This iconInserting giant robotswill now be used whenever there is a flashback scene.


Reunion of Mother and Son

Once he opened his eyes, the scenery before him wasn't that of his house. And yet confusion wasn't the emotion coursing in his veins, neither was it the coagulation of blood from the result of a fright tained premonition.

Instead it was a conglomerate of emotions ranging from excitement to eagerness that surged in his being until settling into a single form of something akin to a reverie. The ignition caused by seeing the familiar environment he had grown accustomed to during his youth. He dismantled his wrought iron mask, allowing his expressions and thoughts freedom.

At the asphalt terrain he stood upon felt enticing and sent shivers down his spine, it had been awhile since he was last summoned or even seen her face that the memory was then temporarily forgotten.

This world that would only appear when time was counterclockwise and the ticking of the clock hand finally ceased, where reality was a figment of the imagination brought by shallow accusations of the norms. It was lucid, timeless, psychedelic in nature and fleeting, a dreamscape to clarify. And yet this world existed in reality and pulsed with life, an identity that didn't need any confirmation other than from itself to be acknowledged.

The moon acting as a stage light emitted it's radiance down below onto the boulevard, the only proof of civilization being the café that had the honor of receiving the divine light. The building rectangular in shape and sophisticated in decor silently stationed under that light. There weren't any terrasses stationed outside, but it wasn't detrimental to the pleasant and inviting atmosphere the café garnered. A thin layer of miasma surrounding it that was almost invisible to the naked eye, a 'rift' forming due to it being a hotspot for phantoms.

The front of the entrance was almost entirely composed of glass as he had recalled, anxiousness causing struggle in maintaining his composure as he opened the door and stepped inside. The sign hanging from the outside of the entrance door being none other than people merrily having a tea party, the famiglia's emblem.

The smoothness of the wooden floorboards brushed against his feet as remembrance seeped in, at the entrance were a few square tables and chairs for those who preferred not to have their conversation overheard.

In the middle was a bar counter placed against the wall with cushioned chairs lined against it, assorted coffee beans in enviously ornate jars, decadent wine, and other luxuries lined the shelves behind it. An acid jazz composition playing in the background on a phonograph, adding to the robust and tranquil aesthetic of the café.

Spherical shaped lanterns composed of tiny golden gears turning both counter and clockwise hung from the ceiling, a giant elaborate clock that was without a doubt victorian hung above the entrance.

Far from the meager belief of gaud or tacky choices in furnishings, the entire café being colored in varying shades of red, black, and silver. Everything selected by hand with meaning and purpose, though many would scoff at such a contradiction. If there was a need to describe the theme of the café it would be a classic victorian with a modern day overtone.

'Café Wonderland' it was called, an establishment that wasn't typical for the average civilian to indulge in, this was infamous for it's attraction of mafiosos after all. This was a café where the rigid social hierarchy wasn't tolerated in favor of equity and a haven for all for sought this refuge, where the weak could let down their guard and be treated respectfully. Where the strong couldn't abuse their power and be simmered down into a simple individual enjoying a cup of tea, or for whatever reason they had arrived.

As for the individuals that fortified this practice:

A richly copper tanned boy at least sixteen in appearance behind the counter diligently cleaning a demitasse, white hooded jacket unbuttoned that was decorated with light blue snow fluffs. Black messy hair rebelliously sticking out from underneath his cat eared hood, if one were to look closely they would see that the ears were wiggling to the rhythm of the song he was humming to. Red T-shirt textured with black splotch mark designs and camo pants with a belt strap at the left, paired with white sneakers and the rather jovial expression on his face. Canine teeth sharper than knives, stronger than steel.

Cheshire Cat was his name, 'Cat Con' being his mafia title with his guile and tomfoolery personality that woven itself into his tactical and unorthodox fighting style.

The petite girl possibly in her preteens was comfortably seated at a specially blue clothed table near the counter, woke up from her slumber she gently opened her eyes while giving off the impression of an ethereal beauty. Unblemished alabaster skin and hair styled in a french braid adorned with small white crystallized flowers rested on the left shoulder. White colored pinafore mini dress with a big blue ribbon around her waist and tied at the back in the shape of a butterfly. A white choker with a red lock was fastened around her neck, her long legs completely covered by a matching high length heeled laced boots. Tarot cards placed on the table in a specific order as she had her hands delicately folded over the other in a mannerism befitting of a princess.

Alice Kingsleigh, or known on occasion as the 'Massacre Princess' a title if unacknowledged would be a deadly sin without question, as for how she earned the said title was lost as the information was muddled with her countless exploits that made the patriarchy dominate mafia tremble in either fear or delight at her capabilities.

Overall in comparison to the rather exuberant boy the girl resembled a porcelain doll in the looks department, even then it wasn't noteworthy as they couldn't exactly relate to others. Both of kid's eyes were golden and phosphorescent, any confirmation that they weren't human was baseless. However, in the past they most likely had the privilege of knowing that type of bliss, but this was a fairy tale for another time.

