Hello! StormyFictioners are starting a new story including a mix of one shots based on our already made stories so we can update old stories and spice up our writings a bit. Our second addition is a one shot based from the plot of A Small Problem! You can check it out here or read it and more one shots from "StormyFictioners Holiday mix of oneshots"

"StormyFictioners Holiday mix of oneshots" is a mix of one shots of the different Universes and Fandoms we StormyFictioners have already started. Please check out our stories that these chapters are based on. We will try to write these where a person wouldn't have to read them first, but we do recommend to check them out. Each will start out with information on the story that the one shot it based on. They will be randomly selected with the power of dice however, comment on which story you would like done next and it might sway the dice. :)


This not a continuation of A Small Problem it is a one shot based from the plot. This is PaperHat or Black Hat/Flug. Along with one-sided Dementia/Black Hat and later Dementia/OC Circe




Flug whimpered clinging to the needles of the large pine tree. Cursing Black Hat for putting Dementia in charge of setting up the Christmas tree. He didn't mean for this to happen with his off handed mention that they should celebrate the holiday. Flug whimpered again as he almost slipped off his branch with a small squeak he tightened his hold on it. "Black Hat is going to be pissed to find out Dementia decided I'm a star." Flug sighed resigning to his fate of being trapped at the top of their Christmas tree for a while. It sucked to be the size of a pencil.

Black Hat grumbled as he was dragged to look at the tree "this better be good Dementia"

Dementia giggled "oh you'll love it! It has the perfect star hehehe!"

Black Hat frowned "I doubt it" he said but looked at the tree not noticing the distressed topping

Dementia giggled dancing around the tree "hehehe isn't it perfect!"

Flug gave a small squeak clinging to the branch as Dementia's movement cause the tree to sway slightly

"Whatever. Wait that sound. where's Flug?" He said

Dementia giggled "what and give away the surprise hehehe nope!"

Black Hat began examining the tree "Flug?"

"Ah-up h-here s-sir. I would very much l-like to come down." Flug gave him a small wave while still clinging to his branch

Black Hat looked up and felt like he was going to have a heart attack "Flug!" He said and increased his height picking up the smol scientist. "Are you alright?"

Flug nodded giving a small sigh of relief and practically melting in Black Hat's hold. "Yes, Thank you sir."

"Dementia! You could have hurt him what if he fell!" He said setting Flug safely in his pocket and put a mini imploding star on the top

Dementia whined stomping her foot lightly "aww Black Hat you're no fun anymore. I'm gonna go prank people with 5.0.5. At least he's still fun and not a stick in the mud."

"5.0.5. doesn't do pranks" Black Hat pointed out and patted her head "and what have I said about Flug? He's too fragile to be picked on right now"

Dementia pouted crossing her arms "fiiiine! I Just... I miss the old Black Hat. I'm tired of overprotective mom hat."

He facepalmed "Dementia I don't exist for your whims girl" he said things were just so awkward now

"And why not! I have needs too ya know! I'll be in my room if you need me MOM HAT!" Dementia stormed off even though She just wanted to beg for things to go back to normal. Flug couldn't return to normal quick enough.

"Um.. Sir? Is... Is she going to be okay?"

Black Hat patted his pocket "I don't know. And I don't know what to do" he said looking at the messed up tree "perhaps we should attempt this Christmas thing?"

Flug gave a small nod. "It will be fun... Right? i-I use to have a big celebration every year before… well this would be good for us."

"I have never celebrated this before tell me how it's done?"

Flug gave a small smile. "Well we have the tree done. Um normally I would make Christmas shaped cookies. We could do that if you want? But we don't have to..."

"Cookies are fine" he said and went to Dementia's room and banged on the door "GET OUT HERE WRETCH WE'RE MAKING COOKIES"

Flug flinched huddling in the pocket more.

Dementia grumbled through the door "I don't make cookies I eat them."

"Too bad! Mom Hat demands it!"

Dementia grumbled but opened her door giving him a wide smile "does this mean you want to spend time with little ol me?" Dementia hoped he would say yes.

