is a child of Black. The only child of Black. The only one born from the last line of my family. Cousin Sirius and Sister Andromeda are blood traitors. Cousin Regulus is dead. Only Sister Cissy and I are left, but I have failed my only purpose. Cissy is our last hope to birthing an heir, so that the Blacks don't become just a name and now. . . her only son must die?! BLASPHEMY! This can't be! I will never let it be!

I will save you. You must live little Draco. You must live and show the Dark Lord that we purebloods are priceless! You must grow up well and show everyone our worth.'

Bellatrix held Draco even tighter. Forming a resolution, she would never regret. Her smile turns sadder, thinking of the consequences she would face but she is joyful thinking that little Draco could live and later on assume his rightful birthright as Black heir.

"We finally meet my nephew but now I need to take you somewhere safe, somewhere protected, far far where he can't kill you; Afterall, how will you be able to serve the Dark Lord if you're dead?!"

Bellatrix watched in amazement as she felt the buzz of magic around little Draco. She was exited to finally feel the amazing magic her sister had been gushing on and on about. 'Definitely' she thought. 'I definitely haven't made a mistake. I would sin against the world if I were to let his life end now.'

Bellatrix began thinking of what she must do. Her sister cannot register little Draco if she wants to let him escape from this dreadful war, so Bellatrix herself must do it. And she felt proud as an idea popped up in her mind.

"I Bellatrix Lestrange née Black, under the witness of magic herself, name thee Draco Lucius Malfoy, born of Narcissa Malfoy née Black and Lucius Abraxas Malfoy. I also name thee my progeny, and as Draco Lucius Malfoy-Black heir of the two last loyal lines of the most Noble and Ancient House of Black, I hereby proclaim you automatice Black heir during your first comming of age or through post mortem of I and Narcissa Malfoy. Let this be my will, per sanguinem, per magicae!"

'little Draco, may you come back to us when your Black blood awakens form deep within you. And may you be safe and live a long prosperous life, as your mother and I would want you to live. May be meet again my nephew and progeny, and I would love and care for you as my own.'

Bellatrix flees to Knockturn Alley under the guise of night and memorizes his features for the last time in a long while before paying the smuggler to smuggle him out of the country before the dawn of day. She then goes back to her ancestral home to seek comfort from her father. Cygnus was worried about his daughter who had been crying, but she would not speak. If only his wife Druella were still alive, she'd know what to say to comfort her weeping daughter.




/June 7/

When the dawn of day came, Bellatrix knew that everything was now set in stone, Draco should no longer be here and his life shall be kept a secret until he returns. It was then that Bellatrix remembered something important. It was only heaven sent that everyone else in Black Manor had already fallen asleep after comforting her all night. Oh how grateful she was for her whole family (except the blood traitors of course).

She carefully, but swiftly ran up the stairs to the family room where the Black family tree tapestry had laid bare to everyone who enters the room. It had been a good thing that no one entered the room before her and discovered a new face magically embroidered onto the tapestry.

There right under his mother's portrait was Draco's immature face, complete with a ribbon with his name and his birth-year. There were also vines coming from her own branches latching onto Draco's own branches. How joyful Bellatrix was at this little detail, but no one must know.

Bellatrix took out her wand and carefully traced some lines in the tapestry that she wished to cut. "Diffindo" she cast several times, until she had cleanly severed her sister's and her son's portraits from the tree.

If anyone were to ask, she would just say that she took her sister's portrait for sentimental reasons. Besides, the tapestry could easily be mended any time as long as the cloth had not been burnt.

Bellatrix gently folded the cloth with great care and hid it in her inner robe's chest pocket. Another great idea popped into her head, but before she could act on it, her mark began throbbing.

'The Dark Lord is calling for me!'

With great haste, she allowed the mark to portkey her to her Lord, bowing as soon as she felt her feet touch the ground.

"My Lord, you call for me."

"Rise Bellatrix, it seems there is something you should be telling me."

"What would-?"

Bellatrix raises her head and sees the hateful rat-like bastard snickering beside her Lord again. Unbeknownst to her, Pettigrew had caught information about her from a low-ranked Death Eater who caught her sneaking around Knockturn Alley and bribing smugglers to smuggle a baby. Sadly the baby could no longer be traced as the smugglers were quite accomplished in their field of expertise, and no amount of threatening or more bribery could crack those old veterans of the Black Market.

'That bastard, what did he tell the Dark Lord now?'