The two abruptly looked up from their current activities, eyes linking to the hitman who waltzed over to the counter and sat down in one of the empty seats. Eyeing the both of them with his signature smirk, the upper half of his face concealed by a shadow casted from his fedora being tilted down.

"The usual." he said, voice baritone and naturally seductive.

The boy abiding the request went to work immediately, during this process he inquired;

"Mama finally got around to summoning you?" Cheshire remarked holding not a hint of rebuke, instead genuine interest as he feigned ignorance.

The girl previously mentioned abandoned her work area and sat on the empty seat on the right of the hitman, curiosity and expectancy gracing her face.

"You're gonna stay this time, right?" Alice urged, frowning at the thought of being separated from hitman.

Reborn fell into contemplation as he couldn't possibly answers this question, not when he didn't holds the means of acquiring a checkmate from the grandmaster. Instead, he simply placed his hand on her head and affectionately ruffling the girl's hair as he had often done in the past.

"I'm not sure." He mused. "That decision is up to her."

The girl huffed and crossed her arms in response. "Ugh, why does Mama always have to make things so difficult?"

"That's just how she works, unfortunately."

"Here." Chesire called, handing the hitman his espresso. "At least she doesn't mean any harm by it, though it'd be nice if she learned to trust us…" he argued.

Nodding in agreement Reborn straightened himself and raised the demitasse towards his mouth until-

"Two?" He voiced, certain that he didn't order another. "Unless…"

"It's for me."

To the right is a woman donned in a punk inspired clothing entered the room, closing the door behind her that was labeled 'Staff Only' and leaned against it. The trademark unbuttoned red lab coat of hers which was slung over her shoulders and up to the elbows, her black officer hat tilted down as it covered the upper half of her face. Her guitar case slung over her shoulder as she condescendingly smirked as if she was one of the royals and they were the peasants, yet this wasn't far from the truth.

A woman known as Shion, or the infamous 'Red Queen', boss of the 'Wonderland Famiglia' and president of the 'Wonderland Corporation'. An oddity of her own as it wasn't classified that she was the Primo of her famiglia despite its lengthy history that rivaled others in power, especially their achievement of acquiring exclusive knowledge where the price tag couldn't possibly be measured. Should the knowledge ever be held in an auction it would send the mafia world in turmoil, or even start WWIII with or without the world powers being involved. As for how she sustained her life and youth for an extensive amount of time was enviable, though that practice has faded into obscurity.

"It's nice to meet you again, Renato," she cooed, waltzing over to the counter.

Reborn smiled thinly, amused at the woman's 'grandiose' entrance. "In the mood to be mysterious aren't you?" He teased.

Smirking, the women sat down on the hitman's left, placing her elbow on the counter using it as a pedestal to rest her cheek on. "Says the man whose entire identity is shrouded in mystery," she riposted.

He rolled his eyes. "Says the women whose 'A Thousand Years and One Nights' in age."

Offended she retorted; "It's a well respected lore! Besides I'm not that old!"

The two 'children' looked at each other and shook their heads as they sighed in exasperation, predicting the outcome of what's to come. Cheshire fondly whispered,

"At least our home hasn't changed, right Alice?".

"Yeah!" she replied, getting off the seat and firmly taking the boy's hand as they pretended to exit out the 'Staff Only' door. Leaving the 'adults' to their quips despite their desires to converse awhile longer with the hitman, they decided to listen in on the conversation from behind the door.

After they tired from the incessant banter, silence became stagnant in the air. Taking the initiative the women raised her demitasse towards the hitman with a smirk. Noticing this he returned the smirk with his own and raised his as well, clicking their cups together.

This wasn't exactly a special occasion in the slightest, if they were to chose a reason for the action. It was simply because they held respect for each other, dismissing the few bumps and fights they've encountered. For they always resumed their relationship free of grudges and ill wills, even if they were separated for extended periods of time.

Glugging the last of their espresso they slammed it on the counter without a care for the two children who eavesdropped on the unrefined action. The women flexed her shoulders while the hitman cracked his neck and after, both of them tilted their respective hats down in sync with their signature smirk. A few of the many habits Reborn picked up from the woman who raised him until he graduated into adulthood without any need for compensation or reparation.

When he as a child the cacophonic droplets of rain scorched his wounds and sent imitations of ripples into the void in his heart as he forgot the morsels of joy that came with his pitiful existence. With memories of misfortune as he waited for a sign distinguishing life and death for back then he constantly stood on the intersection alone without fail, waiting for when he would die and yet trudging along as if he were a corpse.

Being a lonesome and mangy cur that was left abandoned on the streets to fend against the perils of the night, having lost everything that made him a human being.