"Yes, we are spending time together" he said

Dementia giggled happily grabbing Black Hat's hand and dragging him to the kitchen

He sighed and once there manifested many cookie cutters for every holiday and set Flug on the counter

Dementia frowned slightly at Flug before smirking. Starting to Mix up the cookies until it was a nice sticky dough. Making sure that Black Hat was looking away she snatched up Flug and dunked him into the dough. Folding it over and encasing him in doughy darkness.

Flug smiled watching them mix asking softly for Black Hat to get him a snowflake cookie cutter. Letting out a startled squeak when he was lifted. Struggled to escape from the dough Flug whimpered. He froze eyes wide as the dough was slowly folded over him. Whimpering he pushed against the sticky darkness his legs sinking in the dough and his hands being absorbed. Flub started to hyperventilate.

Black Hat returned with the cutter "here Flug? Dementia! Where is Flug?!" He snapped

Dementia shrugged slowly mixing the dough before pinching some and starting making balls for her cookie cutter. "Maybe he left? Is he on the floor?"

Black Hat looked down to be sure "he couldn't get down there Dementia what did you do?" He demanded eyes narrowed

Dementia held back a smirk "I don't know what your talking about."

Black Hat slammed a fist down "Dammit Dementia you tell me where he his right now!" He said his teeth all bared and fire going from his eye

Dementia have him a blank stare. "Why do you care about him so much?"

"He's our scientist! He lives in this house! By all rights he's your brother!"

Dementia scoffed and looked offended "as if! He knows how I feel and he still hogs you! He doesn't deserve you! I'm evil. I'm the villain. He's weak, useless, he's not a villain!"

Black Hat grabbed her roughly "you tell me where he is right now"

Dementia frowned muttering "probably poisoning the cookie dough."

He dropped her and began digging through the dough "Flug!"

Dementia frowned walking slowly out of the room

Flug gasped as a sharp claw sliced through the dough in front of him. Wheezing from the effort Flug wrenched his hand out and latched on to a sharp claw.

Black Hat heaved him out and began picking him clean of dough "Flug are you okay?" He demanded

Flug nodded tears streaming down his cheeks. He rubbed his sticky fingers at the tears hiccuping lightly. "F-fine sir."

Black Hat growled and grabbed Dementia "that is it! You could have killed him! I don't care how good of a villain you are you are OUT OF HERE! PACK YOUR THINGS AND BE GONE BY SUNSET!" he yelled and tossed her out

Dementia squawked as she was tossed out. Turning startled she started a mix of apologizing and protesting. "You can't do this to me! Please I'm sorry!"

Flug shook shocked tears still running down his cheeks

"No you aren't Dementia I gave you plenty of chances! you care about nothing but yourself and you've put your coworker's life at risk far too many times! now get out!" he growled and shut the kitchen door in her face

Dementia gaped at the door tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. "Please don't do this Black Hat. Is he really worth it!"

Flug whimpered "don't... She's right..."

Black Hat picked him up "no I am tired of this she shouldn't try to kill you because you have my attention I will not tolerate it" he said and took him to the sink and began cleaning him with warm water and soap

Flug squeaked blushing at Black Hat's gentle touch and words. "B-but..."

"Don't but me" he said with a low growl and when Flug was clean he used a bit of magic to dry him off

Flug hung his bright red face messing with the ends of his shirt. "Sorry..."

Black Hat put him in his pocket "she won't be able to hurt you ever again" he promised

Flug gave a small whimper "I-i don't... I don't mind sir. She hasn't really hurt me just-she's just doing what she always does. I'm just smaller now. Y-you shouldn't make such a big deal over it."

"She is not doing what she always has! Before now its been pranks and just her! But now she is being Malicious!"

Flug frowned borrowing deeper into the pocket. "S-she did lock me in my closet one time. I was trapped until 5.0.5. Freed me a few days later... I guess she's been a little bit rough. Maybe she just needs to beat up a hero or something."

"She isn't our problem anymore" he said though he would miss her a teeny bit

"But! But you can't just..."

