Chapter 1: The Welcome


Naruto trailed along the dirt path towards his destination, bouncing after town after town for almost a week in his tour. Kakashi Hatake also currently known as the Sixth Hokage tasked him for his very first solo S-Rank mission to extract a person of interest. He boasted an earful grin upon hearing such request much to Kakashi's predictable amusement. They immediately got down to business to go discuss the mission details.

"I normally would hand this over to ANBU like Shikamaru and Sai but your performance in recent independent assignments had proven you qualified to undertake this mission all own your own. Good luck and you are dismissed, Jounin Uzumaki Naruto."

Those were the words he last heard before leaving at first light and took a ferry across the sea to The Land of Marsh. The continent was complete foreign to him but the culture felt comfortably familiar. A couple days of data collection and interacting with the locals, the economy of the country mostly strive on agriculture due to the wide spread of marsh lands to which the name originated from. Politically neutral to other countries.

Anyway, Naruto recollected the mission details burned into his head for the hundredth time as it was burnt after the briefing, only given vague specific descriptions of the individual. Female/Late 40s/Long-Black Hair/Purple Eyes. Last known location "Shiramui Village." That was pretty much it. No Name. No Alias. Naruto questioned the nature of this mission as to why did it have to be S-Ranked for what it seemed like a sound extraction.

"We have near to zero intel of the land as well as its military assets, safe to say you're going in blind. Our anonymous client offered quite a fine price upon extracting her alive. However the mission is to be executed is up to you. Rethink of what you have learnt." The annoying eye-smile plume into his mind as quickly as he blew it.

"Maaan, this is the part where I distaste solo runs." He ran his fingers through his shaggy blonde hair and wiped off the sweat accumulated from the humid environment. Standard procedure demands that he should ask around. Therefore, he did. However, there was a problem. He had his clones situated into nearby known towns dispersing and collecting data but none of the locals ever heard of "Shiramui Village." Few mentioned if it did, it would be remotely located much further up north, as newer settlements had sprung up since the Last Great Shinobi War. Another sentimental dilemma was he would rather have a third party opinion on debating on what course of action to execute next. Sure, his clones are resourceful but they are still an image of himself meaning he would be talking to himself rather than an actual person. Perhaps he simply wanted some companionship.

"You could have asked for a partner, dumbass."

"Oh-you're awake? Uh well, I don't need a partner if I have you."

"...Don't take it out of context. It's disgusting. If you needed a mating partner so much there's plenty around here."

"...That's...not what I mean."

"You know what I mean. Your eyes had been leering on that woman back at the village more times than I can ever take a piss in peace here."

"That's way to figurative...What-you mean her?" Thinking back, he knew Kurama could intercept his thoughts and would nudge him given the chance. "Well...she's as gorgeous as the first time I came back into the village. Besides, shinobis have a good excuse to avoid a relationship."

"Excuses Sxhmuses-Aye never once seen yer lad made any advances on sucha fine lady! Wut a caword!"

"Shut the hell up. We're reaching the next town."

"Yar bloody loaded to the brim if yer need me to remind ya. Horny bastard!"

The Sun set below the trees as Naruto cast a disguise over his form masking his yellow hair to black and characteristic whiskers. Reasons were apparent as to why he had to do it. Better to take precautions rather than letting whatever intelligence assets know a war hero had infiltrated their lands. He booked into a traditional inn, sat down on the mat floor, legs crossed and eyes close. A number of clones methodically dispelled from different locations flooding his brain with a wave of information. Eyes opened, he took out his notes from the sack and scribbled the Intel given.


The Land of Marsh have a military calling themselves the (MAF) consists of an estimated 95,000 active strength and is capable of mobilising a large pool 700,000 reservists. Their forces are conventional and armed with ranged Kunai weapons similar to the former Sky Village. 50% of the bases are established in the South slowly dispersing up to the north.

Two Hidden villages were found located within the East region and the other in the West. The number of forces is undetermined but they seemed to have a similar shinobi system and operate cohesively.

Naruto closed his notepad as the call of nature demand to consume. He left the inn with the disguise still active and walked the bustling street. It looked like a festival was going on and interactive booths displayed the sides of the road. The oozing smell of Takoyaki led him to a stand managed by elderly man.

"Come right up here, lad! I have a sexy stock for ya." The man grinned to his customer.

"Uh, I'll have two packets with extra sauce."

"Coming right up!" Naruto curiously looked around; bystanders gazing at the sky as fireworks lit up the sky emitting waves of explosion like droplets of rain. The chef poured in the extra sauce and prepared the plastic bags. "No offense, but you look like you've travelled a long way down some bad roads. What brings you here?"

