Madara watched Diana fight Antiope and the other Amazons. He had wanted her to practice fighting with others at her side, but Hippolyta and Antiope had revealed Diana's true nature to him and insisted she learn to fight alone, for she would be alone if she ever fought Ares.

So, Madara's mentorship of Diana had mostly extended to teaching her not to make the same mistakes he had made in all three of his lives. He doubted she would make them anyway. She was good natured and friendly. She had no reason to be consumed by hatred. Diana, in some ways, reminded him of Hashirama.

The sparring match ended when Diana accidentally slammed her bracelets together while guarding, causing a massive shockwave that knocked back all the other Amazons. The other Amazons cast frightened looks at Diana, prompting her to run off. Madara followed her.

Before he could say anything, a flying machine crashed through the barrier around the island and into the ocean. Diana dived into the ocean without hesitation and ripped the pilot free, then swam him back to shore. Soon afterwards, a small boat full of soldiers arrived on the island carrying firearms. They appeared to be pursuing the pilot, although they wore the same colors. A spy, then.

As the landing party made it ashore, Madara made the hand signs for Great Fire Annihilation and unleashed the flames upon them, burning them all to death. A party of Amazons arrived soon afterwards.

They pointed their bows at the spy.

"Why did you spare this one?" Antiope asked of Madara.

"He's not with them," Madara replied in English, the strange tongue he had picked up while on the island, which he was guessing this pilot spoke. "He's a spy."

The man's eyes went wide at that.

"How do you know that?" he asked.

"I've been doing this a little longer than you," Madara said. "I've picked some things up."

"Enough!" said Antiope. "We will learn what he knows."

The Amazons interrogated the man with the lasso. He gave in easily enough.

"My name is Steve Trevor," the man admitted. "I spy on the Germans for the United States. I have information that could change the war."

"What war?" Antiope asked.

"The war. The war. The War to End All Wars."

"A world war," Madara surmised.

"You could call it that."

"You're naive to think it will end all wars. Where I come from, we had four of them."

"What is this information?" Antiope cut in.

Trevor recounted how he had learned of the development of a deadly gas by a person called "Doctor Poison" under the orders of a General Ludendorff. Trevor was now in possession of a notebook containing the formula for said gas.

"It's very important that I get this notebook back to London," he pleaded.

"Now that you have seen Themyscira, we cannot allow you to leave," Hippolyta replied. "You may stay here, however."

"Mother, don't you see?" Diana asked. "It must be Ares causing the war! It is our duty as Amazons to strike him down and end the war!"

"I forbid it."

With that, the interrogation was over. Trevor was escorted to his quarters and Madara returned to his own. Only to be roused by a commotion outside. Leaving his room, Madara discovered that Diana had broken Steve out of his quarters, stolen several weapons and a very revealing set of armor, and now was leaving on a boat to fight Ares.

"Madara, go with her," Hippolyta commanded. "She will need your guidance."

That was something Madara never thought he would hear. He nodded and got on the boat. The three then departed for this "London" of which Trevor spoke.