"I can't just what?" Black Hat said

Flug frowned "we... We're family. You can't-you can't just abandon her."

"She seems content to abandon you. why do you care?" He asked

Flug frowned muttering "I Just... I mean... I don't know."

Black Hat pet him "I don't want... I don't like the idea of her going either, but I cannot stand back as she continuously puts your life in danger."

Flug nodded sadly "o-okay."

He held him and nuzzled him "we'll move past this" he said.

Flug gave a small huff "So much for Christmas."

"Does that bother you?"

Flug shrugged "I hypothesized it would end up a failure anyway. Anytime we try to do something normal it ends with something on fire. You get use to it after a while."

Black Hat nodded and pet him

Flug sighed looking up at him "you're pretty weird you know that. Oh gosh that came out wrong!"

"I am not weird! what makes you think that?"

Flug blushed stuttering "i-i'm sorry I didn't mean to say that! You're not weird in a bad way-oh gosh-at all! You're not weird at all sir."

Black Hat snorted "good" he said self importantly

Flug sunk a little lower into the pocket. everyone in this house, including himself, were the epitome of weird. However, Flug wasn't going to tell that to his demon boss, who just kicked out one of the four people who lived in the house, that.

Black Hat walked out of the kitchen heading for his office which would pass Dementia's room

Dementia was crying as she packed up her things. She never thought this would happen. Where would she even go? Maybe being a villain wasn't all it's cracked up to be. Maybe she should just join a hero gang or turn herself in?

BlackHat stopped outside her door face falling as he heard her sobs his hand moving to his heart feeling it sink

Dementia scrubbed at her tears "i-i should have known dammit! He-he'll never care about me. I'm so stupid! Stupid stupid stupid! I should have known they were closer than friends. What did i expect a wedding invitation… yeah, yeah i did! Hell i should have been their flower girl! I knew Black Hat loving me would be too good to be true, but i thought i would be at least first choice or before tech nerd… now i won't even get a bite of the wedding cake."

Black Hat frowned listening and leaned against the door.

Flug blushed a bright red at hearing Dementia's conversation with herself.

Dementia gave a humorless chuckled finishing her packing "guess i never realized that Black Hat was gay… Gay for a nerd like Flug too. Never gonna find a hot, powerful, demon like him again." Dementia sighed resigned to her fate. She just has to move on. This wasn't the first time she had been tossed away from what she would call family. "Guess i can check that hero group a few blocks down. Circe was kind of cute last battle."

Black Hat sighed and knocked

Dementia jumped turning around "i-i'm leaving d-don't worry."

"You... Don't have to" he said quietly "I acted in haste but you leaving would be just as bad as Flug."

Dementia gave a small forced laugh "sure."

"No I mean it. I cannot and will not return your love but I do care for you"

Dementia sniffled swiping at her growing tears. Giving a watery chuckle she asked "so are you going to let me be your flower girl heh?"

"Heh sure... And the wedding planner" he said

Flug squeaked swatting at Black Hat's chest

Dementia giggled flinging the door open and yanking Black Hat into a hug

Black Hat groaned "careful" he said but patted her back

Dementia whined but she was smiling through tears as she pulled back

Black Hat pet her "Do you still want to try the Christmas thing?"

Dementia nodded excitedly "y-yeah... Um Flug no hard feelings?"

Flug shook his head smiling though his face was still red.

Black Hat pet Flug "good now let's do whatever this is"

Flug gave a small chuckle "yeah. I think our cookies might miss us a bit."

"Ah yes the cookies"

Flug nodded "oh we could also make some eggnog."

Dementia nodded excitedly "I can do that!" Flug gave her a fearful look "I'll use a recipe Flug."

Black Hat nodded "make this nogg of egg then" he said and took them back to the kitchen

Dementia giggled quickly looking for a recipe. They had all the ingredients, even the alcohol part.

Stepping on the the table Flug grabbed a snowman cutter as large as himself and worked it onto the dough.

