Gazagunmen: What's the technology?

Engineering: Steam powered? Technology: Modern Communication.
The story mostly coincide with canon as Kishi never made it clear of how it works. Think of the modern setting as a side thing but I won't focus too much on it.

On to the chapter!

The sun peek over the hills bestowing its light to a small farm village with one side of its fields scorched and barren. Sprinklers moisturize the land as villagers and farmers alike tend to the farms whacking off the burns that seek to spread which occurred the night before. Not one person lay asleep even the young and elders as all contribute their efforts in saving what remain and salvage the fruitful. Rugo wiped the mounds of sweat off his head after racking the ashes a couple meters away from the ongoing harvest alongside with his fellow men.

"Is this good enough?" He grunted, fanning himself with his hat. The smell of burning crops reminisced the fragility of life.

"Yeah, it's good. You should take a rest, you've done enough helping all of us out." A farmer gave him a reassuring smile acknowledging he was up all night since the charade started.

Rugo waved a dismissive hand. "I don't mind…I'd rather get my hands dirty than my ass crapped on by my wife."

The farmer chuckled wholeheartedly. "Hohoho…alright. What about your friend? Haven't saw him since…"

His mouth was shaped like an oval once he mentioned it and gaze around upon realizing Raizo was nowhere to be seen. "Odd…" A rustle from the crops and a villager stepped out then approach the farmer. The villager looked particularly anxious as they exchange words which eventually was mirrored by the farmer. The man left and the farmer turned to Rugo with a concerned expression. "What's going on?"

"The guy's wife and kids went missing…he's been asking around searching for them since last night and found out several more shared the same fate." The farmer shook his head as he sighed and a tinge of uncertainty splintered Rugo's chest. "You should check u-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence as the hunter frantically dart to the direction of his home.


Crazy Rebel - "RELEASE US! YOU HAVE COMMITED TREASON ON OUR LORD! FREE US FROM YOUR STAIN! YOU WHOREMONGERING CUN-!" Amena hand-chopped his neck rendering him unconscious and tossed him away onto a tree.

Meanwhile, the Uchihahad rounded and the remaining 10 men or what was left of them she deemed hostile. Some of their faces were swollen and all of them were either lightly bruised or suffered non-life threatening injuries but enough to scarred them for life, if they managed to live long enough to regret that is. She wondered what she should to them; immediate execution or hand them over to the authorities? Meh, she already killed several who had the nerves to oppose but decided to grant mercy on the batch that were smart enough to surrender. The Uchiha examined over them, their uniforms were a mix of grey and black but the most critical feature was the metal insignia all wore, a slashed river.

'So these are the Marsh Rebels that's been responsible for setting fire on villages and the hundreds of kidnappings, within the eve of the great harvest no less…' She folded her arms, biting the nail on her thumb. '…eliminate all who pose a threat to the harmony and lives of this country…' That was the first thing she learned in becoming an op, and they seemed no different as the ones who fell prey to her blade. Executing them right here and there would be enticing but whatever information they possess may be of value.

A bruised 30 year old well-built marsh rebel spit before her feet, shooting a disgruntled glare at her. He looked up and down at her, seeing no indication where her allegiance stand. "Unbelievable, a private mercenary…you have no right to dictate what we do here." He spat, receiving no outward reaction. "You're on the wrong side…you know that? Those so called people feed the demons that terrorize and oppress the land we cultivate, nurtured and in return…they robbed us of our pride and possession." His compatriot's looked to him in awe, nodding at every word. "We demand to have it return to us…take a side!" He exclaimed, glaring at her uneven reaction.

Amena shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever dispute or grudge you spew have no effect to an organization that remains neutral, which is fortunate for me. Unless you take it up to management…then they may strike up a deal with you. A slim chance I've to warn you, first." Said the nonchalant Uchiha, leaning her leg on one side.

The shinobi gritted his, frustrated at the situation disowning him. "Dammit…"

She swayed her hair back. "Nevertheless, your crimes was witnessed by hundreds and you have no room to deny or dispute. I seek your cooperation and depending on it, your freedom will be granted and I'll make its just. Is that understood?" Some hopes were lit and some eyes downcast.

The same shinobi clicked his tongue in disgust. "Traitors…" The presence of the mercenary startled him as she had a smug expression across her face, staring down at him. "What the!?"

"Doesn't seems like your 'compatriots' share the same ambition as you…"

His eyes were lit up in anger and vines started pulsating, like seriously pulsating as if they were about pop. He wasn't just glaring at her but at his companions who seek to betray as well. All of his blood vines in his body were bulging to the size where you fit a stick in it, pulsating in rhythm with his heartbeat which beats faster at every passing second. Amena narrowed her eyes, holding onto the hilt of her blade, noticing the doomed reactions coming from the captives.


"What the hell are you doing!?"

"This fucker! Kill him! Please!"

