
It had been a year since we came back to court. It passed in a flash. Mostly passing in a wave of late night feedings and diaper changes. It was hard, but Dimitri and I got through it together.

And I would do it all again for this little one.

I sat in our room next to Dimitri.

My six-month-old cooed in my arms, wailing with the impending need for a feeding.

"Shh.." I hushed, pulling out my breast and urging it to her.

I rubbed at her brown hair as she suckled at me.

Her little lips drew against me, tugging lightly and pulling out the cold fluid from me.

Dimitri scooted closer and kissed my cheek and then moved his hand over mine to our daughter.

"Little Atticus." He said with a worship. "You're so beautiful."

"She really is, Isn't she?"

I looked over to my husband and gave him a deep kiss.

He returned it. While keeping his hand on her head.

She looked up after she was done. I tucked myself back in to my nightgown.

Her dark eyes swirled and she reached her chubby little hand out.

"What is it Atticus?" Dimitri asked. "Do you want something angel?"

He pulled out a toy. Something he had gotten for her when we were finally able to go shopping.

It was before she was born. Thank goodness. I couldn't have imagined shuffling between shopping for baby and caring for baby.

It was a small rattle. He shook it and a jingle noise erupted from it. She cooed and grabbed it. Bubbles pushed out of her little mouth.

We both laughed. Dimitri reached around me to grab a burp cloth and wiped at her.

"We should get ready." I said, watching Dimitri's finger get curled over Atticus's tiny karate grip. "I have trainings to do today."

"Are you sure you're up for it love?" He ran his free hand over my face and kissed my neck. "The doctor said that you should take it easy."

"I know." I sighed. "But I need to start work again."

It wasn't just financially speaking. We were both working. Dimitri's salary came from the court, since they had assigned me the protection, and then my job as head of Lissa's security. We were secure, but I needed to feel useful. I needed to work. I had suffered greatly with postpartum depression. Dimitri didn't know what to do. I know it made him feel helpless to see me suffer and he couldn't do a damn thing about it.

"Very well, but if it gets to be too much you let me know, and I'll take over until you're ready."

"Yes dear." I said, reaching my face up to give him another kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too. Both of you."

He then rose and planted a kiss on Atticus's head before he went into the shower.

A light mist puffed in the air from the bathroom when he got out.

He reached out his arms after he tied his hair back. "My turn." He said greedily.

I gave him our daughter so that I too could get a shower.

I lingered for a moment though. Watching the precious way, he held her.

He rocked his arms slowly, and made funny expressions with his face to urge a laugh from our daughter.

"You are so beautiful." He sighed. "Just like your mother."

Maybe he knew I was still there, and that's why he said it. He wanted to reassure me.

After all, I had yet to turn on the water.

"I wouldn't trade this life for anything Atticus. I love you baby girl."

He finished with a lingering kiss to her head.

A lot of changes happened with my body after I gave birth. I had gotten acne shortly after. Most of it had cleared up by now though, and not only that for the first few days birth I was peeing like crazy.

I also sweat like a behemoth.

The doctor urged us not to worry, since he said that it was normal. My body had retained a lot of fluid when I was pregnant, and it was releasing.

Plus, I had yet to lose all my weight, and I had what I lovingly referred to as a kangaroo pouch now, and stretch marks.

They were fading, but not completely gone.

We had yet to have sex after the baby, and I thought maybe it was because he didn't find me attractive anymore. Maybe he was just being patient, and was making sure I was ready.

I snuck into the shower and turned on the water. It felt good against my skin and warm.

After my shower, I put on my spandex leggings and was sure to pair it with a baggy top.

I didn't want to show off my pouch.

Once our little family had gotten ready for the day we walked out into the hall towards the gym.


I turned, a seven-month pregnant Lissa waddled over towards us.

I hugged her and rubbed at her stomach.

"You look great Lissa."

"Yea, right." She said with a laugh.

"I keep telling her that." Christian said, wrapping his arms around her waist and cradling the miracle in his palms.

"But my wife won't listen to me."

He pulled her face towards him and laid a deep kiss to her.

She released with a blush and then turned back to me.

"How are classes going?"

Lissa had started taking some courses through Leigh university. It was just online for now, but after the baby was born she had planned on going to campus and graduating.

