I start to wake up on the cold ground, the first thing I notice I'm wearing a gas mask? I lift myself off the ground and make my way over to a broken mirror. I see myself wearing simple blue jean and some brown hiking boots. Also what seems to be a heavy orange winter jacket with a backpack slung across my chest?

Across my chest is an H&K UMP .45 SMG with a suppressor, I look down on my thigh is an H&K USP .45 pistol and on my back is an M1A1 7.62mm sniper rifle. There's a big patch on my right arm saying, "Extreme Evil, Extreme Remedy" Then I see the watch on my wrist, with an orange ring glowing.

"Fuck…" Was what comes to my mind.

"That's right, a shot them up game… come with me if you want to live!" Janna gets close to me and boops me on the nose.

She's geared up from head to toe, wearing tight back plant with combat boots. I have no idea how she can walk around without a jacket, but her plate carrier must keep her warm. The black and green Haji scarf wrapped around her neck was a nice touch.

"You know, I suck in games like these?" I pulled the UMP up and drop the magazine, pulling back on the charging handle finding a round jumping out of it as I catch it in my hand. I look down the EOtech to make sure it's working and sweep the room to get the feel for it.

"For someone that sucks in stuff like this… you look like a pro pulling that off." She was really impressed.

"I may suck, but I do respect the art." I slam the mag back in and charge it.

"You're mostly setup with a light weight gear, but your ganna want to keep your distance from the bots." I look over to her seeing her main weapon is a short barrel ACR 5.56mm rifle with a double barrel 12G sawed off shot gun on her thigh, sweet...

"I didn't know your blood type was O positive… so is mine." Over her heart was a cute anime girl half naked with her blood type written on the boobs.

"Good to know, if I get shot out there, then I could use you as a blood bag!" She reaches over and smacks my arm.

"You look ready for fun?" I ask her as she gave me a cocky smile.

"Only with you…" She walks out the room not even asking if I'm going to tag along.

We hit the streets as a blast of snow hits our faces, "Looks like some Cleaners are down the road. Take out the one in the middle by hitting the tank."

The man with the tank was setting a pile of bodies on fire, I wince my face in pain not wanting to be on the business end of that thing.

"They look about 75 meters away… you want me to take the shot?" I couldn't believe she was already putting me on the spot.

"Your heavy rifle has a 12x magnification scope, place the weapon on the hood of that car and take the shot." She's putting a lot of trust in me as she points at the car.

"I'll give it a go, but you better be ready for the follow-up shot." I pull out the M1A1 making sure a round was chamber and pop out the bi-pod. Then adjusting my body and making sure I get them on the first go.

"Just breathe… on the exhale is your natural pause, use the first pad on your trigger finger and squeeze. Don't jerk it… it should surprise you when the weapon goes off." I look back at her wondering if I was really getting a lesson from her.

"The target is down there, and you better take the shot… now!" I look down the scope, the snow was coming down hard, but I can see them clear as day. I put her lesson into action, I'm shocked when I see the man in the center burst into a huge fire ball.

The guys to the side of him run covered in flames also, "Wow… I… I did it?"

"I knew you could do it!" As I stood up, she pulls my mask and kisses my cheek.

"Let's move out, we need to get this bacon on top of that tower." I rub my cheek as I look at the building.

"And I bet there's a bunch of badies between us and the place huh?" I place the rifle on my back and ready the SMG.

"MmmmmHmmmmm, but we might find a spot to have a little fun before the mission is over!" She smacks my butt and starts to run.

"I guess I got you six this time." I catch up with her.

"A lot of shit can go down if we stay on top, buuuut." She pulls out the map and points to a sewer line.

"If we go down below, then we might get lucky and find an access tunnel leading us right into the basement… I like it." She really might have a thing for all this stuff.

"My thoughts exactly, you're catching along nicely." She blows an air kiss at me.

"I'll go down first and make sure it's clear." Before my body is down in the hole, she pulls me by the neck and kisses my lips.

"Mmmmm… I've been wanting to do that, now get to work!" Janna points down the hole.

"Yes Ma'am." I can't believe she just did that out the blue…

I turn on the flashlight on my weapon and I can hear voices down the way,"There's four Rioters down here…"

"Just what I was hoping for, let's stay quiet to not draw in more." We find the gons and she pointed to my target. I ready my sights and we take them down with no issues.

"We're under the building… looks like there's no way around it." On the other side of the door sound like a group from The Last Man Battalion.

