Chapter 19: The End

A/N: Tallied the votes, and the polls and the PMs. Decisions were made, and please note you all decided this not me. Also thanks to Lilacsbloom for beta reading, check out her newest Bardine post for Tumblr and here on

Chi-Chi was knocked backwards, her lungs exploding the air she had inside of her body as Kakarot drove his knee inside of her stomach driving her into one mountain and out the otherside. The rocks dug into her back, however she managed to slip underneath his blow and flop downwards towards the ground. Throwing up an energy shield around her body, one of the few new curtsey gifts from Doctor Gero as her enhanced body created a yellow pulsing field.

"Wow, that's a tough little shield." The sound of Goku's voice snapping her eyes towards the glowing yellow saiyan. A smile on his face as he almost stopped to take a breather for a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow.

Chi-Chi let the barrier drop and her feet touched the ground, her clear cerulean eyes staring into his teal ones. A tearse sneer on her lips as she stared at him, "What is this little trick you've done?"

"Hm?" The saiyan stopped and scratched his head.

"You've changed, you turned your hair blonde and now your eyes are teal," Her voice growling as she dropped into a fighting stance. Her gaze meeting his own as she waited for his next attack to begin. "Then your strength has increased so much, never once have I seen you use this move before and especially as Goku!"

The saiyan grinned, "Oh yeah I save this one for when I get into a really sticky situation and well I thought since you were so mad at Kakarot that it would be better if you dealt with me." Pushing his back leg outwards and moving both of his fists to aim forwards Goku waited for her next move.

"I always thought Goku was an act," Truthfully he'd only done this on jobs and never when they were together privately.

"It's just how I cope with pain. I wouldn't be normal if I didn't have a way to escape a lot of the terrible things I did to people. But if you'd rather fight with Kakarot…" Goku's smiling face shifted into a sneering visage.

"I can accommodate you-!" Kakarot punched forwards his fist connecting with Chi-Chi's forearm.

Pushing his blow upwards Chi-Chi brought her own fist into his stomach but met the grasp of his fingers around her knuckles. "Good… But not good enough." Kakarot sneered pulling her arm forewards so that he could headbut her squarely.

Chi-Chi's eyes flickered as her sensors went a little haywire from the sharp connection, but she had her own tricks as she turned back on her energy field, the barrier turning into a field sparking with ki.

Kakarot screamed in pain as the sparks rippled down over him forcing him to break off with her but she kept pursuing him. Her hand drawn back she slammed him into the ground, but as he cut through the ground she remained overtop of him her free arm smashing down into him.

Keeping up his guard Kakarot let her hammer down on his forearms until he drove his knee into her thigh causing her skip across the ground. He rolled backwards, his bloody nails digging into the rocks as he lunged for her.

Chi-Chi felt her face get smashed by his blow, she hit and bounced into a boulder before coming to a rest.

Kakarot pulled himself to his feet. His senses focused the boulder as he could feel it moving.

"Not there," A muffled voice said as a hand grabbed Kakarot's leg and with a tug dragged him down below the surface before he could utter a cry of surprise.

Several large holes exploded out from below the ground until a burning scream came as Kakarot was expelled from the ground like a geyser on a ball of ki until it exploded as a second ball shot forth connecting with the larger attack and sending Kakarot falling from the sky.

"Let me show even more of my new tricks!" Charging both of her palms full of ki she unleashed a massive volley of ki towards her opponent who recovered and began to evade the barrage of smaller ki attacks.

Flipping past the standing mountains the impact of their attacks minor but she was throwing up hundreds of these attacks at once towards him. His feet shoved from one outcropping of rocks upwards as he threw his own hands forwards towards her.

"Tricks or no, Take this!" His voice boomed as a surge of energy ripped out from his palms towards her.

Chi-Chi smirked as she pulled back every single blast she had fired towards her barrier which reflected around her.

Kakarot was pelted from behind by hundreds of smaller ki attacks. Each one driving into him like a surgical needle. He could feel blood spurting from his back as he was sent forwards watching as his own attack was held off by the barrier trick.