She didn't want to put her education on hold. I was proud of her for that.

"Fine." She said. "It's been difficult. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep, but it will be worth it."

"Well get it while you can." I said, passing on my motherly advice. "Trust me after you have the baby you won't get a lot of sleep."

"But I am lucky though." I said, dipping myself onto Dimitri's heavy chest. "I have a supportive husband."

"And so, do you your majesty" Dimitri said, turning his eyes to Christian. "You will be wonderful parents."

I knew that the heartache was still there from their loss. It always would be, but I was happy to see that Lissa and Christian got through it together.

I can still see it sometimes in her. The darkness of the life that had gone before it got a chance to live.

"Have you picked out a name for her?".

Christian and Lissa looked at each other with a smile, exchanging silent words before turning back to me.

"Miracle." Lissa said. "Miracle Rhea Ozera."

"Aw, Lissa that's so pretty." I choked back tears.

Rhea was her mother's first name.

Jenessa came bounding up next. Her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. She too was dressed in spandex, but had a more form fitting top.

Her curves danced around her, swaying to the perfect beat of her steps.

Lissa kept Jenessa on staff as another trainer. With Lissa's plan to use magic as an offense against strigoi she hired Jenessa to help Moroi train with their magic.

As she had with me.

She also helped a lot with the dream that I had when I was pregnant with Atticus. She stopped Adrian and Jesse by helping me put up my own mental block.

It was successful, and I spent the rest of my pregnancy nights sleeping instead of dreaming.

She smiled, and gave me a hug, but was sure not to crush our baby in the process.

"Hello gorgeous." She said to the bundle. "How's my little niece today?"

Atticus shuffled in my arms, facing her aunt.

She reached out to her, cooing for her to pick her up.

Just as she said when we came back from our honeymoon her and Jenessa truly had an unspeakable bond.

She always cooed around her. Happy to see her.

"She's good." I said, passing her off to Jenessa. "She certainly loves her aunt Jenessa."

I tried not to sound jealous, but I couldn't help the strain that left my voice. She doesn't react nearly as strongly, even in the morning when I go to get her from her crib.

A tear stretched down my cheek. Dimitri wiped it, and kissed the stain it had left.

"Oh Rose, don't worry sweetie." She said, turning from Atticus to me. "You are her mother. No one could possibly take your place."

"I know." I said, reaching my hand out to her face. "I just wonder if I'll be a good enough mother."

"You will." Dimitri grumbled in my ear. "You already are. I am so proud of how you are with her."

I smiled and turned to my husband, giving him a deep kiss.

"I love you. You are a wonderful father to our daughter. She adores you."

"She adores you too. Just as I do."

I gave my husband one last kiss before turning to the clock.

7:55. Training starts at 8:00.

"Shit. I better get over there." I said, turning back. "How bad would it look if the teacher was late?"

"Not good." Dimitri said with a laugh. "Good luck, and remember Roza, please take it easy."

"I will." I promised as I skipped past them.

I walked over to the group of guardians, but turned back one last time to see my beautiful family.

Lissa and Christian were sitting on the first row of bleachers, holding my little Atticus in their arms.

Jenessa was lined up on the other side of the gym, standing in front of an anxious group of Morio.

Dimitri smiled, his teeth glittering as he watched me and stood by the door.

I turned back and threw myself into the sweaty training session.

I was particularly impressed by this group. They were vigorous, one of them managing to land me on my back on multiple occasions.

Then again, I was out of practice, but it was nice to get back into sparring. I missed it so much.

After two hours, I released the group.

Most of them went on their way to shower, but some opted to stay behind and work out with punching bags or paired up to do their own sparring.

In my mind, those students had gotten extra kudos from me.

Dimitri's arms laced around my waist from behind and he pulled me close.

"Jenessa has agreed to take Atticus for the rest of the evening." He growled, nipping at my ear.

I moaned, feeling his calloused hands wrap underneath my sweaty tank top and border just under my sports bra.

"I have to go to the feeders first." I threw my head back, giving him access to my neck.

As the doctor promised, I now had a healthy Moroi diet.

Damn it, I forgot how good this feels.