Black Hat made a few cookies himself

Grinning Dementia placed two glasses onto the table keeping another for herself. "Here are your drinks... Flug you might just have to swim in it."

Black Hat snorted and turned the glass tiny

Flug beamed up at him taking a large gulp before almost spitting it out. Taking a rough swallow he turned to Dementia "what's wrong with this? Why does it taste different?"

Dementia shrugged "I don't know what your talking about I made it just like the recipe said. Truly, the only thing I added was extra cinnamon?"

Black Hat tasted his. Shrugging at the flavor, it wasn't bad for Dementia standards.

Flug shrugged this wasn't the worst thing that Dementia had made. Be the time his cup was halfway drained Flug had decided it tasted pretty good actually. "It's pretty good Dem-hic-heh oops."

Black Hat watched "heh you must get drunk pretty fast."

Flug blinked "drunk? I don't drink."

"There's alcohol in that Flug" Black Hat giggled

Flug pailed "w-Wh-What B-but I don't drink. Oh gosh. I do stupid things. I can't be drunk! Oh gosh what if it kills me at this size. I can't breathe."

BlackHat picked him up and pet him "you'll be fine"

Flug looked up to him worried "will I? How can you be sure?"

"Yes, I am sure you'll be fine" he said and rocked him

Flug sighed wiping away a few tears that had slipped out. "I-i just hate being small!"

BlackHat nodded it had been weaks "surely you'll turn back any time" he said

Flug flopped in Black Hat's hold whining "I'll be small forever!" giving a small whine Flug pouted "can i have more eggnog? I wanna drink my problems away."

Black Hat gave him back the glass

Flug frowned sipping on the glass

Black Hat rubbed his back with a tentacle as he made cookies

Flug gave a small sigh draining the glass and Dementia filled it up again for him and he downed half of it in a few gulps

"You might wanna slow down Flug. For a lightweight you're drinking them kind of quickly."

"Yeah you will be sick at that rate" Black Hat said taking his glass and drinking it himself

Flug gave a small pout "c-come on. One more... Please."

"Nope you're drunk"

Flug gave a small whine "But Bla-hic-babe I Just need a little. I'll work over time or something or or-" Flug pleaded before snickering. Spotting the leafy greens of mistletoe hanging above Black Hat. Flug hiccuped giggling.

Black Hat turned red "you've definitely had enough" he said "why are you giggling?"

Flug giggled more pointing up at the mistletoe "you-you gotta kiss me!"

BlackHat blushed "that's stupid" he said but brought Flug a little close

Flug snorted tipping slighting so he resorted to plopping down in Black Hat's hold trying to cover his giggles "you're red! You're so embarrassed!"

"I am not! I don't get embarrassed"

Flug waved at him snickering "yup you're embarrassed. Don't-don't worry ya cute. Hehehe adorkable."

Dementia giggled covering her face. Sure a pang of sadness went through her, but tiny drunk Flug and the most ridiculousness thing and was so hilarious!

"Am not! I'll prove it!" He said and laid a big smooch on Flug

Flug squeaked his eyes closing as he leaned into it. Panting slightly as they released. Flug face was flushed and the stuttered over his words slightly "I-i think you Have to-to give me another."

"I think you are too small for real kisses" he snorted

Flug gaped at him. "But-but it doesn't matter how small I am! Are you not gonna give me anymore cause I'm s-so sm-all!" Flug felt tears well up and roll down his cheeks as he hiccuped.

"No I feel like I'm eating your face" he said and kissed him again

Flug whimpered clinging slightly to Black Hat.

Black Hat peppered him with kisses "better?"

Flug sighed eyes closed looking the most relaxed he's been... Ever. Oh how he loved this kind and comforting attention from Black Hat.

Black Hat rocked him as he put some cookies in the oven

Flug hiccuped nuzzling into his hold and latching onto a finger and held it close

Black Hat chuckled "I vote Flug drinks more often"

Flug gave a small purr of contentment nuzzling into Black Hat's hand before falling asleep.