Until Shion came and gave him a reason to live and survive, providing him shelter from the scorning rain. Singing to him so that the unethical jeers of others wouldn't plague his mind, and given the privilege of calling Café Wonderland his home while being taught the warmth of a family that would stand by him in the frigid deluge. Teaching him how to become the sun that shined brightly in the sky without a single fragment of hesitation, a light within the darkness.

A reason to become a human being.

Her eyes glistening mischievously, the woman urged him to lean on her shoulder as she recited a story she had learned at one point in her life, pretending to be the lead actress of a musical with her flamboyant gesticulations as she sang a few verses. Bringing out her bass guitar from it's casing and stringing together a beautiful rhythm that complimented her singing on the spot.

Sighing the man complied with her wishes of wanting him to follow her lead. But he instead wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close as she laughed it off and resumed her singing. Smirking, his fedora casted a shadow over his eyes as he reminisced how as a child she had often told him these stories. Grateful that their relationship hasn't changed in the slightest after all these years despite her habit of kicking him out so many times.

The two children listening smiled, leaving from their hiding place knowing that everything would be fine as always.

And this was how the beginning of their inevitable reunion began, as-

Mother and son


Q & A: I

After they had their fun, the woman faced the man without emotion other than the questionably carefree smile on her face, befitting that of a welcoming mother.

"Renato." Shion called, commanding his attention. "You've fostered a child of Vongola lineage, why?"

Contemp writhing behind those words for the woman didn't have the most favorable relations with the Vongola Famiglia. Even before it betrayed her son, something she knew and that he couldn't deny as a 'Mother's Intuition' wasn't something to scoff at.

"You know," she continued. "It doesn't help that no matter how much Timoteo denies it, the Vongola Famiglia is practically a puppet state to the Teocrazia Famiglia. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the reason behind him suddenly ordering his men to attack you despite the contract you made with his famiglia. So why are you taking care of one of their own?"

Reborn faced her, refusing to backdown. "Iemitsu begged on his knees for me to take care of his son because he went into hiding." Trailing off, eyes narrowing in acerbity, disgust, and...sympathy at the memory. "Because the Teocrazia Famiglia was chasing after him."

Shion's face morphed from her seemingly delicate facade into fury as she reached into her pocket for a smoke. "Figures." she snickered, lighting her cigarette. "Of all people who would incur their wrath I guess it was only natural he'd be on their list."

The Teocrazia Famiglia, a household name in the mafia world. Having started as a cult, though in all accuracy it could still be considered one. Their reign built upon the worship of the supposed 'special species that walked the earth before the dawn of humans'. And with the ownership of sixty percent of the world's raw materials in gems and metals it made them untouchable. The famiglia's accumulated wealth making them a force to be reckoned with.

Allowing them to operate in the public however they please as they partake in various business ventures such as their infamous 'Teocrazia Academy', an exclusive academy for the mafiosos situated in Italy created solely for the purpose of advancing its students. A mecca of knowledge, a gateway for those who sought a proper standing in the mafia world, if they were up for the challenge and had the perseverance to conquer all that came their way.

He rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a weary sigh.

"And if that wasn't the least of my worries when I went to the hospital he and his wife disappeared, leaving me with the parental rights to his" He shook his head, saying without a hint of doubt, "My son."

This time surprise formed on her face then a genuine smile of affection, pride surging in her heart as to how much the person she saw as her son had grown. But she didn't press any further on his previous connections with the Vongola, her stomach already churning from the mere mentioning of the two famiglias. Instead she puffed her cigarette and said.

"You know, he's reincarnated just like me."

"I know." he frowned in worry. "I won't ask when you met him, in exchange can you give me some advice on raising him? You once told me that the reincarnation process could damage the person and that it couldn't be cured but you never said how. If something were to happen to Tsuna then I…!"

"Calm down." she chided, putting a hand on his shoulder. "There isn't anything wrong with him but…"

"What is it? Tell me. Is it something that I'm not aware of?"

"Well, from what I concluded, he seems to represent the epitome of someone who was reincarnated based on how his mentality keeps reverting back into a child and the age he died, something which should correct itself with time."

"Is there anything else I should know?" He asked.

"Well, alongside his questionable 'Hyper Intuition', I first noticed it when I sat down next to him, it flared only after a few seconds, his eyes turning that sunset orange color and I could have sworn that I saw the afterimage of a grown man that was still in his prime. And it didn't look like the kid knew how to control it, at least not yet." Shion replied, deciding not to say: 'That grown man I saw looked afraid, as if he was running away from someone.'

"I already know that." he reasoned, pensive at whether he should tell her. Then sighing heavily, coming to the conclusion that it was better to have closure even if it would probably bring more hardship.

"Tsuna has a birthmark in the shape of a gunshot wound on the back of his neck, naturally he must have been killed in the process. Is there more to it that I can't see or am I dwelling on something that isn't worth my time?"