The next explosion sent him spiraling backwards, his body bouncing and rolling several times across the hard ground. "F-F...Fucking hell." Kakarot growled. Whatever they had done to Chi-Chi was beyond even his transformation state?

Pushing himself up to his knees Kakarot could taste his own blood in his mouth and feel it dripping down his back. The way his bones were aching, calling out for mercy, and how his movements made him want to lay back down and give up.

It felt amazing!

He began to laugh. It was too perfect, too amazing!

Chi-Chi stopped her vantage point from the air as she witnessed Kakarot began to cackle madly with delight. He was so lost in his laughter he wasn't even focusing on her. She'd never heard him like this before and as he beat the ground with his fist acting as if he was barely able to even breathe.

His head snapping backwards as he was in tears. "Oh, I can't believe this is!" He fell completely backwards, hitting the ground still unable to stop himself from bellowing out in laughter. "The fight of my life, the greatest challenge I have ever experienced!" He tried to muffle his voice but failed to do so practically. "And it's you! My maid!"

Chi-Chi's mouth sneered as she moved closer though still keeping herself in a position where she could defend himself.

Rotating around him Chi-Chi got off to his side as Kakarot's laughter died down, bringing up his hand to his eyes to rub away the salt from his tears. "Oh, that was far too funny."

Chi-Chi watched as he stood back up, all but ignoring his injuries and turned his head towards her. "You've truly lost it haven't you?" The condescending tone rolled off of Kakarot who merely brushed off her words.

"I have lost nothing," He said calmly. His grin returning as he looked at her, "Ever since I became this abomination I've been searching for that final fight. The one that would push me to my limits, where I would have nothing left. Where I could go all out and experience the true joy of being a saiyan!"

He threw his arms upwards as he smiled, "This is it! To experience a battle that I was born for, no simple killing, no murder, or toying with weaklings. All of that was just a minor appeasement for what truly flows in my veins." He took a full breath in through his nose. A solemn smile showed up on his lips," I don't know what will happen and that thrill excites me. To finally find someone so powerful to be my rival like this, even if I die here. I will have experienced a real battle, a true test of will that all living beings strive for! I won't be bound by the shadow that created me! I will be able to free myself through combat! Where for once…" his voice breaking down, "Once I'll be doing something for me." His teal eyes shined again with tears as he dropped back down to his knees. "I never wanted to be this way, but I can't undo everything I've done." Casting his eyes to the blue skies above Kakarot watched them pass by overhead. It was a good place for a fight, and a good place to die. "Thank you, Chi-Chi."

"For what?"

"For doing what you did." He exhaled, "I can't explain this to you, but we can now fight to the bitter end and it won't be about our past. It won't be about what I did to you or the boy. No, none of that really matters to me right now."

"What?" She said confused by his words, "Of course it matters! You came here to take everything from me!"

"Maybe I did." He grunted getting back on his feet. "However, that doesn't matter to me, our past, our son. None of it matters." His hand chopped through the air for emphasis. "I just want to fight until there's nothing left, then we can decide on how this needs to end."

"It will end when I kill you." Chi-Chi's voice sharpened, her deadly intention not falling for whatever stunt this was. "Now shut up and fight!" She screamed before exploding forwards. She caught him in the stomach but Goku's elbow slammed into her chest. Both paused for a moment before erupting into a volley of punches and kicks, the air around them exploding as each one fought desperately against the other. Chi-Chi's dogged determination and Goku's new found euphoria for battle, which one was greater. Neither could tell as she hit him in the ribs and he would punch him in the hips.

One would get a choke hold on the other, only to be hammered by elbows into the stomach. It was a terrible scene of violence…

"I can't believe it…"

On the ledge overlooking the all encompassing battle were three figures, Detective Krillin, Tien, and a third was a tall blonde woman. "I told you Krillin, now I better expect a hell of an anniversary gift and birthday party for Marron after you take care of this."

Tien glared at Eighteen, wanting to strike her out of anger, but with his boss right there and the fact he wasn't even sure how strong she was in comparison to himself. He didn't try it, but he would certainly give Krillin one hell of an earful.