"Let's frag the room and kill anything that moves after that." She gives me an odd look.

"That was my line… look at you Diaz?" I smile at her as we pull out the grenades, the pins are removed, but we hold onto the spoon tight.

"These things have an eight second time delay, on five… chuck it." Like she had to tell me that twice. I make the count down with my free hand as we release the spoons.

Two loud bangs are heard and we kick in the door and dropping anyone that moves, "Red squad? What the hell was that? COME IN?"

One of the bodies lets us know there's more in the area, "Let's get the fuck out of here, I'm picking up a large group down that way." I point to the opposite direction we have to go.

"Yuuuup!" She bolts down the hall.

The first few floors didn't have a soul in it until we made a wrong turn, "Hey guys… don't mind us." Janna waves at them and then mows down the six man team that was in front of us.

All thirty rounds smack their chest and faces, the pool of blood around their bodies is unreal. The room is filled with the smell of gun powder and blood.

"I… I don't know how I should feel about this with you smiling so much?" It was kinda creepy, but something deep down wanted me to pull her in and start kissing again?

"I'm just having fun with my best bud, we're almost at the objective!" I take point this time seeing how Janna is just looking for a reason to shoot someone.

We encounter a few more troops and I'm really starting to get the hang of this, "How you looking on ammo?"

I'm starting to run dry, but good thing the pistol never runs out of bullets, "Not bad, most of these guys are carrying standard issued M4's and it the same magazine my weapon uses."

"Sure glad one of us was thinking ahead like that, I'm assuming you gave me the SMG because I'm a shitty shot, huh?" It was the perfect weapon for a beginner, nice light weight was perfect so it didn't get heavy over time. Utilizing handgun cartridges made for less recoil, but the fucker was snappy when placed on full auto.

"Nah… I thought it would look hot on you and I was right!" Her thought process was a total shithouse.

"Should have known." The roof was a few floors above us.

"Okay, hold up… I'll be right back!" Before I could stop her, she's gone.

"Well… fuck me running…" I find a nice spot to give me cover if something goes down.

"Hey… put a sticky boom on that door will ya?" Her voice comes over the earpiece.

"Sure? Want to let me in on your plan?" I hear gun fire come on her end.

"I've seen this done on a YouTube video, just back up and be ready…" She sounds like she's running like hell.

A few seconds later the door is ripped open and the bomb goes off, I dust myself and take a few shot on the guys still alive

"Did it work?" She walks up behind me.

"Wait? What the? But, you were? Huh?" I was clearly lost.

"There's a glitch in this building, that's why I picked it. Those jerkwads run to that door and then kaboom… Pretty cool huh?" I'm checking her out and I see she's holding her side.

"You're hit… come here!" I start to work on her, but she shoves me off.

"I'm good… let's go…" She tries to walk past me, I pull her to the ground and start patching her up.

"I can't have my partner dying on me!" She starts giggling when I touch her bare skin.

"Sorry about that… I'm a little ticklish." Damn… she's too cute when she not acting like a know it all.

"I know… I never forgot from when we were kids." She gives me a crazy look.

"You remember that?! God, that seems such a long time ago…" Janna was glad it was Marco with her and not someone else. The job was done and I pick her up.


We place the bacon on the tower and take a look at our handy work, one of the dead bodies falls off the railing and on to the ground, "You made me proud Diaz!"

"Look… I'm going to say something… and don't think any less of me…" Before I tell her what's on my mind, I see a Blackhawk helicopter fly behind her.

"NEVER MIND?! JUMP?!" The twin mounted Gatling guns start spinning and cutting anything in its path in half.

"I DID NOT PLAN FOR THAT?! FOLLOW ME?!" We stay low running across to a door way with a black box in it.

"TELL ME THERE'S SOMETHING IN THERE TO TAKE DOWN THAT MOTHER BITCH?!" The doorway is getting shot up to all fuck.

"UMMMMMM… Maybe?" She pulls up a black M60 fully automatic machine 7.62mm with a 100 round drum attached to the side.

I pick mine up, "Damn it's heavy?!"

"It'll help with the recoil, now be a man AND TAKE THAT THING DOWN?!" She points out the door.

"RIGHT!" The gunfire stops and we run in different direction, alternating between firing. The copper can't get a lock on us and starts firing out rockets at everything around us.

"FUUUUUUUUUCK!?" I jump with barely enough time as the explosion peppers me with debris.

