Sorry for the delay, but here is the new chapter!

"Chet… Where are… we… going?" I breathed out slowly. We were outside of Chet's house now, but there was no way we could make it anywhere far, definitely not in my condition. Chet looked around, not answering me right away. He was trying to figure out the next steps in our great escape. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Let's go to the shed!"

"The… shed?" I asked him in disbelief. Chet nodded and we made our way over to our destination. He let go of me and steaded me on the side of the shed, while he looked for the key. I closed my eyes to try to make my world stop spinning. I was seeing stars.

"Found it!" Chet cried softly, I opened my eyes slowly and gave him a weak smile. I was starting to fade as my energy was draining away. Chet grabbed on to me and helped me into the shed, sitting me down.

"Than...ks…" I gasped out. My friend looked at me with a scared expression but said nothing, closing the shed door and moving the lawn mower and other objects to block the door's entrance, making it harder for Tom to get in, if he found us.

"Joe?" Chet asked, sitting down next to me, "How are you feeling? Help will be here soon, just hang on".

"I'm...I'm ok...ay." I whispered back. He gave me a look, "I… I don't… feel the… greatest…".

"Little brother!" A voice screamed, "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Chet and I shared a look of fear, but kept quiet, trying not to give our hiding spot away.

"Enough of these games!" Tom sounded more and more mad, "I will find you and you will not like this side of me!" I slightly rolled my eyes at that comment, pretty sure I didn't like any side of him.

Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot rang out, making a bullet sized hole in the shed, to the left of us. We both jumped in shock, but stayed quiet. Five more shots rang out, each one making me jump a little more. There was silence, as I took a big gasp of breath, thinking Tom had run out of bullets. I was sadly mistaken as I heard one more shot go off. I felt an agonizing pain coming from my abdomen. I bit my lip to not cry out in pain and gripped Chet's hand hard. I looked down slowly to see blood pooling from my stomach, my heart beating faster and faster by the second. Tears leaked from my eyes as I looked at my friend. His look of horror matched what I was feeling.


Biff, Callie and I decided to go check on Chet. We were getting weird short replies from him all day and something didn't sit right. I felt a pit in my stomach as we made the 10 minute drive to his house. I had a really bad feeling about something, the closer we got to Chet's house, but couldn't place what that something was.

As we got started down the long driveway, I heard the sound of a gunshot. Panic ached my stomach with this sound. I put my foot on the accelerator and speeded down to the house. The three of us jumped out of the car, when we heard five more shots ring out.

"It's coming from the backyard!" Biff whispered. We ran quickly and quietly to the back when we stopped dead in our tracks. Joe's twin was standing in the backyard, waving a gun around.

"Bang" I jumped slightly, as another gunshot rang out. He was shooting at nothing but air, it looked like. Where was Chet? And why was Tom in his backyard?

The three of us backed up slowly to hide out of sight of the crazy lookalike.

"Callie, can you go back to the car and call the police? Maybe get an ambulance too, just in case" I asked my girlfriend.

"Of course, I will. But what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go talk to Tom." I answered slowly.

"Frank, please don't do anything stupid. He has a gun!"

"Callie is right, we need to be smart about this. I don't want either of us getting a bullet wound." Biff gave me a sad look, "Or another one." Taking into account, my shoulder wound from Tom.

"We need to find Chet." I said, "Do you hear any more gunshots? No.. I'm thinking he ran out of bullets so I'm going to go talk to him." I gave my girlfriend and friend a look.

"Please be careful Frank." Callie pleaded with me, as she turned to run back to the car.

"Biff, I know this isn't the most logical solution but we need answers. I need answers. Why is Tom at Chet's house? Where is Chet? Where is my brother?" The last words came out in a panic, as I looked to my friend, eyes pleading.

"Okay." Biff answered simply, "But you follow my lead. You can't do much with one arm Frank." I nodded and we walked closer to the backyard, making our presence known.

"Hello Frankie. You came to play too?" Tom asked with a grin, pointing his gun at me.

"Where is my brother?" I glared at him, panic creeping in.

"Oh him? Yeah, I killed him." He stated matter of factly. Suddenly, Biff ran out from behind me towards Tom and tackled him to the ground. The gun went flying in the air.

"What have you done with Chet and Joe?" Biff asked, punching Tom square in the face.

"Wouldn't you like to know" He laughed and spat in Biff's face, "I don't know where Chet is but I killed your brother. If you'd like, I can tell you where his body is." Biff punched Tom in the face again, and he was knocked out cold.

"I.. I couldn't stand to listen to him any longer" Biff mumbled, "He's lying Frank." My friend looked up to me with concern.

"I…I know he is... But where is... he? And Chet? Wouldn't he have heard the gunshots?" I shook my head, trying to clear all the bad thoughts that were filling my head. Was Tom lying or was my brother really dead?...


Joe was losing too much blood. He was laying on his back now, breathing in large painful gasping breaths. I had my sweater applying pressure to the gunshot wound, he kept wincing in pain. His eyes were half open, unfocused, my friend was barely conscious.

"Joe...Stay awake." I whispered in panic.

"I...I'm…" Joe gasped out slowly, his skin color getting paler by the second.

"I'm so sorry…" I choked out, tears falling from my eyes. How had the bullet hit him?

"N...ot…" Joe mumbled, trying to breath. I shook my head in defeat. This was my fault. I was supposed to be keeping him safe and looked at what happened.

"Hey, do you hear that?" I whispered, there were voices coming from outside the shed, more than one voice, "Joe, I think Frank is out there!" Joe's eyes were closed now, his breathing getting more laboured.

"… Don't do this Joe! Stay awake, stay with me." I started to really panic now, "Help! Help!" I yelled loudly, hoping that it was in fact Frank outside, "We're in the shed!"