This is where I will be posting tiny ficlets that I have made. I like to write tiny little drabbles on Tumblr, and I thought I might as well post them here for those who may like to read these. I must warn you - They contain mostly fluff. I will continue posting these tiny creations as I write them.

Ficlet 1


He looked at her as she slept. Her black curly hair stuck to the side of her sweaty face as she let out a deep exhale. Kurt watched Jane as her sleeping body situated itself again in the hospital bed. He wanted to stroke the hair off of the side of her sweaty face or adjust her covers to help her be more comfortable. But, he didn't dare do any of those things. He didn't want to wake her. She had finally fallen asleep, her first real rest in two days.

He adjusted himself on the hard leather seat by her bed, as he sipped on some of the worst hospital coffee he had ever tasted. He thought about getting off of his chair to go warm the cold nauseating liquid - thinking to himself that that might make the coffee more manageable, but he didn't want to move. He found that his body had cemented itself to the leather seat - still in the same position he had been two hours ago. However, he didn't mind. He watched her lovingly as he quietly shook one of his legs that were falling asleep.

Kurt gazed at his wife's porcelain white skin as he heard a soft fussing sound. He looked over to the small crib by Jane's hospital bed. The baby's little pink hands outstretched as her whimpers grew louder. He stood up quietly and silently walked over to the small crib.

"Shhhh," He whispered as he picked up the small child.

Kurt carefully wrapped his arms around her, as he was still nervous he would somehow break her. He walked cautiously back to his hard chair and sat down.

Kurt looked down at the small girl as he gently cradled her in his arms, his index finger making soft strokes around his daughter's pink satin cheeks. The gentle stroking quickly calmed the small child as her dark brown eyes looked up at him. His heart melted into a million pieces as he held her a little tighter.

His daughter wrapped her tiny hand around his index finger. Her fingers were small, but she had Kurt wrapped around them.

He softly whispered to his daughter, "Now, I have two people who are my everything."

Ficlet 2

In the Middle of Nowhere

They had been on the same stretch of road for several hours. It was only them, the long stretch of desert, and the SUV. Kurt wiped his forehead as he tried fiddling again with the broken air conditioner. The air conditioner had stopped working the first hour into their trip - and now they were on hour four. So to cool themselves, both of them had stripped to their tank tops and opened all of the windows. Kurt thought that listening to music might help them not think about the heat, but he soon figured that you don't get radio reception in the middle of nowhere.

Jane handed her water over to Kurt while she fanned herself with a paper she found in Kurt's bag. Kurt had taken several large swallows of the warm water before he turned to Jane.

"Sorry, this trip was supposed to be fun," Kurt said with disappointment in his voice.

"Who says I'm not having fun?" Jane spoke as she turned to smile at Kurt. Jane lifted her hand gently to wipe the sweat from off of Kurt's brow.

"Don't worry, we will be in the next town soon, and we can forget this horrible experience,"

Jane softly replied as she entangled her fingers in Kurt's hand, "… and I wish that this moment would never end."

This moment was perfect for her. Just the two of them alone with nothing but the desert around them, in their tank tops, and sharing her warm water.

Kurt smiled as he squeezed her hand, "Me too."