"Don't be long." He said with a huff. "I'll be in our room waiting for you my love."

I shuffled in his arms and turned to face my husband.

"I won't." I then laid a kiss to his lips and reached my hand down to his manhood.

He groaned when I laced my hands towards the zipper of his black trousers.

"You better not be." He said with a dark glare.

With one last kiss to my neck he bound off.

I watched as he left, my body writhing with anticipation for his.

"You ready?" Lissa said, walking over and rubbing her belly.


I was glad not to have to go to the feeders alone. I had gotten used to the taste of blood, and even liked it now, but I had found myself going at least once a day. Atticus was really taking a lot of nutrition when she fed, and I needed to keep up mine if she was going to be healthy.

So Lissa and I walked down together to the basement.

After the feeders, we said goodbye and left to our own rooms.

I walked into our room, and then to our bedroom.

As promised my husband sat waiting, wearing a pair of silk black boxers. I could see a bit of his sacred flesh poking against the fly of them.

My mouth watered, and my body tingled.

"Well hello wife." He said with a smoky backlash. "Don't you just look delectable?"

"I was thinking the same about you comrade."

He smiled, rising to his feet and towering over me.

He placed both hands on my cheeks and rubbed circles against them.

"Is Atticus ok?"

As much as I loved the idea of sex with my husband I still worried about our daughter. After all, this is the first time I am away from her for more than a few minutes, and this was a few hours.

"She's fine. I checked on her before I came back to the room. Jenessa assured me she would call if anything happens. I have my phone right on the table." He further persuaded with a point towards it. "It's on full blast. If anything happens I'll know, and I promise we will go get her."

I felt a little better.

"Oh, what about milk?" I said.

He huffed into my neck, the lingering smoke absorbing into my skin.

"I sent a few bottles that you had pumped over to her." He said, brushing my hair.

"Love, relax. She's going to be ok. I assure you. Jenessa is great with her."

"I know." I frowned, feeding my fingers to his chest. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to spoil this. I know that we need this."

He pulled his arms around me and laid his kiss in my hair.

"You're not ruining anything. It's an adjustment." He said. "For both of us. Trust me. I am worried about her too."

He pulled back and cupped my face.

"But we do need this my love. I wouldn't have left her with Jenessa if we didn't trust her."

I nodded and relaxed in his hold.

"You're right." I grabbed his neck and pulled his face down.

I reached for his kisses, and he gave them gladly, swirling them with his tongue.

I moaned as he threw me onto the bed.

"Fuck me." I whispered into his ear.

He shuddered and grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it.


He looked up at me with a wide-eyed gaze.

"What's wrong love?"

I turned away from him and shut off the light. I didn't want him to see me naked like this. I didn't want him to be disgusted. Not that I thought he would be. It was just my own selfish vanity.

"Ok, now go."

He shook his head with a huff and reached for the light.

He turned it back on and stared back down at me.

"I want you. All of you. I want to see everything love."

He reached for my shirt again. I reached for the light but he grabbed my hand, pinning both in his fist at the top of the bed.

"No way." He growled. "I am your husband. You don't hide any part of yourself from me. Understand?"

His eyes were unwavering, ebbing with smoldering flames.

I nodded. My husband's dominance turning me on so hard that I couldn't find words. Couldn't find anything beyond his eyes.

"Just relax." He ordered.

I complied, and for the third time he reached for my shirt.

He yanked it up with one hand and tied it at the top of the bed, making sure that my hands were securely in place.

"Comrade." I said, shuffling in the ties. "What are you?"

"Shh.." He said, placing his finger on my lip.

I kissed it, grabbing it with my mouth and sucking at his pads.

He let them linger, moaning every time I swirled my tongue on him.

After a little while he drew them out. Licking them in the same places I licked him.

"Damn it Roza." He said. "You taste so good."

I bit my lip, but he retrieved it with his mouth, pulling me to his kiss.

I dove tongue first, separating the skin of his lips so I could invade him.

He put up no restraint, letting me explore every part of his mouth. While he did his own exploring.

He pulled back and then reached for my pants. I lifted my hips so he could get my pants and panties off in one fail swoop.

He licked his lips. His hands cascading over me.