"Now Bellatrix. This is not like you. Speak. What have you done, and do not point fingers or try to fool me."

"M-my Lord. I dare not deceive you!"

Bellatrix bowed once more, kneeling on the ground in repentance and fear towards her Lord. Voldemort begun to chuckle mockingly.

"You cannot deceive me, don't overestimate yourself. But you have disobeyed me, and I want you to tell me how exactly you disobeyed me. I may even forgive you if you tell me obediently."

Bellatrix clenched her teeth and balled her hands into fists until her nails dug deep enough to draw blood. She rose to her feet and began to reason out with her Lord.

"My Lord! It is not as it seems! Whatever Pettigrew told you-!"


Bellatrix bit her lip, afraid to further anger the Dark Lord. His menacing red eyes glowed in displeasure and irritation.

"Give me my cup Bellatrix."

Bellatrix's eyes widened in indignation, for she cannot believe that her Lord would doubt her like this. Her heart clenched thinking that she was about to be abandoned.

"My Lord I-"


Bellatrix's jaws shut close, frightened to even mutter a single syllable more.

"I do not repeat myself, Bellatrix. Now."

Bellatrix strengthened her will and forced her voice to come out.

"I do not have it with me right now my Lord. But I shall get it for you at once if you would allow me."

Voldemort's eyes pierced through her. For a second Bellatrix had believed that the Dark Lord had seen through her, but seconds later he nodded his head, and she knew she was safe. Temporarily. Bellatrix could see it in his eyes that he wanted to kill her, and she was only alive because she had his cup, and only she could get it back. Bellatrix also knew that as soon as she parts with the cup, her family members would be in danger; for when the Dark Lord is truly angered, he punishes those around you as he finds amusement in you bathing in the scorn of those close to you. The truly. . . Slytherin way to punish someone.

"Very well make haste."

"Thank you, my Lord."

Bellatrix flooed to Gringotts and took Hufflepuff's cup. But instead of flooing back to the Death Eater Headquarters, she immediately went to Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix knew her father, Aunt Walburga, Granduncle Arcturus, and Grandfather Pollux were all temporarily safe in their ancestral home as the house was under a fidelius [1]. Only Cissy was unsafe.

Flooing to Malfoy Manor, she ran to her sister's room and carefully but adamantly woke her up and told her to flee. Lucius had woken up from being alerted by an elf of an univited guest, and rushed to where all the ruckus was happening. He stood outside his wife's door as he overheard a familiar voice speaking to his wife.

'The Dark Lord is now after their lives? How could this be?'

Lucius barges into the room and firmly asks Bellatrix to tell him everything that was happening, but she refused stating that there wasn't enough time as the Dark Lord would notice something off soon.

"For how long?" Lucius almost screams at Bellatrix to which she answers "As long as it takes. Don't let her return!" Lucius clicks his tongue and racks his mind for a temporary solution. His eyes light up having thought of one and he turned on his heel sprinting away.

"Where are you going!" Shouts a worried Bellatrix, tears in her eyes from all the emotions that are currently ransacking through her head.

"Calling my father!" Running to the fireplace, he calls his father who immediately answered. Abraxas, who was currently in France on a mission to recruit allies, had felt that there was something wrong since his son never fire talks him as he claims the soot gives him blackheads, so he rushed to answer his call.

"Father! Please take Narcissa away, please hide her and don't let the Dark Lord follow your tracks!"

Abraxas' eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and displeasure at the urgency and plea that was painted all over his son's face and laced into his voice.

"What is going on son?"

Abraxas questions his son but was discontent of his answer.

"There is not much time, I will tell you when things have settled."

With a nod, Abraxas cut off the fire and Lucius proceeded to Tergeo his soot covered face clean.

"Hold on, I need to get Draco." Lucius almost stormed off to his newborn son's room but was stopped by Bellatrix.

"He's no longer here!" Lucius' head whips to Bellatrix, anger, confusion, and disbelief most prominent on his face. "I will explain everything later! Please! Please! Just bring my sister to safety first! And you can't go with her! The Dark Lord will track you through the mark."

Lucius swears in his mind that he is going to kill this crazy witch for suddenly storming into his house and creating all this chaos!

"Just what is going on sister." Narcissa weekly makes her way into the room, her eyes glaring accusingly at the two making a ruckus in the house just after she gave birth. She knew that she still shouldn't be up and about, but everything had been so chaotic, how couldn't she?

