Sherlock had promised Magnussen a Christmas present, and he was going to deliver. Not even the British Government would stand in his way.
"He is not a dragon for you to slay," Mycroft had said sternly. As if Mycroft understood anything. He didn't grasp how dangerous the man was, how far that man would go to achieve his goals. Magnussen had to be defeated, and Sherlock would be the one to do it, no matter what Big Brother said.
They had shared a brotherly moment, smoking their cigarettes while walking the grounds. Their conversation had even been somewhat friendly, lacking the usual aggressive bickering. Sherlock was almost beginning to regret his decision. Almost.
Then Mycroft gave Sherlock a gift that he couldn't refuse, but neither could he accept. "Your loss would break my heart" he had said, blurting it out as quickly as one would get rid of burning coals. Sherlock sputtered, and then retorted in an aggrieved tone , "What the hell am I supposed to say to that?" Because there was nothing he could say. Mycroft had given him the gift of his heart, and Sherlock knew of no way to refuse it. Neither could Sherlock readily accept it, not with what he was about to do. Not when he was going to betray his brother.
"I'm sorry, brother mine," he whispered when Mycroft had gone inside. "It has to be done."
Now Sherlock was facing an indignant John, furious at the detective for having drugged his pregnant wife. "She's alright, John," Sherlock reassured him. "Billy is an expert chemist."
He made his rounds, checking the breathing of the unconscious family. He lingered a bit by Mycroft. He then prodded his brother, poked him, and shook him. When he was satisfied, he turned to John. "Give me a hand."
"Huh?" the doctor said.
"We need to lift him, carry him onto the helicopter."
"WHAT... ARE YOU INSANE!?" John yelled.
"I'm merely fulfilling my end of the bargain. One Mycroft Holmes, in exchange for all the material Magnussen has on Mary."
"Sherlock... Sherlock," John said, his voice going soft and gentle, as if talking to a child. "You know you can't do that. I don't know what Magnussen wants with him, but this is a bit no good. You are kidnapping a government official, and handing him over to an enemy. Not to mention that he happens to be your own brother, and although you don't always get along, I'm sure you don't want to harm him. This is serious, Sherlock; this isn't a game."
"Of course it's not a game; this is a deal. Don't worry so much, John, I do have a plan. Just follow along, and let's hope nothing goes wrong."
"And if something does?" asked the doctor, holding his breath.
"Then we'll be charged with kidnapping, assault, and high treason, among others. But I do believe my strategy is sound."
The poor ex-soldier opened and closed his mouth several times, not uttering a sound. Then he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "Why, Sherlock? Why are you doing this?"
"For you. This is the only way to save all three of you. Believe me, I wouldn't have done this if I could have thought of a better way."
"Alright," John choked out. "But Mycroft... if something happens to Mycroft... what will you do then?"
"Magnussen won't kill him," Sherlock said crisply. "He will likely use him as a bargaining chip. If- if anything does happen, the responsibility is mine, and mine alone, and has nothing to do with you. Is that clear?"
John sighed. "I think it's time to start praying again."
"Let's go, John. Magnussen is waiting for his gift."
They approached the unconscious government official. Sherlock lightly touched his brother's shoulder, and other observed his brother's face. "Let's go, brother mine," he said softly, a hint of regret in his voice.
The two men carried the third one onto the waiting helicopter.
A/N: I was given a prompt by blackcat55, who asked: "Magnussen wants something for Christmas, Sherlock said my brother: maybe you could make a story where Mycroft really is the delivered present." So I wrote this.
I liking making stories in two parts, partly to keep you all in suspense, and partly to judge the interest in a particular story. This can stand as a one-shot, but I'll add another part if I'm asked;) If you would rather read a story in one shot, let me know, and I'll consider it for next time. As always, I hope you enjoy!