The rebel laughed hysterically when seals began burning onto the surface of his blistering skin. "RISE THE SLAIN! FALL TO THE ORDER! HAHAHAHA! TRAITORS TO THE REVOLUTION!" He screamed to the top of his lungs. The others tried to crawl away, faces etched in complete panic as his entire form started pulsating. He laugh manically once more. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAH-." His triumph was cut short when a 26 inch blade was jammed to his mouth then down to his throat. Poison seals tangled around his heart before rupturing it with a squelch. His body went limp and the blade was pulled out, staining the blood onto his frozen companions.

Amena watched as his face fell to the dirt, narrowing her eyes at the seals on his body. "What was he about to do?"

"I-it's a technique…he converted all the chakra in his core to turn into a bomb."

"A bomb? A technique without committing to hand seals?" She crouched down to gaze at his lifeless beading eyes, bleeding right out of its sockets.

"T-That's right…"

She stood up to look at the relieved survivors. "And I assume all of you know of this technique?"

At first they hesitate to answer, then they agreed in silence. "Yes…"

"We won't use it."

"We will cooperate!"

"We'll say anything!"

They begged to not be ruthlessly murdered, to live. Amena sighed and sheathed her blade followed by a chorus of relief. A rustle in the bushes caused her to look over her shoulder and out marched her faithful travel companion. "Took you long enough…" Burns, dirt and dried blood assumed his entire disheveled form. His eyes were pale, face scrunched and exhausted. "What the heck happened to you?"

The shinobi of the leaf let out a heavy sigh as he walk over to her. "All night chasing down kiddynappers…that's what happened." The blonde yawned longingly before blinking at the scene around him as well as the corpse and turned to her. "What about you? I hope you haven't been lonely…"

She snickered. "I got company but they've been wearing me down. Anyway, you said something about kidnappers?"

"Dead…" He gestured his bloodied grimy hand out causing the captives to squirm which he ignored. "…I tried to be civil but didn't get anything from them, my bad. The villagers are fine, no worries." He sentenced flatly, signs of exhaustion began surfacing.

She placed a finger on her chin and contemplate. "Hrmm, I detected approximately 50 targets and lost 30 which I'm safe to assume that you eliminated them?"

He took a moment for himself gazing elsewhere then back to her. "Yeah, I think so."

Nodding firmly, she focused her attention back to the captives. "For now, I'm going to squeeze out every bit of detail out of them." They were visibly shaken and Naruto dully nodded. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all." He shrugged, folding his arms staring over the prisoners.

Amena picked a random rebel and dragged him by his back-collar several meters away into the bushes. Once far enough, she placed him on the dirt and stood over the agitated man. "Wait, why are we alone?"

She crooked her brow. "So they won't hear you scream."


She waved offhandedly and her serious demeanor appeared. "If I assume you're lying, you will. If I don't get what I want, you will. You hear me?"

"L-loud & clear…"

"Good. Now, let's start off with the basics…"

Meanwhile, Naruto gaze over his shoulder to where Amena went and sleepily sighed. He sat down in front of the captives, legs-crossed and it made them unnerved. "You, tell me. Why do you people snatch wives and kids right out of their beds?" He demanded to the fellow who seemed slightly older than him and was returned with an impassive stare.

"Most end up in slavery and if they have a nice body, we sell them to the highest bidder. The kids will serve in mines and whatnot till they die. If they survive long enough, they will pledge allegiance to our cause."

"Is that how you end up playing ninja with them?" He asked expectantly, remaining neutral.

He smirked. "Ninja? Those don't belong here. It lost its meaning. Powerhouse? Force of Nature? Bullshit! They're glorified mercs if you ask me. No, warriors is where it at. They've age and grown far longer than mere ninjas. Warriors were the driving force in all of humanity's history and now we've come to take it back."

Naruto tilted his head, crooking an eyebrow. 'What superficial nonsense is he saying?' He leaned forward, asking a more direct question. "Oh, really? Okay then, what is your cause? Why kidnap?"

His other eye went uncomfortably wide, all while smirking. "I'm glad you asked. We don't force them to slavery exclusively, if they have a potent chakra core, they're served as batteries, servants, for our sacrament ceremony."

"Ceremony?" He narrowed his pale blue eyes. "You mean like a ritual?"

"That sounds a bit archaic but, yes. To give you a clear image, we are many, we are vigorous, we are forceful, but that isn't enough to go against the status quo of this country. In order to achieve our goal to take back this land we have to…"

"…call the assistance of our god, Kagu-tsuchi!" The captive exclaimed, his voice growing in intensity causing the Uchiha's skeptical eyes to narrow. "For when he shall send his apprentice to our doorstep, the light we stray will shimmer over us! For when he call upon our summons, then we shall take up arms for his final crusade! Finally, he will hail upon a gathering in his ark for the final prayer when salvation begins!"

Amena back-handed him across the skull and received a face-full of dirt. "Enough with your 'gospel'. I want actual solid answers. Facts, information, present it to me."

He turned his head in an abnormal fashion with a crazed smile. "You seek to defy our god? The one true god!?"

