
I was a little surprised at how many people don't want to continue reading this story just because Kate and Rick are going to have a girl. But this story ends with the birth of the baby anyway so I don't think it really matters.


„So Felicity, look this is your new home" Rick cooed. He was currently carrying their newborn in one arm. She was so very tiny she fit perfectly on one of his arms so he could still hold hands with Kate.

„You know that she is sleeping, right?" Kate said, smiling exhaustedly. It had been two days since Felicity had been born but she was still exhausted. Staying in the hospital with a bunch of other crying infants wasn't really relaxing.

Kate sighed in relief when they finally were home. She called the loft home know. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been to her apartment. Not since she had been put on bed-rest. Officially she hadn't moved into the loft. But unofficially she had all her important things here and hadn't been to her apartment in months.

„Do you want to lay down?" Castle asked, taking in her tired look.

„Yeah" Kate nodded. „You should too. You've slept less than I have." Castle of course had been with her when she gave birth to Felicity and he hadn't left the hospital either. And unlike her he had nothing but an uncomfortable plastic chair to sleep in. She'd told him he could go home to sleep but he had insisted on staying and had probably bribed the staff to let him.

„Dad! Kate! You are home" Alexis exclaimed while she came down the stairs. „And there is my little baby sister" she cooed once she'd reached them.

„Oh my god, she is so cute" Alexis said. „Can I hold her?" she looked up at her dad and Kate.

„Yes, of course" Castle said and put Felicity very carefully in Alexis' arms.

„You can even keep her for an hour or so until she wakes up and wants to be fed again" Kate said. „I swear she already eats more than Castle. She is always hungry. I can't even sleep for two hours at a time."

„Yeah, you two look pretty tired. You can go to sleep, I watch Felicity" Alexis smiled excitedly. Granted she was asleep and they couldn't do much but Alexis was happy to just look at her.

„Thanks Alexis" Kate gave her a tired smile. „Just come wake me when she starts crying"

„I'll do that" Alexis smiled back. „Good night"

„Night" Kate said.

„Night pumpkin" Rick said and he and Kate made their way to the bedroom, leaving Alexis and Felicity in the living room.

After changing into comfortable clothes they slipped under the covers. They were so tired they were almost asleep as soon as their heads touched the pillows.

Before he fell asleep Rick whispered in Kate's hair.

„I love you."

He remembered their first night together and smiled. He hadn't been able to tell her that he loved her then. The night they had made their perfect little daughter.

„Love you too" she mumbled back.


I'm not really that happy with this chapter (if it even can be called that) but this story kind of lost my interest. I don't want anything more angst between this version of Caskett and writing fluff bores me. So I'm ending this story here. And I'm looking forward to continue my other story and post new ones.

Thanks to all reviewers and followers. I hope you enjoyed the story.