Rated T, though it can be M some chapters for:

-Detailed descriptions of blood, torture, past-child abuse, anxiety, and murder/contact killing.

-Light descriptions of muder/contract killing, fighting, training, child desensitizing, a whole lot of other crap.

-Cursing and mentions of sexual intimacy.

If you have a problem with any of this, I do not care. Don't read the story if it bothers you. I have a warning here, at the very first chapter. This warning will begin every chapter, wether or not some of it applies. Do not whine or complain if you read this warning, don't care and then are upset at me for being triggered or that shit.

When Lance awoke, he sat up, letting his arms shoot out and stretch, all the while yawning. He had slept better laying on Azul's paw than if he were to sleep in his room. For once, he wasn't plagued by memories and flashbacks that turned to nightmares that never left. He slowly stood to stand, Might as well train if everyone else is sleeping.

Come back and rest, cub. You have only been up for a few minutes.

Lance shook his head and said "No Azul. I've gotten as much sleep as I need."

As her feeling of worry and concern seep into Lance's mind, he shakes his head and slowly walks out, pressing back feelings of contentment, amazement, love, but extreme boredom. He hears her robotic version of a sigh and Okay cub. But be careful. Don't overwork yourself.

"I understand Azul. I'll see you later when we train." Lance says over his shoulder as he leaves her behind.

As Lance walk the halls, he remembers the first time he heard his Azul's voice.

It was only a few days after the team had formed Voltron, and Lance was already bored. He wandered the halls, trying to find something to do. Keith had already started his claim on the training room and Lance knew if he was going to have to keep his past a secret, he couldn't show his true skills. He would have to tell then. There would be no explanation for his sudden acceleration in skill with little to none training. No. That would not happen.

Anyways, it was almost three in the morning. He should head to bed. Yes, sleep. But he couldn't! A restlessness flowed through his veins, along with a deep aching homesickness. He missed his family. The one that had accepted Rose and didn't reject for what he had been trained as. The one that didn't cast him aside for being bi. The one full of hugs, laughter, love, acceptance, and everything Lance wished he had grown up with. Sporadic visits don't count. They lasted a few days at the most and a hour at least.

Lance shook himself out of his thoughts, knowing thinking about home would just make the aching feeling worse. But the endless energy rushing through his veins had made his thoughts wild and his useless walking faster.

You could always train in the second room. It's made specially for long range weapons like yours.

Lance almost fell backwards in shock. He was going insane. He knew it. It wasn't until the warm, calming voice responded No, you are not cub that he realized he said it allowed.

Carefully, he said "Who are you? And how can you talk to me?" hoping that he was not as crazy as he thought.

The warm voice chuckled, sounding much like his mother while doing so, and said I'm the Blue Lion. In this moment, you needed comfort and stability so our quintessence finally almost completed the bonding process so that I may talk to calm you.

Lance tilted his head in questioning gesture, having stopped walking long ago. "But why were we even close to being fully bonding?"

That's because you spent almost four years with our quintessence slowly seeping and bonding together before you finally came to me along with your team.

"But why did you choose me? You've bonded with what is basically my soul from my understanding so you know what I've done. But you still chose me. Why?" Lance didn't care that his voice cracked at the end. He needed to know.

First, before I begin cub, quintessence is basically the magic of your soul. So beings have more than others. All Paladins have an exceptional amount. But each Paladins quintessence has key parts. 1) element. 2) intelligence. 3) leadership. And 4) how well they can work with a team. Each lion chooses their paladin from these traits in the quintessence and the Paladins personality. A hundred candidates for each lion are chosen each generation, but once a lion chooses their paladins all other candidates lose the excesses quintessence and the lion cannot choose a new Paladin until the current one is dead. But there have been a few cases where the lion slowly rejects an old paladins quintessence if the Paladin loses the traits that the lion once chose them for. Then the lion can chose a new Paladin.

Before you start cub, I'm about to tell you why I chose you as your paladin. See, as soon as our quintessence touched, I saw your past. You have a side, one you nicknamed 'Rose', that kills and destroys and hates. Rose feels no emotions, yes? At his quiet nod, they continued See, what most people don't know is that, that is normal for a Blue Paladin. See, while I choose the loyal, strategic, comfortforting, the humorous one, I also choose the one that kills. To be the Blue Paladin, you must be able to let go of emotions and commit things the other Paladins can't, you must also be able to easily pick up those emotions and reattach them. You must also be able to comfort the team. Right now, it's okay if you can't do this for all of them but just being 'Paladin,' as you've taken to calling this partial fake side of your self, can help.