Krillin chuckled as he watched the battle unfold, a big part was due to his wife. Eighteen, a double agent. The former Red Ribbon spy now… well he wouldn't say worked for him but was one of his best sources of information. It had been through his wife playing the role of courier and spy for Dr. Gero that gave him the intel he needed to be here.

Of course Gero never knew Momma's true identity until Eighteen had confirmed it. He had been tempted to go and find out where Mrs. Black was having the operation performed and collect her then, but, there was the very real possibility of Mr. Black not taking that too kindly. Considering how badly he had reacted upon his first visit to Earth. It would certainly not be a pretty second.

Kakarot held grudges for life, the saiyan assassin didn't care who would get in his way. So Krillin stayed his hand instead finding out something more critical.

He looked to his wife with a smile. "I owe you more than that hun, especially the location of Chaotzu."

Tien slightly snorted at that. "Not like you could've said something sooner, he didn't deserve to be held for that long!" His friend's poor state when they finally managed to rescue him still more than angered him.

Eighteen merely brushed back her blonde hair. "If it weren't for me you wouldn't have even found him."

"Listen you-!"

A hand grabbed his shoulder. "Tien not the time, or the place. Just look ahead, you wanted to do right by Choatzu, so we have our chance. We can bring those two into custody and finally start fixing the damage on this planet. With Mrs. Black back in custody we can dismantle Red Ribbon and if we can also cap-"

Tien's eyes all narrowed at his boss. "We're not capturing him, he has to die Krillin he's far too dangerous to be left alive and you know that."

Eighteen laughed, "I actually agree with trifocal over there."

"Listen you blonde-!"

"Tien enough! I know you want payback, but we can't sacrifice our integrity." His fellow detective shook the offending arm off. "This won't undo what's already been done."

"Tell that to our friend who won't walk again for years!" Tien spat back bitterly.

Krillin sighed, "Our revenge doesn't give us a right to kill him. Our job is to catch the bad guys, the moment we start becoming judge and jury we lose what we are." There was a deeper meaning, it was why Krillin took up this mantle, why he did everything. If he could still go home to his family with a clean conscience than he could accept what he did.

They were the heroes not the villains. At least that's as much as he told himself.

"Well, I have to go find a place to hide out. I may be an android, but I am not ruining my hair or dress for either of you." Eighteen said casually turning and strutting away. She may be an artificial human but getting involved with two powered up fighters wasn't on her agenda.

Krillin chuckled and nodded as she left. It had taken him awhile to realize that his wife had originally been an agent for Red Ribbon. But either through fate or by luck the women sent to gather information on him had actually fallen for him.

He hadn't told anyone until today when he spoke with Tien about his wife's double life. But it didn't really matter at this point. Once these two were taken down he had more than enough evidence to begin dismantling Red Ribbon for good.


Kakarot and Chi-Chi clashed together both of their fingers locked together as they struggled to control the other's strength. Chi-Chi's body was working on overdrive as Kakarot's second wind had taken her by surprise.

With one eye squinting she could see the blood running down his forehead. With the look of pure determination on his face to keep fighting, but she could see a grin almost tugging at the sides of his face as their struggle continued.

Kakarot watched Chi-Chi who seemed still unfazed by all of this, that she wasn't ready to stop fighting. It made him only enjoy this moment even more and he flared his ki the burning golden ki illuminating all around him.

Chi-Chi's hands began to shake as Kakarot began to cry out, his vocals a match of his own effort as his arms bulged and he slowly pushed her arms backwards.

Teal and cerulean continued to look into the other as they struggled against the other. Very slowly Chi-Chi began to lose out as her arms were being pushed to the sides. It was a hair at a time but it was still progress as once they were by her head, gradually falling past her shoulders and down.

Chi-Chi's arms were shaking as she tried to power herself up further, a white glow engulfing her hands but she only managed a short tremble before Kakarot began overpowering her. She couldn't let him break her guard, but damnit he was still overpowering her. Until her arms were completely below her sides Chi-Chi let her arms snap to to the side forcing Kakarot's momentum to carry himself into her but she tucked her legs upwards and planted both of her feet squarely into his chest. Knocking the air out of his lungs and sending him into the air.