This didn't faze Shion at first, not when she and others around her had succumbed to a gruesome death. Well, that was prone to happen with those affiliated with the mafia, even if that wasn't how she had originally died. With a weary smile on her face, whether it was to give confidence to herself or liven the mood, the action didn't amount to anything.

"I've encountered a number of people over the years who have reincarnated, myself included." She began hesitantly, furrowing her brows as her voice started to strain, struggling to get the words out.

"When there is a birthmark, it's usually an onset of pain in that general area that'll arrive when the person reaches puberty. Manifesting from the wounds received when that person died...or" she grimaced, swallowing in trepidation. "The sign of an upcoming disorder or illness…"

Reborn's throat dry and sticky he did his best to ignore the feelings that demanded to permeate from his facade.

"...What are the chances of Tsuna having the latter?"

Grief ridden she said, "The percentage is a hundred."

Immediately in record time he felt as if he was suffering from asphyxiation as the knowledge smothered him. He rested his elbows on the bar counter and hugged his head as his entire body tensed, had he been standing he would have collapsed on the floor from vertigo. Shion, feeling responsible, rubbed his back in an effort to ease the distress, her words that were spoken being a dread incarnate.

In desperation he looked up and asked, "Is there at least a way to know what kind of mental disorder he'll have? To ease the burden?"

She shook her head in sorrow, but incomparable to the emotions raging in her son's heart.

"I can only provide therapy if that's what you're asking. Unless if I were to perform a surgical procedure on him it'd be impossible for me to determine. Even with my specialty in the forensic and 'necromantic' fields I wouldn't risk cutting open his cranium without the repercussion of making the burden worse. If I were to take a different approach it'd be just as faulty considering this is neurological, if finding a potential defect from the body was a maelstrom then this is a hurricane."

His clenched fists turning a pale white he forced himself to accept the situation, muttering cryptic curses under his breath. Boggling his mind as to what someone as innocent as Tsuna could have possibly done to have received such comeuppance. When the information had finally settled in he let out a breath Reborn hadn't realized he had been holding, replying.

"Then I'll just have to focus on what I can do and continue standing by his side."

The woman nodded in agreement, flashing a look of reassurance at him.

"And I'll be there to help."

He raised his head from his hands, perplexed by her statement.

"What do you mean?

Shion stood up from her seat and waltzed behind the counter, bringing out a few papers and sliding it over to Reborn. Skeptical he glossed over the pages, a few eye raising and chuckles later he handed them back to her. And leaned back and as he let out final, genuine boisterous laugh that relieved him from his previous brooding, that his mother would go out of her way to do all the paperwork and even make the preparations in selecting Tsuna's daycare for him. As for what kind of daycare it wasn't exactly notable. Well, it would at least help him sleep at night.

'Of course she would do something like this. To think she managed to get Cheshire and Alice involved as well.'

"You're honestly going to use the rift and relocate the café to the neighborhood for Tsuna's sake?"

"Of course." she said softly. "I want to help raise my grandson, besides I've already relocated it. Not only that it'd be better for Tsuna to grow up with people who've reincarnated just like him, that way he'd have someone to talk to without feeling the sense of detachment that comes with being so different. Even if that means I'll have to temporarily resign as a teacher in the 'Teocrazia Academy'".

Shion was a revered forensics teacher at the 'Teocrazia Academy'. Her doctrines being unexpectedly broad for her specialty, with the ability to seize one's talents and refine it. All those she chose to undertake flourished with her tutelage, unless the man in front of her wasn't proof of her exploits. The woman's very first pupil, 'The World's Greatest Hitman' being the zenith of her capabilities as a teacher.

And with surprising results as well, for he inherited her uncanny ability as a tutor which has only recently been utilized by him caring for Tsuna.

He stood up as well, titling his fedora down in the semblance of a salute.

"I guess I'll see you in the reality then?"

The woman copied the gesture. "Yup, just make sure to bring your son. I've been wanting to spoil him for a while now."

"Don't spoil him too much then," he said lightly. "That's my job."

"As if," she sarcastically remarked. "I'm the auntie so I should be allowed to spoil him as much as I want!"

"And I'm the Papa." he retorted.

"Yeah yeah, just go already," she complained, holding back an eye raise. "You have to wake up and send him to daycare, right?"

With an ingrained suavity he waltzed out of the café, closing the door behind him.

"See you on the other side," he whispered.

Walking into the darkness the sounds of his footsteps reverberated, until he woke up from the lucid dreamscape and back to reality.


Black Goat: I

When Reborn had left she threw away her cigarette, loosening her muscles and flexed her shoulders again.

"I'm really getting old," she grunted distastefully.

Unfortunately, even though she had acquired the ability to prolong her life and youth she was still susceptible to the aliments that came with being an elderly. Stiff shoulders being one of the burdens she received so far, the other burden being something that wasn't brought by age. But had caused her suffering either way, where the stitching and bandaging of the wounds was rendered useless.

A reflection she would be better living without, a nameless illusion.