He reached for my bra and unclipped it. He drew it up my arms until it was with my shirt.

I lay there naked and venerable on display for him.

"You are so beautiful Roza."

He pulled my legs apart, exposing my hungry flesh.

He drew his kiss onto my stomach.

I shuffled, moaning as each soft one fluttered onto my skin. Setting me on fire.

"Ah.. Dimitri. So good.."

"Hmmm Roza."

Once he had gotten to my summit he drew out his tongue, without looking away from me drew it back up to my rib cage.

He removed his boxers, his hard skin rested on my thigh.

"Please." I said. "Do it. Fuck me."

He shook his head and smiled.

"Not yet Roza. First I want to eat you."

He pushed my legs up so that my knees were bent.

He then pushed them up and rested them on his back before entering his tongue inside of me.

My toes curled as he mercilessly licked my insides, demanding the sweet juice that was just waiting for him.

Each of my groans he matched with his own, matching his pitch to mine.

The vibrations pulled me, making me lose track of what was happening. As far as I was concerned in that moment my life started and ended with the pull his tongue lapped on my insides.

He swam mercifully, deeper into my stormy waters.

"Dimitri." I cried when a particularly hearty tongue lap quaked in my core.

He gripped my thighs in silent gratitude for taking the pleasure that he was giving me.

"Ah.. God.. It's going to happen.. I'm going to.."

Before I could utter another word, he drew out my orgasm.

I threw my head back as the last vibrations of it drained out of me.

He pulled out and smiled while licking his lips.

"Damn Roza. You came so hard baby. That was so hot."

"Please Dimitri, untie me. I want to touch you."

He reached up and released my hands and threw my top and bra onto the floor.

I cupped his neck and kissed him. The taste of my cum salted against my mouth.

"I want you." I breathed. "Inside." I panted beneath a kiss.

I reached down, trailing my fingers down his abs until I had made it to his precious skin.

I rubbed at it. The precum from the tip of him giving me drive to continue.

His mouth parted in a delicious way. He closed his eyes, and moaned.

My thrusts became ragged now, driving with animal lust.

I needed his orgasm. More than I needed my next breath.

He pulled my hand away and then reached into the dresser.

"What are you doing?"

He pulled out a bottle of lubrication and rubbed it onto himself.

"Baby. I'm wet for you. You don't need to do that."

"I just want to make sure you're comfortable." He said apologetically. "Sometimes after a woman has a baby sex can be painful."

He drew back up to me and kissed me before centering his cock to my entrance.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you." He said. "We will stop."

I nodded.

"Did you take your pill today?" He asked.

Since I was no longer dhampir we needed a way to prevent pregnancy. We wanted more kids eventually, but right now wasn't the right time.

He suggested condoms, but the selfish part of me didn't want anything separating us. So instead we decided on the pill.

The doctor informed us that Progestin contraceptives were the best choice since I was breast feeding. So, I chose to do something called the 'mini pill.'

I had to take it once a day. Everyday.

I nodded. Satisfied, he slowly he entered me, his head slowly dipping into me.

He waited, pulling out of me before going back in deeper.

His eyes were intent. Studying my features for any pain.

It burned a little, but I wanted him.

So, I did my best to hide it.

I must have succeeded, because with one last thrust he pushed himself into me.

I moaned, the burning sensation only lasted a moment. Then I felt a sense of completeness.

This is where he belonged all the time. Inside of me, between my legs. My body was always made for his.

Slowly he thrusted, the lubrication from his cock spreading onto the entrance, dripping down my ass.

He kept his eyes on me while his speed picked up.

I grabbed his face, pressing our foreheads together as he continued his climb to heaven.

"I'm almost there Roza." He was quivering inside me. "Baby. I don't know if I can hold on anymore."

"Don't." I said, breathless, my own orgasm rounding the corner. "Don't hold back. Let it go baby."

Together we shuddered, falling into the pleasure that we both needed.

He took a deep breath and then pulled out of me and laid me across the bed, cuddling beside him.

Ok, so this is the last chapter of Harsh reality. I plan on continuing this story, however, it will not be in Rose or Dimitri's POV.

I will be writing a continuation of this story in Atticus Belkiov's POV.

Hope you liked this one! Thank you all for your support.