He wondered what gave it away. "Just a nameless traveller. Why the festival?"

"Oh HA! Knew you were gonna ask that! We're celebrating for the harvest and this year the crops have grown healthily fast. Bless our leaders the Numakages." He clasped his hands as a gesture of prayer.

"So they're called the Numakages (Shadows of The Marsh)" Naruto concluded and perked a question. "Why do you have two leaders and worship them?"

"We don't worship them, we praise them. Can't say the same for the others." He muttered. "Raido The Kage in the west is known to have an enormous affinity for the earth. In just one week, he ploughed most of the land and methodically created river, streams and lakes, treating it like an art form. Kyoko of the East, she hails nature and storms. Monsoons and snows. Swamps and Jungle. Able to enrich the soil and we the people nurture them in her good will." He proudly finished with a bag of Takoyaki held upfront to the gaping black haired stranger.

Naruto noted it down his head and paid. "I never heard of a country having two hidden villages. What gives?"

The man leaned onto his counter signalling Naruto to do so as well. "Rumour has it The Kages were married, perhaps divorced. While the elemental nations were at war, this country was invaded by its neighbouring lands. Our two lords virtuously repelled them and gained lots of ground. Which led to two hidden villages to efficiently maintain each region for security."

Naruto tilt his head. "By what you're saying, this country seems fairly young." He nodded.

"Aye, we were underprepared and underpowered until they came. Nominated for leaders by the masses and brought this country to a new age."

"Interesting…Well, thanks for everything."

"No worries. Enjoy your food!"

The shinobi in disguise left the booth and retreated to the crowd. "Wow…they sound insanely powerful. So cool."

"Hey! Compare to us, they're nothing."

"Is that right? I remembered whooping your ass on your own turf."

"Hah! Well…Fuck you! That's because your mummy helped."

"Sounds like someone's triggered."

"Oh yeah?! If it weren't for h-! Heads up you brat!"

Naruto's body tensed and looked up. A huge unexploded firework was falling towards them like a ballistic missile. Those who saw it coming panicked while most were completely oblivious. His hands flew into a flurry of seals sucking in a huge breath of air.

"Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Devastation)" He blew a powerful concentrated gust of wind which repelled the projectile high into air. But not high enough. He knew he had a limited window before the fuse blow. He bent his knees and leaped into the air. Once he got near, the fireball was as huge as him, yearning to blow at any moment. He blew chakra into his right foot, propelling itself and met the ball. He bicycled kicked it further into the starry sky like a cannon ball and it exploded like mini-Bijuu bomb. It was a remarkable sight. Fire and sparks blanketed the night sky in an ever-expanding fashion. If it ever detonated on land, it could potentially blaze the area producing catastrophic results.

"I hope you brought some spare clothing…"

Naruto was unfortunately still within radius, the masses below gasped in horror as the blast engulfed him. His body slammed into a wooden roof, downwards into each floor, before finally landed with a hard thud. The occupants screamed and left leaving a slightly charred Naruto, lying deadpanned. His Tokayaki churned.

"Give me a break."

He retreated into the inn through a window and ate roasted of whatever remained. "Huh…tastes oddly nice."

"That was no accident."

"You think so too? Chouji would be interested, if I only knew the right temperature…"

"SHUT UP! That thing was heading up! I sensed a stream of chakra earlier which may explain why the trajectory changed."

He wiped his lips before taking off his headband to mop the ashes out off it. "Sounds like foul play. Whatever it was, it's none of our business. We still do not know where Shiramui village is."

"I hear ya. Either someone intentionally tried to disintegrate the whole town or it was specifically for you."

He tucked the headband under the pillow and flipped the light switch off. "That would mean I'm compromised. Shit. Did one of my clones got exposed?"

Kurama went through his memory lane and a doubtful expression morphed into the fox. "I don't recall. They're as cautious as you."

"Time to take extra precaution." Shadow clones popped into the room and immediately scattered to form a perimeter outside the inn. "Wake me up if you're feeling scared."

"I hope to god if that's the last thing you ever said."


It was still daytime in the village as The Sixth Hokage lazily lounged in his room with an orange book neglecting his work. Well, not exactly. His former student gave him the idea to let the shadow clones do the paperwork instead while letting the creator to execute the hard decisions. Even if his sharingan was lost forever, the knowledge remained.

A messenger frog leap into the open window and hop onto his desk. "For you, my lord." The amphibian spit out a scroll that defied the law of nature for its size.

"Urgh…Thank You. Dismissed." The frog dispelled as Kakashi picked up the slimy scroll.