"MARCO?!" She's yelling in my damn ear.

"STOP FUCKING SCREAMING... I'M SCARED TOO... ALRIGHT?! DON'T LET UP ON THE FIRE!?" I find a new position and start laying into it, my belt is about to run out. I can see Janna reloading.

In no time the choppers flies off and blows up, "HOLY SHIT… WHAT A RUSH?!"

"Janna… tone it down a little…" I can't hear anything from my right ear still. She jumps on top of me into a hug.

"I'm just so happy! That was fucking great! Now, what were you going to tell me?" She pulls off to look at me.

"Ummmmm… it's not weird or anything that I have…" I rub my crouch on her pelvic bone.

Her face goes red, but then into a smile, "Was it the MG… oooooor was it me?"

"I'm not going to lie… a little bit from column A and little bit from column B…" I start to blush as I feel her rubbing up and down on her own now.

"I like how that sounds…"


"Ugh... wh... what the?" Marco was in bed with Janna and Star laying on him. He had no clue on what happen after the bathroom, let alone how he got into bed. He looks over to the clock seeing the time and a glass of water.

"Huh?" A better look shows a bottle that had some pills in it.

"Damn... those always give me the weirdest dreams..." Star rubs her face on his chest.

"Shhhh... sleep... Marcooo..." She was out again.

"Sounds like a plan..." He starts to drift off.


The distinct sound of helicopter blades can be heard above my head, I start feeling my upper body swing up and down. Slowly I open my eyes finding Star between my legs looking up to me.

"Hey Boss, you got a Solid Snake in your pants for me?" She finishes off by biting the tip of her tongue winking at me.

I smirk lifting both my hands finding the left one made out of metal, the metallic fingers start to tab each other, "MGS V… one of my favorite games, but I still prefer the first one on the Play Station…"

"Sure is buddy!" She stands up a little to show off her body as Quite, I'm pretty sure she made the bust size larger.

"Hey, do the thing… you know what I'm talking about." I circle a finger around my eyes.

"Oh… you mean this?" She forms the shape of a butterfly around her eyes, as she leans in closer to my face.

Only if she knew how much I thought that was sexy, "Yeah…" Was the only thing I could say back to her.

"Boss, we're nearing the mission site!" The pilot looks back at us.

"So what's the mission? I might not be great with guns, but I can kick some ass here!" I couldn't believe just how excited I was.

"Grabbing some hostages in Afghanistan, I'll cover your ass and you take care of the dirty work!" She pulls out Guilty Butterfly from the case. I couldn't hold back on checking out her rearend.

"O…kay…" She must have felt me staring at her ass, she starts to wiggle it around.

The heli hovers off the ground as we dismount, "Get your butt up there and let me know what's out there."

It was night time and the air felt cool, "You got it Boss!" She jumps into the air and disappears.

Markers are placed over each enemies head, I hear over the radio, "That's what I can see from up here, but I must say, I have a great view of your ass from up here!"

Her scope flashes and I give her a small salute, I start running and jump into crawling staying low to the ground. The NVG's come to life and I can see everything clear as day.

I'm sneaking up behind a guy taking a piss, "Why the hell would he pick this spot out in the open… poor fucker doesn't even know what's going to happen?" Star was thinking the same thing I was.

In a flash I pull one of his hands and flip him over, his back smacks the ground and I deliver a kick to the face. He's out cold snoring away.

"Smooth… make sure you didn't get any piss on your hand!" I start to snicker at her comment.

Few more guys are taken out and I even recover a S+ class Soldier, I find my first target.

"Wh.. who's there?" The man looks like hell covered in blood.

"I'm a friend, don't worry." It was funny that my voice was normal. I pick the man up and take him outside. As I step my foot out the door, a body slumps on the wall with a gaping hole in the side of his head.

"Told you, I got your back!" I could hear my heart in my ear, I knew this was a game, but it didn't take away the fact that I just seen a man die in front of me.

"Thanks… try not to kill them. Shoot behind them and I'll take them out…" Even in the game, I had a hard time killing people.

"Read you Lima, Charlie Over (Loud and Clear)" Looks like she might be a military buff, I would have never pegged her as one.

I run over to a safe spot and Fulton recovery the guy before he fires off into the air, I hear him laugh out loud, "Damn I need to try that…!"