Smiling bitterly she sighed with an emotion she couldn't name, holding back the tears that threatened to pour from her eyes she gripped her arms in an attempt to numb herself. Gritting her teeth, and thinking to herself again once more.

'Even I know...that love, is just like a curse you'd see in the mirror.'

Slowly she raised her hands to her face, conflicted as to whether she should gouge her eyes. Or better yet, get rid of her face altogether.

Then she glared at the girl standing in front of her on the other side of the counter, a curse that was binding even her fate, and forced her to live with the visage.

The girl who was supposed to be so pure and untainted, benevolent without the lack of confidence that came with being so beautiful. It was the same girl she saw in the mirror everyday, acting as a mnemonic of her curse.

"It's really strange." she thought, clutching her chest. "That when I finally thought I had everything I ever wanted...What I sought after, instead it was my fate, mangled it into something I couldn't even recall. Not when my visage…"

She who didn't belong on the theatre of a play.

An anomaly who wasn't from this world.

Let alone this universe.


Day One of Seven

Yawning tiredly Tsuna woke up stretched his arms, or tried to. He looked up and saw that Reborn was still holding him in an iron grip, arms carefully wrapped around his waist and back so he wouldn't be smothered from the weight.

The boy's face buried in his papa's chest, his still sensitive nostrils overpowered by the alluring scent of gunpowder, espresso, and...blood from his papa's clothes, it wouldn't surprise him if this was the hitman's natural scent. Not that he minded, the boy had already grown to love the smell because it had always lulled him to sleep at night alongside the soothing beats of his papa's heart.

His papa's face comfortably nuzzling his untamed hair, small puffs of warm air reaching down to the boy's cheeks. And Tsuna smiled, his papa's face looked so peaceful and relaxed, as if a burden had been taken from him. No, he saw that behind it, his papa looked distraught, as if it was brought by the fact that the man couldn't do anything but spectate.

It tugged at his heart strings to see him like that, if he didn't know any better the hitman was making the exact same face when he found him in the park last night. He had to make his papa smile, that was all he wanted, so…

With a mischievous glint in his eyes he wiggled out a hand and reached up, squirming to touch one of those curly sideburns. One of his morning day rituals, not that he cared about the consequences of this since Reborn was always lenient with the punishments. The hitman visibly shifted every so often, most likely sensing his vulnerable curls being preyed upon. Moments later after a couple futile attempts Tsuna was almost there-

A pair of black eyes snapped open and it's owner turned his head so that his curls would be out of reach, staring down at the boy lovingly.

"Nice try, cheeky brat." he teased, lightly flicking the his son's forehead.

"Good morning!" Tsuna shouted, pouting as he used both hands to reach for the sideburns.

"Papa!" he whined, struggling to reach them. "Curls!"

Reborn laughed it off and slide himself off the bed, cuddling his son in his arms as the relished in the warmth.

"Good morning." He said, kissing his son's forehead as he strolled over towards the bathroom to take a bath. Ignoring the whinings of his son who insisted on touching his curls, just barely registering the lion cub who was guarding the bedroom door for some reason.

"Natsu?" he called, but the lion cub shook his head, refusing to budge.

'Hmm...I'll have to ask Tsuna about this...'

As for their clothes, Tsuna was in a lion themed onesie...and Reborn was for once wasn't wearing his tailored suit or fedora, instead he was also wearing…the same onesie...well, a bigger size...

The day Tsuna first arrived Leon was spinning threads and making the clothes inside itself on top of the bed sheets, and that wasn't the only instance of this. Leon kept making clothes everyday, the chameleon eventually realized that Tsuna had a knack for convincing Reborn to do things the hitman would never normally do.

The two conspired and Tsuna with his 'innocence' produced a background of sparkles and flowers behind him, effectively convincing the most revered hitman in the mafia world to wear a soft and cuddly giant-oversized-lion-themed-onesie. All with just simply tugging on the hitman's clothes and calling him his papa, albeit cutely. Something that Reborn would never know whether to be proud of or annoyed by, that his son actually managed to surpass the hitman in the art of 'Mafia Seduction' when he wasn't even a year old yet.

Originally Reborn only wore it when Tsuna begged him to and as pajamas, but with his son always urging him to wear them, and even resorting to cry when he showed even the slightest hint of refusal. Wearing it day and night that it ended up becoming a habit, a very pitiful habit.

The hitman placed his son on the ground, who was holding his hands up in the air. Sighing at the hopeless gesture he yanked off his onesie and then his own with ease, folding and placing them in the wash bin. He then scooped up Tsuna in his arms again and grabbed a some lion bath toys from the cupboard and sat down in the bathtub, turning on the water at a temperature precisely so that I'd be tepid for Tsuna's still infant body. Watching as his son floated in the water and swam in circles with his toys, marveling at how spacious the bathtub was for it could fit a dozen adults and still have room for more.