The saiyan hacked and coughed hard as he tried to stop himself, he was almost spent as he let himself fall back down towards the earth. The heavy weight of being transformed was taking a massive toll on his body. Slipping downwards until he landed in a heap in the ground.

Chi-Chi herself was feeling the strain, having only used this body for a day it wasn't exactly easy for her either. Falling to her knees she was ready to be done, to let herself just shut down and turn off the torment she was putting herself through. Except as Kakarot slowly began to rise back up from the dirt and grime in front of her she couldn't stop.

"Just. Stay. Down." She breathed, with her clothes in tatters and her body covered in scratches and bruises Chi-Chi stubbornly made herself get up on one foot.

Laughing Kakarot flopped forwards onto the ground. His hair flashed black for a moment but returned to blonde moment later. "Never." He rasped as his heavy labored breaths pushed himself back upwards. Each arm shaking like a leaf in the wind, the grains of dirt and rock slipped through his fingers as he pushed raised one hand to his knee and began to get back up.

Chi-Chi's form was slumped over but she was still upright as Kakarot stumbled slightly towards her. She pulled back her teeth into a snarl as Kakarot only smiled, his attitude enraging her more that he wasn't taking this fight seriously at all. But she didn't have time to waste as she pushed forwards, her fist pulled back.

Kakarot took the blow, his face rocked as he took a step backwards, the world went dark but he stayed on his feet. Drawing his own arm back he hit Chi-Chi just the same.

Both of them looked at the other and neither backed down.

Each blow shook the ground, again and again both sides traded massive haymakers with the other in order to make the other quit, to give up or back down. But they both took it as one was fighting for her own survival and that of her family, the other fighting for the feeling of being truly alive and that this was something he'd always wanted.

"Damn you-!" Her next blow made Kakarot stagger and spin around.

Blood dripped from his lips as his one eye had swollen shut, gasping for air he turned back and spit but swung his fist and nailed her square in the stomach. The shockwaves rippling outwards as Chi-Chi cried out grasping at her stomach. "I… Won't… Break!"

Chi-Chi grabbed at his skull and smashed her forehead into his, both of them nearly blacking out as both dropped to a knee.

"Why? You have nothing to fight for?" She screamed as she struggled to collect herself, tears were threatening at her eyes but she wouldn't let anything fall for him. Not for Kakarot.

Kakarot swallowed the blood in his mouth as he gasped for air, "I'm fighting for my own existence, to be what I was supposed to be." His hair flickered to black and slowly dropped from that blonde to coal black. "I'm not doing this for any other reason than myself."

Rising up back on both feet Kakarot's eyes looked forwards. "I've never felt so alive in all my life." He actually managed to laugh even as pain shot through his ribs feeling several of them cracked. "Fighting until there's nothing left, just like you." He grinned as Chi-Chi snorted falling to the ground as her body was at its breaking point.

"I have. A purpose." She ground out through her clenched jaw. That slow meticulous rise back up as she raised one fist at him. "You are nothing but a monster."

He nodded his head. "Yes, yes I am but making you into myself I found out the truth."

"What? That I'm stronger than you. That you have truly nothing!" She shouted at him.

"No, you see Chi-Chi if you could overcome what I put you through, that means that I can do the same. That I don't have to be the monster that I was turned into."

Chi-Chi aimed one hand at him her fingers spreading apart. "You will forever be a monster."

He grinned and held back one hand aimed at her. "You were just like me."

Both paused looking at the other, Chi-Chi couldn't stop herself as tears ran down from her eyes. Her vision blurring and her hand was shaking. She was just like him, but no longer.

Despite everything that she had been put through, the abuse, the torture, the hell of life that drowned and swallowed up someone as powerful as Kakarot and many others before her. She refused to remain tainted, she wasn't innocent, she wasn't some martyr or angel. But she chose to break free from those shackles, to not let her past define her and her future like Kakarot had.

