Everything we do in life is based on FEAR, especially LOVE. ~Mel Brooks

Garcia hums softly as she gently rocks back and forth as she pets chestnut brown hair. Dr. Reid slowly started to fall asleep in the tech analysts' arms. "Shhh, shhh it's ok honey cakes. Go to sleep. I've got you." Garcia says softly as she gently rubs the top of Reid's ear.

"...I like honey cakes." Reid says softly as he snuggles up to Garcia's neck.

"I know you do sweetie and mama is going to make you a nice, moist honey cake." Garcia says softly.

"P-Promise?" Reid asks softly.

"I promise sweetie." Garcia says softly before kissing Reid's forehead.


Garcia chuckled softly. "Thanks baby girl. Pretty boy never gets enough sleep on the way back with those nightmares." Morgan says softly as he walks over to the couch.

"No problem. I can't let my little genius go with out sleep. Now get me a blanket so he doesn't catch a cold." Garcia says softly.

"Here you go G." JJ says softly as she passes the blanket to the other blonde.

Humming Garcia carefully wraps the blanket around the man gently before kissing his forehead.


"I fell asleep in Garcia's arms?" Reid asks softly as he stretches inside of the elevator.

"Got that right sweet cheeks. All I had to do was hum a little song, cover you with a blanket and rub the top of your ear and you were out like a light." Garcia says smiling.

Reid chuckles as he steps out of the elevator and straight into Agent Strauss. "O-Oh. S-Sorry A-Agent S-Strauss." He stuttered before Strauss stopped him.

Strauss cleared her throat before speaking. "Agent Reid I came to notice that you turned 27 nearly a year ago and I failed to notice. Well I thought I would get you a little something in apology. So...ta da." She says before picking up a small purple crate with a little slide, house, wheel, water dropper and two hamsters-a Golden hamster and a Roborovski hamster.

The group behind Reid watched as he carefully reached out for the cage and watched the two hamsters inside the cage racing each other. "Y-You got me a pet?" He asks softly.

"Yes. Yes I did. I thought it would be easier for you to bring them with you too a case and too work. I saw you at the park the other month with Agent Morgan and his dog and I saw you were having a lot of fun with...I want to say Clooney? Yes Clooney. And I also heard you say that you've never had a pet before so I went to the pet store and picked these gals up. I would've gotten you a dog but it would be hard to take on a plane and keep in a hotel room so I got you something smaller." Strauss says softly as she looks at the young man.

Reid sniffles softly before carefully putting his new hamsters down and hugging Strauss. "Thank you." He says softly as he hugs the confused agent.

Strauss smiles softly as she hugs back. "Your welcome Agent Reid." She says softly as she hugs the man back.

The team smile as they watch Reid and Strauss unaware of the two pairs of eye's staring at them from a computer screen.

Two days later...

Reid hums as he carries his pets into the bullpen with a smile. "Penelope no pushing Orchid! She had the seed first!" He scolds the Golden hamster.

Looking up Reid smiles when he sees his team not to far away. "Hey guys! I was thinking that maybe we could all go see this new movie! I think it's called Despicable Me. I'm really intrigued by those small yellow things." He says as he puts his things on his desk.

"Oh look. Now he's being nice. What the hell pretty boy? Last night you were cursing and yelling at us through a text and now you think we'll forgive you just like that?!" Morgan growls.

"W-Wait what? I never texted anyone last night. I fell asleep watching a documentary about otters then I woke up from a nightmare. I went next door to M-Mr. Robinson's apartment because I couldn't go back to sleep a-a-and-" "Oh shut up Reid! Your stupid stuttering is pissing me off."

Reid flinched as he backed away from the dark skinned man. Looking to Rossi and Hotch for help he saw anger in their eyes along with the women of the team. "Honey Cakes! Look what I...brought...what's going on?" Garcia asks before she sees the unshead tears in Reid's eyes. "Oh. Oh sweetie what's wrong? Who made you cry?"

"N-N-N-Not c-c-c-crying." Reid says with a tiny sob.

