My Sweet Pup - Pt. 1

[This is originally posted on my tumblr and Ao3 but decided to adhere to the rules on FF and post it here too! Thanks! I chose Indra as the name because it mean – 'possessing drops of rain.' I thought with the situation in the season that thirst for relief was there as a man would be for water if he were left in the desert.]

Indra couldn't think of what Negan could want. He never asked for her until lunchtime, except for the times when he came by her room himself. Remembering how recent Sherry's negative pregnancy test she knew he was still sore about it. He wanted to be a father so badly, and she did want a child with him. But the way she always saw it, shouldn't you maybe start off with a pet first? Start out small and see if it would thrive? With the sanctuary being made of nothing but metal, gravel, and dirt it didn't seem like the most ideal place to raise a family.

But the two of them had reached a compromise, that regardless of what happened, she swore she'd try to bear him a child if he gave her a dog first. Nine months seemed like a decent amount of time to make sure she kept the creature alive and loved, and give her some view of what kind of parent she would be. And, perhaps, by that time maybe the dog would be used to everything and become protective of his owners.

Indra smiled, hopefully he'd be protective of the baby when it came. She could picture the dog nuzzling the baby when it started to cry making the baby smile. It was as close to a white picket fence as she could get nowadays. The bad news was that after the Turn dogs seemed more elusive than unicorns now, becoming so far and few as the domesticated died out and others becoming wild and fearful of people.


She glanced up, letting her thoughts be broken as she gave a cheerful smile.

"Good morning, Dwight. How are you this morning?"

Dwight shuffled, breaking eye contact to look down the hall. This happened with most of the men. Maybe it was all the testosterone, but her natural sunny disposition put them off. Perhaps that's what drew her to Negan; no matter how ugly the world got, or the ugly things that happened to her, she would still look for the good in everything. The men never really questioned it, but some of the women were fine with letting her know how childish her views could be. That Indracouldn't see the monster lurking nearby.

Dwight twisted his gun in thought. "I'm all right. Boss is in there waiting for you."

"I know, but do you know what it's about?"

He shrugged a shoulder. "Didn't hear it from me, but I think he got you a surprise."

She bounced up and down at that, throwing her arms around Dwight. She could feel him stiffen, but when she pulled away saw the small smile on his face. She was glad to see it. Indra knew bits and pieces of what happened to him - of what happened to his face. And as a result he had become much more sullen and reclusive than before. Thanking him for opening the door she walked in to find her husband disciplining a man kneeled before him.

"I ask for so little and what do I get in return? Fucking slackers! You know what slacking fucking gets you? Dead! And if you don't die out there then I'll sure as hell make sure you die in here. We clear?"

"Y-yes sir, Negan."

"Good, now get the hell out of here before I decide to use the iron."

She felt the man brush past her, hearing him choke back a sob in passing.

"There's my sunshine! I've been waiting for you."

Indra's smile came back as she heard her nickname, walking over and taking his outstretched hand. He raised the hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles lightly. She was glad that the threatening look was replaced with one of giddy delight.

"Sorry you had to hear that, but you know what happens when we don't keep things in line."

"It all goes to hell."

"That's my girl."

Grinning, she let him pull her against him, before he cupped her cheek.

"I was told you needed to speak to me about something."

"I do, I do, I - hey why don't you get the fuck out of here? I'm trying to talk to my fucking wife."

She cringed, watching as the guard retreated outside the door.

"Negan you know how I feel when you curse like that."

"I know, I'm sorry, but the only way to get anything through these thick skulls is to get vulgar with them. But not you, right, sunshine girl?"

She giggled. "Right."

He grinned in response, kissing her nose. "That's what I like to hear, now if I recall, we had ourselves a little agreement. Something along the lines of if I brought you a flea bag then we start some baby making."

"Well, the way I remember it, it was phrased a little better, but yes, I did agree to that."

Negan stomped his foot, happiness written on his features, crouching down to her height.

"Awesome, well, I got something for you, babydoll. I'm going to tell you right now, I'm sorry he's a mutt. Bring him in Logan."

She clasped her hands together, smiling wide. "Oh Negan, I don't care what he is, only -"

She trailed off, the smile sliding from her face. What was being brought in was not a dog, not by a long shot. It was a man and from the looks of the chains around him was one of the men from the prison cells.

"So darling, what do ya think?"

"Um, my first thought is that he's not a dog."

"Oh, yes, he is. He's going to do everything a dog does and then some. Darling, sunshine, I know how much you wanted an actual dog, one that's obviously going to be better trained, but this is all we got. But if you don't want him -"

He untucked Lucille from his shoulder, tracing it around the man's feet.

"We could always put him to sleep."

Before he could pick up the bat, she stopped him. "No, no, he's fine. It'll just take a little getting used to."

"Of course. But I know you can take care of him. As long as I'm the only one that licks your face."

Snorting at her husband Indra turned and studied the man with his long, stringy hair and intense blue eyes. He had been beaten, and was in desperate need of a bath. Honestly besides of few glances outside she had never seen a prisoner up close. And even though he must have done something to end up in there, it still tugged at her to see someone like this.

Licking her lips, she asked the man. "What's your name?"

The man looked at her, somewhat startled at being addressed, and began to open his mouth. Only to have Negan grasped the chain and yank, the man's neck jerking in an awkward way.

"Bad boy, dogs do NOT speak."

"Negan, please don't do that."

"Sorry, sunshine, but he's got to learn. You got to teach him to mind. He's yours now, name him whatever you want."

"But what's his actual name?"

Negan pursed his lips. "Daryl. So now that you've been acquainted why not take him for a walk. With Dwight to accompany you of course to make sure doggy here obeys."

Negan passed Indra the clunky chain, and she held it, unsure. "Negan, I -"

She knew he was losing patience by the way his jaw set. Though she knew he wouldn't really do anything but yell, there were men in the room and he didn't like to be contested with any of his soldiers around. So she sighed in defeat, resigning to giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, Negan."

He beamed. "You are very welcome, darling. Now go have fun, and remember mutt, I've got eyes everywhere. You hurt my woman in any way and You're going to be put down."

Pursing her lips she turned to the man. "I guess we should be going then, Daryl."

Leading the way, she held Sher breath as She heard the heavy feet beginning to shuffle behind her.