Dementia looked concerned at the small scientist "me too, but do you think he'll be okay? he did kind of just demand kisses from you and then curled up and passed out. plus how much meds should we give him when he wakes up with a hangover? don't think they make a size for him. though man we should have recorded that he probably won't drink around us again." Dementia wondered why was she ever so mean to Flug. This tiny scientist was hilarious and for some reason made her feel protective of him.

"We will just grind up a tiny bit of aspirin" he said and pet him "he should be fine I'll watch him

Dementia sighed "of course. i'll go bring some eggnog to 5.0.5. while you two have your bonding time."

Black Hat walked over and hugged her "thank you"

Dementia smiled squeezing him back "you guys are actually pretty cute together." grabbing Black Hat's tie she yanked him until he was an inch from her face "if you ever hurt him or break his heart i will go and find something that will hurt your demon ass. now take care of him i know it may not seem like it, but i kind of like the dork. deep deep down in a weird wanna torture you but we're kind of family way."

BlackHat looked surprised that was a 180° but he nodded "of course?"

Dementia nodded "good i don't want you breaking everyone's hearts i don't think me or Flug could take it if you moved on to 5.0.5."

He scowled at her "that's disgusting Demencia"

Dementia laughed "Glad Flug doesn't have to worry about that then. I was afraid you would just move through each of us." snickering Dementia walked out mumbling comments about Black Hat being a furry.

Black Hat made a disturbed face and went to lay down rocking his little Flugsy

Flug hummed happily clinging to Black Hat. "... Bla... Hat... Mhmm."

"I've got you Flug" he promised petting his little head with his finger

Flug hummed nuzzling the finger he had hugged to him.

Black Hat smiled "this love thing might not be so bad" he said

Flug whined rubbing at his eyes he didn't want to wake up from the warm darkness of sleep. Scrubbing his face Flug gave a large yawn as he slowly woke up.

"You are alive. that's a relief" Black Hat said

Flug whinced clutching his skull. "Ugh… why?"

"You drank a lot" Black Hat chuckled

Flug shook his head slowly "i-i don't ugh i don't drink."

"Dementia spiked the eggnog. you were quite... Smoochy" he chuckled

Flug paled slowly looking up to Black Hat mortified. "W-what.."

"Oh yes apparently you noticed every piece of mistletoe. It was quite the enjoyment."

Flug groaned "noooo."

"Can you remember or do I need to give a demonstration?" He asked

Flug's eyes widened and he looked up shocked. Squeaking Flug asked "y-you want to k-k-k-k-iss m-me?!"

Black Hat chuckled "if you want me too"

Flug squeaked covering his face, but giving a small nod.

Black Hat smiled and lifted him kissing his face again

Flug blush a bright red mouth slightly open in shock.

Black Hat flicked his open mouth with his large thin tongue

Flug squeaked covering his mouth "B-Black Hat!"

Black Hat chuckled "remember yet?"

Flug nodded hiding his face. "I-i remember..."

BlackHat chuckled "good" he said before 5.0.5. knocked and made a few aroos it was present time!

Flug gasped "oh can you please take me to my lab" well his present day desk lab. Everything in his real lab was deemed for to big and dangerous for him, thus half of Black Hat's desk had been converted to a makeshift lab

Black Hat nodded and took him to the mini lab

Grinning Flug grabbed his three tiny wrapped presents. A crewdly wrapped death ray for Black Hat, a lockable diary for Dementia, and a hat for 5.0.5. Grinning Flug turned back to Black Hat.

Black Hat smiled and took him and them to the tree

Flug grinned at the others.

Dementia snickered muttering about the two kissing to 5.0.5

5.0.5. giggled and also had three presents.

Dementia grinned "well come on we might have all day, but i don't have the patience for it!"

Black Hat nodded and dropped three gifts: a new outfit for 5.0.5., a new guitar for Dementia, and a new mini lab coat mini for Flug

Dementia squealed grabbing her present and tossing her gifts to each of them. Black Hat a sharp dagger, Flug some doll furniture to use until he grows back, and a stuffed bear for 5.0.5.