Lance was shocked silent with happiness and surprise. "Thank you" he said, wishing he could hug his lion in this moment.

Your welcome, cub. Lance could feel the smile resonating into his head.

"Now, what's this about a second trading room?" He said as he started to head back to his room, finally able to rest. He chuckled as Blue began telling him the directions in his mind for later.

Then, after Sendak and finding Blue's hall, Lance took up to calling them Azul and resorting to think of them in she/her/hers pronouns after simply asking.

Lance, lost in thought, had gathered his suit and bayard and already was in front of the second trading room. As he entered, he retook in the room. Up close to the ceiling, was also a control center, much like in the first training room. Unlike the other room, however, this one had pillars, mini-walls, vents, cubbies and little openings in the walls that provided just enough space for him to shoot out of. It was his private heaven.

It's not like the others could really advance in here… Lance thought. Like Azul had said all that time ago, this room was designed only for long range weapons and he was the only one on the team with one. He calmly walked to the showers to change into his suit before walking back out. Unlike other training bots, the ones for this room had increased vision and durability and a whole lot crap that made it impossible to train without his armour.

He grabbed his bayard and soon found his cubby that let him climb and hide in the walls. He decided to switch a bit up today and jumped to a pillar. He transformed his bayard into the sniper rifle and shouted "Start training level 1!" and waited.

Soon six bots came out and the race begun.

Lance let out a breath and immediately hit one of the red spots on a bot. One down, five to go he thought. The bots had turned to him, starting fire, andhe jumped to the next pillar. He tried shooting for another red spot but instead hit a teal, meaning the bot was about to gain an 'evolution' as he called it. He cursed under his breath as that same bot gained a scope and increased shooting speed. He knew the cubby in the pillar wouldn't last long so he made a break for the wall.

"Shit!" He shouted as a laser clipped him. Well, there was no blood at least. That was good. He immediately took fire from the little opening he had been able to find. He knew he hit three more red before hitting a yellow, which just diminished the strength of the bot. He took a breath and shot. Thump! Only one left he thought. But he strained his ears hear the thumping of the bots feet and shots being fired, but there wasn't any.

No way I got all six he thought. No fucking way. Despite this, he slowly made his way to the entrance that he had jumped through and immediately regretted it. He jumped back as a laser made its way to his face. Wasting no time, he peeked back out and looked down. He locked eyes with bot, if you could call whatever the hell they had, and put out a cheeky smile and a little wave. He then swung his gun down and shot, hitting the red.

"Start training level 2!" He shouted.

Soon time passed as he advanced. Level 3… Level 6… Level 10… Level 20… and so on. By the time he was done he was on Level 53, which he knew had to be a record. He had also tested a few of the other long range weapons his bayard transitioned to. A whip, an assortment of guns, a javelin, a bo staff, and a medium sized scythe that Lance found little use for. He just wanted to test them out. He wasn't surprised by the ability to change forms while he was fighting. Zarkon had been able to do it.

When the change first happened, he had asked Azul about it and she had simply said it was because of their bond being extremely strong. Later, he asked why Zarkon could also change the form if Shiro was the Black Paladin. Her explanation was:

Remember how I told you about how if lion decides to separate from itsPaladin, they'll slowly separate the quintessence? Well, despite if that happens, once a Paladin bonds with their lion enough to access multiple forms of their bayard, that is how the bayard stays until its passed to a new Paladin. See, when a Paladin fully bonds, or close enough to it, they also bond slightly to their bayard. This happens because the bayard, along with your armour, has a little of the same core as the matching lion. And this causes the bayard to access more forms for the Paladin, depending on how the bayard reads the Paladin.

Yeah, saying he had been surprised would be an understatement. Lance sighed as he slowly walked to the showers and shed his sweaty suit for a nice, cold shower. Though he knew it was better for his mussels to take a warm shower, he couldn't deal with the heat right now. Maybe later he thought.

He slowly slid down to sit on the floor, cold water washing over his head, he wished for his twin sister. His Lilly flower who already had her fiancé on her arm. They looked so happy together and Lance was so, so happy for them. Especially because Lance was the cause of that arrangement.

See, on one of his kills, he had to kill this family for whatever reason or another. He had killed the mother, father, the two brothers and the sister before trying to find the oldest girl. But she was nowhere. Finally, he climbed the stairs into the basement, there, laying on the ground, was the girl. She was about his age at the time and she looked into his eyes with no fear. Only the hope for release for the torture and abuse. So he rescued her and brought her to his sister's best friend foster mother who adopted her. He had spun a tale that he had saw signs of abuse and how, unconventionally, her family was killed by Blue Rose.