Kakarot gave in and dragged others down with him because that was all he knew. That was all he felt, but she, the simple woman abducted from her home and sold to be nothing more than a man's whore and assistant killer in training did the unimaginable. She wasn't consumed by it.

Her son, the only small bastion of purity that remained inside of her fueled that small part of her soul to do something better. To be better.

It was what Kakarot saw in her and he was praising her for it. Her strength of will even though she didn't see it herself. "Why won't you just die!" She screamed as her hand began to glow with a pulsing yellow orb.

"Only if you're stronger." Kakarot chuckled as a blue one formed in his own palm. "It was a great fight Chi-Chi."

"Shut up! Shut up! Just stop talking to me!" She cried as she held herself back from firing.

"You are an amazing woman. Take care of my son even though I know you'll do great." Kakarot's attack pulsed bigger and bigger.

"Why did I ever fall in love with you-?" She screamed as the air began to whip around her face, splashing her tears away from her face.

Kakarot smiled, "Because you and I were perfect for each other." He released his attack towards her and he looked at the way Chi-Chi stared back at him, the pain was on her face, the strain and weary battle features. Even without her brown eyes there was still some measure of the woman that he…

"That's our cue!" Krillin jumped up from his position with Tien following behind him as the explosion occurred.

"What just happened? Did I see that right?" Tien yelled to Krillin who shook his head.

"I don't know Tien, just cover me!" Krillin flew through the dust and dirt as he spotted one person still standing.

"Don't move-!" His voice shouted, "You are under arrest! Do not resist!" His hands holding the ki cuffs in one free hands.

Tien stopped over the other one, their face was covered in blood a hole in their chest. Blood was pooling out from the wound as he looked into a the face of Mr. Black. A glassy eyed stare just gazed off as a strange smile hung on his lips.

Chi-Chi stood there quietly, "He… he missed me…" Replaying the way she had retaliated only to watch his attack fly over her shoulder. It wasn't that his aim was bad or he had just had a one in a hundred fluke. No he had purposely missed her.

She didn't even hear the detective making his way up to her but her senses reacted as he came closer. Snapping her hand upward she readied to defend herself as Krillin approached her.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Black but you are coming with me. You and Mr. Black have a lot of questions and things to answer for. Come quietly and I promise that you will still be able to have a say in your sons life."

"I will have a say in my son's life regardless of what you think detective." She sneered.

"You don't stand a chance, right now you have no strength left and-"

"It's just her, Kakarot will be dead shortly." Tien said his tone not hiding his disappointment. "Son of a bitch deserved more."

Krillin looked to Tien who nodded to him. Things weren't going as he had planned he had at least wanted both to be alive for questioning but with at least- He realized that Chi-Chi was gone! His head snapping towards the side as he looked where Chi-Chi was beside him.

"Why? Why would you do that!?" She shouted at him looking at the way he was just bleeding out. There was no anger or resentment in his eyes as he just let his lifeblood spill over the floor.

Where was the monster! Where was the man who wanted her and her son dead? None of this was fair… "Damnit Kakarot… why did you do this to me? You missed on purpose and now you just have a stupid smile on your face!"

Dropping to her knees Chi-Chi brought her hand to his face that was already beginning to feel cold. "You can't just do that." She cried as she fell forwards her hands holding his face. She wanted to know why he missed, why didn't he try and kill her like he promised. Instead he took the blow, was he intending to die? Was that his plan all along? She needed answers! Something! ANYTHING!

Krillin held the two cuffs in his hand as he saw the sad sight before him, he could not understand its significance as the two of them had beaten each other to hell and back. Yet here was Chi-Chi, the woman tortured and abused by this man crying all over him.

Nodding to Tien he came from the other side both of them looking to grab each of Chi-Chi's arms and bring her into custody.

A loud piercing bang and flash of white light blinded both of them. Tien stumbled backwards as Krillin covered his eyes. "Ah, what the hell!" Tien screamed not that Krillin could hear him with the ringing of his ears. All of their senses were overloaded as they had to wait fifteen long impossible seconds for the effects to dissipate from them.

