My Protector

Chapter 1

"I have to get out of here," Harry whispered to himself, "I almost got Sirius killed... all my friends killed, and for what? Some stupid prophesy that in the end means nothing? They ship me back here like they don't even care, like they don't know." Pressing his swollen cheek against the cool window `this weather seems perfect for how I'm feeling' the self-deprecating chuckle soon turned into hysterical giggles ending with him grasping the ribs he knew where broken. `Why did they think threatening Uncle Vernon would do anything? All it did was cause more trouble.' As soon as I walked into the door the beating started, more viciously than usual. Usually it takes a few days for Uncle Vernon to be worked up enough to keep beating him after he went down. Harry sighed, I don't know how much more I can take, what good am I doing here anyway? How am I supposed to defeat Voldemort when Dumbledore allows me to continue being abused, tries to keep my inheritance from me. He wants me beaten and ignorant, he wants me to die no other explanation for why he won't train me. Because if any half-trained Hogwarts student could win this war than there wouldn't have been one in the first place. I need to just leave that way I won't be putting anyone in danger anymore. Wait… that's it "I just leave... I can disappear, but how? I'll write Gringotts surely the goblins will help for a price." With that he quickly penned his request and begged Hedwig to be quick but safe. The knowing glint in her eye before she swept out into the night sky brought warmth to his chest as he lay on the rickety cot provided for him and tried to catch a few hours of sleep before the Dursleys woke.

Jerking awake at the banging on his door he hissed as the sudden motion grated against the scabbed over wounds on his back, "I'm up Aunt Petunia." Quickly making breakfast not even trying to sneak a few pieces of bacon Harry managed to finish just in time for the two whales of the family to lumber downstairs, the glower directed at him meant no good as he ducked his head and fled to his room. Upon entering Harry cooed at his beloved owl eagerly anticipating the response from Gringotts he gently untied from her leg, feeding her treats and fresh water before opening it caressing her beautiful feather before turning to the envelope.

Lord Potter- Heir Black,

We at Gringotts would be happy to assist you in escaping your former guardian's clutches. Enclosed is a list of properties you own abroad, we suggest one of your properties in America in one of the non-magical areas. As soon as you have selected check next to the chosen property and we will ready the house for you and acquire the proper documents.

With much Respect, May your Gold flow and Your Enemies Bodies fall before you,


Head of the Potter Estates

"YES! Oh yes thank you thank you thank you Hedwig we're going to be free!" the grin quickly slipped from Harry's face when he heard the enraged shout from his uncle at his outburst. He should know better than to do anything that might be heard. Quickly stuffing the parchment under his mattress and shooing Hedwig out the window, he bowed his head inwardly screaming as he waited for his uncle to punish him. Hopefully this would be the last time he would have to endure this, the last time his uncle would put his hands on him.