Rosalie's POV
Never did I think I could have all of this back. My life is so full and complete now.
I filled Jack in on everything that had happened. How Bruce helped me, but also how he turned on me in the end. He tried to imprison me when he knew I was better and wanted to come back home. Jack believes Bruce may be obsessively in love with me and he may not be wrong. Bruce never tried anything but looking back I remember lingering looks, possessive language, and his determination to keep me.
It makes me sick thinking I could be anyone's but the Joker's. I still struggle but when I get worked up, all it takes is Jack to hold my hand. In the beginning I was so mad at him and I knew that he wouldn't have been able to save me from the state I was in. I needed severe help. I needed to be hurt. Jack got furious when he found out that I was essentially physically and emotionally tortured into stabilization. They were not pleasant methods but they worked. Sometimes you have to fight demons with demons.
Joker has sworn vengeance on Batman, reminding me that what if I hadn't gotten away. But for now, I have convinced him to do what I am doing and focus on the children. It hurt so bad to think of everything I missed, but one night when they both started crying and Jack was asleep, I went to them and once I held them both, they soothed instantly. They remembered me. J found me crying as I held them.
We are getting ready for their first birthday party. Our whole home is decked out in green and purple. Green for Archer and Purple for Aradia. Plus, it's mine and my love's colors. I have made them each a smash cake and a big cake for the guests. This house has been filled with love and celebrating lately. J made sure to throw a huge and surprise welcome home party for me. The surprise not for me, but for the guest since none knew I had came back yet until that moment. It was great. Amanda sobbed and I am sure I saw tears in Johnny's eyes.
"Baby! Where did you put the kids' presents?" J asks frantic, he has been so frantic about all of this. I tried to tell him that they won't even remember but he has insisted.
"I wrapped them and put them with the other hundred of wrapped presents." I told him. He came over and kissed me and I surprised him by putting frosting on his cheek.
"You better wipe that off baby girl." He growls.
"Or what? Will you punish me daddy?" I stick an icing covered finger in my mouth and lick mischievously.
"You are in so much trouble now!" He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder, heading for the bedroom.
"WHat about the guests? They will be here soon. What about the kids?" I ask him, hoping he has a solution.
"Kids are napping. And I guess I have to start warming you up now." He says as he slides his hand up my dress and slips a finger past my panties and inside me, all the while I am still over his shoulder. I moan loudly in response "good girl."
He pulls his finger out of me and I am on the bed, him taking my panties with him as he put me down. He looks down at me and I feel more sexy than ever. My legs are spread and I want him now. "Please daddy." I beg him.
"This will have to be quick and dirty baby girl." he says huskily and I nod eagerly. He enters me and thrusts hard. "You. Feel. So. Fucking. Good." he says between each thrusts.
"Please, harder daddy." I beg. Our sex life has been a lot darker, dirtier, and kinkier since I came back. I guess I couldn't get rid of ALL my darkness, nor can he.
"I want to put more babies in you." He whispers in my ear sending me over the edge. After I am finishing my climax, he cums in me. He kisses me long and hard afterwards and slowly pulls out. I frown at the loss of him. I wish he would just stay in me all day.
We situate ourselves before he comes over to me. "Baby, I love you. More than anything. I want nothing but a big happy family with you." He tells me.
"I love you too, Jack." I avoid addressing the family aspect and he notices. I have been doing that for a couple weeks now.
"What are you worried about? It won't be like the last time, our lives are different. Is it the acid? You healed from death even, I am sure you are healed from that. Please just tell me and we can work through it." I feel bad for avoiding the topic but I still don't answer.
This time the doorbell rings, saving me. He sighs as he does downstairs. I go and grab the little ones, they had just woken up. "Momma!" "Momma" They both call for me. I stop where I am at and start crying. This is the first time they said my name. They already know "Dadda" but never have they said "momma". Jack comes up to see if I need help with the kids and finds me crying.
"What's wrong baby girl? Was it what I said?" I shake my head and then he heard Archer and Aradia speak again "Dadda! Momma" "Momma! Dadda!" He looks at me and I just nod with my hands over my mouth and tears streaming down. He wraps me up in a hug and kisses my head. We don't say anything and just grab our babies. I grab my momma's boy and he grabs his daddy's girl.
The party was a blast, the kids made a mess out of the cakes. We got tons of adorable pictures that I will cherish forever. The children were incredibly spoiled and have more clothes and toys than one can possibly imagine, all in greens and purples. I'm starting to think that our children will know no other colors.
J is sitting on the couch looking exhausted. Everyone has left and the kids are sound asleep. I come up and hand him a present in green wrapping paper. "Someone forgot a present." I tell him. He looks at the purple tag.
"Its to me, from you." he says confused.
"I thought daddy needed something for all his hard work." I tell him with a smile.
He smiles and unwraps it, confused when he sees the same box that originally held my necklace he gave me, the one that I never take off. He opens the box and has a looks of utter shock.
"Is this forsure? How long have you known? Is this why you have been avoiding the topic?" He asks excitedly pulling out the positive pregnancy test.
"Five of them confirmed it to be positive, I have known for two weeks and was waiting for today to tell you, and yes, I wanted to surprise you and was afraid I would give it up if we kept talking about it. Countless times I wanted to just scream, I'm already pregnant!" I answered him.
He grabs me and is kissing me all over my face making me laugh.
"Rosalie Napier, you have given me the single best life any man could ask for, and just when I don't think it can get better, you prove me wrong."