She refrained from rolling her eyes at him then decided to remain compose and slid a blade out of her sleeve. "It seems you weren't listening."


Naruto ignored the scream exploding behind him and snapped fingers to the guy he was questioning. "HeyHey, let's get back on topic. Your god, Kagu-sushi-"


"Whatever. What is he based on?" He keenly asked, remembering forced to spend long hours in the library sunk in waves of books. As far as he knew, Kagu-Tsuchi was the son of Izanami and Izanagi. His birth incinerated Izanami, causing her death. The grieving father, Izanagi, eventually beheaded and cut his body into eight pieces which became eight volcanoes. In the mythology, his rise comes at the end of the creation of the world and marks the beginning of death. That won't be too surprising if it turn out to be true considering Naruto himself is the living proof of incarnation on Asura. "What does it have anything to do with your so called crusade?"

"Four years ago, that's right. Four years ago!" The slight jitter in Naruto's eyes caused him to grin. "YESYES! You know it? Of course you do! Everyone does! It was a dream. Not just any dream, a revelation! It was a prophecy foretold! It is the world to be when our salvation comes!" Of course, it was during The Fourth Great Shinobi War. The wishful dream he could vividly remember like it was yesterday. It was clear the war caused a domino effect and may have acted as a catalyst which transpired in creating…?

"What do you call yourselves?"

Amena's captive spat blood, breathing dryly as knives were dug into various parts of his limbs. "We are…(breaths in)…The Kindled. Our purpose is to…(coughs blood)…scorch the lord's message into humanity. Spread his message. Bring in the faithful. We are his missionaries."

She folded her arms and tap her foot in contemplation. 'Hundreds of similar reports have occurred across the country and now I can be certain they were outside the village where I first confronted Uzumaki-san.' She then realized something. 'The MAF that we encountered yesterday, could they perhaps be chasing these guys down instead? Handing them over to them might be the better choice than killing them outright as so they would get the intelligence they need.' However, she require more relevant info to notify her organization. After all, they're obliged to face all threats, be it foreign or domestic.

"You're a missionary, then a missionary needs his sanctuary. Tell me the location of your base." The raven-haired stated firmly to which he sunk his teeth into his lips in response.

"I'm forbidden to reveal our holy side to an unbeliever. That is the rule."

Amena was clearly displeased as she closed her eyes. "You won't bend the rules for sake of your own life?"

"I've already given my life to the lord. I'd bite my tongue if I have to." He retorted then proceed to actually do it. Squelch. He clasped his jaw into his tongue with so much force he sprayed crimson right out his mouth. "AHAHAHAHA!"

"Be quiet." She opened her eyes to reveal the 5-petaled Mangekyou Sharingan swirling to a halt. The man gawked in disbelief, unable to comprehend what he would never have thought to see in his lifetime. "Just stay calm and relax." Of course, she had yet to find out the power of her eyes and from what she read, most Uchihas had the ability to control their targets, or at least influence them. Now would be the good time to test it within a controlled environment. The man was unable to look away, his mind and body succumbing to her reign. "Now…tell me the location of your base."

He opened his bloodied mouth to speak until he felt his entire body becoming numb, refusing to even shift an inch. His pit became solid, choking the air out of him. His eyes instantly rolled to the back of his head and it forced Amena to take a step back but something caught her eye. There was a split-second seal glowing underneath his tongue and all blood in his body was drained turning his skin completely pale. She could hear him struggling to breathe and only seconds later he became nothing but a lifeless vessel. The bushes rustled and Naruto appeared to see Amena staring intently at a corpse then pat her shoulder.

"I don't think that was me…" She softly muttered, retracting her Mangekyou.

"No joke, I thought you put some kind of curse on'em." He beckoned and shift the bush over revealing all of her captives piled up dead with the same horror-stricken eyes. "They really got me spooked when they started biting their own tongues…then all of them went completely still and it really freaked me." He crouched down and slid whatever remain of the man's tongue up to investigate the black seal underneath. "Could this be the cause?" He remembered Sai had something similar.

Amena rubbed the corners of her temple. "Great…" She dragged. "…no wonder we never got a clear conclusion with these fanatics. Reporting about this is going to be a headache…"

Naruto wiped his fingers and stood up facing her with an uncertain expression. "You know, this doesn't have anything to do with me…but"

She eyed him. "It's okay. You don't have to intervene and I'd rather not have you involve."

"I'm not finished!" He cut her off…excitingly? "This is crazy! Can't you see what we're dealing here? Not just fanatics. God-Forbid-Fucking-Unholy-Pyromaniac-Fanatics! They're like the Akatsukis! Instead of summoning a treehouse they're planning to ring god's doorbell! I'm going to fight 'em!"

"Uzumaki-san," She shut him. "I know you had a fair share against these type of people but aren't you acting outside your jurisdiction?"

He shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands uncaringly. "What's the deal? It's not like I'm hurting anybody. I'm not trying to sound arrogant but these guys picked the wrong turf at the wrong time. Amena-chan, as we speak, thousands of kids are getting soiled right their souls! They're gonna grow without a dream except for the one they're forced chew with! Fuckers have no right to strip it away from them! Grinding them to death?! Like susan-mary-raising hell I'm going to continue to let it happen!" Amena was completely taken aback by his outburst, which were filled with sadness and emotion. It unexpectedly moved her, to display such tenacity and overwhelming sympathy to people he never met. She felt like slapping herself and when she overlooked one key feature in his descriptor. "Warning: Subject may showcase signs of unpredictability." Yes, that was what exactly written. Naruto continued. "…And don't talk about 'jurisdiction' to me." He air-quoted. "Weren't you told to stick to the shadows and stalk me or something?" He does have a point.

She sighed, shaking her head smirking more to herself. "Yareyare, I made up my mind even if I have no say in this. My mission is only to eliminate you if harm is caused. You're free to do as you wish." She buried her arms beneath her chest in defeat. Naruto grinned ear to ear at the freedom he was permitted but then realization took over and he shared the same expression as Amena. "What's wrong?"

"We don't know anything at all where to find them to begin with…"

"Wasn't that obvious?"

"It kinda…slipped my mind."

"You're gonna back down or what?"

"Hell no!"

"Thought so…"

"Grah! What's going on!?" Both of their eyes budged when one the men that Amena lodged away regained back.

"Oh right, I forgot about him."

The missionary's eyes went wide when he saw the state of his former team. "They're dead!? That would mean…" He then noticed the two of them were staring intently at him and shockingly grasped what happened. "Shit-!" He widen his jaw to force down onto his tongue but before he could do so, Naruto was on top of him in a blur. He punched his jaw making a resounding crack which also tossed him back into a dream-like state.

"Chirst! That was close!" He shook his knuckle feeling a tinge of pain then stared at the unconscious priest. "I think that was bit too harsh…what are we going to do with him?"

She walked to his side. "Handing him over to the MAF would be the most logical choice, it will at least give them a lead as to what happened here."

That surprised Naruto. "Oh you mean they weren't actually looking for us? That's a relief…"

An amusing smile stroke across her face. "If you intend to fight The Kindled, you'll gonna get a hell lot of people looking for you."

He chuckled sheepishly with the usual scratching on the back of his head. "Hehehe-you got me there. But no! Once I'm down with my mission, I'm going to recite with the pope!" He punched his palm, determination gleaming in his eyes which earned an earnest by a certain Uchiha.

'He's not going to give up, is he?'

"Oh yeah-Amena-chan…" She wished that he would drop the suffix at some moment. "…couldn't you get anything out this guy with your Sharingan or something?"

"Unfortunately, no…" She shook her head in defeat and said it in a bit of frustration. "…I thought I could dive in like I did to you but it seems like I'm an outlier. No wonder I never grew up with the clan…"

'This is depressing! If you did, I would never have met you…' Naruto shouted into his head. The world might fair better or worse if it never happened but this was the reality they live in. No way to change it and a mere dream that one would call heaven would need an indispensable sacrifice. He thought he should simply leave her to her thoughts until an idea popped into his head. "Oh come on! Powers just don't come overnight, you need to learn and practice before it comes into fruition!"

"Is that so?"

"Very so, and I know the best life hack lesson that shinobis hate me for which I will teach you!" He grinned ear to ear and it was clear of all doubt.

"Okay…" She was certain that he was simply joking but that unwavering smile crushed down any qualm she might have had. "…what is it?"

Line break

"IS THAT WHAT HAPPENED!?" Rugo shouted like the sky was shattering into pieces as he stood upon not on his old destroyed cabin, but a newly built one just beside it which completely mirrored its former structure.

"Otou-san, please keep it down. Mommy's trying to rest." Yukimi snapped to her father as she placed a warm cloth on top of her mother's head as she lie on the bed.

"It's alright honey, we're fine. It was thanks to the stranger that saved us, and given a new home." She lightly chuckled seeing him dropping to his knees, soaking tears on her arm.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there, I would never forgive myself if I lose both of you!"

Yukumi rubbed his hair affectionately and held onto her daughter's hand. "You did your part in saving the village and protecting the families." She giggled heartedly. "It seems strangers has been watching over us lately, don't you think?"

Rugo sniffed and sat up to wipe his nose off. "Y-yeah…first was Raizo-kun saving my life until he suddenly disappeared. The next morning we discovered bodies on the outskirts, we think they're the ones responsible for this whole mess. Then several people went missing!" He sighed, rubbing his dead-tired eyes. "Strangers, arsonist…what is up with this world?"

Yukimi tightened the gentle hold on her mother's hand and flashed back the night before. 'That person was certainly not a stranger…the knife I gave to Raizo-sensei, he had it…could it be you?'

Before she could open her mouth, the cabin door slammed open by an excited young local. "Rugo-san-!, Leader is assembling everyone in the square."

"About damn time, what's going on?"

"The MAF are here and they've got a prisoner!"

