Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight

Chapter 1: First Phase

Emma's POV

I could feel nothing but seething anger. I could only see red. I had never been so close to actually murdering someone then I was right then and there.

I ran out of that courtroom as fast as I could. I could hear people calling out my name but I didn't give a crap anymore. They had just released all four of my rapists due to a lack of evidence. So why the hell should I care what they think of me?

The four guys, Derek, Nathaniel, Tyler, and Eric, all seniors at my high school, had raped me three months ago at a party. I knew that something was wrong the moment that I started to feel ill. I started feeling really confused and disoriented. I was sure that they slipped something into my drink which basically incapacitated me so I couldn't fight back.

Someone, I'm not sure who, saw what was happening and called the police but by the time they got here it was too late. The guys got arrested. However they all have rich daddies with some of the best lawyers around.

They somehow managed to convince the judge that I was lying and in fact, had sex with them all willingly. After all I had been known to lie in the past. I've been arrested more than 100 times since the age of 10. I was a troubled foster girl found dumped on the side of the road when I was just a few months old.

Certainly the baby I was carrying couldn't possibly be one of their's right? After all the doctor said I looked to be six months pregnant and the rape took place three months ago, right?

Who were they going to believe? The perfect, could never do anything wrong rich families? Or me? A girl that's bounced around the California foster system since she was discovered? A girl that's been in constant conflict with the law for years?

While it's true that I've been known to lie to authorities and I have committed many crimes (stealing, assault on a cop, and resisting arrest just to name a few) I would never lie about something so serious. Mainly I committed crimes because I wanted to go to jail just to escape the horrid conditions of the foster homes I had been in.

Abuse is an unfortunate part of my past. However, I had never been a victim of sexual assault until my rape three months ago.

White hot fury filled me from head to toe as I ran. I was surprised the San Francisco Police Department weren't chasing me but at the same time I was glad. My unborn baby boy kicked me furiously from within as if he could sense my anger.

Instead of calming down though my fury, no, my rage, only got worse and worse until I was literally shaking from it. The never ending fever I had been experiencing the past couple of months seemed to suddenly get times worse. Suddenly I felt as if the entire mass of my body was changing and expanding. In less than a second I felt my entire body change and increase in size. The weight of my unborn son increased as well.

Without even stopping to think about what I was doing I was suddenly running on all fours. I ran faster then I ever had before as I raced toward the Golden Gate Bridge. My baby kicked a lot more than usual as a response to this new, unusual position.

When I started hearing the other voices in my head is when I seriously started to question my sanity.

"Someone else has phased," one of the voices stated. If I had to assign a gender to the voice I'd say it was a guy's voice.

"No shit sherlock!" I heard another voice say. This one sounded like a female.

"I wonder who it is though. No one else is old enough to phase," this time it was another male voice that spoke.

"Emma. My name is Emma," I might as well entertain these stupid voices in my head.

As soon as my name entered my head I couldn't even hear myself think anymore. It seemed like all the voices started shouting in my head. It seemed that my names also had voices. Seth, Embry, Leah, Sam, and Quil were just some of the few names I was able to make out.

Names? Ha ha! My voices actually had names! I wonder how far down the path of insanity my imagination will allow me to go?

I skidded to a halt when I glanced down and saw that I had paws! Paws! Gray furry paws! I looked back and saw that my entire body had changed! My whole body was covered in gray fur and I had four legs instead of two! Oh and I had a tail! A freaking tail!

"There it is! Get it!" someone yelled and that's when I realized I was being chased by animal control. I turned right and ran straight onto the Golden Gate Bridge.

I was too busy dodging cars and animal control to pay much attention to the voices in my head anymore. I did hear one of them say something along the lines of "we need to tell Jacob, Nessie, and the Cullens immediately!" Though I had no idea what the hell they were talking about. Oh who am I kidding! They were made up voices in my head for godsakes!

I felt something hit my right hind leg and when I looked I saw a dart sticking out of it!

I felt my adrenaline go into overdrive and increased my speed. My baby started kicking even harder than usual. I felt another dart hit my side and suddenly I started to feel very dizzy. My head was swimming. I had to slow down because I knew that if I didn't I was going to fall off the bridge and end up in the water below.

Then all of a sudden my strength began to return to my body and my vision began to clear up again. Damned I thought for sure those sedatives were going to knock me out. I couldn't believe that my body was strong enough to fight it.

I made it to the other side of the bridge and hid myself. Somehow while I was hiding I managed to turn human again.

When I walked out of my hiding place I saw several police officers standing around looking for the wolf. When they saw me I immediately knew that I was in trouble by the looks on their faces.

When I looked down I saw why. Well being arrested for nudity in public was certainly going to be a new one on my record.

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