"Fuck! What was that?" Tien growled as his eyes blinked trying to focus on what had just happened.

Krillin tried to shake the cobwebs from his head. "I don't know, it just happened. Where is…" His eyes widened completely to the size of plates. "THEY'RE GONE!"

Tien looked as well, "No way! That's impossible!" Both of the detectives could see the outline of where Kakarot once was and the massive black smoldering lines where Chi-Chi had been kneeling down. The explosion of light clearly had come from her. But to what had happened to both of them, no one knew.

(Several years later)

Sitting in class, the young third grader remained at the back of the room. Socially awkward and very different than his peers, he tried to pay attention but found himself unable to do so.

Everything around him was strange, he could see and smell things that others couldn't. How could he be around other people knowing that he was so different. Sighing young Gohan just remained quiet, his scores would always be higher than anyone else, his strength and speed just as well. But he still felt so alone in this world.

Eating lunch, alone.

Playing, alone.

Reading, alone.

His teachers assumed he was a quiet genius, and interfering with his clear brilliance seemed foolish with his test scores and aptitude tests. Perhaps it was just his upbringing.

The phone rang in the classroom, the teacher stopping their math lesson to go and answer it.

Gohan didn't care he was bored anyway.

"Very well, I'll send him down." Hanging up the corded phone to the desk. "Gohan, your foster parents are here, you can be excused for the day."

Ignoring the stairs of the other kids Gohan collected his things, grabbed his book bag, and made his way out. Walking with his unruly long black hair Gohan simply held onto the straps with his fingers that tapped on the cloth straps.

Gohan made his way to the office looking around but didn't see anyone there to pick him up yet.

"Oh go and have a seat dear, the principal just needed to talk with them for a few minutes." The secretary said pointing to one of the small plastic chairs just off to the side of the main office.

Letting his feet softly kick and rock from where he sat on the chair in the air he remained just sitting there staring down at them.

The speakers from the T.V. that sat on the side of the wall played the general news but Gohan didn't watch it or follow the man talking on screen.

"- how many years we have been working to see this day done. Too finally have this criminal organization put to justice like so many others. Well I may be short when it comes to my stature but I do not feel small with the accomplishments that our combined efforts have made. With today the leaders of Red Ribbon have received their sentence and charges and while I may not agree with all of them." Taking a moment to pause before continuing. " This is justice and I will accept the court's decision, without people like my lovely wife who was unable to make it today, but my-" He said hoisting up a little blonde girl with blue eyes. "Daughter are the reason I'm here today and why I will continue to work hard."

The five year old waved to the camera gaining the 'awws' 'how cute' 'isn't she adorable' from the journalists and reporters from the podium. "I have time for a few questions if anyone would like to ask one?"

"Yes sir, do you feel that the man called Commander Red deserve-"

"No, no I'm not going to say my part on that. The courts have decided that, it's not my place to pass judgement. His organization is in shambles, though it won't diminish his crimes that have happened it will not be happening again."

"What do you have to say to all the victims and people affected by Red Ribbon Detective?"

Taking a breath his face turning neutral. "I believe that I've done everything that I can, I am human and I make mistakes. But I hope that this will give some peace to all of the families out there though it might not ever be enough."

"What about the alleged serial killer Momma and the pateron that abducted one of your team members? What about them and your fellow detective what has happened with them."

"I'll answer the later part of the question first, my fellow associate Choatzu is making a full recovery he's up and walking and by the end of the year he will be back to normal. In regards to the two killers that caused such terror and fear throughout the planet I will confess that from everything that we've gathered that both Momma and the other perpetrator were both killed in an apparent murder suicide when we tried to bring them in to custody. Though its little consolation for so many that were hurt I hope that this information can ease some of that pain."


"I'm sorry folks but that is all for me, I have to go and take my little girl to lunch. Say Bye Marron!"

The blonde waved and shouted her goodbyes as she was taken off stage and another man moved to take the stage.

The door to the principal's office opened. "I understand I'll make sure to work with him at home." Wearing a white business dress suit came out first. "There have been a lot of changes he's going through please be patient and understanding with us."