All one-hundred villagers including the ones who were deemed missing assembled in the small village square. The survivors spoke of a man who cut down their kidnappers one by one, leaving a gruesome field littered with steel and blood. His cruelty never made them fear nor made any discomfort for his mere presence was overwhelmingly dauntless but hellish to the slain. He showed sympathy and care. Injuries were healed in mere seconds by a touch of his hand. However, none got a clear view of his visage in the obscure night. But they all can agree that it was the beginning of the tale of a gutsy shinobi, protector of the marsh.

The leader of the MAF squad stepped forward to the crowd. His face was a clear sign he was seasoned and serious. "It is fortunate to know that all of you are safe and sound. I must first apologize for our tardiness and the failure in our duty to keep this village safe." He bowed down along with his comrades even though he had not done anything wrong and it caused some exchanges in the crowd. "To compensate of the collateral damage that had occurred, I have requested aid to build and improve this village back to its former self." Everyone was ecstatic and breathed out a collective sigh. "However, we require cooperation about the whereabouts' of this 'gutsy ninja' and to question the events that transpired here but you may refuse if you wish." He signaled to his team which they nodded in return and put down an unconscious gagged man bound in ropes. The survivors gasped upon seeing the familiar uniform. "This man is partly responsible of the destruction here. Please, do not go near or harm him." The squad leader flashed back to when he received an emergency feedback in his radio by an anonymous tip. On his way, he stumbled to the enemies he was looking for but only found one alive and gagged with a note.

The bearded village head stepped forward. "We would love to cooperate with you and your humble companions. But on one condition. We all have agreed and wish for you not to pursue our unknown savior. He has given us too much in our hearts and it is dishonorable to simply hand him over to you. Even if it was act of vigilanteism."

The squad lead displayed a promising smile and nodded. "Even if my leaders orders me to arrest him, I would refuse. Taking the wrong side knowing it is an act of ignorance is unforgivable. That isn't what we uphold for." The shinobi saluted as followed by his team.

The village head smiled in return. "Thank you."

"Alright, we shall begin the restoration now and imprison this man to the capital. Again, we hope seek your cooperation."

Village outskirts

Naruto sat on top of a steep cliff with his legs hanging with clear view of the village. Hands were shaking, women and children were reunited and people being happy. He done what he could. Got what he needed and he knew it was time to move on. Ignoring the only stinging regret he would lose the chance to fulfill. But he knew he had done enough. That was what mattered.

"You're not going to bask into the glory and fame?" The Uchiha sat by the Uzumaki, letting the gentle breeze fluttering their hair to the side.

He chuckled half-heartedly. "That would be a bit too embarrassing for me. The hero doesn't always enjoy their identity being revealed. I do admit it would feel nice." He stayed silent after that, watching the celebration happening far-off.

She glanced at the corner of her eye to see his face had a feeling of hollowness. She lightly swing her legs back-and-forth in the air looking back at the village. "You're not going to say goodbye?"

"That'd be a bad idea at this point…" He tried sending one of his clones into the village and the MAF reacted in an instant forcing the clone to dispel, even if he went in a disguise himself. They were more capable than he thought but at least in his heart he knew the village would be in safer hands. He leaned back with his arms stretched behind. "Didn't think this would happen, did you?"

"Not at all but that's what people like me are trained for, face all odds even going as far as to confront someone such as yourself." She stated in matter-fact-tone as he stared at her back, the wind breezing through her hair.

"What do you guys do anyway? I'm genuinely curious. Mercenary? Private contractors? Who do you pledge your heart to?" He berated her with questions because that was one of the reason he came into this country, collect information.

She looked over her shoulder through the bangs of her hair and smiled coyly. "That's classified. Perhaps once we got to know each other better," She stood to dust herself off then reached out a hand to him, "I might accidently leak a bit of this and that. What'd you say?"

He smirked foxily in return. "I'd say when you find your power, we could kick all the kindled back to the Stone Age." He grabbed her forearm and she pulled him up to his feet.

"Yatta, first we must find this target of yours." She noticed she was still holding onto his arm and promptly let go but he didn't seem to notice. "I hope you found a lead."

He grinned and thumbs up as they began their walk back into the trees. "Hehe-! A hunter told me of a mysterious village hiding in the base of that mountain." He pointed at the peak far off into the distance. "When he was hiking there…" He explained the conversation he had with Rugo.

Finger on chin, Amena absorbed whatever she could. "Hmm, the story sounds pretty vague. Disappeared when he returned? That's strange."

"It's the first possible lead and I have you to thank for." He casually said as they trek up the dense forest.

"What are you talking about?" She followed behind, carefully watching where they step as to not slip on roots.

"If it weren't for you I might as well ask a frog for directions. We started off working on your assumption and its turning out pretty well. We defended a village and uncovered a still unknown enemy, it's this kind of romance I'm always looking for!" He uttered, decided to leave the dense forest floor and hop onto a branch.

"Romance?" She arched her eyebrow in confusion as they glide through the forest.

