Yes, I'm actually gonna be stupid enough to add another story along side "Loud Prix" and "Chains of Reality" to my ongoing stories list. Why? 'Cuz Omega Ultra is doing it, and since he's doing well with it, that means anybody can do it as well!

Being honest, though, I just wanna see how this story will be received. I don't think I've ever seen something fencing-related in the fandom, so... There's that.

And besides... You know what? Let's just move on.

It was an average day at the Loud house: And if you couldn't tell from the name, it was kinda Loud. The sportsy Lynn ran around the backyard, followed by the plumber that was Lana, who was running like a dog alongside the actual dog of the family. Nearby them were the diva princess Lola and gothic poet Lucy were sitting at the bench, alongside the scientist Lisa, who was mixing some chemicals.

As a small explosion happened, and the baby Lily flew past everyone, the musician Luna caught her with ease then put her down close to the comedian Luan, who promptly made her laugh with one of her ventriloquism acts. Nearby them were the fashionista Leni trying out a new outfit on her comic book fan brother Lincoln, who was writing the outset of an Ace Savvy fan comic.

And then there was Lori, who just leaned against a tree, looking at her phone. Which her mother soon noticed before whistling, getting her attention.

"What's wrong, mom?" the young adult asked.

"Come with me, darling," Rita answered. "There's something I want to discuss with you."

A little bit later, at Lori and Leni's bedroom...

"What's fencing?" Lori inquired.

"It's basically a sort of swordplay," Rita shrugged. "Two people use rapier-style swords, then fight in an elegant, yet sometimes aggressive manner in order to try and hit the other first. One hit, and whoever gets hit loses."

"Huh, that doesn't sound like something Lincoln would like to do," Lori answered, earning a deadpan look from her mother. "Maybe Lynn would enjoy it, though."

"Lori, I'm not asking you to know whether you think Lincoln or Lynn would like it or not," the woman confessed. "Rather, I'm asking you because I want to know if you yourself would like to do it or not."

"What?!" Lori exclaimed in disbelief. "B-But mom, Lynn's your athletic daughter, not me!"

"She already doing more than her fair share of sports, and I'm not adding another one to her list."

"Well, Lincoln still hasn't found his special talent in life!"

"And neither have you. Besides, taking into account your personality, I think fencing would suit you really well." the woman sat next to Lori. "Listen, you don't have to tell me whether you want to do it right away or not. Think about it, and when you have your answer, come talk to me."

With that said, Rita gave her daughter a wink and left the room, leaving a perplexed Lori behind. And so, she decided to think about it: She did lack a talent or, well, anything that made her stand out from her, specially since Lincoln discovered his talent in making comic books, or writing in general. But on the other hand, Lori didn't really see herself as the "swordplay" kind of person, again, anything sports-related would be far better suited for Lynn.

Decisions, decisions...

Eventually, Lori went to her parents' bedroom and asked her mother, "Could I get a look at it first?"

An hour or so later, at the fencing dojo...

The vanzilla parked outside the fencing dojo, which looked like an average martial arts dojo, only with a more white-color, sword-themed building. Once there, Lori and Rita came out of the car and went inside, where they found a familiar redheaded girl dominating an unknown fencer.

"Hey, she looks... Sort of familiar," Lori remarked, scratching her chin.

Once the redheaded fencer hit her opponent, the referee called "Over!" to signal the match was... Well, over. With that said and done, the fencers shook hands and bowed at each other, then the referee, then the audience of other students before revealing taking off their masks:

The fencer who lost turned out to be Bobby, Lori's boyfriend.

And the fencer who won was none other than Becky, Lori's classmate.

"Bobby Boo Boo Bear?! Becky?!" Lori remarked with shock. "That's... Actually pretty interesting, but I hope he isn't doing anything more with that girl!"

"Perhaps you would like to join, just to keep an eye on your boyfriend?" Rita quipped, causing the young woman to blush and look away. "Come on, let's see if they're accepting new students."

Rita dragged her daughter to the referee, and as Lori glanced at Becky and Bobby, Rita said, "Greetings, my good man! Look, my daughter is looking to join your fencing class, so I was wondering if you had any room for another student?"