Vienna and Lilly had slowly fell in love until Vienna proposed. Dios, he hopes that he didn't miss the wedding. Lilly, no, Vienna, no, both of them would kill him.

Calm cub. Anyways, you should get dressed. The rest of the Castle is getting up.

Lance smiled and thought to Azul Okay mi flor azul, do think you can find out what train we're doing? A humming silence before her response.

From the prep work I hear Coran and Allura doing, I believe it to be the mind bands.

"Dios! I hate those stupid things!" Lance seethed. It was an annoyance to try and keep his secret while the team was able to just poke around his mind. Luckily, he mastered keeping Rose and their kills and life hidden away.

Cub, don't worry. I'll help block them, okay? It will be fine. The team and your want-to-be-mates will not find out. I promise you.

Lance could feel himself blush with embarrassment and he pulled back on his suit as he heard Allura call the team to training.

"Azul! I do not have a crush on Keith and Shiro!" He whispered shouted. He then mumbled "And, even if they did, why would they want me? I am a killer, a monster, a failure to the team because I'm so scared to show my real skills so that the team will never find out how much of a freak I am. Anyway, they are already the perfect couple. They don't need me to ruin it for them."

Cub, you are not a monster nor a freak. And yes, you may be a killer, but like I said, that is what makes you the perfect Paladin for me. Anyway, if Red's Keith and Black's Shiro can't love you and take you in for who you are, they don't deserve you or your heart.

"...Thank you Azul. Anyway, you will always hold a spot in my heart, along with my family." Lance lightly smiled and pushed feelings of love and happiness through their bond and let a happy sigh when those feelings were pulsed back.

Thank you cub and you should get going. The team is waiting for you.

"Mierda!" Lance took of in a run, grabbing his bayard and clothes. He ran through the halls, taking a second to through his clothes in Azul's hangar before he got to the first training room. There stood everyone looking at him with extreme annoyance.

"Thank you Lance for, finally, showing up." Allura said with a sneer.

"Sorry Princess. Slept in a bit." Lance said, faking a sheepish grin and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"That is no excuse Lance. Why can't you just do what you're supposed to?" Allura snapped back.

Lance sighed and shrugged. He felt Allura's glare on his as he turned to go stand by Hunk.

"Today, you are using training with the mind bands to sort out some problems." Allura said. He could feel the stares on him as he looked at the floating blue band.

"We start now." Allura walked away, along with Coran and Matt, who had just stood silently watching them.

A second later, the team sat down in their designated spots and waited for the bands float down and encompass their minds. As the blue band connected with his mind and thoughts, Lance felt Azul's presence and meld with him, locking away Blue Rose away. Lance then started his journey through the others, knowing they were doing the same.

Lance started with Hunk. He was the only one here he knew well and even almost considered him a friend, maybe even a best friend. Hunks mind was unprotected. Hunk had no secrets, nothing to hide. He is the exact opposite of me Lance thought. Hunk wore his heart in his sleeve. Lance sighed. Hunks mind was focused on his moms. Lance was streamed memories of Hunk and his moms, just doing family things.

While Lance floated through the other Paladins minds, Azul stayed with his mind and body. She knew Lance was protective of his mind and his secret and Azul understood, she did, she just didn't understand why. But she couldn't breech this subject. It might unlock the strong mental bonds she put on the past. Instead she streamed fake memories of Lance, playing, growing up, spending time with his siblings. But she also planted in real memories. His grandparents teaching him business, him going to their company, learning everything he need to know to eventually run Esor Elu. But there was also memories of him being bored in school and Lilly passing him a note, them playing pranks and never getting caught. Azul did what she promised and made sure that the Paladins never knew.

Back with Lance, he had finished with Hunk and Pidge. He hadn't stayed with the gremlin a long time because she mostly thought about things that Lance understood but didn't care for. So he moved on to Keith.

Keith's mind was a mess. Thoughts jumbled up with each other and caused Lance a ginormous headache trying to sort through the madness. It felt like talking with Azul before words were an option all over again. /love Shiro/ train/be better/ work harder/ redredredred. Dear lord Lance thought. Who knew Keith was so caostic. Lance slowly drifted out as if not to stir up a beast.

Lastly, there was Shiro. As soon as he left Keith behind, he was in Shiros. But there was something different. Lance noticed immediately that Black was there and then he was on a beach, a vast night sky covering him.


At his name, Lance spun on the balls of his feet to face...Shiro?

"Shiro? What is going on?" Lance decided to play dumb. He had put on a confused face after his real one of shock, but Lance knew what was going on. As he had floated through minds, it seems he had also managed to float into his astral projection from. He assumed that Shiro had been doing the same and as Lance reached Shiro, Shiro reached Lance. This caused a mashup of their preferred Mind Space.