He smiled wonderingly. "It's kinda hard to explain but think of it as an unstoppable driving force! Enough about me, what about you? What's your drive?"

"Eh? Uhh-." She glanced away, hopping tree after tree feeling his fixated expecting eyes on her. She eventually gave in and went back to her usual calm demeanor. "To be frank, nothing drives me better than looking forward for a good night's rest. I had aspirations before, wonderful ones, I train and train, maintain my reputation, eat healthily, pressured by stressful things, solving them, then-I slowly realized I lost touch of myself and before I knew it, my dreams became obsolete. I'm not saying they're impossible to achieve, I just don't know where to start. Or maybe I'm simply making up excuses as I go. Something like that." She glanced back to see him gaping, looking genuinely surprised. "S-Sorry, did I ramble too long?"

"Oh-nononono-!" He shook his hands, almost losing his footing and continued gliding. "…I completely understand and can relate a lot. Sometimes I feel like I'm drifting in the middle of an ocean, going absolutely nowhere. Then I see a seagull, wondering where it's flying to. So I just paddle my feet. Maybe-perhaps, I'd end up somewhere." He had longing expression and could feel her gliding beside him, conveying her curiosity.

"Look for the things that interests you and act on it, however insignificant they may be."

He snapped his fingers. "You got it." Naruto wouldn't have thought he would have this kind of conversation, especially with someone he only recently met. Both of them may be in a mission within their own jurisdiction and they just happen to stand on that common ground. Plus, he wonder what kind of life she went through to get this far, considering she had to hide that ability of hers.

"You may have just given me a new perspective…" She muttered underneath her breath.

"Huh? Did you say something?" The air blowing into his ears might have obscured what she said.

"Nothing." She flatly said.

"Oh-okay then…"

Hours later

Naruto scratched his whiskers, sitting above the foliage staring at the silver-white mountain still quite a distance away. The Sun had already snuck behind it giving the sky a hue of orange and red. On his lap was an open scroll meant to report his whereabouts and general situation. He wasn't too sure to include Amena into the report as well and doing so would freak Kakashi the hell out. He sighed, reminiscing the physical and mental training his mentors built him from the ground up including being pragmatic. A psychological exercise they drilled into him day by day to where he stood now. To be Hokage they need him to be independent, to trust himself and push through into every nook and cranny. To be logical and predict every unexpected outcome as well as to react to it. He grumbled, scratching his hair to the side when they drooped into his vision. Aren't they a bit too long now? Should he just cut it short and forget it? Concentrate! Minutes of pondering later, he finally came into a conclusion and he began writing. A messenger frog popped from thin air as he handed it over to the amphibian before it left to accomplish its task.

Now with that out of the way, mission mode on. Crossing his fingers, several clones gathered around him and nodded to the original. They then head into the direction of the mountain tasked to scout for the hidden village. Relishing the view once more, he looked down before dropping to the forest floor where they propped up a temporary camp site. He dart his eyes around looking for a certain someone and walk to a direction where he think she might be in. The temperature slowly had gotten hot and humid as he continued walking before stopping in front of a thick bush when something caught his eye. "Huh?" It was a black suit and paddings were draped on a low hanging tree branch and could those also be her…underwear?

Naruto felt his cheeks flushed at the imagination jamming into his head. 'She's naked…' He wasn't the one who chose where they should set up camp and could this be the reason she decided to rest here? Near the Hot Springs? Welp, that wouldn't be too surprising as they hadn't stop running about for almost a week and he didn't think of how drained she might have had. Adding to that, he was starting to wreak like a dead fish on a beach. 'I'll wait till she's done…' He slowly took a step back and accidently stepped on a convenient twig. The sound of water splashing signified she was certainly in there, behind the thick bush.

"Hm? Uzumaki-san, was that you?"

He felt the life sucking right out of his head. "-! Uhh, yeah..."

"Oh? Come on in, the water's steamy…"

"Wha-! Umm, it's okay. I'll come back later…"

"Hmm~I don't mind the company and besides, you smell like rotten tuna. Heheh…"

'Jeez…' He hissed in embarrassment, cheeks flushing. "You sure you don't mind?"

"Not at all." There was still the nonchalant tone in her voice but there was delight as a cherry on top.

"Get in there you fookin pussy and smash 'em!"

"Shut the hell up, Kurama! I'm shutting you down right now."


"Uzumaki-san, are you still there?" Her call broke his internal quarrel to rest.

"Yeah…I'm coming in." He proceed to undress leaving only his boxers. "…I don't want to get this wet."

"There should be an extra towel there."

"Towel?" He glanced at the tree and there it was before pulling it down. Was she expecting him? Wait? What? What are you thinking? Maybe she had an extra for her hair, that's all. Yeah…that could be it. He took his boxers off and hang it along with his clothes beside hers. Towel wrapped, he walked through the foliage and stood at the edge of the hot spring. The hot atmosphere softly licked his skin and hit his face like a warm blanket. A tiny waterfall, a narrow stream, and a gentle pool. A figure was there with a welcoming smile. "Amena-chan?" He called out, peeking through the cloud of steam.