Lucius looked at his wife who still looked very tired and uttered a silent apology in his mind. With a swish of his wand, he cast a stupefy on his wife (catching her safely in his arms) and with another swish he was directing all of her memories of Draco into a crystal vial. After most of her memories had been copied, he tapped his wand on her forehead.


"Why did you do that?" Bellatrix glared at Lucius, confused with his actions.

"You yourself said she mustn't return! And with our child currently missing, why wouldn't she die trying to find him! But I am not letting her permanently forget about our child. So shut up for now, and make sure you have a good explanation for all of this." Lucius had glared her down, making her feel like she was nothing but an insolent child in front of him. In her mind, Bellatrix applauded Lucius for having such a quick brain.

Just at that moment. Abraxas appeared through the floo and confusedly took an unconscious Narcissa into his arms before rushing back to the floo and getting a handful of floo powder from the decorative pouch sitting on the table stand beside the fireplace. He turned around to glare daggers at his son as well at the sister of his daughter-in-law who definitely had something to do with this sudden chaos.

"You both better have a good explanation for this. Manoir de Malfoy!"

Releasing the powder from his hand, green fire rose from the bottom of the fireplace, consuming them in less than a second. On the other side of the floo, in France, Abraxas cut off the connection between the two Manors; making sure that no one could trace where they had gone / come from.

"Now." Lucius turned in place and stared Bellatrix down. "What is going on?"

Bellatrix gulped and summarized everything she could in one breath. "Yesterday, the Dark Lord had given a select few of us the mission to kill every baby whilst they are still in the womb. I couldn't do it so I paid someone to smuggle him away from here where the Dark Lord couldn't reach him. But somehow, he found out that I disobeyed him, and I could tell that he was about to kill me. But he couldn't. He asked for his cup back, something he told me to keep safe several years back, and I knew that was the only thing keeping me and my family safe. Everyone else in my family is temporarily safe since no one will be able to find out where our Mansion is. That is why I came here, to beg my sister to escape somewhere the Dark Lord can't find her."

Lucius scanned her eyes. "That is why you didn't say anything when I called father. Because he doesn't have the mark." Bellatrix nodded her head, and reached for something inside the pocket of her robes.

"This is the cup. I don't know why he treasures it so much, but you can use it against him. Please take it. You have to protect your son. When he returns, you have to be there for him. I am not able to bare children and there is no longer any way I can escape the Dark Lord's scorn. I have gone against him too many times."

Bellatrix tried to shove the cup in Lucius' hands, but he shook his head and pushed it back towards her.

"If that is all, then the Dark Lord had also given me an item."

Bellatrix shoved the cup into his hands once more.

"Good, but I can no longer keep the cup hidden with me. Please. He will find me at any moment!"

Lucius hesitated for a split second but nodded his head seeing the cunning and intelligence that rarely appeared in the Slytherin's eyes. He was sure that Bellatrix knew what she was doing.

"And please remember, I am the only one at fault. You know nothing."

Lucius raised an eyebrow at Bellatrix but nodded again in understanding. Taking the cup, he rushed to the dungeons hidden below his house where he stashed it among other dark items. He tried to dismiss the distinct crack that sounded from behind him as he needed to do things in order or they were all dead. The room where he rushed to had been enchanted to hide magical items whenever the ministry decides to pay an unscheduled visit complete with a search warrant. Lucius is proud to say, that ever since the Renaissance, when this room was built by his ancestor, the ministry hadn't found a spec of dark items in Malfoy Manor.

In the foyer, just as Bellatrix was about to floo out of the place to somewhere safer, she felt a push from her dark mark and cold blood ran down her spine.

With a loud "crack", the Dark Lord had appeared inside the room and looked down on a hysteric Bellatrix.

"Did you honestly think you had enough brain cells in you to scheme against me girl?" The low, smooth, and condemning voice struck fear in Bellatrix's heart whilst his glowing red eyes seemed to expose all of her faults.

"M-my Lord. Please, I didn't mean to."

The Dark Lord glanced around the room, rapidly forming ideas as to why Bellatrix chose to come here. A glint flashed through his eyes, coming to a conclusion as he glared admonishingly at the servant girl who disobeyed him.

"Thought you would protect your sister?" He challenged, more a statement than a question.

"You have disappointed me again Bellatrix. First you disobey my orders, then you refuse to return what is mine, and now you openly defy me." The Dark Lord's every word getting colder, harsher, and dripping with death and venom with every syllable.