"Why can't he send in a bird or something less…oozy." He opened the scroll and clear through the report. It seemed he had a good indication of where the Military and Political power of where the Marsh Country stood in terms of a global scale. They would make a great candidate as an overseas ally aside from Mist country and can stand on its own two feet when trouble arise. The road to peace takes one-step at a time.

The door knocked. "Come in." Entering the room were the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, they greeted the Hokage after completing a mission. "Good work. The client will be informed of your report and take a good rest."

Chouji grinned ear-to-ear holding onto his belly. "That mission was way too easy, Hokage-sama. But it left me with an empty pit. BBQ!" It was just a diplomacy escort assignment and even if he emptied the noble's kitchen, the trip back drained him.

Shikamaru noticed the mucky scroll on Kakashi's hands. "That reminds me, we should at least invite Naruto as well."

Ino Yamanaka perked up. "Hey, you're right. I forgot the last time I saw him."

Chouji held his fist tight. "Finally! A worthy opponent!"

"Unfortunately, he's still in a mission and I don't know when he will back." Kakashi interjected feeling a bit bad at the announcement.

Ino was visibly slightly upset. "Huuuh? Where did he went running off to this time?"

He eye-smiled. "That's classified."

Shikamaru snickered. "So he's on a secret time unrestricted mission far away than we can imagined."


"Looks like I'm right. Hokage-sama, I trust your judgement but isn't it risky to send someone especially like Naruto to undertake a solo S-ranked mission?" Shikamaru knew Naruto was rightfully capable of handling himself but to send such a public figure alone and without backup is dangerous nonetheless.

Kakashi intertwined his fingers and laid his chin on top. "Uzumaki Naruto may be the most powerful being in the village but he is no longer the troublesome child we labelled him. I have no doubt he'll still cause trouble, that's unavoidable…"


"However, one can always avoid taking risks. Naruto knows if he ever avoid it, he will never grow. No gain. He liked to learn limits, too, but only so he could push them. He may still depend on others but there comes a time when a man is alone and afraid, he can only rely of what he had learn. It is our job as his peers to introduce him to unquestionable outcomes. That's how leaders are born."

Shikamaru sighed dejectedly and scratched his head, averting his gaze. "Can't really argue with that…logic. Jeez, he almost sound like pops. Sorry for taking...your time. We'll get moving."

"Not at all." Kakashi replied, obscuring the orange book. "Take a good rest. Dismissed."

They left the room and walked down the stairs. Shikamaru turned his gaze over his shoulder. "It's none of my business, Ino, but do you have some beef with Naruto?" He asked, noticed she was visibly upset earlier.

"Its personal but for a gist of it; He owed me lots of favour. Perhaps run the shop." She answered and he showed a 'makes sense' look.

"Got it. Can't wait to see what you go in store for him." There was a mild tint of amusement in his voice. They planned to meet at the usual BBQ, exited the premise and went their separate ways.

Ino went into a different route and arrived at The Yamanaka flower shop. The buxom beauty left the building with a boutique of purple orchids on her chest then went her merry way. She stepped up onto a flight of stairs leading to what appear to be Naruto's apartment. His newer one to be exact since Pain flattened the entire village. She went to fumble for the keys but noticed the door was already unlocked and felt a friendly presence inside. She slid the door open, peeking her head in.

"Hello? Who's home?"

A ball of pink hair popped out of the corner. "Oh, Ino? What are you doing out there? Come on in." Sakura Haruno greeted the puzzled blond as she stood in the hallway.

Ino closed the door and proceeded to take off her shoes. "What a surprise...didn't expect you to be here."

She smirked and crossed her arms. "I was about to say the same thing. Before Naruto left for his mission, he asked me to take care of the house." She motioned her hand at the clean but otherwise plain-looking sizable new apartment.

"It looks so broad."

She gasped. "I know right?! He didn't have the slightest idea of home interior design so he let me choose what's ever fitting." She wide-eyed at the boutique on her chest. "Is that for him?"

She smiled. "Of course, that's why I'm here." She then took a ceramic vase out of the kitchen cabinet, placing it on the table in the middle of the living room. "That should spice things up." Ino felt the curious gaze and turned to face her. "Don't misunderstand. I'm simply doing this to return favour."

"Oh, not at all! I just taught of how you've gotten his keys." Said the medic-nin, raising her open hands.

"As it turns out, he asked me to look out for his house after there was a burglary attempt." Replied Ino, both with baffled expression. "Right before he left a couple weeks ago for a mission, he gave the keys to me because I coincidentally was the first person he saw, then left, obviously late."

"Who the hell would rob Naruto?! That's a death sentence." Exclaimed Sakura, wiping a hand across her face still stumped someone had the guts to do it. "Handing keys to his home like hot pancakes, what was he thinking?"