"Don't just stand there, get in here."

"Okay…" He went into the warm water and was overwhelmed by its thrilling serenity. "Where are you?" What was up with the steam? Like as if there was a fog machine creating this dense coating.

"Follow the sound of my voice…"

(Sadness and Sorrow)

She started humming, and it felt like his mind and body was completely possessed by her warm, mellow tune. He wade through the water, drawing closer to her voice as the music gracefully swam through his ears, funneling, freeing his mind of all worry. Every step was a journey to reach that heavenly hum. Every second felt like an endless dream he wished would never end. And every growing pitch was a milestone and reason to set forth. When the son of humanity finally met his angel, he sat down and only listen.

She opened her eyes and softly smiled. "There you are, I was beginning to worry. It felt like I was guiding a baby." Usually, he would inject a snarky comment but remained silent. Blue eyes staring intently. "Uzumaki-san?"

"You're beautiful…"

Her cheeks went rosy as he said that. Slightly taken aback, she arched her eyebrow, head tilted and ask again. "Uzumaki-san?"

Now it was his turn to be shocked, as if fantasy was stripped off and reality slowly setting in. Eyes wide, he frantically dart it around then back at her, panic to relax. He scratched the back of his head looking apologetic. "Sorry, what I mean was, that song. I started hearing it when I was a kid and would sometimes turn itself on whenever I'm alone. Lingering and whispering at the back of my head. It put me at ease and help me sleep. Even though hearing it from you was the first time, it felt like forever." His unexpected confession took her off guard as she hugged her bare legs, hiding her glowing face. Her sudden defenseless form caused Naruto to panic. "Sorry! Did I say something wrong? SorrySorry!" He bowed repeatedly, awaiting to be served a knuckle sandwich.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong." She muttered timidly and Naruto himself couldn't tell if he should be relieved. "You're such a straightforward person…"

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Why am I feeling this way? Get a hold of yourself. "…do you…do you have any dreams? Aside from becoming Hokage…"

"Oh? Etooo…" He trailed off, pondering. "…oh yeah! Ultra Deluxe Prime Ramen the size of a cow! I could savor it for days…" He drifted to the mouthwatering image and laughed at her deadpanned reaction. "Ehehe-jokes aside, I'd love to spend the rest of my life with someone."

She perked up. "Why's that?"

He stared blankly, thinking of an answer. "Maybe because I spent most of my childhood alone and it made me pretty desperate. Sure, I have friends but that lonely pain jabs me time to time. It keeps me awake at night, wondering if I could ever love someone or possibly being loved. Even if I couldn't, then at the very least I can make the people around me happy. That's all that matters." He cast his eyes down onto the calm water, staring into his reflection.

"Naruto-san," He felt his fingers were being tugged underneath and naturally let it guide into her pleasant hold. ",don't you think it's about time you should be looking for your own happiness, instead?"

"What are you talking about?"

She glanced away with rosy cheeks. "I read your portfolio, and I mean really thoroughly. You worked so hard for other people's happiness, you win them, forgive them and yet, you're still aren't satisfied, are you?" He didn't say anything as she soothingly rub his fingers. "If you think fighting your way up to Hokage comes at a sacrifice, then you're a bigger fool than you think."

He widened his eyes. "But-!"

"Please, don't be hasty, give it some time." She wrapped her hands around his, smiling softly. "I'm not the one you should answer to. You would've known by now." With that, she trailed off for him to be in his own thoughts.

He was struggling internally, first someone made him promise to be honest and now a situation he wouldn't think he would be in. Would it be better if he kept things to himself, divert it elsewhere and shrug it off? Would that contradict his recent promise? Perhaps, he was thinking too much. Maybe he was just exhausted. "Okay…" He eased up, staring longingly at her face with a bemused expression.

She picked it up and heartily faced away. "You're gonna burn a hole through me, Naruto-san. What is it?"

"If the whole massacre never happened, I think I would've met you sooner, I wouldn't mind being friends." The Uzumaki chuckled at the mental image. Him and her as kids, just sitting down having a nice chat. Showing off their traits and admitting their flaws. Perhaps going on missions as a team would be a dream come true. In fact…

She hmped at the passage as she giggled inside. "…me neither." They ponder in silence, their bodies absorbing the spring, captivated by one another, still holding onto each other's' hands. The steam slowly migrated upwards as nature made the decision to flood her beauty towards them. The night sky was sprinkled by millions of twinkling stars and something was floating above the silver mountain. The sky was shrouded by a breathtaking waterfall of showering emerald lights. Amena's breath was stripped away, completely marveled by its wondrous beauty.

"Didn't you say something about wanting to see this?"

Her mouth was agape with her eyes reflecting the warring lights. "It is infinitely miles better than I expect…"

A grin grew across his face. "That means we're heading to the right direction." He was finally rest assured knowing taking in her advice wasn't such a bad idea, after all.