"Very well. I shall do as you wish." Bellatrix shuddered as her realization of what his words meant sunk deeper. Now, he really was going to kill her family.

"My Lord! NO! Please! I'll do anything!"

The Dark Lord started to frown as he realized something was off. Lucius and his wife still hadn't come to where the commotion was happening. He would have guessed that they had already fled, but he could still sense Lucius in the Manor. Displeasure started to mark his eyes as the seconds passed, but it vanished as the owner of the Manor finally decided to finally present himself.

Lucius had gone into the room with confusion and anger written on his face.

"What is-" His eye's widened in shock after seeing the uninvited guests currently standing in his foyer.

"My Lord!" Lucius bowed, before rising again and looking at both the Dark Lord and Bellatrix in confusion. One could have given him an Oscar for his spectacular performance.

"May I ask what services you require of me?" The Dark Lord nodded, pleased to see him act accordingly with how obedient Death Eaters should act like. But he still wasn't satisfied.

"Lucius, bring your wife to me."

Hesitation flashed through Lucius' eyes which made the Dark Lord's irises glow furiously for a split second.

"I am afraid my Lord, that my wife had just given birth and is resting. But I shall still bring them here if that is what you desire." Voldemort nodded as Lucius expertly pacified his suspicions.

"No need. I shall go to them."

Lucius nodded his head and gestured with his hand as though he were hotel staff directing an honored guest to his room.

"This way my Lord."

Bellatrix bit her lip as she did not want the Dark Lord to leave this room in case he could somehow sense where Lucius had hidden his cup. It would have also been out of character for her to silently follow along, supposing that the Dark Lord already knew that she was the one who brought her sister and newborn nephew into hiding.

"Lucius! They are not here!"

Lucius had stopped in his place, before confusedly turning towards Bellatrix.


"I have taken them somewhere you can never find them! And I made sure that they will never ever return here."

The confusion on Lucius face slowly turned into anger and disbelief.

"What on earth are you talking about?"

Bellatrix was shaking in every limb as she pointed accusingly at the Dark Lord.

"He was going to kill them!"

"Enough!" Voldemort irritatedly commanded at his two elite Death Eaters who were currently bickering like preschoolers.

"Crucio!" Lucius screamed in the loudest voice he could muster.

Bellatrix fell to the ground with a sickening wail similar to a banshee's, all of her muscles were twitching as pain coursed through every nerve. In her own mind which she blocked off with occlumency, she took note of the fact that while it had indeed been painful, the pain Lucius had put her under was nothing more than mild cramps. However, she had enough experience with the curse on both ends that she knew exactly how to act.

"How dare you accuse our Lord! You disgust me." Lucius glared accusingly at Bellatrix.

Bellatrix screamed and trashed around until her throat went sore. For a split second, when she rolled her eyes to the back of her head, she glanced at the Dark Lord and knew that he was still unconvinced, with a prominent scowl etched on his lips. She let her tears, snot, and saliva fall down as she clawed on the ground while still twitching and screaming with her now hoarse voice. With an inward twitch of her whole body, she windlessly cast a vomiting hex at herself just like she has always done to get out of class when she was still a student at Hogwarts.

After thrashing around in all her mixed-up body fluids, Lucius had finally seen a smirk make its way onto the Dark Lord's lips, and he disguised a wordless stupefy into his spellwork.

The Dark Lord seemed to be content seeing the limp Bellatrix lying in her disgusting mess, as he grasps Lucius' shoulder while smiling at him with what seems to be a proud fatherly smile. He lets go and turns around towards the exist, speaking in a low, soft, smooth, and entrancing voice.

"I bestowed upon her an item, which she has proven herself untrustworthy of. I want you to get it back and return it to me. Then I will forgive your transgressions."

Cold blood runs down Lucius' spine, as he glances to where Voldemort was looking. The fireplace, dirty, warm, with floo powder that had scattered in haste. Blood rushed out of his face at the clear evidence that spoke of what had truly transpired.

Bellatrix had still been dirty from flooing over here (which would explain the heat and soot coming from the fireplace), but she had not been the one to scatter the tiny amounts of fresh floo power scattered on the floor in haste, for she was still here and she had no reason to come back if she had indeed left. Narcissa had definitely not been well enough to escape on her own so there had obviously been a third party unless Lucius himself had flooed her to safety. However, if that were true, Lucius' pristine clothes, late entrance, and oblivious behavior would have then meant that he was hiding his involvement, a definite defiant act towards his Lord. Even if Bellatrix were to reveal a third party who helped her, it was too late for she already said that she had been the one who hid them. It was obvious that they were trying to hide the presence of a third party. Finally, the floo was loud. The user had to not only shout their destination, but the roaring flames should have also alerted Lucius of its use; thus, he should have come down much sooner, so he can't even hide his involvement.

