wah! here it is, after such a long wait, the last chapter of "damaged" ^O^. and, yes, i'm doing a sequel.

and thank you to all who reviewed. i'm really glad you like my story.


Kai walked along the sidewalk, careful to stay out of Rei's sight as he followed the boy. Rei had been avoiding him for the past week, and he had had enough. He was going to get things out in the open, clear this whole mess up, so he and Rei could move on with their lives.

He followed as Rei went into the park, walking to the very back of it, making his way to the secluded spot where Kai and Mao had just chatted not long ago and sat in the very same swing Kai had sat on, the same swing Kai had always pushed him on when they were together.

Rei clung to one side of the rope swing, sighing and looking down at the high grass. He toed off one sandal and began playing with some dried, braided pieces of grass. He missed Kai so much, and longed to be held in his arms once again, but it wasn't fair to Kai. He couldn't keep going on like this, pretending things are fine while his dark secret tore him apart on the inside. It hurt too much. And Kai deserved better; he deserved to be with someone who was pure; someone who wasn't like him.......

The neko boy gasped as two hands gripped the ropes and pulled back on the swing in a familiar motion. He stopped the swing with his one sandaled foot, and turned to look over his shoulder with wide, fearful golden eyes. "K-kai?"

Kai crossed his arms and leaned against the tree trunk, regarding Rei with a cool, distant ruby gaze. He was angry and hurt that Rei had kept something of that magnitude from him. He wanted his koibito to trust him and turn to him for protection. Not keep secrets from him. Rei shifted nervously. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Rei's eyes widened even further, and he scooted as far away from Kai as the swing would allow. "T-tell you what?"

He snorted and uncurled from the trunk. "That you were raped." His voice was deadly calm and accusing.

Tears immediately sprang to Rei's eyes, and he jumped up, ready to run away when Kai's strong hand caught his upper arm and pulled him back. Kai gripped both of Rei's upper arms painfully, the fingers digging into his soft skin so hard that there would be dark bruises the next day. "Tell me, Rei."

Rei whimpered and looked down at his feet, one bare and the other sandaled. Kai growled and shook him, his hands squeezing; Rei flinched in pain. "Answer me."

Rei lifted his head, angry tears coursing down his cheeks. "What does it matter?! You'll just leave me! Just go away, Kai! Leave me alone!" He tugged hard, and only succeeded in slipping; he would have fallen if it wasn't for Kai's grip holding him up.

Kai yanked Rei full against his chest. "That's the last thing I'll ever do. Damn it, I love you, Rei Kon, and I don't care what some bastard did to you." His mouth descended onto Rei's, kissing him furiously, as if he could burn away all of Rei's memories and pain in that one simple act, and claim Rei as his forever. His first; his always.

Rei let out a half whimper, half moan before his knees suddenly went weak and he collapsed so the ground, Kai instantly bending with him, wrapping his arms around him and holding him to his chest while he sobbed helplessly, letting all of his pain out in the open for the first time.

Kai's anger dissipated as his kitten shook in his arms, clinging like a lost soul. Tears welled in his own ruby eyes. "Kitten, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's alright, baby. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." He rocked Rei while the boy clung to him and cried until his throat was sore, his eyes red-rimed and puffy, his nose stuffy, and his face a soggy, tear streaked mess.

"I-I'm sorry, Kai. I just could bare to l-loose you...." Kai placed a finger over his trembling lips.

"And you won't, my angel." He hugged him and kissed away the new tears clinging on the soaked lashes.

Kai held Rei tightly, trying to make him feel sheltered and warm, and laid his head on top of the smaller boy's. "Kitten, I'll never leave you. But, tell me, my sweet koneko, who did this to you?"

Rei mewed and buried his face in Kai's neck, trembling slightly. "I've never told anyone but Mao....and now, you. You must promise never to tell. Please, Kai." Rei looked beseechingly up at him, his fists gripping Kai's black shirt. Kai nodded, and his soft, tense body relaxed against the hard, muscled chest.

He licked his lips and closed his eyes before starting in a soft, trembling voice. "M-Mao and I used to take karate. The teacher used to have assistant instructors help him out. One of them..I don't even remember his name; he hardly ever taught our class......One day, h-he was there; he took me aside after class. He t-told me I was p-pretty and then he...he said he w-wanted to sh-show me s-something-"

Here Rei broke down, clinging and sobbing anew into Kai's already soaked shirt. Kai just held the young Chinese and let him cry. "H-he-oh, God, Kai, he-" Rei broke off, crying some more.

Kai ran a hand through the long, tangled ebony tresses. "It's alright, kitten. You don't have to tell me anymore-"

Choking on his own tears, Rei forced himself to continue. He had to get this out and face it, and what safer place than in Kai's arms? "He said that-that I was b-bad, and if I ever t-told-" Rei buried his face in his koi's neck, unable to continue. He couldn't do it; he couldn't face his deeply buried secret anymore. It was enough that it was out in the open.

"No, Rei, you listen to me. You aren't bad, you did nothing wrong. He's the one that was in the wrong. He's the one that deserves to roast in hell, his bowels burning for the rest of eternity." Kai's growl was full of anger. He'd love nothing more than to rip that bloody bastard limb from limb.

Rei flinched, and Kai hugged him. "Kitten, who is that bastard? Tell me so I can go kill him." He growled.

Rei whimpered and pressed himself against Kai. "H-he's already dead. Him and Lee got into a really bad fight behind the school a couple days later. Lee'd slammed his head into the wall, then left him to bleed to death. Lee then left to visit relatives in China. I'd never even got to tell him thank you" Rei sniffled a bit.

Kai kissed his forehead. "Kitten?"

Rei smiled sadly and wiped a stray tear away. "I always think Lee knew what had happened. He was always watching over Mao and me, like a big brother. Nothing ever got past him. I miss him so much-"

Kai kissed Rei again, a violent look in his eye. "I'm glad that bastard's dead; I only wish I could have sent him to hell myself."

Tears pooled in Rei's eyes. "It's my fault Lee had to leave. I caused him to commit murder-"

"No." Kai's voice was hard with conviction. He grabbed Rei's chin in his hand and forced him to look at him. "You did nothing wrong. You're an angel. My pure angel." Kai then kissed him gently, his tongue running along Rei's soft, full lips.

Rei kissed back, then broke off and lowered his head to Kai's shoulder. Kai's arms were still wrapped securely around him. The older boy laid back, staring up at the blue, cloud filled sky, drawing the smaller neko with him. Rei sighed, tired and contented, and fell asleep on his chest, a warm breeze washing over them.

owari (end)


well, sadly, this story has come to an end. but never fear! a sequel is on the way! it will be called "torn". Rei's torment is far from over. His secret gets out and tears his life apart. ^O^