"I don't know. Every time we do this exercise, except for the first, Black just kinda invades my mind and I float around and check on everyone."

"Huh. Maybe something to do with you being the Black Paladin. But why am I here?" Lance asked with fake cunfusion and cuoristiy.

"I don't know. Maybe the lions interfered?" Shiro shrugged.

Suddenly a loud roar shook the water and scared Lance shitless while Shiro relaxed! Then an answering roar came back and switched Lance and Shiro positions. Azul Lance thought with a small smile.

Then Lance was thrusted into a memory that was not his own.

Shiro and Keith lay naked in one of their rooms. The blanket was sprawled across their hips and left their chests completely open for viewing. Dios help me Lance thought. Shiro was only a slight less tan than his showing skin and he had a defined six pack. Like not even funny, sex on legs look. Not to mention the sparse beads of sweat that made Lance heart hurt. Keith on the other hand was pale, skinny and still completely, utterly sexy in Lance's eyes.

Shiro was spooning his smaller lover and rubbing small circles into his chest with his Galran hand causing Keith to shiver sporadically.

"Keith." Shiro drawled out, voice still deep and rough from an obviously good bout of sex.

Keith shiver loud shiver and Lance could see the beginning of arousal. "Hmm?"

"How would you feel about inviting Lance into our relationship?" Shiro asked, watching as Keith froze up and turned to face him.

"I don't know. I mean he is on occasion cute and he doesn't lie about his looks. He is hot but we always fight I sometimes wonder if he hates me."

"No one could hate you akachan." Shiro said before nuzzling his face into Keith's neck. "Anyway, I've seen the way he sometimes looks at you, and me, and it's the face of someone who loves something to the brink of death but had long resigned themselves to the fact that they cannot have them. And, Keith, this was long before we got together."

"Than yes. And soon. Tomorrow." Keith said before he fell asleep.

Shiro whispered "tomorrow" before he followed his lover into a deep sleep.

But tomorrow never came did it? Lance thought.

Then he was back with Shiro. Shiro had this shocked, confused, surprised, and scared look on his face that made Lance push his spirit out of the Scape and back into his body. When he opened his eyes again, everyone was still concentrating. Lance threw himself off the ground after pulling off the glowing blue band wrapped around his head. He then proceeded to smash it against the ground. After all of this he picked his bayard and ran. He ran and ran and ran.

Eventually, he made it to his room. He turned off the lights and threw off his suit. In the corner between walls on his bed, was a curled up ball of sobbing Lance.

"Tomorrow never came…" he whispered into the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Hey guys. Once again, I am on, somewhat, time. Hey at least I post on Friday. Anyway first up, weird crap I translated from Google!

Dios= God



Next, explaining some crap. Like why Lance only sometimes curses in Spanish. Reason: A mixture of me being lazy and real life experiences from my BFF, uhhh fake name appear, Diana! Her native language is Spanish and we used to talk about everything. But now she hates me cause no reason. Anyways on to your other questions you might have. My theories on how how the lions and the bond works were really described in this chapter. Tell me what you think.

Uhhh, can't remember anything else really important to talk about so hey guess what I did? I created a forum for you guys to ask and discuss questions about Blue Rose. Anyone can ask and all questions will be answered either personally or in a chapter. Anyone who is rude or disrespectful or just a plain asshole will be blocked. K. I will be monitoring it. I might even start up a second story for your questions if it gets to that point.

Wait, my trusty reviewers! Okay your time to shine. Sorry I haven't answered. I'm a forgetful person. :|

Start the reviewing of the reviews:

Resa/Guest: I know right! Anyway, my friend is trying to get me to remake it and write a book purely based off of the first chapter. What do you think?

JustADamnFrenchFry/Guest: Thank you! I sure am. I really, really love this plot and that it really is a original AU.

Melancholy's Sunshine: I know right! It's so fun writing the team reactions. (Even if I suck at dialogue...) Anyway, I don't know about you but you name reminds me of Will and Nico from PJO.

Resa/Guest: Again, thank you! And if I did, would you guys read the book?

Hoseki13: Why, thank you. Of course it was written by me so, of course it would be good.

Melancholy's Sunshine: I know! That is what I thought when my brain came up with the idea!

Okay, I seriously don't remember anything else to say but I don't have a Beta. All mistakes are mine and I accept them. Oh and I meant to write California last Chap. Sorry. Anyways, Goodbye, I hope you enjoyed and always remember to R&R.