She faced him, leaning forward to gaze with her eyebrows scrunched. "Were you beginning to doubt me?"

He shook his head before smiling foxily. " .bit…"

She rolled her eyes as she gave a tight squeeze on his hand. "You'd better not be."

He mocked a wince and chuckled heartedly. "I certainly can trust you, Amena-chan." He smiled as vivid as the aurora.

She felt her heart racing as blood rushed up her cheeks by those incapacitating words. Unable to form a tangible sentence or to hide the ever growing embarrassment, her final resort was to slam her head against his chest. 'What the hell am I doing?'

"A-Amena-chan?" He stuttered at her sudden reaction feeling something grazing against his arm. What could that be!?

"Shut up, you made me do this. Take the responsibility." She cried out, imagining he would just disappear when she hit him. How could this be real?

Despite going without a bath for almost week, he was pleasantly surprised by the scent of meadows in her hair. He forced down the fountain of youth intending to escape his nose. "Are you oka-?"

"3 more words and I will gut you from the inside."

"Yes ma'am!" He exclaimed, repeatedly counting the number of words in his head.

Silence washed over them once again, except it was slightly more awkward, even for Naruto. For Amena, she decided remaining ignorant was best for her. The sputtering sounds emitting from the sea of lights drew her back in, as she stared in from the corner of her eye. She was well aware of the mixed emotions she had long avoided had been welling up inside of her and the person who held the ladle didn't even realized he was stirring it. Why? Why him? She promised herself not to fall to such a vulnerable state ever again! Why? Why now?


She didn't even realized she was still holding his hands hostage until he made the unconscious decision to wrap his arms around her waist and rest his cheek onto her head. He didn't utter a single word, he simply pulled her in and she let it drift. Her current state of mind reflected the sea of lights above as she was blanketed by his warmer than life embrace. "Kill me if you wish but whatever ghosts that haunt you, I'll reel them back into the graves."

The amount times he widen her eyes would have already made then drooped by now. She blinked, a string of tear rolling down her chin, as it withered to the water. "You idiot…" She muttered before burying her head deeper to hide the tears streaming down. She made the conscious effort to return his kindness as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing their bodies to fill up the empty canyon which separated them before. His beating heart, she could hear. His wavering breath, she could rhythmic. And finally his eyes, she could drown in and time would never pass. "Naruto…" Facing up, she gently pull his head down, their foreheads touching, and lips half-parted. Their noses circulating the soothing warm air bouncing onto each other's lips. She didn't need to draw him in anymore, for that was the last thing she would ever ask for. Their lips slapped themselves like a magnet as they swam endlessly into the dreamless night. The lights shimmered the two and not even the moon can mimic its gentle ferocity. Her heart beat of an orchestra when she felt his hand gliding up her back before landing onto her head to pull her further in, into the lover's clash. Their tongues entangle, toppling and rolling, exchanging fluids to quench their thirst for one another. They moan and groan, catching quick breaths but never halting for a single second. She dug her nails into his scalp, attempting to climb onto his shoulder. He feel her struggle, brought his hand down south to carry her well-shaped hips up to his belly. She let out a heartfelt moan, wrapping her legs around his waist, hungry for more.

Eventually, their lips shortly parted leaving only a hanging string. They stared longingly at each other, cheeks flushed. Her face glisten with the natural beauty and her hair was nothing short but a wet mess, endowing around her in an erotic fashion. However, what took him out of the hypnotic trance was that she had her Mangekyou Sharingan boring down on him, petals sprouting outward. Like someone strangling his throat, his breath hitched, eyes completely wide.

"Naruto-san, what is it?" She suddenly felt his body shaking, his grip onto her loosening. She knew something was wrong when his face morphed into horror-stricken state as she grab onto his shoulders. "Naruto! Wake up!" She could hear him struggling to breathe as she shook him frantically. She called out to him again even slapping him across the face but his eyes remained unresponsive, barren and lost. Unconditionally, his body started to spasm and she forced herself to remain calm at that very moment. She carried and laid him flat on the edge of the hot spring then sat beside the shaky blonde. She took in a deep breath and bowed to his lips before pinching his nose. She forced in a considerable amount of air down into his lungs before she cupped her hands, pushing his chest down in a rhythm. She rinse and repeat, her actions thankfully slowly given rise to progress as his body appeared to calm down bit by bit. She never stopped pumping until she was absolutely certain he will not passed, even if it contradicted with her mission. That doesn't matter now, does it?

His rolled to the back of his head, lids closed. She brought her head to his chest, relieved it was beating steadily. She released an uncertain sigh, gazing at her unconscious companion. "What is going on?" If she simply took a glance at the water, she would have noticed her Sharingan was slowing phasing out.

What an odd week.

Thanks for reading!

Naruto just got cockblocked and I'm not sorry! Pretty early for such a thing if you ask me but this scene played an important role and down for later into the storyline.

See ya in the next chapter!

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