Oh hey! so I would start this off with something hilarious but no thanks, I have cramps so really not in the mood. But here I am, on a boring day on June 30th to tell y'all my story.

My life was boring. Ridiculously boring. Nothing pleased me anymore. Not even watching Supernatural. Okay, yeah I had an unhealthy obsession with Supernatural and some other stuff. But nothing looked appealing anymore. My dream of meeting Jensen Ackles was literally on the moon. It was so far away, I could never reach it. So I did the only thing I could. I dreamt. I dreamt and I dreamt.

But one day, my life completely changed.

Not exactly but I was grateful.

Or so I thought.

It was a boiling day in the middle of June when my stupid brain thought of walking to the library 4 blocks away. I was sweating the second I stepped out of my house. I had books in my hand that I never actually touched. My dark brown hair was in a messy bun.

And clad in my sweats and a black SPN t-shirt, I slowly trudged to the library.

I sighed heavily as I let myself and my thoughts drift away from the real world. Living in Jersey City has been the worst decision of my life. It wasn't exactly my decision. I am only 15 and a freshmen in highschool.

I have always dreamt of meeting the Supernatural cast.


The biggest yet amazing change in my life. It's not just a "TV show" if you ask me.

Right now, I would go on and on about how it helped me through my hardest of times and it did. It was like medicine. It calmed me. My thoughts came to a halt when I bumped in to someone.

"Crap, sorry!" I exclaimed, bending down to pick my books without giving a second glance to the person I bumped into.

"No I'm sorry, that was my fault."

My head snapped up.


Maybe I was dreaming or hit my head or something but standing there with a guilty look on his face was Sam freaking Winchester; and I died.

hey y'all. okay so im bacK. And i am very sorry for not updating my other story, so I thought of maybe writing another one! so hey y'all i need feedback. What am I doing wrong and what should I do right? thank you! have a great day/night. love you. - N.