JJ looked at the young man in regret as she saw tears dribble down his face. "Oh sweetie. Look at me baby. Who hurt you?" Garcia asked softly as she held the young man's face in her hands.

Reid shook his head as he backed away. "No, no, no, no, no. Don't touch me. Don't touch me." Reid says as he hugs himself. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Never did it. Never even touched phone last night. Promise."

Reid looked up at the team with tear stained cheeks and wet eyes causing them all to feel immediate guilt. "I'm sorry." Reid whispered before running away.

"Reid!" Morgan yelled while chasing the smaller man.

Grabbing his arm Reid screamed causing the dark skinned agent to let him go in shock before the pale man ran away with tears going down his face.


Running into his apartment building Reid trips and falls down next to his apartment. Sobbing, Reid crawled to his door before crawling inside. "Reid? Reid? Oh, Reid." A soft voice says as somebody walks into the apartment.

"M-Mr. Robinson! Mommy!" Reid called out as he made grabby motions towards the 44 year old Asian man.

Robinson rushed to the young man and scooped him up. "Shhh, shhh, mommy's got you. Mommy's got you. What's wrong sweetie? Who hurt mommy's boy?" He asked as he held Reid close to his chest.

"M-My team. My team thought I did s-something mean and yelled at me a-a-and b-big brother t-told me to s-s-stop t-talking 'cause of m-m-my stutter." Reid whimpered before moving closer to the older male.

"Oh baby. It's ok. It's ok. Mommy's got you. Do you want mommy to help you calm down?" Robinson asks softly.

Reid nodded and started to claw at the mans broad chest. Robinson smiles softly and kisses Reid's forehead and takes his shirt off. Spencer quickly latched onto a nipple and suckled. Robinson hummed a soft tune as he rocked the man. Being born a Hermaphrodite Robinson was graced with a baby after a one night stand but unfortunately he miscarried a few weeks ago.

When he started to help Reid he found that it felt much better when ever Spencer suckled off of him due to his milk ducts being so swollen that they hurt him. Once Reid latched on the very first time he felt so relieved. Humming Robinson gently rubbed Spencers head before kissing his forehead.

Picking the man up Robinson took Reid to the room in the back of the apartment and sat down on the bed as Reid continued to suckle. "Shhh, shhh baby. It's ok. It's ok. I've got you. Mommy has you. Drink up baby. Such a good boy. Your mommy's good boy aren't you?" He whispers softly as he lays his cheek on Reid's chestnut mop.

It was at least five minutes later when Reid finally stopped suckling and cuddled up to the other man's chest. "Are you ok now sweetie? Do you want a cookie?" Robinson asks softly.

"No mommy. I'm not hungry." Reid says as he curls up on the man's lap.

"Ok baby." He says softly. "Do you wanna go to the nursery?"

Reid nods and Robinson stands with Reid in his arms. Walking towards the front door Robinson noticed that it was closed when it was left open. Being ex-military Robinson quickly reached for his gun on his hip but gasped when he was hit in the back of the head with a pistol. Robinson blinked open his eyes in time to see Reid being snatched up by two people in masks.

Pulling out his gun he fires at the one in the winne the pooh mask. The person gasps as their shot in the shoulder but that was the last thing he saw before everything went black.

Meanwhile at the BAU...

"How could you! You made him cry and revert back to his no touching stage! This isn't even Reid's phone number!" Garcia yells as she smacks everyone up side the head with a rolled up magizne.

Hotch winced as he was whacked four times, Rossi jumped when he was whacked three times in the forehead, JJ jumped when she was whacked on the shoulder, Derek stood still as he was whacked in the gut, head and forehead and Emily whinced as she was whacked four times in the forehead, throat and neck.

"Ok, ok mama were sorry ok? We didn't mean to hurt Reid. We should've known it wasn't pretty boy's number. We're sorry." The dark skinned agent said softly.

"It isn't me you should say sorry to Derek! All of you are going to march your butts down to Reid's and-!" "Excuse me, Ms. Garcia? There's a man here asking for you. He says his name is Lee Robinson?"

Turning Garcia gasped when she saw that another Agent was leading a tall asian man in who didn't have a shirt on. "Lee! Oh my god are you ok?! Where's your shirt?! And is that...milk on your chest?" She asked softly.