Laughing at this Reborn reached over to the shampoo bottle that was hanging on a nearby rack, squirting the thick and slippery liquid into his palm. Grabbing his ahold of son and combing his finger in his hair till every spot was covered in soapy suds, massaging the scalp as Tsuna shut his eyes and hummed a cheerful tune. Then he moved onto the conditioner as his son used a washcloth to clean himself, and just as Reborn was about to wash himself Tsuna shoved the washcloth in his hands.

"No!" Tsuna yelled, swimming over to the shampoo bottle.

Understanding the reasoning behind the sudden outburst Reborn crouched down in the water until only his head was bobbing up. A few seconds later Tsuna returned with his hands in a sticky mess and smushed the liquid into his papa's hair, giggling as he made a few abstract designs with the hair than actually cleaning it. Blowing bubbles from underneath the water the hitman snorted as he cleaned the rest of his body and then completely immersing himself under the water when Tsuna got too distracted by his own giggling.

Pausing momentarily he reminisced how as a child the scene before his eyes had repeated itself.

"Shion." he whined, arms crossed. "I want to wash your hair!"

She shook her head as she sighed.

"Renato, for the last time I can wash it myself!"

And he reemerged from behind Tsuna, and slowly sneaked up from behind him until-

"Gotha!" he shouted, cuddling his son.


Reborn refusing to backdown tightened his hold, grinning madly as he had the upperhand. Tsuna in response to this flailed his arms around until he stopped and crossed them, huffing from the lack of progress.

"Papa!" he whinned. "Let me go!"

"No, not unless you say the magic words."

"Let me go please." he deadpanned.

"The other one."

Tsuna sighed in frustration as he felt his cheeks darken, looking at his papa bashfully in the eyes he gathered the courage to say,

"I love you."


Breakfast of Cuddles and Giant Robots

"Papa." Tsuna asked worryingly, facing the latter. "Why are you cuddling me so much today?"

Not that he minded but still, ever since they woke up Reborn was cuddling him every chance he got. In the bathtub, as they put on their clothes, when they were brushed their teeth, and even when Tsuna was using the toilet!?

As for what they were doing right now, they were supposed to be eating breakfast, apparently. Tsuna was sitting on Reborn's lap and was being fed his breakfast of formula milk and...a small bowl of mashed tuna fish...

"Papa." Tsuna growled, as another spoonful full of the mashed garbage was edging closer to his mouth. "Tsuna fish is cannibalism!" he screamed.

But his complaints weren't heard as Reborn's intention was to engrave every gesture and word Tsuna made that he wasn't actually listening, as he was currently on autopilot due to suffering from a cuteness overload earlier when they were in the bathtub. There was even a background of sparkles and flowers behind him, well they were covered in blood and mutilated limbs with the demented wailings of the dead but still!

"Gah mumph no!" he cried, as it was forced down his throat. "Natsu!"

But his cries weren't heard, as Natsu was occupied with guarding the front door, and chasing his tail.

"Gao! (A strong sky flame user came to town last night remember!)" he yelled back, licking his paws.

"Traitor!" Tsuna screeched. 'And why am I always the only one who's able to understand him?!'

Then a thought crossed his mind, he didn't know if it would work but he had to at least try. He steadied his breathing to ready himself, with a newfound confidence he faced Reborn with his own sparkles and flowers.

"Papa." he called, innocent and commanding. "No more tsuna fishies."

Reborn stiffened at the look his son had, Tsuna taking this as a confirmation that his papa had woken up from his trance sighed in relief. This is until realizing it had the opposite effect, as the hitman discarded the spoon and instead mercilessly shoved the whole bowl down his throat.

"There's more where that came from Tsuna~" he cooed, cuddling Tsuna even more.

Gritting his teeth and frothing madly Tsuna finally had enough of this, (and was EXTREMEly disgusted by it as well) he brought out a piece of paper he shoved earlier inside his onesie and handed it to his papa.

Moments later Tsuna sat by himself on the dining table drawing giant robots on a blank piece of paper in his sketchpad with a colored pencil as he swayed his legs contently at the chaos he was causing. Natsu who he persuaded to stop guarding the entrance was in a rainbow eggplant and pineapple themed maid dress and in the kitchen making lion themed pancakes and espresso.

As for what happened to Reborn, the hitman was currently in the living room fending off attacks coming at him from all sides. Well, what was left of it. The curtains were pillowed on the shoulders of a Gundam, the couches overturned to the side by a Valrave, and a Knightmare stepped over the shrapnel and debris as it swung it's sword down at the hitman who dodged it effortlessly. Needless to say, the entire living room was a war zone consisting of the giant robots that Tsuna generously remodeled into the size of a fully grown adult.