There were too many contradictions between the evidence that was presented as clear as day and his actions.

It was then that Lucius realized he had misread his Lord, for the Dark Lord was not smiling like a proud father, he was smiling like a predator, amusedly watching his prey foolishly trip over themselves.

It was at this moment that Lucius knew. He was f*cked.

When Bellatrix work up three-and-a-half hours later, it was to a broken-down Lucius. There was no light in his eyes. No movement in his limbs. His pristine appearance hadn't a trace of any 'punishment', therefore his lifeless state had scared Bellatrix out of her socks. He was simply sitting on the ground, like a lifeless doll.

Bellatrix apologized knowing that her plan must not have worked, and now she even put Lucius' name along side her's in the Dark Lord's blacklist.

After so many minutes, she hadn't been counting, Bellatrix remembered something in her pocket that would mean more to Lucius than her sister. She had taken out a piece of cloth which looked immensely old; it was faded and looked as though doxies had gnawed it in places; nevertheless, the golden thread with which it was embroidered still glinted brightly enough to show an image.

"Lucius." Bellatrix had softly spoken, as though cajoling a child whom she stole candy from.

Lucius glanced towards the cloth and saw the lovely face of his gorgeous wife. Underneath her beautiful portrait was her name and birth years, all in the same ribbon as his own name. He knew what this was. His wife had told him about it. This was part of the Black Family Tree tapestry, why is this with Bellatrix? Did she rip it out?

"I couldn't let anyone find any clues about your son. I wanted to give it to Cissy, but you would have better use for it than her."

'My son?' Lucius ruminated. He glanced further down the piece of cloth and saw the chubby face of his newborn. "Draco Lucius Malfoy" He read out, and a tear streaked down his cheek. That was the name of his son. The portrait was just like how he first saw sin son. Draco had his platinum blond hair and his stormy grey eyes, but he had his mother's features. Lucius had almost forgotten what his son had looked like, but now he remembered. Looking at the portrait had made him feel like he was seeing his son again for the first time. And then it struck him. That would be the first and last time he had seen his son, and now he was gone. If only he knew, then he would have kept Draco in his company for longer. He would have held Draco longer. He would have gently rocked his son to sleep instead of letting the elf do it, instead of staying by his wife's side.

"He's not gone." Lucius had been brought out of his thoughts by Bellatrix. 'How-? Right. Legilimency'.

Lucius had accidentally let his occlumence shield slip in his recollections and regrets.

"Look down Lucius. He's safe. As long as there is only one year beside his name, you can meet again. No, you will meet again, I'm sure of it."

Lucius looked at the year beside his son's name. 'She was right.' He thought. He was safe, and that was all he needed to know to continue fighting this war.


For 15 months he had treaded carefully, as thought he were a prisoner tiptoeing around prison aurors. He grew more cautious, vigilant, suspicious, and calculating than all of his lessons on politics combined. Lucius knew that there was something more to the cup and the diary that was hidden deep in his manor, but he dared not ask questions or let them see the light of day for the Dark Lord had practically been breathing down his neck. He also dared not send them to his father, for the Dark Lord might be able to track them like the Dark Marks they have on their forearms.

Thus, when the Dark Lord had somehow fallen from the peak of his power on the Holloween of '81, Lucius collapsed in tears. Grateful for the Boy Who Lived. He contacted his father, and met up with his loving wife again. But his son never returned.

Proceeding the court decisions of the Ministry, Bellatrix hadn't gotten out of her Azkaban sentence, and for this Lucius had been enraged. Afterall, Bellatrix was the reason why so many children were still alive! She had leaked information about her mission to Dumbledore. Lucius had also made sure that the Blacks had given just generous donations as the Malfoys to St. Mungo's as well as to several projects by the Ministry of Magic, just before their court proceedings. Thus incontestably, if any Death Eater should have gotten out of punishment, it should have been her.

Lucius wanted to condemn Dumbledore for doing this to her, but he couldn't do so as to the general public eye, he was a Death Eater who escaped punishment and Dumbledore was their Messiah. The only bright side he could find to this, was the fact that no matter how ill-natured Bellatrix's relationship with her cousin was, they were still cousins and though pushing his luck with the Ministry, Lucius was able to get them to be cell-neighbors.