Suddenly a flashlight is shined in my direction, I get down on the ground as someone makes their way to me. Just before they're on top of me, a bullet hits the ground behind him.

"What was that?" He turns around and it's my time to shine, I place him in a choke hold while placing the knife to his throat.

"Speek!" Tugging his neck tighter let's him know, I would kill him if need be.

"There's a hostage… over there…" A marker is sent up into the sky.

"How come you never hold me like that Boss, I could… make it worth your wild!" I would beat anything knowing Star finished that off by licking her lip.

For shit and giggles, I ask another quetion to my meat shield in the best David Hayter impression... the hell with Keith Sutherland! "Who are the Patriots?"

"La-Le-Lu-Le-Lo…" Holy shit… I love this game…

My ear earpiece comes to life, "You're pretty good."

I shake off the nostalgia feeling and put the guy to sleep, he's out like a light bulb in a few seconds.

"You like getting up close and personal huh?" Star must be getting a kick seeing me in action.

"Always, now stop checking out my ass and get your head in the game!" I can just feel her mouthing back what I just said with a sarcastic look.

"Right… but you do make that outfit look great!" It's odd to hear her talk like that, but I don't mind it.

"I could say the same about you… you know what's the best part of the game, right?" I check out the map to see the way to the next person.

"You're talking about the part where she dances in the rain right?" Damn… I hate how well Star knows me.

"That's the one… maybe we could try that when we get back to base?" I run into a full sprint as a guy come around the corner and I grab his face while slamming the back of his skull to the ground.

"Maybe…" I could hear the gears turning in her head about the thought.

"There's a guy above me, I'm going throw a magazine and I want you to shoot it. Make sure to hit him in the head with it… you think you can pull that off?" Time to see what she can do.

"Do you even need to ask? Give me a count off!" She really pulling off the role perfectly.

"3… 2… 1…" The mag is up in the air and just like planned, the bullet smacks it knocking the guy off the roof.

"Told you!" I can hear her loading the next round.

My whole body is tingling with excitement, the next person was a woman.

"Please… I don't know anything else… make the pain stop…" She looks worse than the last guy.

"I'm here to help you, just stay calm okay." This game always had a way of making me feel bad for the wounded characters.

Wash, rinse and repeat. The woman is in the sky off to safety.

"That's great Boss, she was the last one. Now make your way back to base!" Even Master Miller is in the game.

Then the area goes completely dark with what ever Soldiers still on the field disappearing, the music changes to let me know a Boss Battle is going to happen, "Ummmmm, The Man on Fire is on the field, looks like your no kill streak has come to an end."

I don't remember COL Vulgin showing up on this mission, "I get the feeling something was changed this juuuust a little…"

"Oh come on, he's like the best part of the game. Sucks there wasn't more awesome Boss Battle like the one with Sniper Wolf back at Shadow Moses... now get out there and kick some ass already!" Star is having way too much fun at my expense.

"I think that one with Crying Wolf was better…" What? It was, she was literally piloting a good size wolf Mecha with a rail gun on its back! Try and tell me that wasn't great! I dare you!

"Bla… Psycho Mantis put the game on the map, remember when he moved the remote control… WiTh HiS mInD!? That and looking into your saved games!" She did a pretty good job on making that last part sound spooky.

Vulgin spots me as he makes his way to my location, "He looks a LOT bigger in person… you got any ideas?"

"Well normal weapons are useless against him, but I do see a water tower 50 meters to the east… plus a Jeep." Sure glad she's on my side.

"I'm going to make a break for the Jeep, draw him to the tower!" I start running feeling like I can actually die if he touches me.

"Good Copy!" He get's nailed right in the head with a bullet.

My new adversary grunts in pain, but is moving towards the tower as planned.

"Alright, he's almost lined up. I got this!" The Jeep roars to life as I mash the gas paddle to the ground heading at ramming speed to him. The dead Russian's body slams on the hood and slowly I start to lose power.

"FUCK?! HE'S PICKING UP THE DAMN JEEP!?" I jump out before it flips over.

"Oh shit… what you ganna do now?" I'm going to have a talk to Star about this shit.

Not knowing what to do now, I pull out my sidearm. Good ol' USP .45 and lay a few round in his face. Once the magazine runs dry, he looks over to me.

"Really asshole?" As he starts walking towards me.

"Knew that wouldn't work and now he's moving away from the tower…" Really need to have a talk with her...

"I'm going to need a bigger gun… thanks for the news flash, keep him keep him occupied!" I make my way behind a building as her rifle starts firing away.