Tsuna shook his head in disappointment as he took a bite of the pancake Natsu placed in front of him. It was an endless cycle, Tsuna would draw to life giant robots that terrorized Reborn somewhere in the house and the next day the hitman fed the boy a giant bowl of mashed tuna fish. Meanwhile Natsu sat at the sidelines or when given encouragement mauled the hitman without fail, then dragging him off outside into the sunset.

At those times Tsuna left the hitman to his demise as he walked into the overly spacious basement where all the gunpla and other giant robot merchandise were stacked at one half of the room, the other half being his art atelier. Or he traversed in the study, searching for books that were of interest to him as he sung the theme songs of the giant robot animes he recently watched.

After Tsuna finished eating he drank his formula milk, narrowing his eyes at the repulsing aftertaste. Turning around just in time to face Reborn who in perfect condition sat back down in his seat, tossing the dismembered head of Optimus Prime in the trash bin as he took a sip of his espresso and smirked, secretly praising himself at what he just accomplished.


An Old Friend

"Why do I have to go to daycare again?" Tsuna complained, dangling his legs on his papa's shoulders.

"Because I want you to make friends." Reborn replied, adjusting his grip. 'Though I'd rather keep you all to myself.' went unsaid.

Tsuna pouted, annoyed by the outcome of this. He didn't want friends, or at least ones that were his age. It didn't matter if he should socialize, not when the boy already surpassed most adults in knowledge even if he couldn't properly apply it yet.

"Papa, at least put me down!"

"No, you might wander off again. Just be happy that I'm letting you take along Natsu."

"Gao~(I'm in charge of watching you~)" he mused, from inside Tsuna's bag.

And he couldn't help it, but he was scared.

'I don't get it.' he thought, nuzzling the back of his papa's head. 'They'll probably be the same as the kids from back then and…'

By the time Reborn finally set him down all the other parents with their kids had arrived, they were at 'Namimori Daycare' in Italy. The two caretakers, one boy and girl who didn't even look qualified introduced themselves.

"I'm Cheshire Cat everyone!" he told them, with a two finger salute.

"And I'm Alice Kingsleigh!" she chirped, twirling around to greet everyone.

But strangely enough, no one questioned this and accepted as if it were normal. The only indication that something was wrong was that Reborn was trying to hold in his laughter as if he recognized them, and at the same time ignoring the lecherous gazes the parents were sending his way as he walked away. Just when Tsuna was about to out his bag away Natsu stuck his head out and pointed his paw towards someone, and the Tsuna locked eyes with a boy who was standing by himself without his parents by his side. Both of their eyes widening in epiphany…

The boy with his most recent endeavor in pioneering his own famiglia he made sure to present himself accordingly, until the day when impressions didn't matter after he established a reputation and notoriety of instilling fear and respect in other enough so that he can humor himself on occasion or when he felt like it. It's been only a few hours of reconnaissance since he got off the plane ride from Italy and arrived in Namimori, Japan and he already had to use every fiber in his body to refrain from confronting the Sawada household.

Ienari Sawada, his grades were never abysmally terrible as he had originally anticipated based on the prior knowledge he had access to. In fact his academics was outshined by the counterbalance in his talents pertaining to athletics, a ladies man and he didn't shy away from showing off his prowess, even obnoxious boasting about it to the ire of his peers. And the most infuriating of all, his flames reigning free from any shackles but he lacked the infamous 'Hyper Intuition'. Smiling like an idiot as he was surrounded by his future guardians and other people who looked up to him as they stood by his side, a loving mother, and a father that actually made the effort to interact with his family. But someone was missing, and no one noticed.

No, everyone was simply living their lives unaware of it.

The boy shook his head and stood up from the tree branch he hide behind and leapt away, there wouldn't be any merit in confronting Hibari Kyoya, at least not yet. From what he just observed among all the questions that were raised one thing was clear, Tsunayoshi Sawada was a name that no one remembered, because there was never anything to remember.

He later secured himself on the bed of a hotel room he rented, typing away on his laptop for some answers. Hacking into the database that the Vongola foolishly prided themselves on, and when he did he wanted nothing more than to ask, 'why?' Closing his laptop and placing it on his nightstand he buried himself under the sheets to sleep the night away.

'I want to meet him. I want to see Tsuna…' was the only thing that crossed his mind.

An address, Namimori Hospital. Arriving he gave false papers that detailed him as a distant relative, not one questioned his worth as tendrils of sky flames circled around him in a protective casing for all those that dared to send him away. He was so close to the truth, he needed to see the proof with his own eyes.

Walking down the hallway the sounds of his footsteps echoed, until he halted in front of the room numbered 27. Peeking in from the window he saw a broken boy thirteen years old, apathetic, nihilistic, and without a single trickle of emotion staring aimlessly at the ceiling as he laid down on the hospital bed. His figure skinny and petite, hair thin and unhealthy, skin pale and dry. His eyes were soulless and if the boy looked closely, he'd see that they resembled his own all those years ago when he had lost his morality. Sketchpads and books are scattered everywhere along the floor, and finally.