"That's why I bought this." She slipped a paper into her hand, presenting it to Sakura.

It read 'security'. "What is it?"

"It's a seal that detects unknown presence within a small perimeter, perfect for a small apartment. Simply print your blood onto the seal and you would be counted as an 'occupant'. Here, try it." She answered, motioning for the pink-haired to come forward.

"That's interesting, but how would I know when there's an intruder?" asked Sakura, given the seal.

Ino smiled. "Just bleed your fingerprint and you'll see."

Sakura went with the steps then placed it on the table, thus, activating the seal. She then felt an electrifying sensation on her index finger, humming softly. "My finger feels tingly."

"That's how it works. Because I'm not counted as an occupant, yet. The seal will transmit an alert to whomever had their mark on the seal. The sensation will only last for a couple of minutes, though." Ino thumbprint-ed onto the corner of the seal, losing the signal on Sakura's finger. "Neat isn't? I got it during a mission and it was rather expensive so I only bought a couple."

Sakura gazed at her palm, clenching it. "Technology and creativity is progressing faster than I thought."

Ino nodded. "You got that right. This removes the need of personal constant surveillance, making other people's lives much easier." Concluded the Yamanaka, the Haruno couldn't help but agree.

"At this rate, shinobis will be less relevant in the future."

"Time and change is the way of life. We'll get through it." Ino comforted with a hand on her shoulder, washing away the sullen look at her face. However, that expression changed to a suggestive front. "What?"

"Heheh. So what did Naruto do that you two had to exchange favours?" Sakura narrowed her eyes at the buxom beauty now making her uncomfortable.

"This again? Fineee...I'll tell you." sighing exasperatedly, they later sat on the couch for coffee. "It all started when I found him outside The Forest Of"

A few months ago

"So this lavender? It's safe to eat, right?" Naruto showed the plant to Ino, whom had a squished look.

"Naruto, that's from a poodle-dog bush (Eriodictyon parryi). It's poisonous for consumption unless you want a severe case of intense itching lasting for months."

The blonde-haired exploded. "GARH! They all look the same! How can I get through with this?! Yamato's gonna kill me!" exclaimed Naruto, furiously swiping pages on a thick book about herbs.

They sat under a shade of an oak tree in a wide pasture within a glorious expanse flowers lay scattered on the grass like frozen flames, bringing their cool blaze to the late spring morning. There was a narrow stream flowing through it choked with weeds. Tall water-mint with pale lilac flowers, like dozens of tiny bells were growing at the edge of the stream.

"Did you forgot you even asked?" Ino said flatly, amusingly gaze at the struggling blonde. She took off from her usual route to explore the outback and stumbled upon him by accident, randomly collecting an assortment of various herbs. He pleaded for help once he saw her. Apparently, Yamato will introduce him to scenarios where modern medicine is scarce and he will not be able to use him powers. Giving in, Ino scoot to his side and grabbed the encyclopedia. "Look closely here, Naruto. There are minor key differences..."

A few hours later

Ino gasped awake and immediately sat up, her back against the tree. 'How long have I been out?' It was so cozy and the gentle breeze made it all relaxing that she almost forgot why she was here. "Oh right..."

Right before her was a disheveled Naruto assorting herbs each into multiple lines of baskets by category, mumbling and ticking on his note. "Everything looks in order to me, just need Ino-chan to check." Out of nowhere, The Yamanaka poked both sides below his ribcage. "GYAAH!"

"You called?" Ino giggled as Naruto recovered from the shock.

"And here I thought you treat PTSD, not impair them." Mildly annoyed and yearn for revenge, he poked her belly button.

"Ooof-!" She gasped and flushed slightly. "You're not supposed to do that!"

He cheekily crossed his arms. "I'm an advocate for gender equality." He stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "By the way, what do you think?" He motioned at the rows of baskets filled to the brim. "I promised I take the ecosystem into account and not completely abolishing it."

"Hm, I did thought of that." She went through every container with Naruto on tow, growing proud of what she taught him. "I'm impressed, looks like your session with me paid off. Even for such a short amount of time."

"HAHA! YES!" He flashed a foxy grin, celebrate but then remembered as his hand retracted something from behind. "It's for you. I thought you might like it." She can never see flowers too many times; can never tire of their sweet fragrance. Right before her was a bundle Larkspurs that shines in shades of blue, gently wrapped in paper with absolute care. "I uhh...found it in shrubs not far from"

Ino overcome her admiration, taking the gift from his hand. "Don't concern with yourself too much...I mean...That's sweet, thank you. Didn't think I'd be looking for you...' She breathed in the sweet aroma and looked back at the back-haired scratching Naruto. "What were you planning to do with these?"

