[Osano and Ayano]

Ayano jogged to the intersection where she and her childhood friend, Osano Najimi agreed to meet up to walk to school together. She jogged a little faster, despite knowing that he'll be mad once she gets there. Ayano stayed up late reading a romance manga that she just couldn't put down, and it ended up in her oversleeping. If it wasn't for Osano, then she never would've woken up. But she did feel a little weak, due to the fact that she only had a slice of bread for breakfast in her rush to get ready. And the bread wasn't even toasted.

As she got closer, she could see the familiar orange hair of her childhood friend who had his arms crossed and a look of annoyance on his face.

"Sorry I'm late!" Ayano said as soon as she reached him, out of breath. "I stayed up late reading manga…"

"Ugh, this is middle school all over again!" Osano said angrily, glaring at his friend. "You can't keep doing this, Yan-chan! I'm not your personal alarm clock, you know!"

Ayano looked down, disappointed in herself for making her oldest and longest friend mad again. "Sorry… Osano-kun. If it bothers you that much, then we don't have to walk to school together anymore."

Osano heard something break, like glass, even though he had no idea where that came from. Ayano heard something break too, but didn't really pay attention to it. She was too busy cursing herself for angering Osano again. Normally, if this was just any person, Ayano would fight back and get angry, but this is Osano, who she's known for a long time. Someone she can't really get mad at, despite the fact Osano gets mad at her almost every single day.

"N-No!" Osano firmly said, holding Ayano by the shoulders, surprising the girl. "Tha-That's not what I meant at all..!"

"Eh?" Ayano questioned.

"Wha-What I mean is…" Osano started blushing as he stammered and stuttered. "It's not that I don't mind… No, I do mind, it's just that…I actually don't mind waiting… But you're just so hopeless… But that doesn't mean I don't want to walk to school together… No! What I mean is…" Osano realized he wouldn't get anywhere with his stammering and promptly shut his mouth, still blushing.

"Osano-kun..?" Ayano said his name worriedly at her friend who was acting weird.

"Just forget it! Forget what I said!" The boy said as he turned around, so she wouldn't see his still blushing face. "Let's just go to school, before we're late!" He said as he began walking ahead.

"Okay." Ayano followed after him.

"Oh and meet me at the school's rooftop at lunch, ok?" Osano said, looking away.

"Huh? Why?" She asked.

"Just do it! Ok?!"

Knowing that arguing with him or questioning the reasons for his actions would just make him angry or embarrassed, Ayano just agreed, wondering what Osano would want or do.

Fast forward to lunchtime on the school rooftop…

"H-Here..!" Osano said loudly with a blush, a cutely wrapped bento in his hand. Ayano looked at it like it was the most mysterious thing in the world. "It's a bento stupid!" Her eyes sparkled with delight. "I could tell by your behavior this morning that you didn't have a proper breakfast. So… here." Ayano looked at her friend with thankful sparkling eyes, like Osano was the most amazing person in the world. "D-Don't look at me like that!"

Ayano took the bento with a grateful look on her face. "Thank you, Osano-kun."

Her beautiful smile, tone and expression made Osano blush even harder. "Just shut up and eat your bento!"

[Amao and Ayano]

Fast forward to the end of classes…

Ayano was simply walking down one of the many hallways, when she saw one door open, as if it was inviting her to come in. She saw the sign that said 'Cooking Club,' and wondered if it was ok to enter. She wasn't a member of the club, but she does know a few people there, personally. She peeked from the door, and saw only a familiar boy with brown hair and a mint green apron on, who was decorating a cake. She recognized Amao Odayaka after putting the pieces together. She's talked with him a few times, so it should be fine.

She stepped inside and approached Amao in the kitchen area who was still busy decorating his cake. "Amao-kun?"

He turned to her with that signature sweet smile of his. "Oh, perfect timing! Would you help me decorate this cheesecake?" His expression seemed to grow brighter and sweeter the moment he saw Ayano.

Too sweet for Ayano to decline. "Oh… um, sure!" Ayano was a bit surprised at the sudden request. "What do you need me to do?"

Amao instructed her to wash the strawberries from the refrigerator, and help him place them on the cheesecake he wasn't done putting the frosting on. After a while of doing all that, the cake was complete, and both students sighed in relief.

"Thank you for helping me decorating the cake, Yan-chan!" Amao said sweetly.

"You're welcome, Amao-kun." Ayano said back, politely. "But I was wondering… Why are you doing this alone? Where are your club members? Shouldn't they be helping you with this?"

Amao giggled cutely at Ayano's question. "Actually, this cake is for the drama club."

"The drama club?" She repeated.

"Yup." He confirmed. "It was a special request from them-well, the president actually. They needed it before the usual time for club activities. And you know how Kizano-kun is." Then he looked at the clock. "Goodness! That took longer than I thought!" Amao exclaimed distraughtly. He gazed at the mess of his kitchen. "Oh… If I deliver this to the drama club now, I won't have enough time to clean up. Awww… And I was planning on baking a three-foot chocolate cake and chocolate croissants with the club members today…"

The high school girl didn't know if the cooking club's president was really good at being passive-aggressive or really good at making you feel bad. But either way, Ayano knew what she had to do.

"I can deliver the cake to the drama club." She told him.

"That's sweet of you, Yan-chan." Amao said, still sounding dejected. "But you've already helped me. I don't want to involve you in another problem of mine."

Wow, this guy really knows what to say. Ayano almost thinks he's manipulative.

"It's not a problem at all." She said with a much more determined tone. "It's just delivering the cake to the drama club. It won't take too long. Plus, you're the president of the cooking club. You have duties and responsibilities. So it won't be a bother at all if it's just me delivering a cake."

Amao gazed at Ayano like she was his savior. Which in this case, she is. He held her hands tightly and looked directly into her eyes. "You are just the sweetest thing!" He said, back to his sweet and gentle self. "I mean it! From the bottom of my heart! I owe you, Yan-chan. Thank you."

A/N: First scene with Osano was inspired by both the male rival introduction video and the comic by Usa-Ji, and seen by the comic dubbed version by Lunar Sky Productions. So yeah… credits since I don't want to be accused that I plagiarized ideas or anything like that. And Amao's scene is also inspired by the male rival introduction vid and a collection of fanarts I've seen of him by different artists.

Of course, the other rivals will get their own stories/scenes too. They will go in order by the same order in the introduction vid, and there will be two rivals per chapter. So the next chapter, will be Kizano and Oko. Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors since I'm high on coffee and not getting much sleep today. Thank you for reading and hoped you enjoyed!