"This is Boss, send the requested weapons out on my 20!" Always wanted to say that.

"Roger… stand by!" I can hear a large airplane zip across the battlefield as a box heads my way.

"Hope the water gun is that package." Damn it… why couldn't she say that before I called them?

"That's the easy way on beating him, I'm going with the automatic shotgun KABARGA-83. Be ready for my next orders!" The box hits the ground and I jump in it

"I like it when you're demanding!" Why does she sound so hot over the radio all of a sudden?

"Then get ready!" I hit the ground running and draw my weapon.

The boomstick is out with a fully loaded mag at the ready and one in the chamber. The sound of lead being pumped into his chest is giving me a boner? It would be weird if I didn't have one… right?

His body is being moved back with each shot as I step closer to him, "10, 11, 12…" Got to keep count of the rounds.

"STAR, TAKE OUT THE SUPPORT BEAMS?!" He wasn't close enough to have the water land on top of him, but I'm more than sure he'll be covered in it.

"That's 1… and that's 2!" The rounds fly over my head, with the last round in the shotgun being fired as he stands about 20 meters in front of the tower.

I can tell he's looking at me and thinking, "Again with this shit? That didn't work the first time?"

The sound of the crashing water hits the ground as he turns around, I jump out of the path and watch him being carried off. There's a roar in the air that's terrifying to hear, it was God awful sound like an animal was being eating alive, his body was thrashing in pain.

The smoldering remains spits out steam flying into the night sky, I wipe the sweat from my forehead as Star lands next to me.

"I thought that plan was going to be full of shit, I'm proud of you Marco!" She smacks the hell out my back.

Then the body starts to stand up slowly, "Guess we started to celebrate a little too soon..." Star points her large rifle at him.

There's no more flames coming from his body, we could make out the fire in his eyes still, "I don't like the way he's looking at us…"

One of his hands reaches out to us as he stumbles forward, Star made sure to have a fresh mag loaded, "Should we… should we shoot him?"

"It would be rude not too?" I level the shotgun at his heart finish reloading myself, he takes one more step before we start to fire and collapses on the ground.

There were no movement coming from the body, we let out a breath we didn't know we were holding.

"That wasn't terrifying... or anything, I'll call up the helicopter!" We keep the weapon on him to be on the safe side.

The ride back was nice, Star kept moving her body around showing me all her assets. Passing over the mountains was amazing, even the smell of unburnt fuel was in the air.

"Looks like it's raining…" She opens the door while letting her body fall out and lands slowly on the ground, I catch up to her as the heli lands.

Star was dancing around taking off her boots, gloves and fighting load carrier. I'm in a daze just watching her, I slowly walk up and forming a small plan. I reached up and grabbed her hands while locking them over her head, my other one went around to the small of her back and slamming Star to the wall.

"You having fun?" We start to kiss as I hold her tighter.

"Just a little… but who's that?" Star nods her head over to something. I look at it… and it's…

"Marco..." This can't be.

The person comes into focus, "Hello Marco…"

"No, it couldn't be..." I let go of Star and everything fades…

My father walks up to me with a knife in his hand, I have to do something!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" Marco was yelling on the top of his lungs.

Star and Janna both were shocked and jumped on top of him, "MARCO!? YOU'RE SAFE!? WE'RE RIGHT HERE AND WON'T LET YOU GO?!"

Janna was the first to say anything as he tries and fight his way out their grip, "SHHHH shhhh shhhh hey, hey, hey… just breath… listen to my voice!"

Star pulls his head to her chest as she starts to hum, he was starting to calm down feeling them hold him tight, "It… it was… it was just a dream…?" His whole body was covered in sweat.

"That's right big guy, just lie down and let us take care of you, okay?" Janna pets his chest.

"Ugh… get rid of that medication for me… my dreams are always ten times worse when I take them…" There were a few more hours before they had to wake up.

"We can do that later, just rest." Star placed a kiss on his lips and Janna followed behind.

"Yeah… thanks…"

Kept ya wait huh? Okay so the dreams are something I had from another project that fell apart. This story isn't dead and I plan on cleaning it up this week.

Just enjoy this little gem I wanted it to be out in the world again, I was really proud of those dreams and it has gotten me into wanting to write more war stuff.

Also, its Memorial Day weekend. Stay safe and remember, its for warriors that have laid down their lives in combat.