"I know, this is a troubling time for any young man though I am worried about his mental health. Please I'll refer you to several friends of mine who operate with child psychology."

"I will make sure to contact someone. Thank you sir."

"I understand Mrs. White, such new foster parents this can't be easy. So please feel free to reach out if you need help." Offering his hand to the woman who smiled and shook his hand.

"Your concern is appreciated." The woman smiled, her hair folded into a perfect bun of white hair as she turned and knelt down to her foster child. "Ready to go Gohan?" He didn't look up he just looked down at his feet.

The little boy nodded, feeling her bring her hands around him and pick him up into her arms. The pearl necklace she was wearing just dangled as he just laid his head against her shoulder. "Sorry for taking up your time." Mrs White apologized as the principal held up a hand waved off her concern.

"It is quite alright you try and enjoy the rest of your day."

She smiled nodding her head before walking outside with Gohan. Outside was a bright white Mercedes with gold trim on the sides. "Could you get the door for me dear?" Mrs. White spoke as a man on the other side of the car turned and looked at her.

His hair a matching brilliant white, with thick spikes going in many different directions that defied gravity. Obsidian black eyes looked into Cerulean ones that shined in his own. "Of course." He said smiling opening up the back door so that they could fit Gohan into the child seat in the back.

"Took awhile, Everything okay in there?"

She nodded. "We'll talk in the car." Mrs. White got into her side as her husband got in the other side. Pulling away from the curb the pair rolled up their windows to the vehicle and turned the A/C on.

"How did I do mommy?" Gohan chirped a bright smile on his face all of a sudden as his mother turned back around to look at him.

"Oh you are absolutely perfect sweetheart. You are just like your mother and father when it comes to playing a part."

"Thank you-!" The boy beamed proudly.

Laughing the man upfront slowed to a stop. "Just like your old man, it's how your mother fell for me. Soon you'll have the cute classmate that sits next to you all over you!"

"Do not start corrupting my little boy!" Mrs. White scolded.

Gohan looked back and forth his father's huge grin and his mother's scowl. "What do you mean Dad?"

"Oh nothing, just that little Erasa and Videl will be fighting each other for you to be their ma-"

"Best friend Gohan. Little girls like that just want to have a nice boy like you to be their friend." Her hand slapped over the driver's mouth.

"Oh, Okay! I can't wait to start making friends!" Gohan said going into his backpack and start finding his favorite books to start reading as they drove.

"What? I was going to say mate not mhmm-" Her hand pressed back over his lips though his eyes glinted with mischief.

"We are not discussing that in front of him, yet, now or ever." She growled.

"Whatever you say Cheech." He chuckled, "Oh and by the way we got a job."

Sighing Chi-Chi grabbed the phone from her purse. "I swear Kakarot I thought we were done with this sort of stuff."

"Well of course we could've but then we wouldn't be us would we? Nor would Gohan?" Kakarot grinned as Chi-Chi gave a disgusted look at the picture.

"This is too much at times I swear." Chi-Chi rubbed her forehead, "I ask for a little favor from that detective and now were out and about doing his dirty work?"

Kakarot shrugged, letting them pull up to a small restaurant across the street to their target's apartment. "It's not that bad though." He admitted as Chi-Chi rolled her eyes but Kakarot brought his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his lips for a nice pre assignment kiss. "Love you my maid." He chuckled as she sighed.

"I love you too master." She joked as she slipped on her protective suit from underneath her clothes covering her face as Kakarot did the same. "Suit up sweetie." She told her son who excitedly clapped his hands and donned the same sneaking suit that was designed for his mother. All three of them were wearing pure white suits that with a flick of a switch began to bend the light around them rendering them invisible to the eye.

Exiting the car the trio made their way together towards their next mark. Gohan happily hanging from Chi-Chi's and Kakarot's hands as he got ready to have fun at their next job. They were never going to a picture perfect family, but they were a family.

A master, his maid, and their first son.

The End.

A/N: You wanted it, I gave it too yah!