"You'll have to ask the owner of this building for that, I'm just the referee," the man answered, right before he noticed another masked fencer, this time clearly an older woman, arrived at the stage and walked to Rita. "Oh, looks like she just arrived."

The masked fencer took off her mask, revealing she was Mrs. Johnson, which immediately caught Lori's attention, and caused Rita to take a step back in disbelief. "Mrs. Johnson, you're the owner of this building?!" she asked as her eyes grew wide.

"Surprised?" the redheaded woman giggled.

"Wait," Lori blurted, before turning back to glare at Becky. "Since Becky's your daughter-"

"Now, Lori, don't accuse mom of nepotism!" Becky replied, giving the blonde the pointer finger. "I had to go through the starting test just like everybody else! And if that doesn't convince you, I'm not even on the top five!"

"Top five?" Lori repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"She means the top five students," Bobby explained with a shrug. "She's not necessarily that good, but at least she's better than me."

"That I can believe, but what are you even doing here, Bobby?"

"I thought it would be a fun experience to practice fencing," the guy answered. "Is there a problem with that, honey?"

Lori scratched the back of her head, "Well, if I can be honest, I think it would make more sense if Ronnie Anne, your sister, practiced fencing, not you."

"Yeah, I agree, but you see..."

Bobby's flashback...

Ronnie Anne was playing video games in her underwear when Bobby opened the door and asked, "Ronnie, could you please put on clothes while you do your things?"

"Fine, Bobby," Ronnie answered, looking straight at her game.

"Okay, by the way, would you like to sign up for fencing classes?"

"No way, sports are overrated."

Back in the present...

"She wasn't interested."

"Well, this was a very interesting talk between you two," Rita interrupted before turning back to Mrs. Johnson. "Now let's get back to the point: My daughter is interested in practicing fencing, and we were wondering if you had any room for new students."

"Lori, is this true?" the redheaded woman shot a glare at Rita. "I prefer to have students with genuine interest in fencing, rather than have their parents try to live out their dreams through them."

"I-I'm not trying to do that, honest!" Loud Mama stated.

"Well, normally, I would say that mom was just trying her hardest to try and force me to make myself stand out from my siblings, since I'm about to become an adult and yet, besides that, nothing really makes me stand out," Lori explained, folding her arms as she continued. "But, truth be told, if I want to get somewhere in my life, I need to try out new challenge, and if my Bobby Boo Boo Bear is willing enough to try this out, I don't see why I can't do the same. So yeah, I'd like to practice this fencing thing."

"Perfect!" Mrs. Johnson put a hand on Rita's shoulder. "I'll discuss a couple things with your mother, and once everything is set, you can do the initiation test next week."

And so, the blonde and redheaded women went to discuss their things while Bobby and Becky approached Lori. "Are you sure you want to do this, baby?" Bobby frowned. "Fencing can be a bit difficult to master if you forget any of the rules."

"Yeah, not to mention painful," Becky added. "During one practice match, Bobby's foil hit my right in the center of my left chest!"

"What's a foil?" Lori inquired.

"It's basically a lightweight counterpart to a sword," Bobby answered. "And before you get angry, I was aiming for her shoulder."

"As long as you were not flirting with her, I don't care," Lori remembered something. "Now, you mentioned something about the top five, who are those people?"

"They're the five best students in the entire dojo! It's considered a really bad to confront them, and mom's even considering letting them become the masters of the dojo once she retires!" Becky explained. "Their names are, in order: Fifth best is Maggie Swagger, the fourth is Dana Pain, the third is Teri DiMartino, the second is Hugh-"

"Hold it, most those names besides the one of the second sound like they belong to females," Lori scoffed. "What, is this supposed to be an all-female dojo and Bobby's just the exception?"

"Mom's working on trying to get the female-to-male equal, okay?" Becky growled. "Anyway, the first is..."

However, just as she was about to reveal the first's name, Becky hesitated, which quickly got on Lori's nerves. "Why did you stop? Who's the first?"

Becky and Bobby exchanged looks, and seeing from her stern expression that Lori wouldn't let them leave without finishing the list, Bobby was the one to break it to Lori:

"The number one student... Is Carol Pingrey."