Disclaimer: I do not own Warriors. This applies for all future chapters.

It has been quite a while, hasn't it? If any of my old readers still remember this story, I apologize. I've finally started rewriting this, as I'm older and wiser, and think I can write better than before. I lost interest in Warriors a while ago, and don't remember much of A Vision of Shadows despite having read the first three books. Despite that, I'm going to do my best to get back into the series again. Frankly, I need suggestions, so if any of you have ideas, please, state them in a review, or PM me directly. I also would appreciate general feedback and criticism. Do I have a good balance of serious to humorous chapters? Are my characterizations of the cats believable? If you feel you can contribute something, please do, as every little bit helps.

Crystalshine of Lightclan: I did read your reviews, and tried to respond to some of them, but you seem to have your PMs turned off. To address one quickly, no, chapter 15 is not a coincidence. That story is called Falling Feathers, and I was Dawnflightt's beta reader for the final third of it, back when my account name was still Blackstorm of Thunderclan. I asked her if I could use her characters, and she agreed. I still have the documents.

Dear Fanfiction,

I do not have one million kits. I have a total of 7, read SEVEN, kits. Their names are Hollykit, Larchkit, Shrewpaw, Foxleap, Spiderleg, Birchfall, and Icecloud. I am a responsible mother, not a "kit machine", as you rude twolegs call me. I am also not a Mary-Sue who lives only to have kits with Dustpelt. You had better learn to respect your betters, especially those who have passed!

Sincerely, Ferncloud

Warriors doesn't have many "Dear Fanfiction" pieces, so I decided to create one of my own. Credit for the idea goes to Infinite Legend.

QOTC: What is your favorite canon Warriors pairing? Fanfiction pairing?