"Reid! Reid was kidnapped! I was helping him calm down a-and oh my god. He's gone. He's gone and it's all my fault." Lee says before falling to his knees and crying.

Garcia rushes over to the man and holds him up. "Look at me. Look at me sweetie. What do you mean my baby genius was kidnapped?" She asked quickly.

"I calmed him down a-and then I went to take him to the...NR...b-but th-then I saw the door was closed and the door was open! I reached for my gun but they hit me in the head! I shot one in the shoulder b-but that's it. I passed back out." Robinson says as he sniffles.

A loud binging sounds from Garcia's laptop before it answers itself. A live Video feed shows up on the screen against the wall showed a large nursery room with books, a rocking chair, changing station, man sized crib and many, many, many toys. And one peacefully sleeping Reid in the crib. "Reid?" Derek asks as his eye's go wide.


Reid blinks open his eyes to see a big nursery and that he was no longer in his clothes. Instead of a brown sweater vest he's wearing a sweater with a Stitch face on it, instead of his slacks he's wearing a stitch dipair, instead of his sneakers he's wearing stitch knee high socks and in his mouth was a pacifier.

Looking around he tried to figure out where he was but couldn't so tears begun to appear at the corners of his eyes. Grabbing the bars of the crib Reid looked across the way and at the large teddy bear. The pacifier dropped out of his mouth as he begun to cry.

Rubbing at the back of his eyes with his hands Reid continued to cry until a door quickly opened and a lanky man with long black hair rushes in with a sippy cup. "Shhhh, shhhhh. I've got you." The man says as he opens the crib door.

The man dragged Reid out of the crib and sat down on the edge. "I've got you. It's ok. I won't let you get hurt. I won't let him kill you too little brother. J-Just stop crying. Ok? He's had a bad day today so he won't want to hear it." He says before putting the sippy cups nipple into Reid's mouth.

"Alex? How's Angel? Is he up yet?" A deep voice asks before a tall muscular man walks in with slicked back blonde hair.

"Y-Yes daddy. He's awake. B-But I'm feeding him! So he can't play." Alex says as he grips Reid tighter.

The man smiles. "Didn't I tell you he wasn't to be fed? He is in trouble because I got shot while trying to get him. So...NO DRINKS!" He yells as he rips the sippy cup from Reid's mouth making him start to cry out of fear.

"P-Please daddy. Please don't hurt him. Please." Alex says as he holds Reid close to his chest.

The man glared at Alex before looking at Reid then back to Alex. The man's expression softened and he sighed. "Ok baby. Take care of your little brother ok?" The man says before kissing Alex's forehead then Reid's. "I'll be back by dinner time. If you two are good then I'll bring home Mc Donalds."

"C-Can we have Flurries?" Alex asks as Reid settled down.

The man chuckled. "Oreo or M&M?" He asks smiling.

"M&M!" Alex says smiling. "What do you want Angel?"

"O-Oreo?" Reid asks softly.

"One M&M and one Oreo. What toy's do you want?" The man asks smiling.

"Megamind!" Alex says smiling.

"S-S-S-S-S-Same." Reid says softly.

"Alright I'll see you two later." The man says softly.

A few minutes past before Alex picked Reid up and grabbed the sippy cup and put it back into the younger man's mouth. "Shhhh, shhhhh. I've got you. I've got you. I'm going to put you in the rocking chair ok? I need to talk to the teddy bear." Alex says softly.

Reid nodded as he drank the juice that was inside the sippy. Alex crawled over to the teddy after putting Reid in the chair. "Help us. Please. Please. I don't know where we are but I'm really, really, really sorry. I couldn't protect the others. I won't let your friend die. I promise. All I know is that we're in Las Vegas. Get down here. Fast." Alex says before the man from earlier storms in and drags Alex away by his hair.

Reid drops the sippy cup and rushes to help Alex but ends up being thrown into the wall with a sickening CRACK!

Reid slumped to the floor and blacked out. The team that was watching gasped and called out for the man. But he couldn't hear them.