Black Hat gave Flug his first began opening them pleased

Flug smiled at the gifts. Sliding off his old coat he pulled on his new one. Shaking his head with a small laugh he gave a small "Oooo" and "aaah" at the doll furniture.

Dementia grinned at her gifts clutching them close.

5.0.5. wiggled happily putting on his new outfits.

BlackHat smiled and held his gifts before organizing them "I like the tiny death ray"

Flug blushed "well you'll have to make it big if you want to use it, but it's what I've been working on recently. It works too... At least on bugs, I haven't tested it on anything bigger."

"I'll test it later" he said and shadow ported it away

Flug smiled. "This is the best Christmas."

Dementia giggled "oh did Black Hat already give you a good Christmas morning kiss~"

BlackHat snorted "of course not" he lied

Flug blushed a bright red "hush you!"

Dementia giggled "well here's your chance." she pointed to the mistletoe hanging from a stick that 5.0.5. Was holding.

BlackHat rolled his eyes "Feliz navidad" he said and kissed Flug

Flug squeaked blushing and swatting lightly at Black Hat. "S-stop you're embarrassing me!"

BlackHat chuckled and kissed him again

Flug whined embarrassed, but leaned into the kiss.

Black Hat giggle "I definitely like this holiday"

Flug turned away covering his face, but nodded in agreement.

Dementia shook her head "so are you guys getting together or what?"

"We'll see" Black Hat said "we'll see"

Dementia narrowed her eyes at him. "Well since I pushed you to together I want compensations. It's only a fair trade for the happiness of our smol scientist."

Black Hat rolls his eyes and smooches her cheek "now go out in the world and find something better."

Dementia blushed "t-thanks... But that's what I was going to ask for." her blush increased as she rubbed the back of her neck embarrassed "I wanna pick a fight with the hero group a few blocks away... I was hoping that you would distract them while I get that hot chicks number."

Black Hat chuckled "sure" he said

Flug grinned at her "you going to try to use your charm to convert her?"

Dementia giggled blushing "maybe.."

"Have fun with that" Black Hat said "who you aiming for?"

Dementia blushed mumbling "Circe"

"Circe, she won't be hard she was originally a villain anyway" he chuckled

Flug blinked up at Black Hat. "I didn't know that. Did you know her?"

"Not really, she was a powerful witch in her own right. I only saw her at conventions she has quite the talent for turning people into animals."

Dementia gasped "cool! Do you think she'll turn me into something?"

"You're already a animal"

Dementia whined "yeah but..."

Flug shivered "I would not like to be transformed into anything other than me."

Black Hat chuckled "well Dementia ask her I guess"

Dementia grinned nodding excitedly "oh that would be awesome! I wonder what she would change me into. Hehehe this is so exciting!"

Flug frowned patting Black Hat's finger "um can I stay here when you go. I would rather not go near anyone that changes people or a fight or anything dangerous like a group of heros who could attack us on sight. Yeah nothing like that heh."

"Of course you can stay and watch movies with 5.0.5." Black Hat agreed readily

Flug nodded feeling more at ease. "Thank you... Um... C-can you lean down."

BlackHat did as requested being face to face with him "yes?"

Flug blushed stuttering "um... I-i just wanted to-to..." closing his eyes and taking a deep breath Flug leaned in and gave a chase kiss to Black Hat's lips, before turning away mumbling "th-thank you."

BlackHat actually blushed jaw dropping as brain activity grinded to a halt

Dementia giggled at the scene snapping a picture.

Flug squeaked rubbing his hands together nervously "I-i'm sorry I didn't mean to over step. You were-just earlier you-i figured that... It would be okay... Sorry."

Black Hat snapped his jaw shut blushing "no it was fine just didn't... Expect that."

Flug nodded shyly "o-oh... Good."

He smiled and pat his head "alright Dementia let's go!" He said leaving the house in a flourish

Dementia giggled excitedly prancing after him.

Flug sighed giving the door they left through a small smile. He was in deep.

5.0.5. took his creator gently into his paws and went to watch endless Christmas movies