He didn't know whether he was damning his sister-in-law, but it was better than her being beside other Death Eaters knowing that she had betrayed the Dark Lord.

During the months of Bellatrix's court trials, Lucius had begun investigating the Dark Lord's items with her and their trail lead to one Horace Slughorn. One should not underestimate the connections and underground power of purebloods. Abraxas had also played a key role in keying everything to Slughorn and making him spit out just what he thought the items were. The truth. . . had been shocking and vile. And the four of them, Lucius, Abraxas, Bellatrix, and Slughorn, knew, that the Holloween of '81 was not the end.

It had taken major coaxing and a strong confundus to convince his wife, but Lucius was able to make Narcissa continue to live with his father in France. The rest of the Blacks however, refused to budge and continued to live in Britain.

Lucius was secretly happy and relieved for them each biting the dust as the years went by. A most horrible response to their demise which he will never admit, but it was better than them dying by the Dark Lord's hands.

Years passed by and peace returned to the Wizarding Community. It had brought back smiles and laughter to every household but one. Lucius had remained in Malfoy Manor, guarding the items of the Dark Lord like a hell-hound. He had never been able to escape the war, and as the years pass by, he felt like they were consuming him.

So he drank away his fears. During the first couple of years, it was Butterbeer, Wine, and Champaign. But after the time started to turn into a blue. Lucius had been drinking Firewhiskey, Hog's Head Brew, Wizard's Brew, and Dragon Scale Draft Beers.

The bottles would pile up everywhere in the Manor, and at first it had still been manageable. But then Lucius became more possessive. He hated seeing others touch his wife's and child's belongings, even the elves. The places and things the elves couldn't touch had grown slowly but steadily over the years, until they were confined to the kitchen.

Dust, rust, and grime had begun to pile up over the years, but none of the elves had dared step out of the kitchen. They were confined there, like pets who had been caged and forgotten about.

Lucius, really did soon forget about them. But who could blame him, for all the alcohol had turned his mind hazy. Only one thing left had existed in his world, a piece of cloth ripped from a prestigious tapestry. And he would stare at it for days on end, kiss it like it were his lover, and hug it like it was his child.






[1] Again not random. These are all living Black family members during the year 1980. Of course the year isn't really 1980 since I moved the Harry potter timeline several years into the future to match with Ironman but hey, I'm doing my best 'ere.

I'm not sure how to write Harry so please give me feedback!


Should I make harry a transmigrated character from a Drarry, Tomarry, or Timetravel!Harry fic?

a.) Yes, Drarry - Draco will remain single but tons of innuendos. No PDA

b.) Yes, Tomarry - Tons of misunderstandings that Draco is actually Tom Riddle. However, same situation as above

c.) Future Harry also travels to the past - I might make him MOD to fit the story unless requested otherwise. More, but different, misunderstandings between Harry and Draco.

d.) No, Canon Harry. The story is already too crazy

e.) Others. Please express your thoughts in the comment section Thank you

Regardless of your choice I will still appreciate any and all feedback. That's why I asked for this poll to start with hahahha. Timelimit is when Harry appears. Its not too far off. I will write based on the majority vote. I'm cool with any result cause I love all results. ?. Love you guys

Current poll results: If the count is weird, that is because I'm counting votes on two sites

Drarry - 5

Tomarry - 2.5

TimetravelHarry - 2.7

CanonHarry - 1.3

FemHarry - 4 (though I'm still thinking over this one and no promises)

SurpriseMe- 0.5

CLARIFICATION: It seems a lot of people are choosing fem harry because they dont want Draco to have a romantic relationship with Harry unless he's a she. Now I'm sorry drarry fans, but if drarry happens, no drarry will actually happen in this fic. This will only mean that Harry will come from a Drarry universe (thus more hilarious and beautiful chaos will ensue) but sadly, I plan for no romance to actually happen until waay waaayyy into the future. So people to choose fem harry, I'm sorry but SPOILER: (I dont plan for Draco to end up with harry, at most they will be best friends like james and sirius). Some can be assured however, that the romance that may happen is vanilla and will happen with SPOILER: (someone who was mentioned probably only once if at all in the 7 HP books)

This will NOT be a slash fic, it will mostly be about Action, Adventure, Family, Comedy, and Drama.