He was dying alone.

It was true after all, not a change in routine. The same old melancholy. All because the thirteen year old before him was born sickly, and that death would embrace him faster than most others, that he wouldn't get to life his life from beyond his hospital bed.

A disgusting lie, a pathetic cover up.

Running away was impossible for the teen, not when the muscles had atrophied and the lingering will was already starting to waste away as well. Which meant that he never had the privilege of interacting with others, or had a single friend.

And not only that, he felt the disturbance in the air, one that could only manifest as a result of 'Flame Sickness'. That unlike Ienari Sawada, it was Tsunayoshi Sawada who was sealed. If his assumptions were correct then...the boy he saw from behind the door was sealed the day he was born. From the data he gained from hacking the night before, the reasons behind this was all for the sake of assuring that there would only be one true heir to the Vongola. As for the consequences behind the victim being sealed at that age...they would be better off dead...

He grimaced at the sight, it reminded him too much of his former self. He was once saved by the person he saw before him, that gave him a second chance, the one who became his best friend, promising to always staying by his side no matter what. But they hadn't met yet, it was one of many memories that would best be described as a beautiful lie.

And in all the memories that surfaced, Tsuna was always there by his side supporting him. Also, more than anything he wanted to know what it was like to form a relationship with someone who was in a similar situation, someone who was also cursed with a 'gift'.

Placing his hand on the door he steadied himself. His reasons for coming here wasn't to repay Tsuna, it was because...he knew what it felt like to be alone...and that's what he saw from behind the door.

'Until now.'

Having seen enough he slammed the door open and closed it behind him, startling the thirteen year old in the process. Grabbing one of the chairs the boy sat down next to him and held out his hand as he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Tsuna~ I'm-

The boy's features softened as he walked towards Tsuna and held out his hand to introduce himself, eyes beautifully glistening amethyst with hair white as the clouds with a light shade of lavender. A sweet smell of marshmallows wafted around him.

"Nice to meet you Tsuna~ I'm Byakuran Gesso."

Tsuna simply laughed in response and shook the boy's hand saying, "Didn't we do this before?"

"I guess we did." he laughed, "But that was a different version of myself."

"Don't sweat the small stuff, Idiot."

"Boo." he pouted, crossing his arms. "Tsuna's being mean to me again!"

But before he could say anything else, Tsuna hugged him and Byakuran hugged him back as he caressed his fluffy hair.

"Thank you, Byakuran." he said, as tears streamed down his face, "For being my first friend." With Reborn and Byakuran by his side, maybe surely it'll be all fine.

And afterwards they spent the whole day playing together.



"Tsuna look!" Byakuran yelled, wearing nothing but a diaper as he flapped his wings in the living room. "I'm a cupid!~"

Tsuna and Natsu meanwhile flying on the giant robots that were summoned as they joined Byakuran who was shooting heart shaped arrows that had a marshmallow stuck at the tip.

As for Reborn...he was wearing a lion themed onesie over his crisp black suit and his fedora smushed underneath the hood of the clothing as he shuffled towards his espresso machine, fingers trembling as he reached for his demitasse….

'I just wanted Tsuna to make some friends so they could come over when it was his birthday, but..' he thought, stirring his cup with a straw. 'How the hell did he find a cupid!?'

And just as he was about to confront them, Optimus Prime ran towards him with a machine gun.


Author's Note

Wonderland Famiglia's 'Tea Party' Emblem- taking after the seventh chapter in 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'

Teocrazia Famiglia- Italian for theocracy family

Renato Sinclair- Reborn's true name (I think?)

And I hope you liked reading it as much as I loved writing it, so leave a review on your way out!

Their birthday chapter will come up soon!

"I meant to release this a day later but I've been so busy as of late that I would forget otherwise….and I'll be revising all the chapters and including this one hopefully AS A REWORKED FANFIC with some more dialogue and scenarios….ugh, this is a terrible chapter...well, I guess those of you who are reading get to see the 'beta' version of the story? Meh, my responsibilities as a person has been suffocating's be very difficult. As for the original ideas I used...I'm fairly certain that I read a book in my local library with a similar premise now that I think about it, so go figure?"

Also, this is technically my first true fanfiction so please be kind to me.

And this will be monthly...hopefully...

(Also I had a great time talking with everyone in the PMs!)

UPDATE 8/1/17 Because I'm not satisfied with this story I've decided that I'll be revising all the chapters and including this one hopefully in a remake with some more dialogue and scenarios
Reviewer #33:Guest Thank you so much for your review! Erm, if you had an account I'd probably be annoying you so we can talk some more. Well, I was actually thinking of deleting this story and giving up fanfiction, then I remembered that I was doing this to relieve my stress of everyday life so I was happy to read what you wrote. And I think I will be taking your advice, mostly because I've been having trouble on how to present Tsuna and his current situation. it okay if you make an account so that we can converse?