"I was thinking of sending them to the hospital, pharmacies and a bunch to some old-lady stores. Saving the rest in making actual medicine." He mused, tilting her head.

"They'll humbly accept it."

"Right!" He sent his clones out for the donation while keeping the remainder for himself. The Sun laid above the treeline as the blonde-duo stroll back together. "I hope making them is as straightforward..."

"Naruto, believe me. It isn't. Me and Sakura paid dearly to become professionals. You'll need a hella lot of guidance to even treat a common cold..."





"You're supposed to say something..."

"What? 'Oh'?"

"You're supposed to say 'Ino-chan, I may still need your help BECAUSE YAMATO WILL STICK A TREE UP MY ASS!"

Naruto recoiled from her outburst, backing up against a tree as she lean down over him. "I thought we already had plans for that!"

Her furious breathing halted. "We...we did?"

"Y-YEAH! You agreed right before you dozed off."

She composed herself and stood firmly, embarrassingly holding out her hand. "Right, we did. Sorry for screaming at you." He took it and they remembered the softness and the roughness of each other's palms. Ino pulled him up and let go, maintaining eye contact.

"I'm used to it...sooo Ramen?"

"Knew you'd say that..."


"Brat...what's up?" Kurama perked up from his giant bed within the lit mindscape instead of the depressing murky cage.

"Old-man sennin had a brother, what happened to him?"

"Hamura Otsutski, last I've checked, he's the first man on the moon. That's all I can ever recall of him." Kurama answered, scratching his outer ear.

"That's it? There must be more...what about his family?"

"If the old man had sons then I have no doubt he cultivated a clan, in the moon. Why are you so interested?" The demonic deity asked, gazing at the blonde pacing back and forth.

"I remembered if Old-man were to die, he'll entrust it to his brother. If the clan does exist even until now, how come they never showed up?"

"That's a good question to even I cannot give a clear answer. To support your question, if an Osutski ever showed up, I would be the first to know. Just like with Kaguya. And you're right, I've lived for generations and never once they ever presented themselves when the world was in complete turmoil...utterly disregarding the old man and Hamura's honour." Clarified the Nine-Tailed, knowing the answer would leave him unsatisfied.

"Hmm, the only way we would know is a trip to the moon!" He exclaimed, receiving a foxy smirk.

"No, you can fly up there yourself. I'll be on Earth chewing bones completing my diabolical plan to rule the world."

He held open his hands. "I was just kidding. If they don't ever show up in my lifetime than we can safely assume they went extinct. On that note, you can sense Otsutskis?"

"Sage chakra more or less resonates within me when we decided to join forces years ago. I know when Uchiha boy uses his sharingan and the Hyugas with their Byakugan. Since the Osutski were at the top of tree of life, they'll emit a unique kind of presence. I can vividly remember Old-man's aura..."

"That's so cool. I wished I have a similar ability."

"You can and you've done it a shit ton of times, idiot."

"Wha-? I can?!"

"GRAH! Remember the time when you tracked Nagato using Sage Mode from his rods. That's how you did it." Retorted the fuming fox, realization struck the blonde like a ton of bricks. "You sense all life in that mode, specifically picking one out of the other is the only challenge."

Naruto gawked, pointing an accusing finger. "Have you been training behin-I mean inside my back?!"

Kurama only wished for god's hand to descend to slap his face. "Dumbass, I am simply a fragmented manifestation of an ugly tree slapped to a conscious. Whatever antigen is introduce, it is up to my 'body' to either cope or reject to which the ability to sense had become second nature to me."

" it sort of works like healing."




"Can I ask you one more thing...?"


"This might come off as awkward but since both off us share the same mind and body, how does being horny ever affect you? Do you ever want feel pent up whenever I do unless I-"

"Good night, Naruto."

Kicked out of the mindscape back into his sleeping body, he sat awake glancing at the full moon. Looking around, there was someone cloaked in the corner of the room. Standing Menacingly. "Can I help you? Are you lost?" Blankly asked the confused blonde.

"I can ask you the same thing, shinobi of the Leaf." The form had a feminine voice rippling throughout the room.

'Shit...I keep forgetting to put up my disguise. If she recognises me then I shouldn't be surprised.' Wait, how did she got through his perimeter?


The cloaked stranger stepped into the moonlight and pulled the hood behind revealing her narrow face. Long jet-black hair reached her upper back and thin lips right for the figure. Once striking feature that had them choking was the Mangekyou Sharingan, spinning to a grind halt.

"I say again; State your intentions, Uzumaki Naruto..."