Army of One

Chapter Ten - Izuko part three

So Homecoming was last night… Did anyone besides me spend it alone in their bedroom, watching anime?

I have no regrets.

(Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OCs)

"How did it go?" Izuku asked as Izuku came out of the written exam portion. They were standing with a group of students who looked like they were warming up.

"It was nerveracking..." Izuko looked like she had seen a ghost, "There was this scary girl with glasses who yelled at me..."

"What about the test?" Izuku asked, wondering what she was talking about.

"I'm pretty sure I barely passed..."

Izuku grinned and pat her on the back, "Come on! I'm sure you did fine! What's next?"

"The... Physical portion of the exam..."

"Ah..." Izuku knew that if he had gone then he would fail, he still had a weak fanboy body, "W-well, you're really well built so it should be ok!"

Izuko turned red and covered her chest.

"I WASN'T THINKING ANYTHING!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Ah! You're the girl I met this morning!" The brown haired boy who had saved Izuko from a broken nose appeared out of nowhere, "How'd you do on the test? Oh! I'm Ochamaru! Nice to meet you!"

"N-n-ni-" Izuku's mental facilities began failing.

"It really is Ochako!" Izuku said in surprise.

"And you must be her brother! Nice to meet you too!" Ochamaru shook Izuku's hand happily.

Izuku smiled, "Yeah... Sorry about her... I'm Izuku and this is I-"

"IZUKO!" The green haired girl finely screamed out. When she realized how loud she yelled, she covered her face with her hands.


"START!" Present Mic's voice rang out through the air, "MOVE IT PEOPLE! THOSE ROBOTS AREN'T GONNA DESTROY THEMSELVES!"

"Wuh?" Izuku and Izuko asked in unison. They were then pushed into action by the rest of the examinees suddenly rushing into the training field.

"Eh!? Wait! I'm not taking this exam!" Izuku's calls for help were futile as the large gate closed behind him.

"I-I-IZUKO!" Izuko tried to ignore Izuku's wailing.

"I'm sorry! You've just got to avoid the robots!" She yelled over her shoulder as she ran off to find the faux villains.

"B-but..." She rounded the corner and out of sight.

"I need to hurry, or my training with All Might will go to waste!" She saw sudden movement out of the corner of her eye and rolled to the side. The ground that she had just been standing on was turned into rubble.

"DIE DIE DIE!" Izuko briefly thought about how much the robot sounded like her childhood friend before activating one for all.

"SMA-" The robot was blown apart by an explosion, "Kacchan!?"

Standing behind the robot was a blonde girl with a smoking hand, "Wow! What a useful quirk!" She said in amazement, she turned and saw Izuko.

"W-wh-who-" Izuko stuttered in confusion, the girl's quirk was exactly like Kacchan's.

"Oh? Did I take your points on accident?" She began laughing, "Looks like I'm just far stronger than you! Haha-"

Izuko ignored her and continued searching for robots.

"ONLY 2 MINUTES LEFT!" Present Mic's voice warned her.

"Two minutes!?" Izuko asked incredulously. She turned a corner and found where most of the fighting was going on.






She heard different students yelling out their scores along with a colorful stream of insults, curses, and profanities.

"Eh..." She looked around. Every robot she saw would explode before she had the chance to ready her quirk. She braced herself.

"SMA-" Her battle cry was once again interrupted by a large tremor knocking her off of her feet. Rising out of the ground was an enormous robot.

"0-pointer..." Izuko said in a hushed voice, the others began running away in terror, "I've got to run!"

She turned to get away, ignoring the two other students holding back another from attacking the 0-pointer.

"Help!" Her blood froze in her veins. Lying at the feet of the huge robot was Ochamaru.

She ran.


Izuku watched in horror and awe as Izuko flew towards the robot, arms flailing.

"We've got to catch her!" He told Itsuku, who was helping him restrain Icchan.

"What are we supposed to do?" He struggled against Icchan's violent thrashing, "I don't think any of us are capable of flight!"


Both NERDS turned to him and asked him, "Huh?"

Icchan made two explosions behind him, propelling himself out of Itsuku and Izuku's grasps. The force of the explosions knocked the two of them to the ground. He then began flying towards Izuko who was still sailing towards the robot's face.

"He really can fly..." Izuku commented.

"What an OP quirk..." Itsuku added.

"I want a nerf..."


Izuko's fist created a crater in the robot's face.

"Why didn't I get a quirk like that?" Itsuku asked.

"I know right..." Izuku agreed jealously.

"Like you're one to talk! Out of the four of us, I clearly have the weakest quirk!" Itsuku fumed, "I mean what's with this group? Explosions, Super human strength that can crush giant robots, cross-dimensional travel, and 15 second of foresight! Which one do you think is the weakest!?"

"15 seconds!? Nice Itsuku! Your time got longer!"

"Ah, thank you! I've been trai- THAT'S NOT THE POINT! All I'm saying is, your quirk is even stronger than Icchan's!"

Izuku stood up, "I guess so- Ah, headrush!"

The sudden rush of blood from his head caused Izuku to lose concentration. That made him accidentally send Itsuku and Icchan back to their own dimensions.

"Itsuku?" Izuku turned and saw Izuko falling rapidly towards the ground.

"IZUKO!?" He began sprinting towards the falling girl. This was it, this was the moment when she was going to die and he wasn't prepared. He wasn't going to be able to save her.

"No..." His mind returned to the first time he activated his quirk. He remembered the day he saw his mother and himself get murdered before his own eyes.

"NO!" He felt his vision multiplying, several paths opened up in front of him. The images kept splitting, creating more and more visions of Izuko falling to her death.

"IZUKO!" His voice sounded like an entire army was yelling at the same time.

"Look out!" Ochamaru yelled as he jumped up and met Izuko in midair.

"Eh?" Izuku's vision returned to normal.

"That was a close one!" Ochamaru floated back down with Izuko craddled in his arms.


"Wait, what? You lost me..." Ochamaru looked at him confused.

On their way home Izuko and Izuku both looked like zombified vegetables.

"0 points..." Izuko lamented.

Izuku sighed, "Yuuei is scary... I don't want to go there.."

"Yeah... I guess it was pretty large scal-"

"LOOK OUT!" Izuku grabbed Izuko and stopped her from walking out into a busy road.

His skin started glowing.

"Seriou-" He vanished in a burst of light.

Izuko glanced down at her wrist where a black tattoo was circled around her wrist. "Huh?"

After a few days, Izuko's results arrived in the mail. She was accepted to Yuuei with a score of 100 villain points and 60 hero points.

As it turned out, Izuku had summoned Icchan and Itsuku and the three of them had defeated quite a few faux villains. Yuuei decided that they were related to her quirk and gave all of the points they got to her.

Well... This chapter seems pretty weak... And yes, Izuku saved Izuko from busy traffic, not the 0-pointer.

Anywho! I'm about to be getting into Yuuei territory, so I'm about to introduce a new Izuku! This next one is based on a prompt I saw on Tumblr or something...

Next up, Izumi Midoriya!
